private int mapLevel(Level level) { switch (level.toInt()) { case Priority.DEBUG_INT: case Priority.INFO_INT: return IStatus.INFO; case Priority.WARN_INT: return IStatus.WARNING; case Priority.ERROR_INT: case Priority.FATAL_INT: return IStatus.ERROR; default: return IStatus.INFO; } }
public void logStackTrace(int traceLevel) { if (needsLogging) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); StackTraceElement[] ste = new Exception().getStackTrace(); // Skip the log writer frame and log all the other stack frames. for (int i = 1; i < ste.length; i++) { String callFrame = "[" + ste[i].getFileName() + ":" + ste[i].getLineNumber() + "]"; pw.print(callFrame); } pw.close(); String stackTrace = sw.getBuffer().toString(); Level level = this.getLevel(traceLevel); Priority priority = this.getLogPriority(); if ( level.isGreaterOrEqual(priority)) { logger.log(level,stackTrace); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test public void testAutoPopulate () { final TestClock tc = new TestClock ( 1234567890123L ); final EcompLayout layout = new EcompLayout (); MDC.put ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestampMs, Long.toString ( () ) ); tc.forward ( 60*1000L ); layout.format ( new LoggingEvent ( "", Category.getRoot (), Priority.INFO, "foobar", null ) ); assertEquals ( "2009-02-13T23:31:30.123+00:00", MDC.get ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestamp ) ); assertEquals ( "2009-02-13T23:32:30.123+00:00", MDC.get ( EcompFields.kEndTimestamp ) ); assertEquals ( "60000", MDC.get ( EcompFields.kElapsedTimeMs ) ); }
/** * Creates the LoggingOutputStream to flush to the given Category. * * @param cat the Category to write to * * @param priority the Priority to use when writing to the Category * * @exception IllegalArgumentException * if cat == null or priority == null */ public LoggingOutputStream(Category cat, Priority priority) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (cat == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cat == null"); } if (priority == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("priority == null"); } this.priority = priority; category = cat; bufLength = DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH; buf = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH]; count = 0; }
/** * @throws Exception */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { new MockUp<Category>() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Mock public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Mock public boolean isEnabledFor(Priority level) { return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Mock public boolean isInfoEnabled() { return true; } }; logService = new StandardLogService(this.getClass().getName()); }
@Nullable public LogMessage addIdeFatalMessage(final IdeaLoggingEvent aEvent) { Object data = aEvent.getData(); final LogMessage message = data instanceof LogMessage ? (LogMessage)data : new LogMessage(aEvent); if (myIdeFatals.size() < MAX_POOL_SIZE_FOR_FATALS) { if (myFatalsGrouper.addToGroup(message)) { return message; } } else if (myIdeFatals.size() == MAX_POOL_SIZE_FOR_FATALS) { String msg = DiagnosticBundle.message("error.monitor.too.many.errors"); LogMessage tooMany = new LogMessage(new LoggingEvent(msg, Category.getRoot(), Priority.ERROR, null, new TooManyErrorsException())); myFatalsGrouper.addToGroup(tooMany); return tooMany; } return null; }
/** * Creates a new <code>EventDetails</code> instance. * @param aTimeStamp a <code>long</code> value * @param aPriority a <code>Priority</code> value * @param aCategoryName a <code>String</code> value * @param aNDC a <code>String</code> value * @param aThreadName a <code>String</code> value * @param aMessage a <code>String</code> value * @param aThrowableStrRep a <code>String[]</code> value * @param aLocationDetails a <code>String</code> value */ EventDetails(long aTimeStamp, Priority aPriority, String aCategoryName, String aNDC, String aThreadName, String aMessage, String[] aThrowableStrRep, String aLocationDetails) { mTimeStamp = aTimeStamp; mPriority = aPriority; mCategoryName = aCategoryName; mNDC = aNDC; mThreadName = aThreadName; mMessage = aMessage; mThrowableStrRep = aThrowableStrRep; mLocationDetails = aLocationDetails; }
/** * Tests LoggingEvent.getLocationInfo() when no FQCN is specified. * See bug 41186. */ public void testLocationInfoNoFQCN() { Category root = Logger.getRootLogger(); Priority level = Level.INFO; LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent( null, root, 0L, level, "Hello, world.", null); LocationInfo info = event.getLocationInformation(); // // log4j 1.2 returns an object, its layout doesn't check for nulls. // log4j 1.3 returns a null. // assertNotNull(info); if (info != null) { assertEquals("?", info.getLineNumber()); assertEquals("?", info.getClassName()); assertEquals("?", info.getFileName()); assertEquals("?", info.getMethodName()); } }
