void readProperties(StorageDirectory sd, StartupOption startupOption) throws IOException { Properties props = readPropertiesFile(sd.getVersionFile()); if (HdfsServerConstants.RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK.matches (startupOption)) { int lv = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(props, sd, "layoutVersion")); if (lv > getServiceLayoutVersion()) { // we should not use a newer version for rollingUpgrade rollback throw new IncorrectVersionException(getServiceLayoutVersion(), lv, "storage directory " + sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath()); } props.setProperty("layoutVersion", Integer.toString(HdfsConstants.NAMENODE_LAYOUT_VERSION)); } setFieldsFromProperties(props, sd); }
/** * Start the BackupNode */ public BackupNode startBackupNode(Configuration conf) throws IOException { // Set up testing environment directories hdfsDir = new File(TEST_DATA_DIR, "backupNode"); if ( hdfsDir.exists() && !FileUtil.fullyDelete(hdfsDir) ) { throw new IOException("Could not delete hdfs directory '" + hdfsDir + "'"); } File currDir = new File(hdfsDir, "name2"); File currDir2 = new File(currDir, "current"); File currDir3 = new File(currDir, "image"); assertTrue(currDir.mkdirs()); assertTrue(currDir2.mkdirs()); assertTrue(currDir3.mkdirs()); conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY, fileAsURI(new File(hdfsDir, "name2")).toString()); conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY, "${" + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY + "}"); // Start BackupNode String[] args = new String [] { StartupOption.BACKUP.getName() }; BackupNode bu = (BackupNode)NameNode.createNameNode(args, conf); return bu; }
/** * Parse and verify command line arguments and set configuration parameters. * * @return false if passed argements are incorrect */ @VisibleForTesting static boolean parseArguments(String args[], Configuration conf) { StartupOption startOpt = StartupOption.REGULAR; int i = 0; if (args != null && args.length != 0) { String cmd = args[i++]; if ("-r".equalsIgnoreCase(cmd) || "--rack".equalsIgnoreCase(cmd)) { LOG.error("-r, --rack arguments are not supported anymore. RackID " + "resolution is handled by the NameNode."); return false; } else if (StartupOption.ROLLBACK.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(cmd)) { startOpt = StartupOption.ROLLBACK; } else if (StartupOption.REGULAR.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(cmd)) { startOpt = StartupOption.REGULAR; } else { return false; } } setStartupOption(conf, startOpt); return (args == null || i == args.length); // Fail if more than one cmd specified! }
/** * Analyze and load storage directories. Recover from previous transitions if * required. * * The block pool storages are either all analyzed or none of them is loaded. * Therefore, a failure on loading any block pool storage results a faulty * data volume. * * @param datanode Datanode to which this storage belongs to * @param nsInfo namespace information * @param dataDirs storage directories of block pool * @param startOpt startup option * @return an array of loaded block pool directories. * @throws IOException on error */ List<StorageDirectory> loadBpStorageDirectories( DataNode datanode, NamespaceInfo nsInfo, Collection<File> dataDirs, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { List<StorageDirectory> succeedDirs = Lists.newArrayList(); try { for (File dataDir : dataDirs) { if (containsStorageDir(dataDir)) { throw new IOException( "BlockPoolSliceStorage.recoverTransitionRead: " + "attempt to load an used block storage: " + dataDir); } StorageDirectory sd = loadStorageDirectory(datanode, nsInfo, dataDir, startOpt); succeedDirs.add(sd); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to analyze storage directories for block pool " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(), e); throw e; } return succeedDirs; }
Journal(Configuration conf, File logDir, String journalId, StartupOption startOpt, StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException { storage = new JNStorage(conf, logDir, startOpt, errorReporter); this.journalId = journalId; refreshCachedData(); this.fjm = storage.getJournalManager(); this.metrics = JournalMetrics.create(this); EditLogFile latest = scanStorageForLatestEdits(); if (latest != null) { highestWrittenTxId = latest.getLastTxId(); } }
