public void setDatum(Object oDatum) { this.datum = (ReduceAttemptFinished)oDatum; this.attemptId = TaskAttemptID.forName(datum.attemptId.toString()); this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); this.taskStatus = datum.taskStatus.toString(); this.shuffleFinishTime = datum.shuffleFinishTime; this.sortFinishTime = datum.sortFinishTime; this.finishTime = datum.finishTime; this.hostname = datum.hostname.toString(); this.rackName = datum.rackname.toString(); this.port = datum.port; this.state = datum.state.toString(); this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); this.clockSplits = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.clockSplits); this.cpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.cpuUsages); this.gpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.gpuUsages); this.vMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.vMemKbytes); this.physMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.physMemKbytes); }
public void setDatum(Object odatum) { this.datum = (TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletion)odatum; this.attemptId = TaskAttemptID.forName(datum.attemptId.toString()); this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); this.finishTime = datum.finishTime; this.hostname = datum.hostname.toString(); this.rackName = datum.rackname.toString(); this.port = datum.port; this.status = datum.status.toString(); this.error = datum.error.toString(); this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); this.clockSplits = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.clockSplits); this.cpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.cpuUsages); this.gpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.gpuUsages); this.vMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.vMemKbytes); this.physMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.physMemKbytes); }
public void setDatum(Object oDatum) { this.datum = (MapAttemptFinished)oDatum; this.attemptId = TaskAttemptID.forName(datum.attemptId.toString()); this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); this.taskStatus = datum.taskStatus.toString(); this.mapFinishTime = datum.mapFinishTime; this.finishTime = datum.finishTime; this.hostname = datum.hostname.toString(); this.rackName = datum.rackname.toString(); this.port = datum.port; this.state = datum.state.toString(); this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); this.clockSplits = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.clockSplits); this.cpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.cpuUsages); this.gpuUsages = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.gpuUsages); this.vMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.vMemKbytes); this.physMemKbytes = AvroArrayUtils.fromAvro(datum.physMemKbytes); }
public void setDatum(Object odatum) { this.datum = (TaskFailed)odatum; = TaskID.forName(datum.taskid.toString()); this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); this.finishTime = datum.finishTime; this.error = datum.error.toString(); this.failedDueToAttempt = datum.failedDueToAttempt == null ? null : TaskAttemptID.forName( datum.failedDueToAttempt.toString()); this.status = datum.status.toString(); this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); }
/** * Create an event to record the start of an attempt * @param attemptId Id of the attempt * @param taskType Type of task * @param startTime Start time of the attempt * @param trackerName Name of the Task Tracker where attempt is running * @param httpPort The port number of the tracker * @param shufflePort The shuffle port number of the container * @param containerId The containerId for the task attempt. * @param locality The locality of the task attempt * @param avataar The avataar of the task attempt */ public TaskAttemptStartedEvent( TaskAttemptID attemptId, TaskType taskType, long startTime, String trackerName, int httpPort, int shufflePort, ContainerId containerId, String locality, String avataar) { datum.attemptId = new Utf8(attemptId.toString()); datum.taskid = new Utf8(attemptId.getTaskID().toString()); datum.startTime = startTime; datum.taskType = new Utf8(; datum.trackerName = new Utf8(trackerName); datum.httpPort = httpPort; datum.shufflePort = shufflePort; datum.containerId = new Utf8(containerId.toString()); if (locality != null) { datum.locality = new Utf8(locality); } if (avataar != null) { datum.avataar = new Utf8(avataar); } }
/** * Mask the job ID part in a {@link TaskAttemptID}. * * @param attemptId * raw {@link TaskAttemptID} read from trace * @return masked {@link TaskAttemptID} with empty {@link JobID}. */ private TaskAttemptID maskAttemptID(TaskAttemptID attemptId) { JobID jobId = new JobID(); TaskType taskType = attemptId.getTaskType(); TaskID taskId = attemptId.getTaskID(); return new TaskAttemptID(jobId.getJtIdentifier(), jobId.getId(), taskType, taskId.getId(), attemptId.getId()); }
