Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:big-c    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop-EAR    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getJournalCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop-EAR    文件   
Journal(File logDir, File imageDir, String journalId,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter, JournalNode journalNode) throws IOException {
  this.journalNode = journalNode;
  // initialize storage directories
  journalStorage = new JNStorage(logDir, errorReporter, false, journalNode.getConf());
  imageStorage = new JNStorage(imageDir, errorReporter, true, journalNode.getConf());

  // initialize journal and image managers
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(journalStorage.getSingularStorageDir(),
      null, errorReporter);

  this.imageManager = new FileImageManager(
      imageStorage.getStorageDirectory(), imageStorage);

  this.journalId = journalId;
  this.metrics = JournalMetrics.create(this);


  EditLogFile latest = scanStorageForLatestEdits();
  if (latest != null) {
    highestWrittenTxId = latest.getLastTxId();
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:FlexMap    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hardfs    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
private void checkRecovery(MiniJournalCluster cluster,
    long segmentTxId, long expectedEndTxId)
    throws IOException {
  int numFinalized = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumNodes(); i++) {
    File logDir = cluster.getCurrentDir(i, JID);
    EditLogFile elf = FileJournalManager.getLogFile(logDir, segmentTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
    if (!elf.isInProgress()) {
      if (elf.getLastTxId() != expectedEndTxId) {
        fail("File " + elf + " finalized to wrong txid, expected " +

  if (numFinalized < cluster.getQuorumSize()) {
    fail("Did not find a quorum of finalized logs starting at " +
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:big-c    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hardfs    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
 * @param conf Configuration object
 * @param logDir the path to the directory in which data will be stored
 * @param errorReporter a callback to report errors
 * @throws IOException 
protected JNStorage(Configuration conf, File logDir, StartupOption startOpt,
    StorageErrorReporter errorReporter) throws IOException {

  sd = new StorageDirectory(logDir);
  this.fjm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, errorReporter);

项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:hadoop    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  FileInputStream editFileIn = null;
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext()
    final String journalId = request.getParameter(JOURNAL_ID_PARAM);
    final JNStorage storage = JournalNodeHttpServer
        .getJournalFromContext(context, journalId).getStorage();

    // Check security
    if (!checkRequestorOrSendError(conf, request, response)) {

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request, response)) {

    long segmentTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request,

    FileJournalManager fjm = storage.getJournalManager();
    File editFile;

    synchronized (fjm) {
      // Synchronize on the FJM so that the file doesn't get finalized
      // out from underneath us while we're in the process of opening
      // it up.
      EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(
      if (elf == null) {
            "No edit log found starting at txid " + segmentTxId);
      editFile = elf.getFile();
      ImageServlet.setVerificationHeadersForGet(response, editFile);
      ImageServlet.setFileNameHeaders(response, editFile);
      editFileIn = new FileInputStream(editFile);

    DataTransferThrottler throttler = ImageServlet.getThrottler(conf);

    // send edits
    TransferFsImage.copyFileToStream(response.getOutputStream(), editFile,
        editFileIn, throttler);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    String errMsg = "getedit failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errMsg);
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  } finally {
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsServerConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +
      elf.scanLog(Long.MAX_VALUE, false);

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:big-c    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  FileInputStream editFileIn = null;
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext()
    final String journalId = request.getParameter(JOURNAL_ID_PARAM);
    final JNStorage storage = JournalNodeHttpServer
        .getJournalFromContext(context, journalId).getStorage();

    // Check security
    if (!checkRequestorOrSendError(conf, request, response)) {

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request, response)) {

    long segmentTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request,

    FileJournalManager fjm = storage.getJournalManager();
    File editFile;

    synchronized (fjm) {
      // Synchronize on the FJM so that the file doesn't get finalized
      // out from underneath us while we're in the process of opening
      // it up.
      EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(
      if (elf == null) {
            "No edit log found starting at txid " + segmentTxId);
      editFile = elf.getFile();
      ImageServlet.setVerificationHeadersForGet(response, editFile);
      ImageServlet.setFileNameHeaders(response, editFile);
      editFileIn = new FileInputStream(editFile);

    DataTransferThrottler throttler = ImageServlet.getThrottler(conf);

    // send edits
    TransferFsImage.copyFileToStream(response.getOutputStream(), editFile,
        editFileIn, throttler);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    String errMsg = "getedit failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errMsg);
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  } finally {
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:big-c    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  FileInputStream editFileIn = null;
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext()
    final String journalId = request.getParameter(JOURNAL_ID_PARAM);
    final JNStorage storage = JournalNodeHttpServer
        .getJournalFromContext(context, journalId).getStorage();

    // Check security
    if (!checkRequestorOrSendError(conf, request, response)) {

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request, response)) {

    long segmentTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request,

    FileJournalManager fjm = storage.getJournalManager();
    File editFile;

    synchronized (fjm) {
      // Synchronize on the FJM so that the file doesn't get finalized
      // out from underneath us while we're in the process of opening
      // it up.
      EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(
      if (elf == null) {
            "No edit log found starting at txid " + segmentTxId);
      editFile = elf.getFile();
      ImageServlet.setVerificationHeadersForGet(response, editFile);
      ImageServlet.setFileNameHeaders(response, editFile);
      editFileIn = new FileInputStream(editFile);