@Ignore public void testUpgrade4() throws Exception { int numDirs = 4; conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_SCAN_PERIOD_HOURS_KEY, -1); conf.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_DUPLICATE_REPLICA_DELETION, false); conf = UpgradeUtilities.initializeStorageStateConf(numDirs, conf); String[] nameNodeDirs = conf.getStrings(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY); log("NameNode upgrade with one bad storage dir", numDirs); UpgradeUtilities.createNameNodeStorageDirs(nameNodeDirs, "current"); try { // assert("storage dir has been prepared for failure before reaching this point"); startNameNodeShouldFail(StartupOption.UPGRADE, IOException.class, Pattern.compile("failed in 1 storage")); } finally { // assert("storage dir shall be returned to normal state before exiting"); UpgradeUtilities.createEmptyDirs(nameNodeDirs); } }
/** * Test that we can parse a StartupOption string with a * RollingUpgradeStartupOption. */ @Test public void testRollingUpgradeStartupOptionParsing() { verifyStartupOptionResult("ROLLINGUPGRADE(ROLLBACK)", StartupOption.ROLLINGUPGRADE, RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK); verifyStartupOptionResult("ROLLINGUPGRADE(DOWNGRADE)", StartupOption.ROLLINGUPGRADE, RollingUpgradeStartupOption.DOWNGRADE); verifyStartupOptionResult("ROLLINGUPGRADE(STARTED)", StartupOption.ROLLINGUPGRADE, RollingUpgradeStartupOption.STARTED); try { verifyStartupOptionResult("ROLLINGUPGRADE(UNKNOWNOPTION)", StartupOption.ROLLINGUPGRADE, null); fail("Failed to get expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { // Expected! } }
/** * Restart the namenode at a given index. Optionally wait for the cluster * to become active. */ public synchronized void restartNameNode(int nnIndex, boolean waitActive, String... args) throws IOException { String nameserviceId = nameNodes[nnIndex].nameserviceId; String nnId = nameNodes[nnIndex].nnId; StartupOption startOpt = nameNodes[nnIndex].startOpt; Configuration conf = nameNodes[nnIndex].conf; shutdownNameNode(nnIndex); if (args.length != 0) { startOpt = null; } else { args = createArgs(startOpt); } NameNode nn = NameNode.createNameNode(args, conf); nameNodes[nnIndex] = new NameNodeInfo(nn, nameserviceId, nnId, startOpt, conf); if (waitActive) { waitClusterUp(); LOG.info("Restarted the namenode"); waitActive(); } }
BackupNode startBackupNode(Configuration conf, StartupOption startupOpt, int idx) throws IOException { Configuration c = new HdfsConfiguration(conf); String dirs = getBackupNodeDir(startupOpt, idx); c.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY, dirs); c.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY, "${" + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY + "}"); c.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_BACKUP_ADDRESS_KEY, ""); c.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_BACKUP_HTTP_ADDRESS_KEY, ""); BackupNode bn = (BackupNode)NameNode.createNameNode( new String[]{startupOpt.getName()}, c); assertTrue(bn.getRole() + " must be in SafeMode.", bn.isInSafeMode()); assertTrue(bn.getRole() + " must be in StandbyState", bn.getNamesystem().getHAState() .equalsIgnoreCase(HAServiceState.STANDBY.name())); return bn; }
@Test public void testFormatClusterIdOption() throws IOException { // 1. should format without cluster id //StartupOption.FORMAT.setClusterId(""); NameNode.format(config); // see if cluster id not empty. String cid = getClusterId(config); assertTrue("Didn't get new ClusterId", (cid != null && !cid.equals("")) ); // 2. successful format with given clusterid StartupOption.FORMAT.setClusterId("mycluster"); NameNode.format(config); // see if cluster id matches with given clusterid. cid = getClusterId(config); assertTrue("ClusterId didn't match", cid.equals("mycluster")); // 3. format without any clusterid again. It should generate new //clusterid. StartupOption.FORMAT.setClusterId(""); NameNode.format(config); String newCid = getClusterId(config); assertFalse("ClusterId should not be the same", newCid.equals(cid)); }