private TaskAttemptInfo getSuccessfulAttemptInfo(TaskType type, int task) { TaskAttemptInfo ret; for (int i = 0; true; ++i) { // Rumen should make up an attempt if it's missing. Or this won't work // at all. It's hard to discern what is happening in there. ret = jobdesc.getTaskAttemptInfo(type, task, i); if (ret.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) { break; } } if(ret.getRunState() != TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) { LOG.warn("No sucessful attempts tasktype " + type +" task "+ task); } return ret; }
/** * test a getters of TaskAttemptFinishedEvent and TaskAttemptFinished * * @throws Exception */ @Test(timeout = 10000) public void testTaskAttemptFinishedEvent() throws Exception { JobID jid = new JobID("001", 1); TaskID tid = new TaskID(jid, TaskType.REDUCE, 2); TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId = new TaskAttemptID(tid, 3); Counters counters = new Counters(); TaskAttemptFinishedEvent test = new TaskAttemptFinishedEvent(taskAttemptId, TaskType.REDUCE, "TEST", 123L, "RAKNAME", "HOSTNAME", "STATUS", counters); assertEquals(test.getAttemptId().toString(), taskAttemptId.toString()); assertEquals(test.getCounters(), counters); assertEquals(test.getFinishTime(), 123L); assertEquals(test.getHostname(), "HOSTNAME"); assertEquals(test.getRackName(), "RAKNAME"); assertEquals(test.getState(), "STATUS"); assertEquals(test.getTaskId(), tid); assertEquals(test.getTaskStatus(), "TEST"); assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.REDUCE); }
public org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskReport[] getTaskReports(JobID oldJobID, TaskType taskType) throws IOException{ org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId jobId = TypeConverter.toYarn(oldJobID); GetTaskReportsRequest request = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(GetTaskReportsRequest.class); request.setJobId(jobId); request.setTaskType(TypeConverter.toYarn(taskType)); List<org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskReport> taskReports = ((GetTaskReportsResponse) invoke("getTaskReports", GetTaskReportsRequest.class, request)).getTaskReportList(); return TypeConverter.fromYarn (taskReports).toArray(new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskReport[0]); }
private Task createDummyTask(TaskType type) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); conf.setOutputCommitter(CommitterThatAlwaysRequiresCommit.class); Path outDir = new Path(rootDir, "output"); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outDir); JobID jobId = JobID.forName("job_201002121132_0001"); Task testTask; if (type == TaskType.MAP) { testTask = new MapTask(); } else { testTask = new ReduceTask(); } testTask.setConf(conf); testTask.initialize(conf, jobId, Reporter.NULL, false); return testTask; }
/** * test some methods of CompletedTaskAttempt */ @Test (timeout=5000) public void testCompletedTaskAttempt(){ TaskAttemptInfo attemptInfo= mock(TaskAttemptInfo.class); when(attemptInfo.getRackname()).thenReturn("Rackname"); when(attemptInfo.getShuffleFinishTime()).thenReturn(11L); when(attemptInfo.getSortFinishTime()).thenReturn(12L); when(attemptInfo.getShufflePort()).thenReturn(10); JobID jobId= new JobID("12345",0); TaskID taskId =new TaskID(jobId,TaskType.REDUCE, 0); TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId= new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0); when(attemptInfo.getAttemptId()).thenReturn(taskAttemptId); CompletedTaskAttempt taskAttemt= new CompletedTaskAttempt(null,attemptInfo); assertEquals( "Rackname", taskAttemt.getNodeRackName()); assertEquals( Phase.CLEANUP, taskAttemt.getPhase()); assertTrue( taskAttemt.isFinished()); assertEquals( 11L, taskAttemt.getShuffleFinishTime()); assertEquals( 12L, taskAttemt.getSortFinishTime()); assertEquals( 10, taskAttemt.getShufflePort()); }
/** * test deprecated methods of TaskCompletionEvent */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test (timeout=5000) public void testTaskCompletionEvent() { TaskAttemptID taid = new TaskAttemptID("001", 1, TaskType.REDUCE, 2, 3); TaskCompletionEvent template = new TaskCompletionEvent(12, taid, 13, true, Status.SUCCEEDED, "httptracker"); TaskCompletionEvent testEl = TaskCompletionEvent.downgrade(template); testEl.setTaskAttemptId(taid); testEl.setTaskTrackerHttp("httpTracker"); testEl.setTaskId("attempt_001_0001_m_000002_04"); assertEquals("attempt_001_0001_m_000002_4",testEl.getTaskId()); testEl.setTaskStatus(Status.OBSOLETE); assertEquals(Status.OBSOLETE.toString(), testEl.getStatus().toString()); testEl.setTaskRunTime(20); assertEquals(testEl.getTaskRunTime(), 20); testEl.setEventId(16); assertEquals(testEl.getEventId(), 16); }
