@Test public void testJobToString() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Cluster cluster = mock(Cluster.class); ClientProtocol client = mock(ClientProtocol.class); when(cluster.getClient()).thenReturn(client); JobID jobid = new JobID("1014873536921", 6); JobStatus status = new JobStatus(jobid, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, State.FAILED, JobPriority.NORMAL, "root", "TestJobToString", "job file", "tracking url"); when(client.getJobStatus(jobid)).thenReturn(status); when(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.MAP)).thenReturn( new TaskReport[0]); when(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.REDUCE)).thenReturn( new TaskReport[0]); when(client.getTaskCompletionEvents(jobid, 0, 10)).thenReturn( new TaskCompletionEvent[0]); Job job = Job.getInstance(cluster, status, new JobConf()); Assert.assertNotNull(job.toString()); }
@Test public void testJobToString() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Cluster cluster = mock(Cluster.class); ClientProtocol client = mock(ClientProtocol.class); when(cluster.getClient()).thenReturn(client); JobID jobid = new JobID("1014873536921", 6); JobStatus status = new JobStatus(jobid, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, State.FAILED, JobPriority.DEFAULT, "root", "TestJobToString", "job file", "tracking url"); when(client.getJobStatus(jobid)).thenReturn(status); when(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.MAP)).thenReturn( new TaskReport[0]); when(client.getTaskReports(jobid, TaskType.REDUCE)).thenReturn( new TaskReport[0]); when(client.getTaskCompletionEvents(jobid, 0, 10)).thenReturn( new TaskCompletionEvent[0]); Job job = Job.getInstance(cluster, status, new JobConf()); Assert.assertNotNull(job.toString()); }
public long getProtocolVersion(String protocol, long clientVersion) throws IOException { if (protocol.equals(InterTrackerProtocol.class.getName())) { return InterTrackerProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(ClientProtocol.class.getName())){ return ClientProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol.class.getName())){ return RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(AdminOperationsProtocol.class.getName())){ return AdminOperationsProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(RefreshUserMappingsProtocol.class.getName())){ return RefreshUserMappingsProtocol.versionID; } else if (protocol.equals(GetUserMappingsProtocol.class.getName())){ return GetUserMappingsProtocol.versionID; } else { throw new IOException("Unknown protocol to job tracker: " + protocol); } }
@Override public ClientProtocol create(Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (MRConfig.YARN_FRAMEWORK_NAME.equals(conf.get(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME))) { return new YARNRunner(conf); } return null; }
@Override public ClientProtocol create(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String framework = conf.get(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME, MRConfig.LOCAL_FRAMEWORK_NAME); if (!MRConfig.LOCAL_FRAMEWORK_NAME.equals(framework)) { return null; } conf.setInt(JobContext.NUM_MAPS, 1); return new LocalJobRunner(conf); }
@Before public void setUp() throws IOException { conf = new Configuration(); clientProtocol = mock(ClientProtocol.class); Cluster cluster = mock(Cluster.class); when(cluster.getConf()).thenReturn(conf); when(cluster.getClient()).thenReturn(clientProtocol); JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus(new JobID("job_000", 1), 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, State.RUNNING, JobPriority.HIGH, "tmp-user", "tmp-jobname", "tmp-jobfile", "tmp-url"); job = Job.getInstance(cluster, jobStatus, conf); job = spy(job); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ClientProtocol create(Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (FRAMEWORK_NAME.equals(conf.get(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME))) { Collection<String> addrs = conf.getTrimmedStringCollection(MRConfig.MASTER_ADDRESS); if (F.isEmpty(addrs)) throw new IOException("Failed to create client protocol because Ignite node addresses are not " + "specified (did you set " + MRConfig.MASTER_ADDRESS + " property?)."); if (F.contains(addrs, "local")) throw new IOException("Local execution mode is not supported, please point " + MRConfig.MASTER_ADDRESS + " to real Ignite nodes."); Collection<String> addrs0 = new ArrayList<>(addrs.size()); // Set up port by default if need for (String addr : addrs) { if (!addr.contains(":")) addrs0.add(addr + ':' + ConnectorConfiguration.DFLT_TCP_PORT); else addrs0.add(addr); } return new HadoopClientProtocol(conf, client(conf.get(MRConfig.MASTER_ADDRESS), addrs0)); } return null; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ClientProtocol create(InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (FRAMEWORK_NAME.equals(conf.get(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME))) return createProtocol(addr.getHostString() + ":" + addr.getPort(), conf); return null; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void close(ClientProtocol cliProto) throws IOException { if (cliProto instanceof HadoopClientProtocol) { MapReduceClient cli = ((HadoopClientProtocol)cliProto).client(); if (cli.release()) cliMap.remove(cli.cluster(), cli); } }
@Override public ClientProtocol create(Configuration configuration) throws IOException { if (HSERVER_FRAMEWORK_NAME.equals(configuration.get(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME))) { return new HServerClientProtocol(configuration); } return null; }
private void initialize(InetSocketAddress jobTrackAddr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { initProviderList(); for (ClientProtocolProvider provider : providerList) { LOG.debug("Trying ClientProtocolProvider : " + provider.getClass().getName()); ClientProtocol clientProtocol = null; try { if (jobTrackAddr == null) { clientProtocol = provider.create(conf); } else { clientProtocol = provider.create(jobTrackAddr, conf); } if (clientProtocol != null) { clientProtocolProvider = provider; client = clientProtocol; LOG.debug("Picked " + provider.getClass().getName() + " as the ClientProtocolProvider"); break; } else { LOG.debug("Cannot pick " + provider.getClass().getName() + " as the ClientProtocolProvider - returned null protocol"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.info("Failed to use " + provider.getClass().getName() + " due to error: ", e); } } if (null == clientProtocolProvider || null == client) { throw new IOException( "Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your configuration for " + MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME + " and the correspond server addresses."); } }