public void writeINodeReferenceWithCount( INodeReference.WithCount withCount, DataOutput out, boolean writeUnderConstruction) throws IOException { final INode referred = withCount.getReferredINode(); final long id = withCount.getId(); final boolean firstReferred = !referenceMap.containsKey(id); out.writeBoolean(firstReferred); if (firstReferred) { FSImageSerialization.saveINode2Image(referred, out, writeUnderConstruction, this); referenceMap.put(id, withCount); } else { out.writeLong(id); } }
public INodeReference.WithCount loadINodeReferenceWithCount( boolean isSnapshotINode, DataInput in, FSImageFormat.Loader loader ) throws IOException { final boolean firstReferred = in.readBoolean(); final INodeReference.WithCount withCount; if (firstReferred) { final INode referred = loader.loadINodeWithLocalName(isSnapshotINode, in, true); withCount = new INodeReference.WithCount(null, referred); referenceMap.put(withCount.getId(), withCount); } else { final long id = in.readLong(); withCount = referenceMap.get(id); } return withCount; }
private INodeReference loadINodeReference( INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference r) throws IOException { long referredId = r.getReferredId(); INode referred = fsDir.getInode(referredId); WithCount withCount = (WithCount) referred.getParentReference(); if (withCount == null) { withCount = new INodeReference.WithCount(null, referred); } final INodeReference ref; if (r.hasDstSnapshotId()) { // DstReference ref = new INodeReference.DstReference(null, withCount, r.getDstSnapshotId()); } else { ref = new INodeReference.WithName(null, withCount, r.getName() .toByteArray(), r.getLastSnapshotId()); } return ref; }
/** * Load the snapshot diff section from fsimage. */ public void loadSnapshotDiffSection(InputStream in) throws IOException { final List<INodeReference> refList = parent.getLoaderContext() .getRefList(); while (true) { SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry .parseDelimitedFrom(in); if (entry == null) { break; } long inodeId = entry.getInodeId(); INode inode = fsDir.getInode(inodeId); SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry.Type type = entry.getType(); switch (type) { case FILEDIFF: loadFileDiffList(in, inode.asFile(), entry.getNumOfDiff()); break; case DIRECTORYDIFF: loadDirectoryDiffList(in, inode.asDirectory(), entry.getNumOfDiff(), refList); break; } } }
/** * save all the snapshot diff to fsimage */ public void serializeSnapshotDiffSection(OutputStream out) throws IOException { INodeMap inodesMap = fsn.getFSDirectory().getINodeMap(); final List<INodeReference> refList = parent.getSaverContext() .getRefList(); int i = 0; Iterator<INodeWithAdditionalFields> iter = inodesMap.getMapIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { INodeWithAdditionalFields inode =; if (inode.isFile()) { serializeFileDiffList(inode.asFile(), out); } else if (inode.isDirectory()) { serializeDirDiffList(inode.asDirectory(), refList, out); } ++i; if (i % FSImageFormatProtobuf.Saver.CHECK_CANCEL_INTERVAL == 0) { context.checkCancelled(); } } parent.commitSection(headers, FSImageFormatProtobuf.SectionName.SNAPSHOT_DIFF); }
/** * We just found a deleted WithName node as the source of a rename operation. * However, we should include it in our snapshot diff report as rename only * if the rename target is also under the same snapshottable directory. */ private byte[][] findRenameTargetPath(final INodeDirectory snapshotRoot, INodeReference.WithName wn, final int snapshotId) { INode inode = wn.getReferredINode(); final LinkedList<byte[]> ancestors = Lists.newLinkedList(); while (inode != null) { if (inode == snapshotRoot) { return ancestors.toArray(new byte[ancestors.size()][]); } if (inode instanceof INodeReference.WithCount) { inode = ((WithCount) inode).getParentRef(snapshotId); } else { INode parent = inode.getParentReference() != null ? inode .getParentReference() : inode.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent instanceof INodeDirectory) { int sid = parent.asDirectory().searchChild(inode); if (sid < snapshotId) { return null; } } if (!(parent instanceof WithCount)) { ancestors.addFirst(inode.getLocalNameBytes()); } inode = parent; } } return null; }
/** * The sequence of the ref node in refList must be strictly the same with * the sequence in fsimage */ public void loadINodeReferenceSection(InputStream in) throws IOException { final List<INodeReference> refList = parent.getLoaderContext() .getRefList(); while (true) { INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference e = INodeReferenceSection .INodeReference.parseDelimitedFrom(in); if (e == null) { break; } INodeReference ref = loadINodeReference(e); refList.add(ref); } }
/** * Load the deleted list in a DirectoryDiff */ private List<INode> loadDeletedList(final List<INodeReference> refList, InputStream in, INodeDirectory dir, List<Long> deletedNodes, List<Integer> deletedRefNodes) throws IOException { List<INode> dlist = new ArrayList<INode>(deletedRefNodes.size() + deletedNodes.size()); // load non-reference inodes for (long deletedId : deletedNodes) { INode deleted = fsDir.getInode(deletedId); dlist.add(deleted); addToDeletedList(deleted, dir); } // load reference nodes in the deleted list for (int refId : deletedRefNodes) { INodeReference deletedRef = refList.get(refId); dlist.add(deletedRef); addToDeletedList(deletedRef, dir); } Collections.sort(dlist, new Comparator<INode>() { @Override public int compare(INode n1, INode n2) { return n1.compareTo(n2.getLocalNameBytes()); } }); return dlist; }
/** * This can only be called after serializing both INode_Dir and SnapshotDiff */ public void serializeINodeReferenceSection(OutputStream out) throws IOException { final List<INodeReference> refList = parent.getSaverContext() .getRefList(); for (INodeReference ref : refList) { INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference.Builder rb = buildINodeReference(ref);; } parent.commitSection(headers, SectionName.INODE_REFERENCE); }
private INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference.Builder buildINodeReference( INodeReference ref) throws IOException { INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference.Builder rb = INodeReferenceSection.INodeReference.newBuilder(). setReferredId(ref.getId()); if (ref instanceof WithName) { rb.setLastSnapshotId(((WithName) ref).getLastSnapshotId()).setName( ByteString.copyFrom(ref.getLocalNameBytes())); } else if (ref instanceof DstReference) { rb.setDstSnapshotId(ref.getDstSnapshotId()); } return rb; }