private org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputCommitter createOutputCommitter(boolean newApiCommitter, JobID jobId, Configuration conf) throws Exception { org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputCommitter committer = null;"OutputCommitter set in config " + conf.get("mapred.output.committer.class")); if (newApiCommitter) { org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID taskId = new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID(jobId, TaskType.MAP, 0); org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0); org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext taskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskAttemptID); OutputFormat outputFormat = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(taskContext.getOutputFormatClass(), conf); committer = outputFormat.getOutputCommitter(taskContext); } else { committer = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(conf.getClass( "mapred.output.committer.class", FileOutputCommitter.class, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCommitter.class), conf); }"OutputCommitter is " + committer.getClass().getName()); return committer; }
public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, CompressionCodec codec, Path[] inputs, boolean deleteInputs, int mergeFactor, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter, Progress mergePhase) throws IOException { return new MergeQueue<K, V>(conf, fs, inputs, deleteInputs, codec, comparator, reporter, null, TaskType.REDUCE).merge(keyClass, valueClass, mergeFactor, tmpDir, readsCounter, writesCounter, mergePhase); }
public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, CompressionCodec codec, Path[] inputs, boolean deleteInputs, int mergeFactor, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter, Counters.Counter mergedMapOutputsCounter, Progress mergePhase) throws IOException { return new MergeQueue<K, V>(conf, fs, inputs, deleteInputs, codec, comparator, reporter, mergedMapOutputsCounter, TaskType.REDUCE).merge( keyClass, valueClass, mergeFactor, tmpDir, readsCounter, writesCounter, mergePhase); }
public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, CompressionCodec codec, List<Segment<K, V>> segments, int mergeFactor, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, boolean sortSegments, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter, Progress mergePhase, TaskType taskType) throws IOException { return new MergeQueue<K, V>(conf, fs, segments, comparator, reporter, sortSegments, codec, taskType).merge(keyClass, valueClass, mergeFactor, tmpDir, readsCounter, writesCounter, mergePhase); }
public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, List<Segment<K, V>> segments, int mergeFactor, int inMemSegments, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, boolean sortSegments, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter, Progress mergePhase) throws IOException { return new MergeQueue<K, V>(conf, fs, segments, comparator, reporter, sortSegments, TaskType.REDUCE).merge(keyClass, valueClass, mergeFactor, inMemSegments, tmpDir, readsCounter, writesCounter, mergePhase); }
public static <K extends Object, V extends Object> RawKeyValueIterator merge(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Class<K> keyClass, Class<V> valueClass, CompressionCodec codec, List<Segment<K, V>> segments, int mergeFactor, int inMemSegments, Path tmpDir, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, boolean sortSegments, Counters.Counter readsCounter, Counters.Counter writesCounter, Progress mergePhase) throws IOException { return new MergeQueue<K, V>(conf, fs, segments, comparator, reporter, sortSegments, codec, TaskType.REDUCE).merge(keyClass, valueClass, mergeFactor, inMemSegments, tmpDir, readsCounter, writesCounter, mergePhase); }
/** * Display the information about a job's tasks, of a particular type and * in a particular state * * @param job the job * @param type the type of the task (map/reduce/setup/cleanup) * @param state the state of the task * (pending/running/completed/failed/killed) */ protected void displayTasks(Job job, String type, String state) throws IOException, InterruptedException { TaskReport[] reports = job.getTaskReports(TaskType.valueOf( org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.toUpperCase(type))); for (TaskReport report : reports) { TIPStatus status = report.getCurrentStatus(); if ((state.equalsIgnoreCase("pending") && status ==TIPStatus.PENDING) || (state.equalsIgnoreCase("running") && status ==TIPStatus.RUNNING) || (state.equalsIgnoreCase("completed") && status == TIPStatus.COMPLETE) || (state.equalsIgnoreCase("failed") && status == TIPStatus.FAILED) || (state.equalsIgnoreCase("killed") && status == TIPStatus.KILLED)) { printTaskAttempts(report); } } }