/** * Earlier versions of HDFS had a bug (HDFS-2991) which caused * append(), when called exactly at a block boundary, * to not log an OP_ADD. This ensures that we can read from * such buggy versions correctly, by loading an image created * using a namesystem image created with 0.23.1-rc2 exhibiting * the issue. */ @Test public void testLoadLogsFromBuggyEarlierVersions() throws IOException { final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); String tarFile = System.getProperty("test.cache.data", "build/test/cache") + "/" + HADOOP_23_BROKEN_APPEND_TGZ; String testDir = PathUtils.getTestDirName(getClass()); File dfsDir = new File(testDir, "image-with-buggy-append"); if (dfsDir.exists() && !FileUtil.fullyDelete(dfsDir)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete dfs directory '" + dfsDir + "'"); } FileUtil.unTar(new File(tarFile), new File(testDir)); File nameDir = new File(dfsDir, "name"); GenericTestUtils.assertExists(nameDir); conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY, nameDir.getAbsolutePath()); MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(0) .format(false) .manageDataDfsDirs(false) .manageNameDfsDirs(false) .numDataNodes(0) .waitSafeMode(false) .startupOption(StartupOption.UPGRADE) .build(); try { FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); Path testPath = new Path("/tmp/io_data/test_io_0"); assertEquals(2*1024*1024, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getLen()); } finally { cluster.shutdown(); } }
/** * Processes the startup options for the clusterid and blockpoolid * for the upgrade. * @param startOpt Startup options * @param layoutVersion Layout version for the upgrade * @throws IOException */ void processStartupOptionsForUpgrade(StartupOption startOpt, int layoutVersion) throws IOException { if (startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADE || startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADEONLY) { // If upgrade from a release that does not support federation, // if clusterId is provided in the startupOptions use it. // Else generate a new cluster ID if (!NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports( LayoutVersion.Feature.FEDERATION, layoutVersion)) { if (startOpt.getClusterId() == null) { startOpt.setClusterId(newClusterID()); } setClusterID(startOpt.getClusterId()); setBlockPoolID(newBlockPoolID()); } else { // Upgrade from one version of federation to another supported // version of federation doesn't require clusterID. // Warn the user if the current clusterid didn't match with the input // clusterid. if (startOpt.getClusterId() != null && !startOpt.getClusterId().equals(getClusterID())) { LOG.warn("Clusterid mismatch - current clusterid: " + getClusterID() + ", Ignoring given clusterid: " + startOpt.getClusterId()); } } LOG.info("Using clusterid: " + getClusterID()); } }
void upgradeAndVerify(MiniDFSCluster.Builder bld, ClusterVerifier verifier) throws IOException { MiniDFSCluster cluster = null; try { bld.format(false).startupOption(StartupOption.UPGRADE) .clusterId("testClusterId"); cluster = bld.build(); cluster.waitActive(); DistributedFileSystem dfs = cluster.getFileSystem(); DFSClient dfsClient = dfs.dfs; //Safemode will be off only after upgrade is complete. Wait for it. while ( dfsClient.setSafeMode(HdfsConstants.SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_GET) ) { LOG.info("Waiting for SafeMode to be OFF."); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} } recoverAllLeases(dfsClient, new Path("/")); verifyFileSystem(dfs); if (verifier != null) { verifier.verifyClusterPostUpgrade(cluster); } } finally { if (cluster != null) { cluster.shutdown(); } } }
protected HAState createHAState(StartupOption startOpt) { if (!haEnabled || startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADE || startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADEONLY) { return ACTIVE_STATE; } else { return STANDBY_STATE; } }
/** * In this test case, I have created an image with a file having * preferredblockSize = 0. We are trying to read this image (since file with * preferredblockSize = 0 was allowed pre 2.1.0-beta version. The namenode * after 2.6 version will not be able to read this particular file. * See HDFS-7788 for more information. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testZeroBlockSize() throws Exception { final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); String tarFile = System.getProperty("test.cache.data", "build/test/cache") + "/" + HADOOP_2_7_ZER0_BLOCK_SIZE_TGZ; String testDir = PathUtils.getTestDirName(getClass()); File dfsDir = new File(testDir, "image-with-zero-block-size"); if (dfsDir.exists() && !FileUtil.fullyDelete(dfsDir)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete dfs directory '" + dfsDir + "'"); } FileUtil.unTar(new File(tarFile), new File(testDir)); File nameDir = new File(dfsDir, "name"); GenericTestUtils.assertExists(nameDir); conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY, nameDir.getAbsolutePath()); MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1) .format(false) .manageDataDfsDirs(false) .manageNameDfsDirs(false) .waitSafeMode(false) .startupOption(StartupOption.UPGRADE) .build(); try { FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(); Path testPath = new Path("/tmp/zeroBlockFile"); assertTrue("File /tmp/zeroBlockFile doesn't exist ", fs.exists(testPath)); assertTrue("Name node didn't come up", cluster.isNameNodeUp(0)); } finally { cluster.shutdown(); //Clean up FileUtil.fullyDelete(dfsDir); } }
