Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.inotify.EventBatchList 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
  GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto req = GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto.newBuilder()
  try {
    return PBHelper.convert(rpcProxy.getEditsFromTxid(null, req));
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw ProtobufHelper.getRemoteException(e);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Returns the next batch of events in the stream or null if no new
 * batches are currently available.
 * @throws IOException because of network error or edit log
 * corruption. Also possible if JournalNodes are unresponsive in the
 * QJM setting (even one unresponsive JournalNode is enough in rare cases),
 * so catching this exception and retrying at least a few times is
 * recommended.
 * @throws MissingEventsException if we cannot return the next batch in the
 * stream because the data for the events (and possibly some subsequent
 * events) has been deleted (generally because this stream is a very large
 * number of transactions behind the current state of the NameNode). It is
 * safe to continue reading from the stream after this exception is thrown
 * The next available batch of events will be returned.
public EventBatch poll() throws IOException, MissingEventsException {
  try (TraceScope ignored = tracer.newScope("inotifyPoll")) {
    // need to keep retrying until the NN sends us the latest committed txid
    if (lastReadTxid == -1) {
      LOG.debug("poll(): lastReadTxid is -1, reading current txid from NN");
      lastReadTxid = namenode.getCurrentEditLogTxid();
      return null;
    if (!it.hasNext()) {
      EventBatchList el = namenode.getEditsFromTxid(lastReadTxid + 1);
      if (el.getLastTxid() != -1) {
        // we only want to set syncTxid when we were actually able to read some
        // edits on the NN -- otherwise it will seem like edits are being
        // generated faster than we can read them when the problem is really
        // that we are temporarily unable to read edits
        syncTxid = el.getSyncTxid();
        it = el.getBatches().iterator();
        long formerLastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
        lastReadTxid = el.getLastTxid();
        if (el.getFirstTxid() != formerLastReadTxid + 1) {
          throw new MissingEventsException(formerLastReadTxid + 1,
      } else {
        LOG.debug("poll(): read no edits from the NN when requesting edits " +
            "after txid {}", lastReadTxid);
        return null;

    if (it.hasNext()) { // can be empty if el.getLastTxid != -1 but none of the
      // newly seen edit log ops actually got converted to events
    } else {
      return null;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
  GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto req = GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto.newBuilder()
  try {
    return PBHelperClient.convert(rpcProxy.getEditsFromTxid(null, req));
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw ProtobufHelper.getRemoteException(e);
项目:big-c    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
  GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto req = GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto.newBuilder()
  try {
    return PBHelper.convert(rpcProxy.getEditsFromTxid(null, req));
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw ProtobufHelper.getRemoteException(e);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Returns the next batch of events in the stream or null if no new
 * batches are currently available.
 * @throws IOException because of network error or edit log
 * corruption. Also possible if JournalNodes are unresponsive in the
 * QJM setting (even one unresponsive JournalNode is enough in rare cases),
 * so catching this exception and retrying at least a few times is
 * recommended.
 * @throws MissingEventsException if we cannot return the next batch in the
 * stream because the data for the events (and possibly some subsequent
 * events) has been deleted (generally because this stream is a very large
 * number of transactions behind the current state of the NameNode). It is
 * safe to continue reading from the stream after this exception is thrown
 * The next available batch of events will be returned.
public EventBatch poll() throws IOException, MissingEventsException {
  // need to keep retrying until the NN sends us the latest committed txid
  if (lastReadTxid == -1) {
    LOG.debug("poll(): lastReadTxid is -1, reading current txid from NN");
    lastReadTxid = namenode.getCurrentEditLogTxid();
    return null;
  if (!it.hasNext()) {
    EventBatchList el = namenode.getEditsFromTxid(lastReadTxid + 1);
    if (el.getLastTxid() != -1) {
      // we only want to set syncTxid when we were actually able to read some
      // edits on the NN -- otherwise it will seem like edits are being
      // generated faster than we can read them when the problem is really
      // that we are temporarily unable to read edits
      syncTxid = el.getSyncTxid();
      it = el.getBatches().iterator();
      long formerLastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
      lastReadTxid = el.getLastTxid();
      if (el.getFirstTxid() != formerLastReadTxid + 1) {
        throw new MissingEventsException(formerLastReadTxid + 1,
    } else {
      LOG.debug("poll(): read no edits from the NN when requesting edits " +
        "after txid {}", lastReadTxid);
      return null;