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "incomplete-switch" }) @Override public TaskAttemptInfo getTaskAttemptInfo( TaskType taskType, int taskNumber, int taskAttemptNumber) { switch (taskType) { case MAP: return new MapTaskAttemptInfo( State.SUCCEEDED, new TaskInfo( m_bytesIn[taskNumber], m_recsIn[taskNumber], m_bytesOut[taskNumber], m_recsOut[taskNumber], -1), 100); case REDUCE: return new ReduceTaskAttemptInfo( State.SUCCEEDED, new TaskInfo( r_bytesIn[taskNumber], r_recsIn[taskNumber], r_bytesOut[taskNumber], r_recsOut[taskNumber], -1), 100, 100, 100); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
/** * Create an event to record completion of a reduce attempt * @param id Attempt Id * @param taskType Type of task * @param taskStatus Status of the task * @param shuffleFinishTime Finish time of the shuffle phase * @param sortFinishTime Finish time of the sort phase * @param finishTime Finish time of the attempt * @param hostname Name of the host where the attempt executed * @param port RPC port for the tracker host. * @param rackName Name of the rack where the attempt executed * @param state State of the attempt * @param counters Counters for the attempt * @param allSplits the "splits", or a pixelated graph of various * measurable worker node state variables against progress. * Currently there are four; wallclock time, CPU time, * virtual memory and physical memory. */ public ReduceAttemptFinishedEvent (TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType, String taskStatus, long shuffleFinishTime, long sortFinishTime, long finishTime, String hostname, int port, String rackName, String state, Counters counters, int[][] allSplits) { this.attemptId = id; this.taskType = taskType; this.taskStatus = taskStatus; this.shuffleFinishTime = shuffleFinishTime; this.sortFinishTime = sortFinishTime; this.finishTime = finishTime; this.hostname = hostname; this.rackName = rackName; this.port = port; this.state = state; this.counters = counters; this.allSplits = allSplits; this.clockSplits = ProgressSplitsBlock.arrayGetWallclockTime(allSplits); this.cpuUsages = ProgressSplitsBlock.arrayGetCPUTime(allSplits); this.gpuUsages = ProgressSplitsBlock.arrayGetGPUTime(allSplits); this.vMemKbytes = ProgressSplitsBlock.arrayGetVMemKbytes(allSplits); this.physMemKbytes = ProgressSplitsBlock.arrayGetPhysMemKbytes(allSplits); }
/** * Run a streaming job with the given script as mapper and validate. * Run another streaming job with the given script as reducer and validate. * * @param isEmptyInput Should the input to the script be empty ? * @param script The content of the script that will run as the streaming task */ private void testStreamJob(boolean isEmptyInput) throws IOException { createInputAndScript(isEmptyInput, script); // Check if streaming mapper works as expected map = scriptFileName; reduce = "/bin/cat"; runStreamJob(TaskType.MAP, isEmptyInput); deleteOutDir(fs); // Check if streaming reducer works as expected. map = "/bin/cat"; reduce = scriptFileName; runStreamJob(TaskType.REDUCE, isEmptyInput); clean(fs); }
public void setDatum(Object oDatum) { this.datum = (TaskFinished)oDatum; this.taskid = TaskID.forName(datum.taskid.toString()); if (datum.successfulAttemptId != null) { this.successfulAttemptId = TaskAttemptID .forName(datum.successfulAttemptId.toString()); } this.finishTime = datum.finishTime; this.taskType = TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); this.status = datum.status.toString(); this.counters = EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); }
void runStreamJob(TaskType type, boolean isEmptyInput) throws IOException { boolean mayExit = false; StreamJob job = new StreamJob(genArgs( mr.createJobConf().get(JTConfig.JT_IPC_ADDRESS), map, reduce), mayExit); int returnValue = job.go(); assertEquals(0, returnValue); // If input to reducer is empty, dummy reporter(which ignores all // reporting lines) is set for MRErrorThread in waitOutputThreads(). So // expectedCounterValue is 0 for empty-input-to-reducer case. // Output of reducer is also empty for empty-input-to-reducer case. int expectedCounterValue = 0; if (type == TaskType.MAP || !isEmptyInput) { validateTaskStatus(job, type); // output is from "print STDOUT" statements in perl script validateJobOutput(job.getConf()); expectedCounterValue = 2; } validateUserCounter(job, expectedCounterValue); validateTaskStderr(job, type); deleteOutDir(fs); }
private static TaskAttemptCompletionEvent createTce(int eventId, boolean isMap, TaskAttemptCompletionEventStatus status) { JobId jid = MRBuilderUtils.newJobId(12345, 1, 1); TaskId tid = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskId(jid, 0, isMap ? org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskType.MAP : org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskType.REDUCE); TaskAttemptId attemptId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskAttemptId(tid, 0); RecordFactory recordFactory = RecordFactoryProvider.getRecordFactory(null); TaskAttemptCompletionEvent tce = recordFactory .newRecordInstance(TaskAttemptCompletionEvent.class); tce.setEventId(eventId); tce.setAttemptId(attemptId); tce.setStatus(status); return tce; }