/** * Verify that configured directories exist, then print the metadata versions * of the software and the image. * * @param conf configuration to use * @throws IOException */ private static boolean printMetadataVersion(Configuration conf) throws IOException { final String nsId = DFSUtil.getNamenodeNameServiceId(conf); final String namenodeId = HAUtil.getNameNodeId(conf, nsId); NameNode.initializeGenericKeys(conf, nsId, namenodeId); final FSImage fsImage = new FSImage(conf); final FSNamesystem fs = new FSNamesystem(conf, fsImage, false); return fsImage.recoverTransitionRead( StartupOption.METADATAVERSION, fs, null); }
/** * Instantiates an FSNamesystem loaded from the image and edits * directories specified in the passed Configuration. * * @param conf the Configuration which specifies the storage directories * from which to load * @return an FSNamesystem which contains the loaded namespace * @throws IOException if loading fails */ static FSNamesystem loadFromDisk(Configuration conf) throws IOException { checkConfiguration(conf); FSImage fsImage = new FSImage(conf, FSNamesystem.getNamespaceDirs(conf), FSNamesystem.getNamespaceEditsDirs(conf)); FSNamesystem namesystem = new FSNamesystem(conf, fsImage, false); StartupOption startOpt = NameNode.getStartupOption(conf); if (startOpt == StartupOption.RECOVER) { namesystem.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER); } long loadStart = monotonicNow(); try { namesystem.loadFSImage(startOpt); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Encountered exception loading fsimage", ioe); fsImage.close(); throw ioe; } long timeTakenToLoadFSImage = monotonicNow() - loadStart; LOG.info("Finished loading FSImage in " + timeTakenToLoadFSImage + " msecs"); NameNodeMetrics nnMetrics = NameNode.getNameNodeMetrics(); if (nnMetrics != null) { nnMetrics.setFsImageLoadTime((int) timeTakenToLoadFSImage); } return namesystem; }
private static Collection<URI> getStorageDirs(Configuration conf, String propertyName) { Collection<String> dirNames = conf.getTrimmedStringCollection(propertyName); StartupOption startOpt = NameNode.getStartupOption(conf); if(startOpt == StartupOption.IMPORT) { // In case of IMPORT this will get rid of default directories // but will retain directories specified in hdfs-site.xml // When importing image from a checkpoint, the name-node can // start with empty set of storage directories. Configuration cE = new HdfsConfiguration(false); cE.addResource("core-default.xml"); cE.addResource("core-site.xml"); cE.addResource("hdfs-default.xml"); Collection<String> dirNames2 = cE.getTrimmedStringCollection(propertyName); dirNames.removeAll(dirNames2); if(dirNames.isEmpty()) LOG.warn("!!! WARNING !!!" + "\n\tThe NameNode currently runs without persistent storage." + "\n\tAny changes to the file system meta-data may be lost." + "\n\tRecommended actions:" + "\n\t\t- shutdown and restart NameNode with configured \"" + propertyName + "\" in hdfs-site.xml;" + "\n\t\t- use Backup Node as a persistent and up-to-date storage " + "of the file system meta-data."); } else if (dirNames.isEmpty()) { dirNames = Collections.singletonList( DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_DEFAULT); } return Util.stringCollectionAsURIs(dirNames); }
