private HttpRequestBase getRequest(String url){ switch(method){ case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(url); case GET: return new HttpGet(url); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(url); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(url); case POST: return new HttpPost(url); case PUT: return new HttpPut(url); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or null HttpMethod: " + method); } }
private HttpRequestBase createApacheRequest(SdkHttpFullRequest request, String uri) { switch (request.method()) { case HEAD: return new HttpHead(uri); case GET: return new HttpGet(uri); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(uri); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(uri); case PATCH: return wrapEntity(request, new HttpPatch(uri)); case POST: return wrapEntity(request, new HttpPost(uri)); case PUT: return wrapEntity(request, new HttpPut(uri)); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown HTTP method name: " + request.method()); } }
private static HttpRequestBase createHttpRequest(String method, URI uri, HttpEntity entity) { switch(method.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)) { case HttpDeleteWithEntity.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpDeleteWithEntity(uri), entity); case HttpGetWithEntity.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpGetWithEntity(uri), entity); case HttpHead.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpHead(uri), entity); case HttpOptions.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpOptions(uri), entity); case HttpPatch.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpPatch(uri), entity); case HttpPost.METHOD_NAME: HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri); addRequestBody(httpPost, entity); return httpPost; case HttpPut.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpPut(uri), entity); case HttpTrace.METHOD_NAME: return addRequestBody(new HttpTrace(uri), entity); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("http method not supported: " + method); } }
private static HttpUriRequest randomHttpRequest(URI uri) { int requestType = randomIntBetween(0, 7); switch(requestType) { case 0: return new HttpGetWithEntity(uri); case 1: return new HttpPost(uri); case 2: return new HttpPut(uri); case 3: return new HttpDeleteWithEntity(uri); case 4: return new HttpHead(uri); case 5: return new HttpTrace(uri); case 6: return new HttpOptions(uri); case 7: return new HttpPatch(uri); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
public void setRoomTemperature(String WEBSERVICE_URL, String AUTHTOKEN, String roomName, int newTemp) { try { // Find room ID based on name String roomId = getRoomID(WEBSERVICE_URL, AUTHTOKEN, roomName); CloseableHttpClient http = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); String payload = "{\"RequestOverride\":{\"Type\":\"Manual\",\"SetPoint\":" + Integer.toString(newTemp) + " }}"; HttpPatch updateRequest = new HttpPatch("" + roomId); updateRequest.setEntity(new StringEntity(payload, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); updateRequest.setHeader("SECRET", AUTHTOKEN); HttpResponse response = http.execute(updateRequest); String out = response.getEntity().toString(); logger.debug(out); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Communication error occurred while getting your Drayton Wiser information: {}", e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI specification. * @param httpMethod the HTTP method * @param uri the URI * @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object */ protected HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) { switch (httpMethod) { case GET: return new HttpGet(uri); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(uri); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(uri); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(uri); case POST: return new HttpPost(uri); case PUT: return new HttpPut(uri); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(uri); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(uri); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + httpMethod); } }
/** * Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI specification. * @param httpMethod the HTTP method * @param uri the URI * @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object */ protected HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) { switch (httpMethod) { case GET: return new HttpGet(uri); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(uri); case POST: return new HttpPost(uri); case PUT: return new HttpPut(uri); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(uri); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(uri); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(uri); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(uri); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + httpMethod); } }