private LoggedTaskAttempt getLoggedTaskAttempt(TaskType taskType, int taskNumber, int taskAttemptNumber) { buildMaps(); TaskAttemptID id = new TaskAttemptID(getMaskedTaskID(taskType, taskNumber), taskAttemptNumber); return loggedTaskAttemptMap.get(id); }
/** * test deprecated methods of TaskID * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test (timeout=5000) public void testDepricatedMethods() throws IOException { JobID jid = new JobID(); TaskID test = new TaskID(jid, true, 1); assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.MAP); test = new TaskID(jid, false, 1); assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.REDUCE); test = new TaskID("001", 1, false, 1); assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.REDUCE); test = new TaskID("001", 1, true, 1); assertEquals(test.getTaskType(), TaskType.MAP); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); test.write(new DataOutputStream(out)); TaskID ti = DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(out .toByteArray()))); assertEquals(ti.toString(), test.toString()); assertEquals("task_001_0001_m_000002", TaskID.getTaskIDsPattern("001", 1, true, 2)); assertEquals("task_003_0001_m_000004", TaskID.getTaskIDsPattern("003", 1, TaskType.MAP, 4)); assertEquals("003_0001_m_000004", TaskID.getTaskIDsPatternWOPrefix("003", 1, TaskType.MAP, 4).toString()); }
/** * simple test TaskUpdatedEvent and TaskUpdated * * @throws Exception */ @Test(timeout = 10000) public void testTaskUpdated() throws Exception { JobID jid = new JobID("001", 1); TaskID tid = new TaskID(jid, TaskType.REDUCE, 2); TaskUpdatedEvent test = new TaskUpdatedEvent(tid, 1234L); assertEquals(test.getTaskId().toString(), tid.toString()); assertEquals(test.getFinishTime(), 1234L); }
private ParsedTaskAttempt getOrMakeTaskAttempt(TaskType type, String taskIDName, String taskAttemptName) { ParsedTask task = getOrMakeTask(type, taskIDName, false); ParsedTaskAttempt result = attempts.get(taskAttemptName); if (result == null && task != null) { result = new ParsedTaskAttempt(); result.setAttemptID(taskAttemptName); attempts.put(taskAttemptName, result); task.getAttempts().add(result); } return result; }
@Test public void testRecordReaderInit() throws InterruptedException, IOException { // Test that we properly initialize the child recordreader when // CombineFileInputFormat and CombineFileRecordReader are used. TaskAttemptID taskId = new TaskAttemptID("jt", 0, TaskType.MAP, 0, 0); Configuration conf1 = new Configuration(); conf1.set(DUMMY_KEY, "STATE1"); TaskAttemptContext context1 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf1, taskId); // This will create a CombineFileRecordReader that itself contains a // DummyRecordReader. InputFormat inputFormat = new ChildRRInputFormat(); Path [] files = { new Path("file1") }; long [] lengths = { 1 }; CombineFileSplit split = new CombineFileSplit(files, lengths); RecordReader rr = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, context1); assertTrue("Unexpected RR type!", rr instanceof CombineFileRecordReader); // Verify that the initial configuration is the one being used. // Right after construction the dummy key should have value "STATE1" assertEquals("Invalid initial dummy key value", "STATE1", rr.getCurrentKey().toString()); // Switch the active context for the RecordReader... Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(); conf2.set(DUMMY_KEY, "STATE2"); TaskAttemptContext context2 = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf2, taskId); rr.initialize(split, context2); // And verify that the new context is updated into the child record reader. assertEquals("Invalid secondary dummy key value", "STATE2", rr.getCurrentKey().toString()); }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Test public void testTipFailed() throws Exception { JobConf job = new JobConf(); job.setNumMapTasks(2); TaskStatus status = new TaskStatus() { @Override public boolean getIsMap() { return false; } @Override public void addFetchFailedMap(TaskAttemptID mapTaskId) { } }; Progress progress = new Progress(); TaskAttemptID reduceId = new TaskAttemptID("314159", 0, TaskType.REDUCE, 0, 0); ShuffleSchedulerImpl scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl(job, status, reduceId, null, progress, null, null, null); JobID jobId = new JobID(); TaskID taskId1 = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.REDUCE, 1); scheduler.tipFailed(taskId1); Assert.assertEquals("Progress should be 0.5", 0.5f, progress.getProgress(), 0.0f); Assert.assertFalse(scheduler.waitUntilDone(1)); TaskID taskId0 = new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.REDUCE, 0); scheduler.tipFailed(taskId0); Assert.assertEquals("Progress should be 1.0", 1.0f, progress.getProgress(), 0.0f); Assert.assertTrue(scheduler.waitUntilDone(1)); }
