Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BlockMetadataHeader 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:hadoop    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
private void doShortCircuitReadAfterEvictionTest() throws IOException,
    InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
  final String METHOD_NAME = GenericTestUtils.getMethodName();
  Path path1 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".01.dat");

  final int SEED = 0xFADED;
  makeRandomTestFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  waitForMetric("RamDiskBlocksLazyPersisted", 1);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK.
  File metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));


  // Verify short-circuit read still works from DEFAULT storage.  This time,
  // we'll have a checksum written during lazy persistence.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, DEFAULT);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() > BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));
项目:big-c    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:big-c    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
public ShortCircuitReplica(ExtendedBlockId key,
    FileInputStream dataStream, FileInputStream metaStream,
    ShortCircuitCache cache, long creationTimeMs, Slot slot) throws IOException {
  this.key = key;
  this.dataStream = dataStream;
  this.metaStream = metaStream;
  this.metaHeader =
  if (metaHeader.getVersion() != 1) {
    throw new IOException("invalid metadata header version " +
        metaHeader.getVersion() + ".  Can only handle version 1.");
  this.cache = cache;
  this.creationTimeMs = creationTimeMs;
  this.slot = slot;
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
public TestFileDescriptorPair() throws IOException {
  fis = new FileInputStream[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    String name = dir.getDir() + "/file" + i;
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
    if (i == 0) {
      // write 'data' file
    } else {
      // write 'metadata' file
      BlockMetadataHeader header =
          new BlockMetadataHeader((short)1,
              DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.NULL, 4));
      DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
      BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(dos, header);
    fis[i] = new FileInputStream(name);
项目:hadoop    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
  this.storageType = builder.storageType;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
  this.storageType = builder.storageType;
  this.tracer = builder.tracer;
项目:big-c    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
  this.storageType = builder.storageType;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
  this.storageType = builder.storageType;
项目:FlexMap    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
  this.storageType = builder.storageType;
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
private BlockReaderLocal(Builder builder) {
  this.replica = builder.replica;
  this.dataIn = replica.getDataStream().getChannel();
  this.dataPos = builder.dataPos;
  this.checksumIn = replica.getMetaStream().getChannel();
  BlockMetadataHeader header = builder.replica.getMetaHeader();
  this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
  this.verifyChecksum = builder.verifyChecksum &&
      (this.checksum.getChecksumType().id != DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL);
  this.filename = builder.filename;
  this.block = builder.block;
  this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
  this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();

  this.maxAllocatedChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((builder.bufferSize + bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  // Calculate the effective maximum readahead.
  // We can't do more readahead than there is space in the buffer.
  int maxReadaheadChunks = (bytesPerChecksum == 0) ? 0 :
      ((Math.min(builder.bufferSize, builder.maxReadahead) +
          bytesPerChecksum - 1) / bytesPerChecksum);
  if (maxReadaheadChunks == 0) {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = true;
    maxReadaheadChunks = 1;
  } else {
    this.zeroReadaheadRequested = false;
  this.maxReadaheadLength = maxReadaheadChunks * bytesPerChecksum;
项目:hadoop    文件   
public BlockMetadataHeader getMetaHeader() {
  return metaHeader;
项目:hadoop    文件   
static private void truncateBlock(File blockFile, File metaFile,
    long oldlen, long newlen) throws IOException {"truncateBlock: blockFile=" + blockFile
      + ", metaFile=" + metaFile
      + ", oldlen=" + oldlen
      + ", newlen=" + newlen);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
  if (newlen > oldlen) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot truncate block to from oldlen (=" + oldlen
        + ") to newlen (=" + newlen + ")");

  DataChecksum dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(metaFile).getChecksum(); 
  int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
  int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
  long n = (newlen - 1)/bpc + 1;
  long newmetalen = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + n*checksumsize;
  long lastchunkoffset = (n - 1)*bpc;
  int lastchunksize = (int)(newlen - lastchunkoffset); 
  byte[] b = new byte[Math.max(lastchunksize, checksumsize)]; 

  RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
  try {
    //truncate blockFile 

    //read last chunk;
    blockRAF.readFully(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  } finally {

  //compute checksum
  dcs.update(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  dcs.writeValue(b, 0, false);