private HttpUriRequest getRawMethodRequest() { AbstractURL url = request.getUrl(); switch(request.getMattpMethod()) { case GET: return new HttpGet(url.toString()); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(url.toString()); case POST: return new HttpPost(url.toString()); case PUT: return new HttpPut(url.toString()); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(url.toString()); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(url.toString()); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(url.toString()); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(url.toString()); } throw new ShouldNeverHappenError(); }
private HttpUriRequest getRequest(AbstractURL url) { switch(this) { case GET: return new HttpGet(url.toString()); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(url.toString()); case POST: return new HttpPost(url.toString()); case PUT: return new HttpPut(url.toString()); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(url.toString()); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(url.toString()); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(url.toString()); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(url.toString()); } throw new ShouldNeverHappenError(); }
@Override public void register(final URI uri) { init.await(); try { LOG.debug("Registering service {} ", uri); final HttpPatch patch = new HttpPatch(registryContainer); patch.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, SPARQL_UPDATE); patch.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(patchAddService(uri))); try (CloseableHttpResponse resp = execute(patch)) {"Adding service {} to registry {}", uri, registryContainer); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Could not add <%s> to service registry <%s>", uri, registryContainer), e); } update(uri); }
public static int sendPATCH(String endpoint, String content, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch(endpoint); for (String headerType : headers.keySet()) { httpPatch.setHeader(headerType, headers.get(headerType)); } if (null != content) { HttpEntity httpEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); if (headers.get("Content-Type") == null) { httpPatch.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); } httpPatch.setEntity(httpEntity); } HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPatch); return httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); }
@Test public void requireThatServerRespondsToAllMethods() throws Exception { final TestDriver driver = TestDrivers.newInstance(newEchoHandler()); final URI uri = driver.client().newUri("/status.html"); driver.client().execute(new HttpGet(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpPost(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpHead(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpPut(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpDelete(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpOptions(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpTrace(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); driver.client().execute(new HttpPatch(uri)) .expectStatusCode(is(OK)); assertThat(driver.close(), is(true)); }
/** * Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI specification. * @param method the HTTP method * @param uri the URI * @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object */ private static HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(String method, URI uri) { switch (method) { case "GET": return new HttpGet(uri); case "HEAD": return new HttpHead(uri); case "POST": return new HttpPost(uri); case "PUT": return new HttpPut(uri); case "PATCH": return new HttpPatch(uri); case "DELETE": return new HttpDelete(uri); case "OPTIONS": return new HttpOptions(uri); case "TRACE": return new HttpTrace(uri); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + method); } }
@Test public void test_methods() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { verifyApacheType("GET", HttpGet.class); verifyApacheType("POST", HttpPost.class); verifyApacheType("PUT", HttpPut.class); verifyApacheType("DELETE", HttpDelete.class); verifyApacheType("HEAD", HttpHead.class); verifyApacheType("OPTIONS", HttpOptions.class); verifyApacheType("TRACE", HttpTrace.class); verifyApacheType("PATCH", HttpPatch.class); try { verifyApacheType("BROKENMETHOD", null); fail("BROKENMETHOD should have thrown IllegalArgumentException, but didn't"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected String message = e.getMessage(); String expectedContains = "no support for request method=BROKENMETHOD"; assertTrue("expected contains "+expectedContains+", actual "+message, message.contains(expectedContains)); } }