/** * Load image from a checkpoint directory and save it into the current one. * @param target the NameSystem to import into * @throws IOException */ void doImportCheckpoint(FSNamesystem target) throws IOException { Collection<URI> checkpointDirs = FSImage.getCheckpointDirs(conf, null); List<URI> checkpointEditsDirs = FSImage.getCheckpointEditsDirs(conf, null); if (checkpointDirs == null || checkpointDirs.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Cannot import image from a checkpoint. " + "\"dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir\" is not set." ); } if (checkpointEditsDirs == null || checkpointEditsDirs.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Cannot import image from a checkpoint. " + "\"dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir\" is not set." ); } FSImage realImage = target.getFSImage(); FSImage ckptImage = new FSImage(conf, checkpointDirs, checkpointEditsDirs); // load from the checkpoint dirs try { ckptImage.recoverTransitionRead(StartupOption.REGULAR, target, null); } finally { ckptImage.close(); } // return back the real image realImage.getStorage().setStorageInfo(ckptImage.getStorage()); realImage.getEditLog().setNextTxId(ckptImage.getEditLog().getLastWrittenTxId()+1); realImage.initEditLog(StartupOption.IMPORT); realImage.getStorage().setBlockPoolID(ckptImage.getBlockPoolID()); // and save it but keep the same checkpointTime saveNamespace(target); getStorage().writeAll(); }
void loadFSImageFile(FSNamesystem target, MetaRecoveryContext recovery, FSImageFile imageFile, StartupOption startupOption) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Planning to load image :\n" + imageFile); StorageDirectory sdForProperties = imageFile.sd; storage.readProperties(sdForProperties, startupOption); if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports( LayoutVersion.Feature.TXID_BASED_LAYOUT, getLayoutVersion())) { // For txid-based layout, we should have a .md5 file // next to the image file boolean isRollingRollback = RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK .matches(startupOption); loadFSImage(imageFile.getFile(), target, recovery, isRollingRollback); } else if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports( LayoutVersion.Feature.FSIMAGE_CHECKSUM, getLayoutVersion())) { // In 0.22, we have the checksum stored in the VERSION file. String md5 = storage.getDeprecatedProperty( NNStorage.DEPRECATED_MESSAGE_DIGEST_PROPERTY); if (md5 == null) { throw new InconsistentFSStateException(sdForProperties.getRoot(), "Message digest property " + NNStorage.DEPRECATED_MESSAGE_DIGEST_PROPERTY + " not set for storage directory " + sdForProperties.getRoot()); } loadFSImage(imageFile.getFile(), new MD5Hash(md5), target, recovery, false); } else { // We don't have any record of the md5sum loadFSImage(imageFile.getFile(), null, target, recovery, false); } }
public void initEditLog(StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(getNamespaceID() != 0, "Must know namespace ID before initting edit log"); String nameserviceId = DFSUtil.getNamenodeNameServiceId(conf); if (!HAUtil.isHAEnabled(conf, nameserviceId)) { // If this NN is not HA editLog.initJournalsForWrite(); editLog.recoverUnclosedStreams(); } else if (HAUtil.isHAEnabled(conf, nameserviceId) && (startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADE || startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADEONLY || RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK.matches(startOpt))) { // This NN is HA, but we're doing an upgrade or a rollback of rolling // upgrade so init the edit log for write. editLog.initJournalsForWrite(); if (startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADE || startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADEONLY) { long sharedLogCTime = editLog.getSharedLogCTime(); if (this.storage.getCTime() < sharedLogCTime) { throw new IOException("It looks like the shared log is already " + "being upgraded but this NN has not been upgraded yet. You " + "should restart this NameNode with the '" + StartupOption.BOOTSTRAPSTANDBY.getName() + "' option to bring " + "this NN in sync with the other."); } } editLog.recoverUnclosedStreams(); } else { // This NN is HA and we're not doing an upgrade. editLog.initSharedJournalsForRead(); } }
private long loadEdits(Iterable<EditLogInputStream> editStreams, FSNamesystem target, StartupOption startOpt, MetaRecoveryContext recovery) throws IOException { LOG.debug("About to load edits:\n " + Joiner.on("\n ").join(editStreams)); StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress(); prog.beginPhase(Phase.LOADING_EDITS); long prevLastAppliedTxId = lastAppliedTxId; try { FSEditLogLoader loader = new FSEditLogLoader(target, lastAppliedTxId); // Load latest edits for (EditLogInputStream editIn : editStreams) { LOG.info("Reading " + editIn + " expecting start txid #" + (lastAppliedTxId + 1)); try { loader.loadFSEdits(editIn, lastAppliedTxId + 1, startOpt, recovery); } finally { // Update lastAppliedTxId even in case of error, since some ops may // have been successfully applied before the error. lastAppliedTxId = loader.getLastAppliedTxId(); } // If we are in recovery mode, we may have skipped over some txids. if (editIn.getLastTxId() != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID) { lastAppliedTxId = editIn.getLastTxId(); } } } finally { FSEditLog.closeAllStreams(editStreams); // update the counts updateCountForQuota(target.getBlockManager().getStoragePolicySuite(), target.dir.rootDir); } prog.endPhase(Phase.LOADING_EDITS); return lastAppliedTxId - prevLastAppliedTxId; }