public void run() { while(true) { synchronized(this) { try { this.wait(); } catch(Exception e) { } } for(int i = 0; i < burst; i++) { LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent("x", cat, Priority.DEBUG, "Message "+counter, null); event.getThreadName(); if(counter % 50 == 0) { //event.throwable = new Exception("hello "+counter); } counter++; view.add(event); } } }
/** * Extract a reference to the static icon name * @param levelInt the int value of the level * @return an icon name */ private String getIconName() { switch (level) { case Priority.DEBUG_INT: { return ICONS[0]; } case Priority.INFO_INT: { return ICONS[1]; } case Priority.WARN_INT: { return ICONS[2]; } case Priority.ERROR_INT: { return ICONS[3]; } case Priority.FATAL_INT: { return ICONS[4]; } } return null; }
/** * Extract a reference to the static level strings * @param levelInt the int value of the level * @return a level string */ public String getLevelString() { switch (level) { case Priority.DEBUG_INT: { return LEVELS[0]; } case Priority.INFO_INT: { return LEVELS[1]; } case Priority.WARN_INT: { return LEVELS[2]; } case Priority.ERROR_INT: { return LEVELS[3]; } case Priority.FATAL_INT: { return LEVELS[4]; } } return null; }
/** * Fecth a flag for the current level to enable quick determination in a set of level flags * @return the level flag for this log events level */ public int getLevelFlag() { switch (level) { case Priority.DEBUG_INT: { return LEVEL_DEBUG_FLAG; } case Priority.INFO_INT: { return LEVEL_INFO_FLAG; } case Priority.WARN_INT: { return LEVEL_WARN_FLAG; } case Priority.ERROR_INT: { return LEVEL_ERROR_FLAG; } case Priority.FATAL_INT: { return LEVEL_FATAL_FLAG; } default: { return 0; } } }
/** * initializes the log system using the logfile argument */ private void internalInit( String logfile ) throws Exception { /* * do it by our classname to avoid conflicting with anything else * that might be used... */ logger = Category.getInstance(this.getClass().getName()); logger.setAdditivity(false); /* * Priority is set for DEBUG becouse this implementation checks * log level. */ logger.setPriority(Priority.DEBUG); RollingFileAppender appender = new RollingFileAppender( new PatternLayout( "%d - %m%n"), logfile, true); appender.setMaxBackupIndex( 1 ); appender.setMaximumFileSize( 100000 ); logger.addAppender(appender); }
/** * Logger worker method - does the actual checks whether the given message should be logged at the given priority - taking into account this logger's loglevel plus * the threadLocalLogLevel. * * @param priority * the priority at which the given message should be logged * @param message * the message which should be logged (or not, depending on levels) */ private final void threadLocalAwareLog(String fQCN, Priority priority, Object message, Throwable t) { if (isForcedToLog(priority)) { final Appender forcedAppender = getForcedAppender(); // force the logging and modify the log message (the latter might return the original message) if (forcedAppender != null) { // only call the forced appender forcedAppender.doAppend(new LoggingEvent(fQCN, this, priority, modifyLogMessage(message), t)); } else { // go via the normal appenders forcedLog(fQCN, priority, modifyLogMessage(message), t); } } else { // else not forced to log - use default behaviour super.log(fQCN, priority, message, t); } }
@Override public void l7dlog(Priority priority, String key, Object[] params, Throwable t) { if (isForcedToLog(priority)) { // from super.l7dlog: String pattern = getResourceBundleString(key); String msg; if (pattern == null) msg = key; else msg = java.text.MessageFormat.format(pattern, params); final Appender forcedAppender = getForcedAppender(); // force the logging and modify the log message (the latter might return the original message) if (forcedAppender != null) { // only call the forced appender forcedAppender.doAppend(new LoggingEvent(FQCN, this, priority, modifyLogMessage(msg), t)); } else { // go via the normal appenders forcedLog(FQCN, priority, modifyLogMessage(msg), t); } } else { super.l7dlog(priority, key, params, t); } }
private void addFilteredProcessors(StateUpdater updater, Class<? extends FilteringProcessorDispatcher> dcls, AbstractFilteringProcessor... ps) { Map<Priority, FilteringProcessorDispatcher> m = new HashMap<Priority, FilteringProcessorDispatcher>(); for (AbstractFilteringProcessor p : ps) { Level l = p.getSupportedLevel(); FilteringProcessorDispatcher d = m.get(l); if (d == null) { try { d = dcls.newInstance(); d.setLevel(l); m.put(l, d); updater.addProcessor(d); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot instantiate dispatcher " + dcls, e); } } d.add(p); } }
private static Priority getLevel(String s) { if ("WARN".equals(s)) { return Level.WARN; } else if ("ERROR".equals(s)) { return Level.ERROR; } else if ("INFO".equals(s)) { return Level.INFO; } else if ("DEBUG".equals(s)) { return Level.DEBUG; } else { return Level.ALL; } }