/** * Given an Account object, modifies an account. * This can only be used when a child account is specified by email, id or creatorRef. * * @param accountInfo account object. Requires atleast one value set. * Having id set will throw an exception, unless set to -1. * @return Whoami object of the modified account. * @throws IOException if HTTP client is given bad values * @see Account * @see Whoami * */ public final Whoami modifyAccount(final Account accountInfo) throws IOException { CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentials).build(); Whoami account; try { HttpPatch httppost = new HttpPatch(apiUrl + "/account/"); httppost.addHeader(childHeaders[0], childHeaders[1]); httppost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); Gson gson = gsonWithAdapters(); String json = gson.toJson(accountInfo); StringEntity jsonEntity = new StringEntity(json); httppost.setEntity(jsonEntity); CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httppost); try { JsonObject responseParse = responseToJsonElement(response).getAsJsonObject(); account = new Whoami(responseParse); } finally { response.close(); } } finally { client.close(); } return account; }
@Test public void testPatchValidJson() throws Exception { String requestContents = "[ { \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/a/b/c\", \"value\": [ \"foo\", \"bar\" ] } ]"; HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123"); httpPatch.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestContents, ContentType.parse(Constants.CT_JSON_PATCH))); CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpPatch); try { String responseContent = IOUtils.toString(status.getEntity().getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);; assertEquals(200, status.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); assertEquals("<OperationOutcome xmlns=\"\"><text><div xmlns=\"\">OK</div></text></OperationOutcome>", responseContent); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(status.getEntity().getContent()); } assertEquals("patientPatch", ourLastMethod); assertEquals("Patient/123", ourLastId.getValue()); assertEquals(requestContents, ourLastBody); assertEquals(PatchTypeEnum.JSON_PATCH, ourLastPatchType); }
@Test public void testPatchValidXml() throws Exception { String requestContents = "<root/>"; HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123"); httpPatch.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestContents, ContentType.parse(Constants.CT_XML_PATCH))); CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpPatch); try { String responseContent = IOUtils.toString(status.getEntity().getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);; assertEquals(200, status.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); assertEquals("<OperationOutcome xmlns=\"\"><text><div xmlns=\"\">OK</div></text></OperationOutcome>", responseContent); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(status.getEntity().getContent()); } assertEquals("patientPatch", ourLastMethod); assertEquals("Patient/123", ourLastId.getValue()); assertEquals(requestContents, ourLastBody); assertEquals(PatchTypeEnum.XML_PATCH, ourLastPatchType); }
@Test public void testPatchValidJsonWithCharset() throws Exception { String requestContents = "[ { \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/a/b/c\", \"value\": [ \"foo\", \"bar\" ] } ]"; HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123"); httpPatch.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestContents, ContentType.parse(Constants.CT_JSON_PATCH + Constants.CHARSET_UTF8_CTSUFFIX))); CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpPatch); try { String responseContent = IOUtils.toString(status.getEntity().getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);; assertEquals(200, status.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(status.getEntity().getContent()); } assertEquals("patientPatch", ourLastMethod); assertEquals("Patient/123", ourLastId.getValue()); assertEquals(requestContents, ourLastBody); }
@Test public void testPatchInvalidMimeType() throws Exception { String requestContents = "[ { \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/a/b/c\", \"value\": [ \"foo\", \"bar\" ] } ]"; HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch("http://localhost:" + ourPort + "/Patient/123"); httpPatch.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestContents, ContentType.parse("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"))); CloseableHttpResponse status = ourClient.execute(httpPatch); try { String responseContent = IOUtils.toString(status.getEntity().getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);; assertEquals(400, status.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); assertEquals("<OperationOutcome xmlns=\"\"><issue><severity value=\"error\"/><code value=\"processing\"/><diagnostics value=\"Invalid Content-Type for PATCH operation: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\"/></issue></OperationOutcome>", responseContent); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(status.getEntity().getContent()); } }
/** * Create a Commons HttpMethodBase object for the given HTTP method and URI specification. * @param httpMethod the HTTP method * @param uri the URI * @return the Commons HttpMethodBase object */ protected HttpUriRequest createHttpUriRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) { switch (httpMethod) { case GET: return new HttpGet(uri); case DELETE: return new HttpDeleteWithBody(uri); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(uri); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(uri); case POST: return new HttpPost(uri); case PUT: return new HttpPut(uri); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(uri); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(uri); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method: " + httpMethod); } }