/** * Initializes the {@link #data}. The initialization is done only once, when * handshake with the the first namenode is completed. */ private void initStorage(final NamespaceInfo nsInfo) throws IOException { final FsDatasetSpi.Factory<? extends FsDatasetSpi<?>> factory = FsDatasetSpi.Factory.getFactory(conf); if (!factory.isSimulated()) { final StartupOption startOpt = getStartupOption(conf); if (startOpt == null) { throw new IOException("Startup option not set."); } final String bpid = nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(); //read storage info, lock data dirs and transition fs state if necessary synchronized (this) { storage.recoverTransitionRead(this, nsInfo, dataDirs, startOpt); } final StorageInfo bpStorage = storage.getBPStorage(bpid); LOG.info("Setting up storage: nsid=" + bpStorage.getNamespaceID() + ";bpid=" + bpid + ";lv=" + storage.getLayoutVersion() + ";nsInfo=" + nsInfo + ";dnuuid=" + storage.getDatanodeUuid()); } // If this is a newly formatted DataNode then assign a new DatanodeUuid. checkDatanodeUuid(); synchronized(this) { if (data == null) { data = factory.newInstance(this, storage, conf); } } }
private StorageDirectory loadStorageDirectory(DataNode datanode, NamespaceInfo nsInfo, File dataDir, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { StorageDirectory sd = new StorageDirectory(dataDir, null, false); try { StorageState curState = sd.analyzeStorage(startOpt, this); // sd is locked but not opened switch (curState) { case NORMAL: break; case NON_EXISTENT: LOG.info("Storage directory " + dataDir + " does not exist"); throw new IOException("Storage directory " + dataDir + " does not exist"); case NOT_FORMATTED: // format LOG.info("Storage directory " + dataDir + " is not formatted for " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID()); LOG.info("Formatting ..."); format(sd, nsInfo, datanode.getDatanodeUuid()); break; default: // recovery part is common sd.doRecover(curState); } // 2. Do transitions // Each storage directory is treated individually. // During startup some of them can upgrade or roll back // while others could be up-to-date for the regular startup. doTransition(datanode, sd, nsInfo, startOpt); // 3. Update successfully loaded storage. setServiceLayoutVersion(getServiceLayoutVersion()); writeProperties(sd); return sd; } catch (IOException ioe) { sd.unlock(); throw ioe; } }
/** * Prepare a storage directory. It creates a builder which can be used to add * to the volume. If the volume cannot be added, it is OK to discard the * builder later. * * @param datanode DataNode object. * @param volume the root path of a storage directory. * @param nsInfos an array of namespace infos. * @return a VolumeBuilder that holds the metadata of this storage directory * and can be added to DataStorage later. * @throws IOException if encounters I/O errors. * * Note that if there is IOException, the state of DataStorage is not modified. */ public VolumeBuilder prepareVolume(DataNode datanode, File volume, List<NamespaceInfo> nsInfos) throws IOException { if (containsStorageDir(volume)) { final String errorMessage = "Storage directory is in use"; LOG.warn(errorMessage + "."); throw new IOException(errorMessage); } StorageDirectory sd = loadStorageDirectory( datanode, nsInfos.get(0), volume, StartupOption.HOTSWAP); VolumeBuilder builder = new VolumeBuilder(this, sd); for (NamespaceInfo nsInfo : nsInfos) { List<File> bpDataDirs = Lists.newArrayList(); bpDataDirs.add(BlockPoolSliceStorage.getBpRoot( nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(), new File(volume, STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT))); makeBlockPoolDataDir(bpDataDirs, null); BlockPoolSliceStorage bpStorage; final String bpid = nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(); synchronized (this) { bpStorage = this.bpStorageMap.get(bpid); if (bpStorage == null) { bpStorage = new BlockPoolSliceStorage( nsInfo.getNamespaceID(), bpid, nsInfo.getCTime(), nsInfo.getClusterID()); addBlockPoolStorage(bpid, bpStorage); } } builder.addBpStorageDirectories( bpid, bpStorage.loadBpStorageDirectories( datanode, nsInfo, bpDataDirs, StartupOption.HOTSWAP)); } return builder; }