  //update metaFile 
  RandomAccessFile metaRAF = new RandomAccessFile(metaFile, "rw");
  try {
    metaRAF.setLength(newmetalen); - checksumsize);
    metaRAF.write(b, 0, checksumsize);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop    文件   
private void doShortCircuitReadAfterEvictionTest() throws IOException,
    InterruptedException {
  final String METHOD_NAME = GenericTestUtils.getMethodName();
  Path path1 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".01.dat");
  Path path2 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".02.dat");

  final int SEED = 0xFADED;
  makeRandomTestFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  File metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Sleep for a short time to allow the lazy writer thread to do its job.
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK once again.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Create another file with a replica on RAM_DISK, which evicts the first.
  makeRandomTestFile(path2, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read still works from DEFAULT storage.  This time,
  // we'll have a checksum written during lazy persistence.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, DEFAULT);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() > BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // In the implementation of legacy short-circuit reads, any failure is
  // trapped silently, reverts back to a remote read, and also disables all
  // subsequent legacy short-circuit reads in the ClientContext.  If the test
  // uses legacy, then assert that it didn't get disabled.
  ClientContext clientContext = client.getClientContext();
  if (clientContext.getUseLegacyBlockReaderLocal()) {
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * The only way this object can be instantiated.
static BlockReaderLocalLegacy newBlockReader(DfsClientConf conf,
    UserGroupInformation userGroupInformation,
    Configuration configuration, String file, ExtendedBlock blk,
    Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> token, DatanodeInfo node,
    long startOffset, long length, StorageType storageType,
    Tracer tracer) throws IOException {
  final ShortCircuitConf scConf = conf.getShortCircuitConf();
  LocalDatanodeInfo localDatanodeInfo = getLocalDatanodeInfo(node
  // check the cache first
  BlockLocalPathInfo pathinfo = localDatanodeInfo.getBlockLocalPathInfo(blk);
  if (pathinfo == null) {
    if (userGroupInformation == null) {
      userGroupInformation = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    pathinfo = getBlockPathInfo(userGroupInformation, blk, node,
        configuration, conf.getSocketTimeout(), token,
        conf.isConnectToDnViaHostname(), storageType);

  // check to see if the file exists. It may so happen that the
  // HDFS file has been deleted and this block-lookup is occurring
  // on behalf of a new HDFS file. This time, the block file could
  // be residing in a different portion of the directory.
  // In this case, we remove this entry from the cache. The next
  // call to this method will re-populate the cache.
  FileInputStream dataIn = null;
  FileInputStream checksumIn = null;
  BlockReaderLocalLegacy localBlockReader = null;
  final boolean skipChecksumCheck = scConf.isSkipShortCircuitChecksums()
      || storageType.isTransient();
  try {
    // get a local file system
    File blkfile = new File(pathinfo.getBlockPath());
    dataIn = new FileInputStream(blkfile);

    LOG.debug("New BlockReaderLocalLegacy for file {} of size {} startOffset "
            + "{} length {} short circuit checksum {}",
        blkfile, blkfile.length(), startOffset, length, !skipChecksumCheck);

    if (!skipChecksumCheck) {
      // get the metadata file
      File metafile = new File(pathinfo.getMetaPath());
      checksumIn = new FileInputStream(metafile);

      final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
          new DataInputStream(checksumIn), blk);
      long firstChunkOffset = startOffset
          - (startOffset % checksum.getBytesPerChecksum());
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(scConf, file, blk,
          startOffset, checksum, true, dataIn, firstChunkOffset, checksumIn,
    } else {
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(scConf, file, blk,
          startOffset, dataIn, tracer);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // remove from cache
    LOG.warn("BlockReaderLocalLegacy: Removing " + blk
        + " from cache because local file " + pathinfo.getBlockPath()
        + " could not be opened.");
    throw e;
  } finally {
    if (localBlockReader == null) {
      if (dataIn != null) {
      if (checksumIn != null) {
  return localBlockReader;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public BlockMetadataHeader getMetaHeader() {
  return metaHeader;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
static private void truncateBlock(File blockFile, File metaFile,
    long oldlen, long newlen) throws IOException {"truncateBlock: blockFile=" + blockFile
      + ", metaFile=" + metaFile
      + ", oldlen=" + oldlen
      + ", newlen=" + newlen);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
  if (newlen > oldlen) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot truncate block to from oldlen (=" + oldlen
        + ") to newlen (=" + newlen + ")");