    DataTransferThrottler throttler = ImageServlet.getThrottler(conf);

    // send edits
    TransferFsImage.copyFileToStream(response.getOutputStream(), editFile,
        editFileIn, throttler);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    String errMsg = "getedit failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errMsg);
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:hadoop-EAR    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;
      currentSegmentWrittenBytes = 0L;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:hadoop-EAR    文件   
public FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:hadoop-EAR    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final String journalId = request
    final Journal journal = JournalNodeHttpServer.getJournalFromContext(
        context, journalId);
    final JNStorage storage = journal.getJournalStorage();

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!GetJournalEditServlet.checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request,
        response)) {

    long startTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request, START_TXID_PARAM);
    FileJournalManager fjm = journal.getJournalManager();"getJournalManifest request: journalId " + journalId
        + ", start txid: " + startTxId + ", storage: "
        + storage.toColonSeparatedString());

    String output = JSON.toString(new ArrayList<String>());

    synchronized (journal) {
      // Synchronize on the journal so that the files do not change
      // get all log segments
      List<EditLogFile> logFiles = fjm.getLogFiles(startTxId, false);
      List<String> manifest = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (EditLogFile elf : logFiles) {
      output = JSON.toString(manifest);
    JournalNodeHttpServer.sendResponse(output, response);
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    GetJournalEditServlet.handleFailure(t, response, "getJournalManifest");
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  FileInputStream editFileIn = null;
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext()
    final String journalId = request.getParameter(JOURNAL_ID_PARAM);
    final JNStorage storage = JournalNodeHttpServer
        .getJournalFromContext(context, journalId).getStorage();

    // Check security
    if (!checkRequestorOrSendError(conf, request, response)) {

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request, response)) {

    long segmentTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request,

    FileJournalManager fjm = storage.getJournalManager();
    File editFile;

    synchronized (fjm) {
      // Synchronize on the FJM so that the file doesn't get finalized
      // out from underneath us while we're in the process of opening
      // it up.
      EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(
      if (elf == null) {
            "No edit log found starting at txid " + segmentTxId);
      editFile = elf.getFile();
      GetImageServlet.setVerificationHeaders(response, editFile);
      GetImageServlet.setFileNameHeaders(response, editFile);
      editFileIn = new FileInputStream(editFile);

    DataTransferThrottler throttler = GetImageServlet.getThrottler(conf);

    // send edits
    TransferFsImage.getFileServer(response, editFile, editFileIn, throttler);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    String errMsg = "getedit failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errMsg);
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
  FileInputStream editFileIn = null;
  try {
    final ServletContext context = getServletContext();
    final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext()
    final String journalId = request.getParameter(JOURNAL_ID_PARAM);
    final JNStorage storage = JournalNodeHttpServer
        .getJournalFromContext(context, journalId).getStorage();

    // Check security
    if (!checkRequestorOrSendError(conf, request, response)) {

    // Check that the namespace info is correct
    if (!checkStorageInfoOrSendError(storage, request, response)) {

    long segmentTxId = ServletUtil.parseLongParam(request,

    FileJournalManager fjm = storage.getJournalManager();
    File editFile;

    synchronized (fjm) {
      // Synchronize on the FJM so that the file doesn't get finalized
      // out from underneath us while we're in the process of opening
      // it up.
      EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(
      if (elf == null) {
            "No edit log found starting at txid " + segmentTxId);
      editFile = elf.getFile();
      ImageServlet.setVerificationHeadersForGet(response, editFile);
      ImageServlet.setFileNameHeaders(response, editFile);
      editFileIn = new FileInputStream(editFile);

    DataTransferThrottler throttler = ImageServlet.getThrottler(conf);

    // send edits
    TransferFsImage.copyFileToStream(response.getOutputStream(), editFile,
        editFileIn, throttler);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    String errMsg = "getedit failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, errMsg);
    throw new IOException(errMsg);
  } finally {
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId,
    long endTxId) throws IOException {

  boolean needsValidation = true;

  // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
  if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
    if (curSegment != null) {
      curSegment = null;
      curSegmentTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID;

    checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1,
        "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
        "txid %s but only written up to txid %s",
        startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
    // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
    // the log segment that it was just writing to.
    needsValidation = false;

  FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
  if (elf == null) {
    throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " +
        "transaction ID " + startTxId);

  if (elf.isInProgress()) {
    if (needsValidation) {"Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " +

      checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId,
          "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " +
          "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s",
          startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
    fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
  } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(),
        "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " +
            elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);

  // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
  // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
  // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
  // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
项目:FlexMap    文件   
FileJournalManager getJournalManager() {
  return fjm;