public void upgrade( final ManagedHttpClientConnection conn, final HttpHost host, final HttpContext context) throws IOException { final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final Lookup<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry = getSocketFactoryRegistry(clientContext); final ConnectionSocketFactory sf = registry.lookup(host.getSchemeName()); if (sf == null) { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(host.getSchemeName() + " protocol is not supported"); } if (!(sf instanceof LayeredConnectionSocketFactory)) { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(host.getSchemeName() + " protocol does not support connection upgrade"); } final LayeredConnectionSocketFactory lsf = (LayeredConnectionSocketFactory) sf; Socket sock = conn.getSocket(); final int port = this.schemePortResolver.resolve(host); sock = lsf.createLayeredSocket(sock, host.getHostName(), port, context); conn.bind(sock); }
public HttpRoute determineRoute( final HttpHost host, final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException { Args.notNull(request, "Request"); if (host == null) { throw new ProtocolException("Target host is not specified"); } final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final RequestConfig config = clientContext.getRequestConfig(); final InetAddress local = config.getLocalAddress(); HttpHost proxy = config.getProxy(); if (proxy == null) { proxy = determineProxy(host, request, context); } final HttpHost target; if (host.getPort() <= 0) { try { target = new HttpHost( host.getHostName(), this.schemePortResolver.resolve(host), host.getSchemeName()); } catch (final UnsupportedSchemeException ex) { throw new HttpException(ex.getMessage()); } } else { target = host; } final boolean secure = target.getSchemeName().equalsIgnoreCase("https"); if (proxy == null) { return new HttpRoute(target, local, secure); } else { return new HttpRoute(target, local, proxy, secure); } }
@Override public int resolve(final HttpHost host) throws UnsupportedSchemeException { Args.notNull(host, "HTTP host"); final int port = host.getPort(); if (port > 0) { return port; } final String name = host.getSchemeName(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("http")) { return 80; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) { return 443; } else { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(name + " protocol is not supported"); } }
@Override public HttpRoute determineRoute( final HttpHost host, final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException { Args.notNull(request, "Request"); if (host == null) { throw new ProtocolException("Target host is not specified"); } final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final RequestConfig config = clientContext.getRequestConfig(); final InetAddress local = config.getLocalAddress(); HttpHost proxy = config.getProxy(); if (proxy == null) { proxy = determineProxy(host, request, context); } final HttpHost target; if (host.getPort() <= 0) { try { target = new HttpHost( host.getHostName(), this.schemePortResolver.resolve(host), host.getSchemeName()); } catch (final UnsupportedSchemeException ex) { throw new HttpException(ex.getMessage()); } } else { target = host; } final boolean secure = target.getSchemeName().equalsIgnoreCase("https"); if (proxy == null) { return new HttpRoute(target, local, secure); } else { return new HttpRoute(target, local, proxy, secure); } }
@Override public void upgrade( final ManagedHttpClientConnection conn, final HttpHost host, final HttpContext context) throws IOException { final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); final Lookup<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry = getSocketFactoryRegistry(clientContext); final ConnectionSocketFactory sf = registry.lookup(host.getSchemeName()); if (sf == null) { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(host.getSchemeName() + " protocol is not supported"); } if (!(sf instanceof LayeredConnectionSocketFactory)) { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(host.getSchemeName() + " protocol does not support connection upgrade"); } final LayeredConnectionSocketFactory lsf = (LayeredConnectionSocketFactory) sf; Socket sock = conn.getSocket(); final int port = this.schemePortResolver.resolve(host); sock = lsf.createLayeredSocket(sock, host.getHostName(), port, context); conn.bind(sock); }
protected HttpHost getKey(final HttpHost host) { if (host.getPort() <= 0) { final int port; try { port = schemePortResolver.resolve(host); } catch (final UnsupportedSchemeException ignore) { return host; } return new HttpHost(host.getHostName(), port, host.getSchemeName()); } else { return host; } }