@Test public void setHttpMethod() { HttpRequest request = connector.createRequest().get(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpGet.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().post(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().put(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpPut.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().delete(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().patch(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpPatch.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().head(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpHead.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().options(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpOptions.METHOD_NAME); request = connector.createRequest().trace(); assertThat(request.getMethod()).isEqualTo(HttpTrace.METHOD_NAME); }
@Test @Category({ ExceptionPath.class }) @OperateOnDeployment(DEPLOYMENT) public void testNoPatchSupport(@ArquillianResource final URL url) throws Exception {"Started {}",testName.getMethodName()); HELPER.base(url); HELPER.setLegacy(false); HttpPatch patch = HELPER.newRequest(MyApplication.ROOT_PERSON_CONTAINER_PATH,HttpPatch.class); patch.setEntity( new StringEntity( TEST_SUITE_BODY, ContentType.create("text/turtle", "UTF-8")) ); Metadata patchResponse=HELPER.httpRequest(patch); assertThat(patchResponse.status,equalTo(HttpStatus.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)); assertThat(patchResponse.body,notNullValue()); assertThat(patchResponse.contentType,startsWith("text/plain")); assertThat(patchResponse.language,equalTo(Locale.ENGLISH)); }
private HttpResponse casePatchFromConnect(List<NameValuePair> queryParameters, String url, String method, StringEntity input, String encodedString) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { URIBuilder putBuilder = new URIBuilder(url); if(queryParameters != null) { putBuilder.setParameters(queryParameters); } HttpPatch patch = new HttpPatch(; patch.setEntity(input); patch.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); patch.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); patch.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedString); try { HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().useSystemProperties().setSslcontext(sslContext).build(); return client.execute(patch); } catch (IOException e) { LoggerUtility.warn(CLASS_NAME, method, e.getMessage()); throw e; } }
protected HttpRequestBase createMethod(String type, String uri) throws BrocadeVcsApiException { String url; try { url = new URL(Constants.PROTOCOL, _host, Constants.PORT, uri).toString(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to build Brocade Switch API URL", e); throw new BrocadeVcsApiException("Unable to build Brocade Switch API URL", e); } if ("post".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return new HttpPost(url); } else if ("get".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return new HttpGet(url); } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return new HttpDelete(url); } else if ("patch".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return new HttpPatch(url); } else { throw new BrocadeVcsApiException("Requesting unknown method type"); } }
@Test public void testCreateNetwork() throws BrocadeVcsApiException, IOException { // Prepare method = mock(HttpPatch.class); response = mock(HttpResponse.class); final StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class); when(statusLine.getStatusCode()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); when(response.getStatusLine()).thenReturn(statusLine); // Execute api.createNetwork(VLAN_ID, NETWORK_ID); // Assert verify(method, times(6)).releaseConnection(); assertEquals("Wrong URI for Network creation REST service", Constants.URI, uri); assertEquals("Wrong HTTP method for Network creation REST service", "patch", type); }
@Test public void testDeleteNetwork() throws BrocadeVcsApiException, IOException { // Prepare method = mock(HttpPatch.class); response = mock(HttpResponse.class); final StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class); when(statusLine.getStatusCode()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); when(response.getStatusLine()).thenReturn(statusLine); // Execute api.deleteNetwork(VLAN_ID, NETWORK_ID); // Assert verify(method, times(3)).releaseConnection(); assertEquals("Wrong URI for Network creation REST service", Constants.URI, uri); assertEquals("Wrong HTTP method for Network creation REST service", "patch", type); }