private TaskReport[] getTaskReports(final JobID jobId, TaskType type) throws IOException { try { Job j = getJobUsingCluster(jobId); if(j == null) { return EMPTY_TASK_REPORTS; } return TaskReport.downgradeArray(j.getTaskReports(type)); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new IOException(ie); } }
void validateTaskStderr(StreamJob job, TaskType type) throws IOException { TaskAttemptID attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(job.jobId_, type, 0), 0); String log = MapReduceTestUtil.readTaskLog(TaskLog.LogName.STDERR, attemptId, false); // trim() is called on expectedStderr here because the method // MapReduceTestUtil.readTaskLog() returns trimmed String. assertTrue(log.equals(expectedStderr.trim())); }
@Test(timeout = 5000) public void testTaskID() throws IOException, InterruptedException { JobID jobid = new JobID("1014873536921", 6); TaskID tid = new TaskID(jobid, TaskType.MAP, 0); org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskID tid1 = org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskID.downgrade(tid); org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskReport treport = new org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskReport(tid1, 0.0f, State.FAILED.toString(), null, TIPStatus.FAILED, 100, 100, new org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters()); Assert .assertEquals(treport.getTaskId(), "task_1014873536921_0006_m_000000"); Assert.assertEquals(treport.getTaskID().toString(), "task_1014873536921_0006_m_000000"); }
public MergeQueue(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path[] inputs, boolean deleteInputs, CompressionCodec codec, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, Counters.Counter mergedMapOutputsCounter, TaskType taskType) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.fs = fs; this.codec = codec; this.comparator = comparator; this.reporter = reporter; if (taskType == TaskType.MAP) { considerFinalMergeForProgress(); } for (Path file : inputs) { LOG.debug("MergeQ: adding: " + file); segments.add(new Segment<K, V>(conf, fs, file, codec, !deleteInputs, (file.toString().endsWith( Task.MERGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX) ? null : mergedMapOutputsCounter))); } // Sort segments on file-lengths Collections.sort(segments, segmentComparator); }
public MergeQueue(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, List<Segment<K, V>> segments, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, boolean sortSegments, TaskType taskType) { this.conf = conf; this.fs = fs; this.comparator = comparator; this.segments = segments; this.reporter = reporter; if (taskType == TaskType.MAP) { considerFinalMergeForProgress(); } if (sortSegments) { Collections.sort(segments, segmentComparator); } }
public MergeQueue(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, List<Segment<K, V>> segments, RawComparator<K> comparator, Progressable reporter, boolean sortSegments, CompressionCodec codec, TaskType taskType) { this(conf, fs, segments, comparator, reporter, sortSegments, taskType); this.codec = codec; }
@Deprecated static StringBuilder getTaskIDsPatternWOPrefix(String jtIdentifier , Integer jobId, TaskType type, Integer taskId) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(JobID.getJobIDsPatternWOPrefix(jtIdentifier, jobId)) .append(SEPARATOR) .append(type != null ? (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID.getRepresentingCharacter(type)) : org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID.getAllTaskTypes()). append(SEPARATOR) .append(taskId != null ? idFormat.format(taskId) : "[0-9]*"); return builder; }
/** * Create an event to record successful finishes for setup and cleanup * attempts * @param id Attempt ID * @param taskType Type of task * @param taskStatus Status of task * @param finishTime Finish time of attempt * @param hostname Host where the attempt executed * @param state State string * @param counters Counters for the attempt */ public TaskAttemptFinishedEvent(TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType, String taskStatus, long finishTime, String rackName, String hostname, String state, Counters counters) { this.attemptId = id; this.taskType = taskType; this.taskStatus = taskStatus; this.finishTime = finishTime; this.rackName = rackName; this.hostname = hostname; this.state = state; this.counters = counters; }
/** Get the event type */ public EventType getEventType() { // Note that the task type can be setup/map/reduce/cleanup but the // attempt-type can only be map/reduce. return getTaskId().getTaskType() == TaskType.MAP ? EventType.MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED : EventType.REDUCE_ATTEMPT_FINISHED; }