public int resolve(final HttpHost host) throws UnsupportedSchemeException { Args.notNull(host, "HTTP host"); final int port = host.getPort(); if (port > 0) { return port; } final String name = host.getSchemeName(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("http")) { return 80; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) { return 443; } else { throw new UnsupportedSchemeException(name + " protocol is not supported"); } }
public JAXBConverterInterface getSuitableConverter(String metadataPrefix) throws UnsupportedSchemeException{ for(JAXBConverterInterface converter:this.jaxbConverterInterface){ if(converter.supports(metadataPrefix)){ return converter; } } throw new UnsupportedSchemeException("Unable to find a converter that supports this schema"); }
private static DefaultSchemePortResolver prepareSchemePortResolver() { return new DefaultSchemePortResolver() { @Override public int resolve(HttpHost host) throws UnsupportedSchemeException { if (host.getHostName().equalsIgnoreCase("sushi-shop.test")) { return 9876; } else { return super.resolve(host); } } }; }
@Test(expected=UnsupportedSchemeException.class) public void testUpgradeUpsupportedScheme() throws Exception { final HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); final HttpHost host = new HttpHost("somehost", -1, "httpsssss"); Mockito.when(socketFactoryRegistry.lookup("http")).thenReturn(plainSocketFactory); connectionOperator.upgrade(conn, host, context); }
@Test(expected=UnsupportedSchemeException.class) public void testUpgradeNonLayeringScheme() throws Exception { final HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); final HttpHost host = new HttpHost("somehost", -1, "http"); Mockito.when(socketFactoryRegistry.lookup("http")).thenReturn(plainSocketFactory); connectionOperator.upgrade(conn, host, context); }
/** * Initilisation procedure for this test case. * * @throws UnableToBuildSolRDFClientException in case the client cannot be built. * @throws Exception in case of Solr startup failure. */ @BeforeClass public static void initITTest() { System.setProperty("tests.asserts", "false"); System.setProperty("jetty.port", "8080"); System.setProperty("", "store"); System.setProperty("", initCoreDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); try { SOLR = createJetty( "target/solrdf-integration-tests-1.1-dev/solrdf", JettyConfig.builder() .setPort(8080) .setContext("/solr") .stopAtShutdown(true) .build()); final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create() .setRoutePlanner( new DefaultRoutePlanner( new SchemePortResolver() { @Override public int resolve(final HttpHost host) throws UnsupportedSchemeException { return SOLR.getLocalPort(); } })).build(); SOLRDF_CLIENT = SolRDF.newBuilder() .withEndpoint("") .withGraphStoreProtocolEndpointPath("/rdf-graph-store") .withHttpClient(httpClient) .withSPARQLEndpointPath("/sparql") .build(); PLAIN_SOLR_CLIENT = new HttpSolrClient(SOLR_URI); } catch (final Exception exception) { throw new RuntimeException(exception); } }
public JAXBElement<OAIPMHtype> getListIdentifier(List<Resources> resources, String metadataPrefix, String from, String until, Long totalCount, TokenResumption tokenResumption) throws DatatypeConfigurationException, JAXBException, UnsupportedSchemeException{ if(resources.isEmpty()){ return this.getNoRecordMatch(VerbType.LIST_RECORDS); } //VT: Find suitable converter JAXBConverterInterface converter = this.getSuitableConverter(metadataPrefix); if(converter==null){ return this.getCannotDisseminateFormat(VerbType.LIST_IDENTIFIERS); } OAIPMHtype oaiType = oaiObjectFactory.createOAIPMHtype(); //VT:Set response Date oaiType.setResponseDate(DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(dateFormatterLong.format(new Date()))); //VT:Set Request Type RequestType requestType = new RequestType(); requestType.setVerb(VerbType.LIST_IDENTIFIERS); if(tokenResumption == null){ if(from != null && !from.isEmpty()){ requestType.setFrom(from); } if(until !=null && !until.isEmpty()){ requestType.setUntil(until); } requestType.setMetadataPrefix(metadataPrefix); }else{ requestType.setResumptionToken(tokenResumption.getKey()); } requestType.setValue(OAI_BASEURL_VALUE); oaiType.setRequest(requestType); //VT:GetRecord ListIdentifiersType listIdentifiersType = new ListIdentifiersType(); for(Resources resource : resources){ HeaderType headerType = new HeaderType(); //GetRecord header headerType.setIdentifier(OAI_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX + resource.getResourceIdentifier()); headerType.setDatestamp(dateFormatterShort.format(resource.getModified())); if(resource.getLogDate()!=null && isDeleted(resource.getLogDate().getEventType())){ headerType.setStatus(StatusType.DELETED); } listIdentifiersType.getHeader().add(headerType); } listIdentifiersType.setResumptionToken(manageResumptionToken( metadataPrefix, from, until, totalCount, tokenResumption)); oaiType.setListIdentifiers(listIdentifiersType); JAXBElement<OAIPMHtype> oaipmh = oaiObjectFactory.createOAIPMH(oaiType); return oaipmh; }