  DataChecksum dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(metaFile).getChecksum(); 
  int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
  int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
  long n = (newlen - 1)/bpc + 1;
  long newmetalen = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + n*checksumsize;
  long lastchunkoffset = (n - 1)*bpc;
  int lastchunksize = (int)(newlen - lastchunkoffset); 
  byte[] b = new byte[Math.max(lastchunksize, checksumsize)]; 

  RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
  try {
    //truncate blockFile 

    //read last chunk;
    blockRAF.readFully(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  } finally {

  //compute checksum
  dcs.update(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  dcs.writeValue(b, 0, false);

  //update metaFile 
  RandomAccessFile metaRAF = new RandomAccessFile(metaFile, "rw");
  try {
    metaRAF.setLength(newmetalen); - checksumsize);
    metaRAF.write(b, 0, checksumsize);
  } finally {
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Find out the number of bytes in the block that match its crc.
 * This algorithm assumes that data corruption caused by unexpected 
 * datanode shutdown occurs only in the last crc chunk. So it checks
 * only the last chunk.
 * @param blockFile the block file
 * @param genStamp generation stamp of the block
 * @return the number of valid bytes
private long validateIntegrityAndSetLength(File blockFile, long genStamp) {
  DataInputStream checksumIn = null;
  InputStream blockIn = null;
  try {
    final File metaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(blockFile, genStamp);
    long blockFileLen = blockFile.length();
    long metaFileLen = metaFile.length();
    int crcHeaderLen = DataChecksum.getChecksumHeaderSize();
    if (!blockFile.exists() || blockFileLen == 0 ||
        !metaFile.exists() || metaFileLen < crcHeaderLen) {
      return 0;
    checksumIn = new DataInputStream(
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(metaFile),

    // read and handle the common header here. For now just a version
    final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
        checksumIn, metaFile);
    int bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
    int checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();
    long numChunks = Math.min(
        (blockFileLen + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum, 
        (metaFileLen - crcHeaderLen)/checksumSize);
    if (numChunks == 0) {
      return 0;
    IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, (numChunks-1)*checksumSize);
    blockIn = new FileInputStream(blockFile);
    long lastChunkStartPos = (numChunks-1)*bytesPerChecksum;
    IOUtils.skipFully(blockIn, lastChunkStartPos);
    int lastChunkSize = (int)Math.min(
        bytesPerChecksum, blockFileLen-lastChunkStartPos);
    byte[] buf = new byte[lastChunkSize+checksumSize];
    checksumIn.readFully(buf, lastChunkSize, checksumSize);
    IOUtils.readFully(blockIn, buf, 0, lastChunkSize);

    checksum.update(buf, 0, lastChunkSize);
    long validFileLength;
    if (, lastChunkSize)) { // last chunk matches crc
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos + lastChunkSize;
    } else { // last chunck is corrupt
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos;

    // truncate if extra bytes are present without CRC
    if (blockFile.length() > validFileLength) {
      RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
      try {
        // truncate blockFile
      } finally {

    return validFileLength;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return 0;
  } finally {
项目:big-c    文件   
 * The only way this object can be instantiated.
static BlockReaderLocalLegacy newBlockReader(DFSClient.Conf conf,
    UserGroupInformation userGroupInformation,
    Configuration configuration, String file, ExtendedBlock blk,
    Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> token, DatanodeInfo node, 
    long startOffset, long length, StorageType storageType)
    throws IOException {
  LocalDatanodeInfo localDatanodeInfo = getLocalDatanodeInfo(node
  // check the cache first
  BlockLocalPathInfo pathinfo = localDatanodeInfo.getBlockLocalPathInfo(blk);
  if (pathinfo == null) {
    if (userGroupInformation == null) {
      userGroupInformation = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    pathinfo = getBlockPathInfo(userGroupInformation, blk, node,
        configuration, conf.socketTimeout, token,
        conf.connectToDnViaHostname, storageType);

  // check to see if the file exists. It may so happen that the
  // HDFS file has been deleted and this block-lookup is occurring
  // on behalf of a new HDFS file. This time, the block file could
  // be residing in a different portion of the directory.
  // In this case, we remove this entry from the cache. The next
  // call to this method will re-populate the cache.
  FileInputStream dataIn = null;
  FileInputStream checksumIn = null;
  BlockReaderLocalLegacy localBlockReader = null;
  boolean skipChecksumCheck = conf.skipShortCircuitChecksums ||
  try {
    // get a local file system
    File blkfile = new File(pathinfo.getBlockPath());
    dataIn = new FileInputStream(blkfile);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("New BlockReaderLocalLegacy for file " + blkfile + " of size "
          + blkfile.length() + " startOffset " + startOffset + " length "
          + length + " short circuit checksum " + !skipChecksumCheck);