@Override protected void forcedLog(final String fqcn, final Priority level, final Object message, final Throwable t) { final String timePrefix = getTimePrefix(); // System.err.println("3. time prefix: " + timePrefix + " for " // + getName()); final String methodAffix = getMethodAffix(); try { callAppenders(new LoggingEvent(fqcn, this, level, new StringBuilder(timePrefix).append(this.idPrefix) .append(message).append(methodAffix).toString(), t)); } catch (final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); callAppenders(new LoggingEvent(fqcn, this, level, message, t)); } }
@Override public void run() { try (OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream())) { log(Priority.INFO_INT, "New incoming connection"); String resultString = findTripletAndBuildOutputRecord(createInputRecordFromSocket()); out.flush(); out.write(resultString); out.write(String.format("%n")); out.write(String.format("%n")); } catch (IOException e) { for (StackTraceElement element : e.getStackTrace()) { log(Priority.ERROR_INT, element.toString()); } } }
private InputRecord createInputRecordFromSocket() throws IOException { String inputString; BufferedReader inFromClient = null; try { inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream())); InputRecordBuilder builder = new InputRecord.InputRecordBuilder(); do { inputString = inFromClient.readLine(); log(Priority.DEBUG_INT, "Got message '" + inputString + "'"); if (inputString != null && !inputString.isEmpty()) { builder.addRow(inputString); } } while (inputString != null && !inputString.isEmpty()); return; } catch (BuilderNotCompleteException e) { log(Priority.INFO_INT, "Not all records received ... have to reject"); } return null; }
/** * Get the appropriate control characters to change * the colour for the specified logging level. */ private String getColour(org.apache.log4j.Level level) { switch (level.toInt()) { case Priority.FATAL_INT: return FATAL_COLOUR; case Priority.ERROR_INT: return ERROR_COLOUR; case Priority.WARN_INT: return WARN_COLOUR; case Priority.INFO_INT: return INFO_COLOUR; case Priority.DEBUG_INT: return DEBUG_COLOUR; default: return TRACE_COLOUR; } }
@Get("json") public String toJson(){ GetOptions.allowAccess(getResponse()); try{ = Group.find(context, groupId); }catch(Exception ex){ log.log(Priority.INFO, ex); }finally{ context.abort(); } StubGroup stub = new StubGroup(; Gson gson = new Gson(); try{ context.abort(); }catch(NullPointerException e){ log.log(Priority.INFO, e); } return gson.toJson(stub); }
@Get("json") public String toJson(){ Gson gson = new Gson(); try{ comm = Community.find(context, this.communityId); }catch(Exception e){ if(context != null) context.abort(); log.log(Priority.INFO, e, e); }finally{ if(context != null) context.abort(); } StubCommunity s = new StubCommunity(comm.getID(), comm.getName(), comm.getMetadata("short_description"), comm.getMetadata("introductory_text"), comm.getMetadata("copyright_text"), comm.getMetadata("side_bar_text")); return gson.toJson(s); }
@Get("json") public String toJson() { GetOptions.allowAccess(getResponse()); /*Community class from DSpace-api won't work for Serialization to json, so we use StubCommunity, and use a slow loop to create new StubCommunity array, which will be Serializable and converted to json. */ Gson gson = new Gson(); StubCommunity[] toJsonCommunities = new StubCommunity[communities.length]; for(int i = 0; i < communities.length; i++){ toJsonCommunities[i] = new StubCommunity(communities[i].getID(), communities[i].getName(), communities[i].getMetadata("short_description"), communities[i].getMetadata("introductory_text"), communities[i].getMetadata("copyright_text"), communities[i].getMetadata("side_bar_text")); } try{ context.abort(); }catch(Exception e){ log.log(Priority.FATAL, e); } return gson.toJson(toJsonCommunities); }
private AttributeSet getAttributeSet(final LoggingEvent event) { final MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); switch (event.getLevel().toInt()) { case Priority.DEBUG_INT: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, Color.gray); break; case Priority.INFO_INT: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr,; break; case Priority.WARN_INT: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr,; break; case Priority.ERROR_INT: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr,; break; case Priority.FATAL_INT: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr,; StyleConstants.setBold(attr, true); break; default: StyleConstants.setForeground(attr,; } return attr; }
@Test public void append_debug() { MockLoggingChannel log = new MockLoggingChannel(); KettleLogChannelAppender appender = new KettleLogChannelAppender(log); Logger testLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); testLogger.setLevel(Level.ALL); // DEBUG messages should be interpreted as "debug" messages Layout layout = new Log4jKettleLayout(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent("org.test", testLogger, Priority.DEBUG, "debug test!", null); appender.doAppend(event); assertEquals(0, log.getBasicMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getDetailedMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getErrorMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getMinimalMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getRowLevelMessages().size()); assertEquals(1, log.getDebugMessages().size()); assertEquals(layout.format(event), log.getDebugMessages().get(0).getMessage()); }