  if (it.hasNext()) { // can be empty if el.getLastTxid != -1 but none of the
    // newly seen edit log ops actually got converted to events
  } else {
    return null;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
  try {
    return server.getEditsFromTxid(txid);
  } finally {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
  GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto req = GetEditsFromTxidRequestProto.newBuilder()
  try {
    return PBHelper.convert(rpcProxy.getEditsFromTxid(null, req));
  } catch (ServiceException e) {
    throw ProtobufHelper.getRemoteException(e);
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Returns the next batch of events in the stream or null if no new
 * batches are currently available.
 * @throws IOException because of network error or edit log
 * corruption. Also possible if JournalNodes are unresponsive in the
 * QJM setting (even one unresponsive JournalNode is enough in rare cases),
 * so catching this exception and retrying at least a few times is
 * recommended.
 * @throws MissingEventsException if we cannot return the next batch in the
 * stream because the data for the events (and possibly some subsequent
 * events) has been deleted (generally because this stream is a very large
 * number of transactions behind the current state of the NameNode). It is
 * safe to continue reading from the stream after this exception is thrown
 * The next available batch of events will be returned.
public EventBatch poll() throws IOException, MissingEventsException {
  TraceScope scope =
      Trace.startSpan("inotifyPoll", traceSampler);
  try {
    // need to keep retrying until the NN sends us the latest committed txid
    if (lastReadTxid == -1) {
      LOG.debug("poll(): lastReadTxid is -1, reading current txid from NN");
      lastReadTxid = namenode.getCurrentEditLogTxid();
      return null;
    if (!it.hasNext()) {
      EventBatchList el = namenode.getEditsFromTxid(lastReadTxid + 1);
      if (el.getLastTxid() != -1) {
        // we only want to set syncTxid when we were actually able to read some
        // edits on the NN -- otherwise it will seem like edits are being
        // generated faster than we can read them when the problem is really
        // that we are temporarily unable to read edits
        syncTxid = el.getSyncTxid();
        it = el.getBatches().iterator();
        long formerLastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
        lastReadTxid = el.getLastTxid();
        if (el.getFirstTxid() != formerLastReadTxid + 1) {
          throw new MissingEventsException(formerLastReadTxid + 1,
      } else {
        LOG.debug("poll(): read no edits from the NN when requesting edits " +
          "after txid {}", lastReadTxid);
        return null;

    if (it.hasNext()) { // can be empty if el.getLastTxid != -1 but none of the
      // newly seen edit log ops actually got converted to events
    } else {
      return null;
  } finally {
项目:nnproxy    文件   
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException {
    throw new IOException("Invalid operation, do not use proxy");
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Returns the next batch of events in the stream or null if no new
 * batches are currently available.
 * @throws IOException because of network error or edit log
 * corruption. Also possible if JournalNodes are unresponsive in the
 * QJM setting (even one unresponsive JournalNode is enough in rare cases),
 * so catching this exception and retrying at least a few times is
 * recommended.
 * @throws MissingEventsException if we cannot return the next batch in the
 * stream because the data for the events (and possibly some subsequent
 * events) has been deleted (generally because this stream is a very large
 * number of transactions behind the current state of the NameNode). It is
 * safe to continue reading from the stream after this exception is thrown
 * The next available batch of events will be returned.
public EventBatch poll() throws IOException, MissingEventsException {
  TraceScope scope =
      Trace.startSpan("inotifyPoll", traceSampler);
  try {
    // need to keep retrying until the NN sends us the latest committed txid
    if (lastReadTxid == -1) {
      LOG.debug("poll(): lastReadTxid is -1, reading current txid from NN");
      lastReadTxid = namenode.getCurrentEditLogTxid();
      return null;
    if (!it.hasNext()) {
      EventBatchList el = namenode.getEditsFromTxid(lastReadTxid + 1);
      if (el.getLastTxid() != -1) {
        // we only want to set syncTxid when we were actually able to read some
        // edits on the NN -- otherwise it will seem like edits are being
        // generated faster than we can read them when the problem is really
        // that we are temporarily unable to read edits
        syncTxid = el.getSyncTxid();
        it = el.getBatches().iterator();
        long formerLastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
        lastReadTxid = el.getLastTxid();
        if (el.getFirstTxid() != formerLastReadTxid + 1) {
          throw new MissingEventsException(formerLastReadTxid + 1,
      } else {
        LOG.debug("poll(): read no edits from the NN when requesting edits " +
          "after txid {}", lastReadTxid);
        return null;

    if (it.hasNext()) { // can be empty if el.getLastTxid != -1 but none of the
      // newly seen edit log ops actually got converted to events
    } else {
      return null;
  } finally {
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Get an ordered list of batches of events corresponding to the edit log
 * transactions for txids equal to or greater than txid.
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Get an ordered list of batches of events corresponding to the edit log
 * transactions for txids equal to or greater than txid.
EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException;
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Get an ordered list of batches of events corresponding to the edit log
 * transactions for txids equal to or greater than txid.
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException;
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Get an ordered list of batches of events corresponding to the edit log
 * transactions for txids equal to or greater than txid.
public EventBatchList getEditsFromTxid(long txid) throws IOException;