    if (!skipChecksumCheck) {
      // get the metadata file
      File metafile = new File(pathinfo.getMetaPath());
      checksumIn = new FileInputStream(metafile);

      final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
          new DataInputStream(checksumIn), blk);
      long firstChunkOffset = startOffset
          - (startOffset % checksum.getBytesPerChecksum());
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, checksum, true, dataIn,
          firstChunkOffset, checksumIn);
    } else {
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, dataIn);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // remove from cache
    DFSClient.LOG.warn("BlockReaderLocalLegacy: Removing " + blk
        + " from cache because local file " + pathinfo.getBlockPath()
        + " could not be opened.");
    throw e;
  } finally {
    if (localBlockReader == null) {
      if (dataIn != null) {
      if (checksumIn != null) {
  return localBlockReader;
项目:big-c    文件   
public BlockMetadataHeader getMetaHeader() {
  return metaHeader;
项目:big-c    文件   
static private void truncateBlock(File blockFile, File metaFile,
    long oldlen, long newlen) throws IOException {"truncateBlock: blockFile=" + blockFile
      + ", metaFile=" + metaFile
      + ", oldlen=" + oldlen
      + ", newlen=" + newlen);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
  if (newlen > oldlen) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot truncate block to from oldlen (=" + oldlen
        + ") to newlen (=" + newlen + ")");

  DataChecksum dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(metaFile).getChecksum(); 
  int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
  int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
  long n = (newlen - 1)/bpc + 1;
  long newmetalen = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + n*checksumsize;
  long lastchunkoffset = (n - 1)*bpc;
  int lastchunksize = (int)(newlen - lastchunkoffset); 
  byte[] b = new byte[Math.max(lastchunksize, checksumsize)]; 

  RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
  try {
    //truncate blockFile 

    //read last chunk;
    blockRAF.readFully(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  } finally {

  //compute checksum
  dcs.update(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  dcs.writeValue(b, 0, false);

  //update metaFile 
  RandomAccessFile metaRAF = new RandomAccessFile(metaFile, "rw");
  try {
    metaRAF.setLength(newmetalen); - checksumsize);
    metaRAF.write(b, 0, checksumsize);
  } finally {
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Find out the number of bytes in the block that match its crc.
 * This algorithm assumes that data corruption caused by unexpected 
 * datanode shutdown occurs only in the last crc chunk. So it checks
 * only the last chunk.
 * @param blockFile the block file
 * @param genStamp generation stamp of the block
 * @return the number of valid bytes
private long validateIntegrityAndSetLength(File blockFile, long genStamp) {
  DataInputStream checksumIn = null;
  InputStream blockIn = null;
  try {
    final File metaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(blockFile, genStamp);
    long blockFileLen = blockFile.length();
    long metaFileLen = metaFile.length();
    int crcHeaderLen = DataChecksum.getChecksumHeaderSize();
    if (!blockFile.exists() || blockFileLen == 0 ||
        !metaFile.exists() || metaFileLen < crcHeaderLen) {
      return 0;
    checksumIn = new DataInputStream(
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(metaFile),

    // read and handle the common header here. For now just a version
    final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
        checksumIn, metaFile);
    int bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
    int checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();
    long numChunks = Math.min(
        (blockFileLen + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum, 
        (metaFileLen - crcHeaderLen)/checksumSize);
    if (numChunks == 0) {
      return 0;
    IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, (numChunks-1)*checksumSize);
    blockIn = new FileInputStream(blockFile);
    long lastChunkStartPos = (numChunks-1)*bytesPerChecksum;
    IOUtils.skipFully(blockIn, lastChunkStartPos);
    int lastChunkSize = (int)Math.min(
        bytesPerChecksum, blockFileLen-lastChunkStartPos);
    byte[] buf = new byte[lastChunkSize+checksumSize];
    checksumIn.readFully(buf, lastChunkSize, checksumSize);
    IOUtils.readFully(blockIn, buf, 0, lastChunkSize);

    checksum.update(buf, 0, lastChunkSize);
    long validFileLength;
    if (, lastChunkSize)) { // last chunk matches crc
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos + lastChunkSize;
    } else { // last chunck is corrupt
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos;

