public void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapoutputCompressed, boolean outputCompressed, Size size, JobControl gridmix) { final String prop = String.format("combiner.%sJobs.inputFiles", size); final String indir = getInputDirsFor(prop, size.defaultPath(VARCOMPSEQ)); final String outdir = addTSSuffix("perf-out/combiner-out-dir-" + size); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("-r ").append(numReducers).append(" "); sb.append("-indir ").append(indir).append(" "); sb.append("-outdir ").append(outdir); sb.append("-mapoutputCompressed "); sb.append(mapoutputCompressed).append(" "); sb.append("-outputCompressed ").append(outputCompressed); String[] args = sb.toString().split(" "); clearDir(outdir); try { Job job = CombinerJobCreator.createJob(args); job.setJobName("GridmixCombinerJob." + size); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, null); gridmix.addJob(cjob); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public static JobControl createValueAggregatorJobs(String args[], Class<? extends ValueAggregatorDescriptor>[] descriptors) throws IOException { JobControl theControl = new JobControl("ValueAggregatorJobs"); ArrayList<ControlledJob> dependingJobs = new ArrayList<ControlledJob>(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); if (descriptors != null) { conf = setAggregatorDescriptors(descriptors); } Job job = createValueAggregatorJob(conf, args); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, dependingJobs); theControl.addJob(cjob); return theControl; }
public void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapoutputCompressed, boolean outputCompressed, Size size, JobControl gridmix) { final String prop = String.format("streamSort.%sJobs.inputFiles", size); final String indir = getInputDirsFor(prop, size.defaultPath(VARINFLTEXT)); final String outdir = addTSSuffix("perf-out/stream-out-dir-" + size); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("-input ").append(indir).append(" "); sb.append("-output ").append(outdir).append(" "); sb.append("-mapper cat "); sb.append("-reducer cat "); sb.append("-numReduceTasks ").append(numReducers); String[] args = sb.toString().split(" "); clearDir(outdir); try { Configuration conf = StreamJob.createJob(args); conf.setBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, outputCompressed); conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, mapoutputCompressed); Job job = new Job(conf, "GridmixStreamingSorter." + size); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, null); gridmix.addJob(cjob); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapoutputCompressed, boolean outputCompressed, Size size, JobControl gridmix) { final String prop = String.format("javaSort.%sJobs.inputFiles", size); final String indir = getInputDirsFor(prop, size.defaultPath(VARINFLTEXT)); final String outdir = addTSSuffix("perf-out/sort-out-dir-" + size); clearDir(outdir); try { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setBoolean(FileOutputFormat.COMPRESS, outputCompressed); conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_OUTPUT_COMPRESS, mapoutputCompressed); Job job = new Job(conf); job.setJarByClass(Sort.class); job.setJobName("GridmixJavaSorter." + size); job.setMapperClass(Mapper.class); job.setReducerClass(Reducer.class); job.setNumReduceTasks(numReducers); job.setInputFormatClass(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(; job.setOutputValueClass(; FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, indir); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(outdir)); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, null); gridmix.addJob(cjob); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapoutputCompressed, boolean outputCompressed, Size size, JobControl gridmix) { final String prop = String.format("webdataScan.%sJobs.inputFiles", size); final String indir = getInputDirsFor(prop, size.defaultPath(VARCOMPSEQ)); final String outdir = addTSSuffix("perf-out/webdata-scan-out-dir-" + size); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("-keepmap 0.2 "); sb.append("-keepred 5 "); sb.append("-inFormat"); sb.append(" org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce." + "lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat "); sb.append("-outFormat"); sb.append(" org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce." + "lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat "); sb.append("-outKey "); sb.append("-outValue "); sb.append("-indir ").append(indir).append(" "); sb.append("-outdir ").append(outdir).append(" "); sb.append("-r ").append(numReducers); String[] args = sb.toString().split(" "); clearDir(outdir); try { Job job = GenericMRLoadJobCreator.createJob( args, mapoutputCompressed, outputCompressed); job.setJobName("GridmixWebdatascan." + size); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, null); gridmix.addJob(cjob); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getStackTrace()); } }
public void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapoutputCompressed, boolean outputCompressed, Size size, JobControl gridmix) { final String prop = String.format("webdataSort.%sJobs.inputFiles", size); final String indir = getInputDirsFor(prop, size.defaultPath(VARCOMPSEQ)); final String outdir = addTSSuffix("perf-out/webdata-sort-out-dir-" + size); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("-keepmap 100 "); sb.append("-keepred 100 "); sb.append("-inFormat org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce." + "lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat "); sb.append("-outFormat org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce." + "lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat "); sb.append("-outKey "); sb.append("-outValue "); sb.append("-indir ").append(indir).append(" "); sb.append("-outdir ").append(outdir).append(" "); sb.append("-r ").append(numReducers); String[] args = sb.toString().split(" "); clearDir(outdir); try { Job job = GenericMRLoadJobCreator.createJob( args, mapoutputCompressed, outputCompressed); job.setJobName("GridmixWebdataSort." + size); ControlledJob cjob = new ControlledJob(job, null); gridmix.addJob(cjob); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getStackTrace()); } }
public static JobControl createValueAggregatorJobs(String args[]) throws IOException { return createValueAggregatorJobs(args, null); }
/** * Default constructor. Construct default JobControl instance. */ public GuaguaMapReduceClient() { this.jc = new JobControl(INIT_JOB_ID_PREFIX); }
public abstract void addJob(int numReducers, boolean mapComp, boolean outComp, Size size, JobControl gridmix);
public GridMixRunner() throws IOException { gridmix = new JobControl("GridMix"); if (null == config || null == fs) { throw new IOException("Bad configuration. Cannot continue."); } }
/** * Compute the progress of the current job submitted through the JobControl object jc to the JobClient jobClient * * @param jc * The JobControl object that has been submitted * @param jobClient * The JobClient to which it has been submitted * @return The progress as a percentage in double format * @throws IOException * In case any IOException connecting to JobTracker. */ protected double calculateProgress(Set<String> successJobs, JobControl jc, JobClient jobClient) throws IOException { double prog = 0.0; prog += Math.max(jc.getSuccessfulJobList().size(), successJobs.size()); List<ControlledJob> runnJobs = jc.getRunningJobList(); for(ControlledJob cjob: runnJobs) { prog += progressOfRunningJob(cjob, jobClient); } return prog; }