/** * @param conf Configuration object * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors * @throws IOException */ protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt, StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException { super(NodeType.JOURNAL_NODE); sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir); this.addStorageDir(sd); this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter); analyzeAndRecoverStorage(startOpt); }
void analyzeAndRecoverStorage(StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { this.state = sd.analyzeStorage(startOpt, this); final boolean needRecover = state != StorageState.NORMAL && state != StorageState.NON_EXISTENT && state != StorageState.NOT_FORMATTED; if (state == StorageState.NORMAL && startOpt != StartupOption.ROLLBACK) { readProperties(sd); } else if (needRecover) { sd.doRecover(state); } }
synchronized Journal getOrCreateJournal(String jid, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { QuorumJournalManager.checkJournalId(jid); Journal journal = journalsById.get(jid); if (journal == null) { File logDir = getLogDir(jid); LOG.info("Initializing journal in directory " + logDir); journal = new Journal(conf, logDir, jid, startOpt, new ErrorReporter()); journalsById.put(jid, journal); } return journal; }
/** * Test that a data-node does not start if configuration specifies * incorrect URI scheme in data directory. * Test that a data-node starts if data directory is specified as * URI = "file:///path" or as a non URI path. */ @Test public void testDataDirectories() throws IOException { File dataDir = new File(BASE_DIR, "data").getCanonicalFile(); Configuration conf = cluster.getConfiguration(0); // 1. Test unsupported schema. Only "file:" is supported. String dnDir = makeURI("shv", null, fileAsURI(dataDir).getPath()); conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_DATA_DIR_KEY, dnDir); DataNode dn = null; try { dn = DataNode.createDataNode(new String[]{}, conf); fail(); } catch(Exception e) { // expecting exception here } finally { if (dn != null) { dn.shutdown(); } } assertNull("Data-node startup should have failed.", dn); // 2. Test "file:" schema and no schema (path-only). Both should work. String dnDir1 = fileAsURI(dataDir).toString() + "1"; String dnDir2 = makeURI("file", "localhost", fileAsURI(dataDir).getPath() + "2"); String dnDir3 = dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "3"; conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_DATA_DIR_KEY, dnDir1 + "," + dnDir2 + "," + dnDir3); try { cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, false, StartupOption.REGULAR, null); assertTrue("Data-node should startup.", cluster.isDataNodeUp()); } finally { if (cluster != null) { cluster.shutdownDataNodes(); } } }
/** * when formatting a namenode - we must provide clusterid. * @param conf * @throws IOException */ public static void formatNameNode(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String clusterId = StartupOption.FORMAT.getClusterId(); if(clusterId == null || clusterId.isEmpty()) StartupOption.FORMAT.setClusterId("testClusterID"); // Use a copy of conf as it can be altered by namenode during format. NameNode.format(new Configuration(conf)); }
/** * Attempts to start a NameNode with the given operation. Starting * the NameNode should throw an exception. * @param operation - NameNode startup operation * @param exceptionClass - if non-null, will check that the caught exception * is assignment-compatible with exceptionClass * @param messagePattern - if non-null, will check that a substring of the * message from the caught exception matches this pattern, via the * {@link Matcher#find()} method. */ void startNameNodeShouldFail(StartupOption operation, Class<? extends Exception> exceptionClass, Pattern messagePattern) { try { cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(0) .startupOption(operation) .format(false) .manageDataDfsDirs(false) .manageNameDfsDirs(false) .build(); // should fail fail("NameNode should have failed to start"); } catch (Exception e) { // expect exception if (exceptionClass != null) { assertTrue("Caught exception is not of expected class " + exceptionClass.getSimpleName() + ": " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e), exceptionClass.isInstance(e)); } if (messagePattern != null) { assertTrue("Caught exception message string does not match expected pattern \"" + messagePattern.pattern() + "\" : " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e), messagePattern.matcher(e.getMessage()).find()); } LOG.info("Successfully detected expected NameNode startup failure."); } }