    // truncate if extra bytes are present without CRC
    if (blockFile.length() > validFileLength) {
      RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
      try {
        // truncate blockFile
      } finally {

    return validFileLength;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return 0;
  } finally {
项目:big-c    文件   
private void doShortCircuitReadAfterEvictionTest() throws IOException,
    InterruptedException {
  final String METHOD_NAME = GenericTestUtils.getMethodName();
  Path path1 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".01.dat");
  Path path2 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".02.dat");

  final int SEED = 0xFADED;
  makeRandomTestFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  File metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Sleep for a short time to allow the lazy writer thread to do its job.
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK once again.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Create another file with a replica on RAM_DISK, which evicts the first.
  makeRandomTestFile(path2, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read still works from DEFAULT storage.  This time,
  // we'll have a checksum written during lazy persistence.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, DEFAULT);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() > BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // In the implementation of legacy short-circuit reads, any failure is
  // trapped silently, reverts back to a remote read, and also disables all
  // subsequent legacy short-circuit reads in the ClientContext.  If the test
  // uses legacy, then assert that it didn't get disabled.
  ClientContext clientContext = client.getClientContext();
  if (clientContext.getUseLegacyBlockReaderLocal()) {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * The only way this object can be instantiated.
static BlockReaderLocalLegacy newBlockReader(DFSClient.Conf conf,
    UserGroupInformation userGroupInformation,
    Configuration configuration, String file, ExtendedBlock blk,
    Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> token, DatanodeInfo node, 
    long startOffset, long length, StorageType storageType)
    throws IOException {
  LocalDatanodeInfo localDatanodeInfo = getLocalDatanodeInfo(node
  // check the cache first
  BlockLocalPathInfo pathinfo = localDatanodeInfo.getBlockLocalPathInfo(blk);
  if (pathinfo == null) {
    if (userGroupInformation == null) {
      userGroupInformation = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    pathinfo = getBlockPathInfo(userGroupInformation, blk, node,
        configuration, conf.socketTimeout, token,
        conf.connectToDnViaHostname, storageType);

  // check to see if the file exists. It may so happen that the
  // HDFS file has been deleted and this block-lookup is occurring
  // on behalf of a new HDFS file. This time, the block file could
  // be residing in a different portion of the directory.
  // In this case, we remove this entry from the cache. The next
  // call to this method will re-populate the cache.
  FileInputStream dataIn = null;
  FileInputStream checksumIn = null;
  BlockReaderLocalLegacy localBlockReader = null;
  boolean skipChecksumCheck = conf.skipShortCircuitChecksums ||
  try {
    // get a local file system
    File blkfile = new File(pathinfo.getBlockPath());
    dataIn = new FileInputStream(blkfile);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("New BlockReaderLocalLegacy for file " + blkfile + " of size "
          + blkfile.length() + " startOffset " + startOffset + " length "
          + length + " short circuit checksum " + !skipChecksumCheck);

    if (!skipChecksumCheck) {
      // get the metadata file
      File metafile = new File(pathinfo.getMetaPath());
      checksumIn = new FileInputStream(metafile);

      final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
          new DataInputStream(checksumIn), blk);
      long firstChunkOffset = startOffset
          - (startOffset % checksum.getBytesPerChecksum());
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, checksum, true, dataIn,
          firstChunkOffset, checksumIn);
    } else {
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, dataIn);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // remove from cache
    DFSClient.LOG.warn("BlockReaderLocalLegacy: Removing " + blk
        + " from cache because local file " + pathinfo.getBlockPath()
        + " could not be opened.");
    throw e;
  } finally {
    if (localBlockReader == null) {
      if (dataIn != null) {
      if (checksumIn != null) {
  return localBlockReader;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public BlockMetadataHeader getMetaHeader() {
  return metaHeader;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
static private void truncateBlock(File blockFile, File metaFile,
    long oldlen, long newlen) throws IOException {"truncateBlock: blockFile=" + blockFile
      + ", metaFile=" + metaFile
      + ", oldlen=" + oldlen
      + ", newlen=" + newlen);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
  if (newlen > oldlen) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot truncate block to from oldlen (=" + oldlen
        + ") to newlen (=" + newlen + ")");

  DataChecksum dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(metaFile).getChecksum(); 
  int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
  int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
  long n = (newlen - 1)/bpc + 1;
  long newmetalen = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + n*checksumsize;
  long lastchunkoffset = (n - 1)*bpc;
  int lastchunksize = (int)(newlen - lastchunkoffset); 
  byte[] b = new byte[Math.max(lastchunksize, checksumsize)]; 

  RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
  try {
    //truncate blockFile 

    //read last chunk;
    blockRAF.readFully(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  } finally {

  //compute checksum
  dcs.update(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  dcs.writeValue(b, 0, false);

  //update metaFile 
  RandomAccessFile metaRAF = new RandomAccessFile(metaFile, "rw");
  try {
    metaRAF.setLength(newmetalen); - checksumsize);
    metaRAF.write(b, 0, checksumsize);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Find out the number of bytes in the block that match its crc.
 * This algorithm assumes that data corruption caused by unexpected 
 * datanode shutdown occurs only in the last crc chunk. So it checks
 * only the last chunk.
 * @param blockFile the block file
 * @param genStamp generation stamp of the block
 * @return the number of valid bytes
private long validateIntegrityAndSetLength(File blockFile, long genStamp) {
  DataInputStream checksumIn = null;
  InputStream blockIn = null;
  try {
    final File metaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(blockFile, genStamp);
    long blockFileLen = blockFile.length();
    long metaFileLen = metaFile.length();
    int crcHeaderLen = DataChecksum.getChecksumHeaderSize();
    if (!blockFile.exists() || blockFileLen == 0 ||
        !metaFile.exists() || metaFileLen < crcHeaderLen) {
      return 0;
    checksumIn = new DataInputStream(
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(metaFile),

    // read and handle the common header here. For now just a version
    final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
        checksumIn, metaFile);
    int bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
    int checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();
    long numChunks = Math.min(
        (blockFileLen + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum, 
        (metaFileLen - crcHeaderLen)/checksumSize);
    if (numChunks == 0) {
      return 0;
    IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, (numChunks-1)*checksumSize);
    blockIn = new FileInputStream(blockFile);
    long lastChunkStartPos = (numChunks-1)*bytesPerChecksum;
    IOUtils.skipFully(blockIn, lastChunkStartPos);
    int lastChunkSize = (int)Math.min(
        bytesPerChecksum, blockFileLen-lastChunkStartPos);
    byte[] buf = new byte[lastChunkSize+checksumSize];
    checksumIn.readFully(buf, lastChunkSize, checksumSize);
    IOUtils.readFully(blockIn, buf, 0, lastChunkSize);

    checksum.update(buf, 0, lastChunkSize);
    long validFileLength;
    if (, lastChunkSize)) { // last chunk matches crc
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos + lastChunkSize;
    } else { // last chunck is corrupt
      validFileLength = lastChunkStartPos;

    // truncate if extra bytes are present without CRC
    if (blockFile.length() > validFileLength) {
      RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
      try {
        // truncate blockFile
      } finally {

    return validFileLength;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return 0;
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
private void doShortCircuitReadAfterEvictionTest() throws IOException,
    InterruptedException {
  final String METHOD_NAME = GenericTestUtils.getMethodName();
  Path path1 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".01.dat");
  Path path2 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".02.dat");

  final int SEED = 0xFADED;
  makeRandomTestFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  File metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Sleep for a short time to allow the lazy writer thread to do its job.
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read from RAM_DISK once again.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, RAM_DISK);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() <= BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // Create another file with a replica on RAM_DISK, which evicts the first.
  makeRandomTestFile(path2, BLOCK_SIZE, true, SEED);
  Thread.sleep(3 * LAZY_WRITER_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000);

  // Verify short-circuit read still works from DEFAULT storage.  This time,
  // we'll have a checksum written during lazy persistence.
  ensureFileReplicasOnStorageType(path1, DEFAULT);
  metaFile = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(0,
      DFSTestUtil.getFirstBlock(fs, path1));
  assertTrue(metaFile.length() > BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize());
  assertTrue(verifyReadRandomFile(path1, BLOCK_SIZE, SEED));

  // In the implementation of legacy short-circuit reads, any failure is
  // trapped silently, reverts back to a remote read, and also disables all
  // subsequent legacy short-circuit reads in the ClientContext.  If the test
  // uses legacy, then assert that it didn't get disabled.
  ClientContext clientContext = client.getClientContext();
  if (clientContext.getUseLegacyBlockReaderLocal()) {
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public BlockReaderLocal(DFSClient.Conf conf, String filename,
    ExtendedBlock block, long startOffset, long length,
    FileInputStream dataIn, FileInputStream checksumIn,
    DatanodeID datanodeID, boolean verifyChecksum,
    FileInputStreamCache fisCache) throws IOException {
  this.dataIn = dataIn;
  this.checksumIn = checksumIn;
  this.startOffset = Math.max(startOffset, 0);
  this.filename = filename;
  this.datanodeID = datanodeID;
  this.block = block;
  this.fisCache = fisCache;