@Test public void append_trace() { MockLoggingChannel log = new MockLoggingChannel(); KettleLogChannelAppender appender = new KettleLogChannelAppender(log); Logger testLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); testLogger.setLevel(Level.ALL); // TRACE logging events should be interpreted as "row level" messages Layout layout = new Log4jKettleLayout(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent("org.test", testLogger, Priority.toPriority(Level.TRACE_INT), "trace test!", null); appender.doAppend(event); assertEquals(0, log.getBasicMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getDetailedMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getErrorMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getMinimalMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getDebugMessages().size()); assertEquals(1, log.getRowLevelMessages().size()); assertEquals(layout.format(event), log.getRowLevelMessages().get(0).getMessage()); }
@Test public void append_off() { MockLoggingChannel log = new MockLoggingChannel(); KettleLogChannelAppender appender = new KettleLogChannelAppender(log); Logger testLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); testLogger.setLevel(Level.ALL); // OFF logging events should be interpreted as "minimal" messages Layout layout = new Log4jKettleLayout(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent("org.test", testLogger, Priority.toPriority(Level.OFF_INT), "off test!", null); appender.doAppend(event); assertEquals(0, log.getBasicMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getDetailedMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getErrorMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getRowLevelMessages().size()); assertEquals(0, log.getDebugMessages().size()); assertEquals(1, log.getMinimalMessages().size()); assertEquals(layout.format(event), log.getMinimalMessages().get(0).getMessage()); }
@Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT",justification = "Intentional") public void trace(TraceLevel level, String traceString){ Priority prio = Level.INFO; switch(level){ case TRACE: prio = Level.TRACE; break; case DEBUG: prio = Level.DEBUG; break; case WARN: prio = Level.WARN; break; case ERROR: prio = Level.ERROR; break; } if (TRACE_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { TRACE_LOGGER.log(prio,traceString); } }
@Override protected void append(final LoggingEvent event) { if ( event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(Priority.WARN) ) { errorWindow(event); } else if(event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(Priority.INFO)) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, event.getMessage(), "Información", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }); } else if(Principal.DEBUG) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, event.getMessage(), "Información de depuración", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }
@Override protected void append(LoggingEvent event) { if ( event.getLevel().isGreaterOrEqual(Priority.ERROR) ) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); Dialog.showThrowable( "Error", event.getRenderedMessage(), event.getThrowableInformation().getThrowable()); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); Dialog.showInfo( "Aviso", event.getRenderedMessage() ); } /* System.out.println(event.getMessage()); ExceptionWindow ew = new ExceptionWindow(); ew.getLblTituloError().setText((String) event.getMessage()); if(event.getThrowableInformation() != null) { ew.getTxtExcepcion().setText(Misc.getStackTraceString(event.getThrowableInformation().getThrowable())); } ew.setVisible(true); */ }
public Priority getLogPriority() { if ( this.traceLevel == TRACE_INFO ) { return Priority.INFO; } else if ( this.traceLevel == TRACE_ERROR ) { return Priority.ERROR; } else if ( this.traceLevel == TRACE_DEBUG) { return Priority.DEBUG; } else if ( this.traceLevel == TRACE_TRACE) { return Priority.DEBUG; } else { return Priority.FATAL; } }
@Override public synchronized void writeToLog(int messageLogLevel, String message) { Priority priority = Level.TRACE; if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_FATAL_ERROR) priority = Level.FATAL; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_EXCEPTION) priority = Level.ERROR; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_WARNING) priority = Level.WARN; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_MESSAGE) priority = Level.INFO; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) priority = Level.DEBUG; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_DEBUG2) priority = Level.TRACE; else if (messageLogLevel == Log.LOGLEVEL_DEBUG3) priority = Level.TRACE; logger.log(priority, message); }