/** * Create an instance of a newly configured cluster for testing that does * not manage its own directories or files */ private MiniDFSCluster createCluster() throws IOException { return new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(0) .format(false) .manageDataDfsDirs(false) .manageNameDfsDirs(false) .startupOption(StartupOption.UPGRADE) .build(); }
public synchronized void startDataNodes(Configuration conf, int numDataNodes, boolean manageDfsDirs, StartupOption operation, String[] racks, String[] nodeGroups, String[] hosts, long[] simulatedCapacities, boolean setupHostsFile) throws IOException { startDataNodes(conf, numDataNodes, null, manageDfsDirs, operation, racks, nodeGroups, hosts, null, simulatedCapacities, setupHostsFile, false, false); }
public void startDataNodes(Configuration conf, int numDataNodes, boolean manageDfsDirs, StartupOption operation, String[] racks, long[] simulatedCapacities, String[] nodeGroups) throws IOException { startDataNodes(conf, numDataNodes, manageDfsDirs, operation, racks, nodeGroups, null, simulatedCapacities, false); }
@Override public synchronized void startDataNodes(Configuration conf, int numDataNodes, StorageType[][] storageTypes, boolean manageDfsDirs, StartupOption operation, String[] racks, String[] hosts, long[][] storageCapacities, long[] simulatedCapacities, boolean setupHostsFile, boolean checkDataNodeAddrConfig, boolean checkDataNodeHostConfig, Configuration[] dnConfOverlays) throws IOException { startDataNodes(conf, numDataNodes, storageTypes, manageDfsDirs, operation, racks, NODE_GROUPS, hosts, storageCapacities, simulatedCapacities, setupHostsFile, checkDataNodeAddrConfig, checkDataNodeHostConfig); }
NameNodeInfo(NameNode nn, String nameserviceId, String nnId, StartupOption startOpt, Configuration conf) { this.nameNode = nn; this.nameserviceId = nameserviceId; this.nnId = nnId; this.startOpt = startOpt; this.conf = conf; }
/** * A few options that should all parse successfully. */ @Test (timeout=60000) public void testStartupSuccess() { checkExpected(true, StartupOption.REGULAR, conf); checkExpected(true, StartupOption.REGULAR, conf, "-regular"); checkExpected(true, StartupOption.REGULAR, conf, "-REGULAR"); checkExpected(true, StartupOption.ROLLBACK, conf, "-rollback"); }
@Test (timeout = 10000) public void testJournalLocking() throws Exception { Assume.assumeTrue(journal.getStorage().getStorageDir(0).isLockSupported()); StorageDirectory sd = journal.getStorage().getStorageDir(0); File lockFile = new File(sd.getRoot(), Storage.STORAGE_FILE_LOCK); // Journal should be locked, since the format() call locks it. GenericTestUtils.assertExists(lockFile); journal.newEpoch(FAKE_NSINFO, 1); try { new Journal(conf, TEST_LOG_DIR, JID, StartupOption.REGULAR, mockErrorReporter); fail("Did not fail to create another journal in same dir"); } catch (IOException ioe) { GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains( "Cannot lock storage", ioe); } journal.close(); // Journal should no longer be locked after the close() call. // Hence, should be able to create a new Journal in the same dir. Journal journal2 = new Journal(conf, TEST_LOG_DIR, JID, StartupOption.REGULAR, mockErrorReporter); journal2.newEpoch(FAKE_NSINFO, 2); journal2.close(); }
@Before public void setup() throws Exception { FileUtil.fullyDelete(TEST_LOG_DIR); conf = new Configuration(); journal = new Journal(conf, TEST_LOG_DIR, JID, StartupOption.REGULAR, mockErrorReporter); journal.format(FAKE_NSINFO); }
public synchronized void startDataNodes(Configuration conf, int numDataNodes, boolean manageDfsDirs, StartupOption operation, String[] racks, String[] hosts, long[] simulatedCapacities, boolean setupHostsFile, boolean checkDataNodeAddrConfig) throws IOException { startDataNodes(conf, numDataNodes, null, manageDfsDirs, operation, racks, hosts, null, simulatedCapacities, setupHostsFile, checkDataNodeAddrConfig, false, null); }