  // read and handle the common header here. For now just a version
  BlockMetadataHeader header = BlockMetadataHeader
      .readHeader(new DataInputStream(
          new BufferedInputStream(checksumIn,
  short version = header.getVersion();
  if (version != BlockMetadataHeader.VERSION) {
    throw new IOException("Wrong version (" + version + ") of the " +
        "metadata file for " + filename + ".");
  this.verifyChecksum = verifyChecksum && !conf.skipShortCircuitChecksums;
  long firstChunkOffset;
  if (this.verifyChecksum) {
    this.checksum = header.getChecksum();
    this.bytesPerChecksum = this.checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
    this.checksumSize = this.checksum.getChecksumSize();
    firstChunkOffset = startOffset
        - (startOffset % checksum.getBytesPerChecksum());
    this.offsetFromChunkBoundary = (int) (startOffset - firstChunkOffset);

    int chunksPerChecksumRead = getSlowReadBufferNumChunks(
        conf.shortCircuitBufferSize, bytesPerChecksum);
    slowReadBuff = bufferPool.getBuffer(bytesPerChecksum * chunksPerChecksumRead);
    checksumBuff = bufferPool.getBuffer(checksumSize * chunksPerChecksumRead);
    // Initially the buffers have nothing to read.
    long checkSumOffset = (firstChunkOffset / bytesPerChecksum) * checksumSize;
    IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, checkSumOffset);
  } else {
    firstChunkOffset = startOffset;
    this.checksum = null;
    this.bytesPerChecksum = 0;
    this.checksumSize = 0;
    this.offsetFromChunkBoundary = 0;

  boolean success = false;
  try {
    // Reposition both input streams to the beginning of the chunk
    // containing startOffset
    success = true;
  } finally {
    if (success) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Created BlockReaderLocal for file " + filename
            + " block " + block + " in datanode " + datanodeID);
    } else {
      if (slowReadBuff != null) bufferPool.returnBuffer(slowReadBuff);
      if (checksumBuff != null) bufferPool.returnBuffer(checksumBuff);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
static private void truncateBlock(File blockFile, File metaFile,
    long oldlen, long newlen) throws IOException {"truncateBlock: blockFile=" + blockFile
      + ", metaFile=" + metaFile
      + ", oldlen=" + oldlen
      + ", newlen=" + newlen);

  if (newlen == oldlen) {
  if (newlen > oldlen) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot truncate block to from oldlen (=" + oldlen
        + ") to newlen (=" + newlen + ")");

  DataChecksum dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(metaFile).getChecksum(); 
  int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
  int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
  long n = (newlen - 1)/bpc + 1;
  long newmetalen = BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize() + n*checksumsize;
  long lastchunkoffset = (n - 1)*bpc;
  int lastchunksize = (int)(newlen - lastchunkoffset); 
  byte[] b = new byte[Math.max(lastchunksize, checksumsize)]; 

  RandomAccessFile blockRAF = new RandomAccessFile(blockFile, "rw");
  try {
    //truncate blockFile 

    //read last chunk;
    blockRAF.readFully(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  } finally {

  //compute checksum
  dcs.update(b, 0, lastchunksize);
  dcs.writeValue(b, 0, false);

  //update metaFile 
  RandomAccessFile metaRAF = new RandomAccessFile(metaFile, "rw");
  try {
    metaRAF.setLength(newmetalen); - checksumsize);
    metaRAF.write(b, 0, checksumsize);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Find out the number of bytes in the block that match its crc.
 * This algorithm assumes that data corruption caused by unexpected 
 * datanode shutdown occurs only in the last crc chunk. So it checks
 * only the last chunk.
 * @param blockFile the block file
 * @param genStamp generation stamp of the block
 * @return the number of valid bytes
private long validateIntegrity(File blockFile, long genStamp) {
  DataInputStream checksumIn = null;
  InputStream blockIn = null;
  try {
    final File metaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(blockFile, genStamp);
    long blockFileLen = blockFile.length();
    long metaFileLen = metaFile.length();
    int crcHeaderLen = DataChecksum.getChecksumHeaderSize();
    if (!blockFile.exists() || blockFileLen == 0 ||
        !metaFile.exists() || metaFileLen < crcHeaderLen) {
      return 0;
    checksumIn = new DataInputStream(
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(metaFile),