@Test public void testAssociateMacToNetwork() throws BrocadeVcsApiException, IOException { // Prepare method = mock(HttpPatch.class); response = mock(HttpResponse.class); final StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class); when(statusLine.getStatusCode()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); when(response.getStatusLine()).thenReturn(statusLine); // Execute api.associateMacToNetwork(NETWORK_ID, MAC_ADDRESS_32); // Assert verify(method, times(1)).releaseConnection(); assertEquals("Wrong URI for Network creation REST service", Constants.URI, uri); assertEquals("Wrong HTTP method for Network creation REST service", "patch", type); }
@Test public void testDisassociateMacFromNetwork() throws BrocadeVcsApiException, IOException { // Prepare method = mock(HttpPatch.class); response = mock(HttpResponse.class); final StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class); when(statusLine.getStatusCode()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); when(response.getStatusLine()).thenReturn(statusLine); // Execute api.disassociateMacFromNetwork(NETWORK_ID, MAC_ADDRESS_32); // Assert verify(method, times(1)).releaseConnection(); assertEquals("Wrong URI for Network creation REST service", Constants.URI, uri); assertEquals("Wrong HTTP method for Network creation REST service", "patch", type); }
/** * <p>Retrieves the proper extension of {@link HttpRequestBase} for the given {@link InvocationContext}. * This implementation is solely dependent upon the {@link RequestMethod} property in the annotated * metdata of the endpoint method definition.</p> * * @param context * the {@link InvocationContext} for which a {@link HttpRequestBase} is to be generated * <br><br> * @return the {@link HttpRequestBase} translated from the {@link InvocationContext}'s {@link RequestMethod} * <br><br> * @throws NullPointerException * if the supplied {@link InvocationContext} was {@code null} * <br><br> * @since 1.3.0 */ static HttpRequestBase translateRequestMethod(InvocationContext context) { RequestMethod requestMethod = Metadata.findMethod(assertNotNull(context).getRequest()); switch (requestMethod) { case POST: return new HttpPost(); case PUT: return new HttpPut(); case PATCH: return new HttpPatch(); case DELETE: return new HttpDelete(); case HEAD: return new HttpHead(); case TRACE: return new HttpTrace(); case OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(); case GET: default: return new HttpGet(); } }
/** * Calls a http Patch with given {@link URI} and returns the response. * * @param uri * @return */ @VisibleForTesting String doPatchRequest(URI uri) { CloseableHttpClient httpclient = null; CloseableHttpResponse response = null; String responseAsString = ""; try { httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPatch httpPatch = new HttpPatch(uri); httpPatch.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpPatch.addHeader("Authorization", statuspageApiKey); response = httpclient.execute(httpPatch); responseAsString = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(httpclient); IOUtils.closeQuietly(response); } return responseAsString; }
@Test public void testInvalidAccessControlLink() throws IOException { final String id = "/rest/" + getRandomUniqueId(); ingestObj(id); final HttpPatch patchReq = patchObjMethod(id); setAuth(patchReq, "fedoraAdmin"); patchReq.addHeader("Content-type", "application/sparql-update"); patchReq.setEntity(new StringEntity( "INSERT { <> <" + WEBAC_ACCESS_CONTROL_VALUE + "> \"/rest/acl/badAclLink\" . } WHERE {}")); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, getStatus(patchReq)); final HttpGet getReq = getObjMethod(id); setAuth(getReq, "fedoraAdmin"); assertEquals("Non-URI accessControl property did not throw Exception", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, getStatus(getReq)); }
@Test public void testRegisterNamespace() throws IOException { final String testObj = ingestObj("/rest/test_namespace"); final String acl1 = ingestAcl("fedoraAdmin", "/acls/13/acl.ttl", "/acls/13/authorization.ttl"); linkToAcl(testObj, acl1); final String id = "/rest/test_namespace/" + getRandomUniqueId(); ingestObj(id); final HttpPatch patchReq = patchObjMethod(id); setAuth(patchReq, "user13"); patchReq.addHeader("Content-type", "application/sparql-update"); patchReq.setEntity(new StringEntity("PREFIX novel: <info://" + getRandomUniqueId() + ">\n" + "INSERT DATA { <> novel:value 'test' }")); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, getStatus(patchReq)); }
@Test public void testRegisterNodeType() throws IOException { final String testObj = ingestObj("/rest/test_nodetype"); final String acl1 = ingestAcl("fedoraAdmin", "/acls/14/acl.ttl", "/acls/14/authorization.ttl"); linkToAcl(testObj, acl1); final String id = "/rest/test_nodetype/" + getRandomUniqueId(); ingestObj(id); final HttpPatch patchReq = patchObjMethod(id); setAuth(patchReq, "user14"); patchReq.addHeader("Content-type", "application/sparql-update"); patchReq.setEntity(new StringEntity("PREFIX dc: <>\n" + "PREFIX rdf: <>\n" + "INSERT DATA { <> rdf:type dc:type }")); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, getStatus(patchReq)); }