    // read and handle the common header here. For now just a version
    BlockMetadataHeader header = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(checksumIn);
    short version = header.getVersion();
    if (version != BlockMetadataHeader.VERSION) {
      FsDatasetImpl.LOG.warn("Wrong version (" + version + ") for metadata file "
          + metaFile + " ignoring ...");
    DataChecksum checksum = header.getChecksum();
    int bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
    int checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();
    long numChunks = Math.min(
        (blockFileLen + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum, 
        (metaFileLen - crcHeaderLen)/checksumSize);
    if (numChunks == 0) {
      return 0;
    IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, (numChunks-1)*checksumSize);
    blockIn = new FileInputStream(blockFile);
    long lastChunkStartPos = (numChunks-1)*bytesPerChecksum;
    IOUtils.skipFully(blockIn, lastChunkStartPos);
    int lastChunkSize = (int)Math.min(
        bytesPerChecksum, blockFileLen-lastChunkStartPos);
    byte[] buf = new byte[lastChunkSize+checksumSize];
    checksumIn.readFully(buf, lastChunkSize, checksumSize);
    IOUtils.readFully(blockIn, buf, 0, lastChunkSize);

    checksum.update(buf, 0, lastChunkSize);
    if (, lastChunkSize)) { // last chunk matches crc
      return lastChunkStartPos + lastChunkSize;
    } else { // last chunck is corrupt
      return lastChunkStartPos;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return 0;
  } finally {
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * The only way this object can be instantiated.
static BlockReaderLocalLegacy newBlockReader(DFSClient.Conf conf,
    UserGroupInformation userGroupInformation,
    Configuration configuration, String file, ExtendedBlock blk,
    Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> token, DatanodeInfo node, 
    long startOffset, long length, StorageType storageType)
    throws IOException {
  LocalDatanodeInfo localDatanodeInfo = getLocalDatanodeInfo(node
  // check the cache first
  BlockLocalPathInfo pathinfo = localDatanodeInfo.getBlockLocalPathInfo(blk);
  if (pathinfo == null) {
    if (userGroupInformation == null) {
      userGroupInformation = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
    pathinfo = getBlockPathInfo(userGroupInformation, blk, node,
        configuration, conf.socketTimeout, token,
        conf.connectToDnViaHostname, storageType);

  // check to see if the file exists. It may so happen that the
  // HDFS file has been deleted and this block-lookup is occurring
  // on behalf of a new HDFS file. This time, the block file could
  // be residing in a different portion of the directory.
  // In this case, we remove this entry from the cache. The next
  // call to this method will re-populate the cache.
  FileInputStream dataIn = null;
  FileInputStream checksumIn = null;
  BlockReaderLocalLegacy localBlockReader = null;
  boolean skipChecksumCheck = conf.skipShortCircuitChecksums ||
  try {
    // get a local file system
    File blkfile = new File(pathinfo.getBlockPath());
    dataIn = new FileInputStream(blkfile);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("New BlockReaderLocalLegacy for file " + blkfile + " of size "
          + blkfile.length() + " startOffset " + startOffset + " length "
          + length + " short circuit checksum " + !skipChecksumCheck);

    if (!skipChecksumCheck) {
      // get the metadata file
      File metafile = new File(pathinfo.getMetaPath());
      checksumIn = new FileInputStream(metafile);

      final DataChecksum checksum = BlockMetadataHeader.readDataChecksum(
          new DataInputStream(checksumIn), blk);
      long firstChunkOffset = startOffset
          - (startOffset % checksum.getBytesPerChecksum());
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, checksum, true, dataIn,
          firstChunkOffset, checksumIn);
    } else {
      localBlockReader = new BlockReaderLocalLegacy(conf, file, blk, token,
          startOffset, length, pathinfo, dataIn);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // remove from cache
    DFSClient.LOG.warn("BlockReaderLocalLegacy: Removing " + blk
        + " from cache because local file " + pathinfo.getBlockPath()
        + " could not be opened.");
    throw e;
  } finally {
    if (localBlockReader == null) {
      if (dataIn != null) {
      if (checksumIn != null) {
  return localBlockReader;