protected static void checkStaticState() throws Exception { MockPageCacheRecycler.ensureAllPagesAreReleased(); MockBigArrays.ensureAllArraysAreReleased(); // field cache should NEVER get loaded. String[] entries = UninvertingReader.getUninvertedStats(); assertEquals("fieldcache must never be used, got=" + Arrays.toString(entries), 0, entries.length); // ensure no one changed the status logger level on us assertThat(StatusLogger.getLogger().getLevel(), equalTo(Level.WARN)); synchronized (statusData) { try { // ensure that there are no status logger messages which would indicate a problem with our Log4j usage; we map the // StatusData instances to Strings as otherwise their toString output is useless assertThat( -> status.getMessage().getFormattedMessage()).collect(Collectors.toList()), empty()); } finally { // we clear the list so that status data from other tests do not interfere with tests within the same JVM statusData.clear(); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // some of the libs we depend on hard coded Log4J into the source. So disable their logging // to prevent warnings from being printed to the console StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(Level.OFF); if(args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java -cp [trails.jar]:[floodgage.jar] [bayou-hostname]"); return; } String bayouHostname = args[0]; SynthesizerBayou_1_1_0 synthesizer = new SynthesizerBayou_1_1_0(bayouHostname, 8080); try { new FloodGage().run(synthesizer, new ViewConsole()); } finally { System.out.println(""); // so that visually the command prompt on exit is not cluttered by our output } }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { Configurator.shutdown(); System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); if (this.beforeConfigFileProp != null) { System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, this.beforeConfigFileProp); } StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(this.beforeLevel); LogService.reconfigure(); assertThat(LogService.isUsingGemFireDefaultConfig()).as(LogService.getConfigInformation()) .isTrue(); BasicAppender.clearInstance(); assertThat(this.systemErrRule.getLog()).isEmpty(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Configurator.shutdown(); BasicAppender.clearInstance(); this.beforeConfigFileProp = System.getProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); this.beforeLevel = StatusLogger.getLogger().getLevel(); this.customConfigFile = createConfigFileIn(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot()); System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, this.customConfigFile.getAbsolutePath()); LogService.reconfigure(); assertThat(LogService.isUsingGemFireDefaultConfig()).as(LogService.getConfigInformation()) .isFalse(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Configurator.shutdown(); BasicAppender.clearInstance(); this.beforeConfigFileProp = System.getProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); this.beforeLevel = StatusLogger.getLogger().getLevel(); this.customConfigFile = createConfigFileIn(this.temporaryFolder.getRoot()); System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, this.customConfigFile.getAbsolutePath()); Properties gemfireProperties = new Properties(); gemfireProperties.put(LOCATORS, ""); gemfireProperties.put(MCAST_PORT, "0"); gemfireProperties.put(LOG_LEVEL, "info"); this.cache = new CacheFactory(gemfireProperties).create(); }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (this.cache != null) { this.cache.getDistributedSystem().disconnect(); } Configurator.shutdown(); System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); if (this.beforeConfigFileProp != null) { System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, this.beforeConfigFileProp); } StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(this.beforeLevel); LogService.reconfigure(); assertThat(LogService.isUsingGemFireDefaultConfig()).as(LogService.getConfigInformation()) .isTrue(); BasicAppender.clearInstance(); assertThat(this.systemErrRule.getLog()).isEmpty(); }
public void init() { try { String libraryLocation = ServerWizard2.GIT_LOCATION + File.separator + this.LIBRARY_NAME; File chk = new File(libraryLocation); if (!chk.exists()) {"XML library does not exist so cloning: "+libraryLocation); StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(Level.FATAL); GithubRepository git = new GithubRepository(ServerWizard2.DEFAULT_REMOTE_URL, ServerWizard2.GIT_LOCATION, false); git.cloneRepository(); } model.loadLibrary(libraryLocation); this.initModel(); } catch (Exception e) { ServerWizard2.LOGGER.severe(e.toString()); MessageDialog.openError(null, "Error", e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(4); } }
/** * Returns a Charset, if possible the Charset for the specified {@code charsetName}, otherwise (if the specified * {@code charsetName} is {@code null} or not supported) this method returns the platform default Charset. * * @param charsetName * name of the preferred charset or {@code null} * @param defaultCharset * returned if {@code charsetName} is null or is not supported. * @return a Charset, never null. */ public static Charset getSupportedCharset(final String charsetName, final Charset defaultCharset) { Charset charset = null; if (charsetName != null) { if (Charset.isSupported(charsetName)) { charset = Charset.forName(charsetName); } } if (charset == null) { charset = defaultCharset; if (charsetName != null) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error( "Charset " + charsetName + " is not supported for layout, using " + charset.displayName()); } } return charset; }
/** * Returns a new {@code ReliabilityStrategy} instance based on the value of system property * {@code log4j.ReliabilityStrategy}. If not value was specified this method returns a new * {@code AwaitUnconditionallyReliabilityStrategy}. * <p> * Valid values for this system property are {@code "AwaitUnconditionally"} (use * {@code AwaitUnconditionallyReliabilityStrategy}), {@code "Locking"} (use {@code LockingReliabilityStrategy}) and * {@code "AwaitCompletion"} (use the default {@code AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy}). * <p> * Users may also use this system property to specify the fully qualified class name of a class that implements the * {@code ReliabilityStrategy} and has a constructor that accepts a single {@code LoggerConfig} argument. * * @param loggerConfig the LoggerConfig the resulting {@code ReliabilityStrategy} is associated with * @return a ReliabilityStrategy that helps the specified LoggerConfig to log events reliably during or after a * configuration change */ public static ReliabilityStrategy getReliabilityStrategy(final LoggerConfig loggerConfig) { final String strategy = PropertiesUtil.getProperties().getStringProperty("log4j.ReliabilityStrategy", "AwaitCompletion"); if ("AwaitCompletion".equals(strategy)) { return new AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy(loggerConfig); } if ("AwaitUnconditionally".equals(strategy)) { return new AwaitUnconditionallyReliabilityStrategy(loggerConfig); } if ("Locking".equals(strategy)) { return new LockingReliabilityStrategy(loggerConfig); } try { final Class<? extends ReliabilityStrategy> cls = LoaderUtil.loadClass(strategy).asSubclass( ReliabilityStrategy.class); return cls.getConstructor(LoggerConfig.class).newInstance(loggerConfig); } catch (final Exception dynamicFailed) { StatusLogger.getLogger().warn( "Could not create ReliabilityStrategy for '{}', using default AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy: {}", strategy, dynamicFailed); return new AwaitCompletionReliabilityStrategy(loggerConfig); } }
private byte[] compress(final byte[] bytes) { try { final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(compressionThreshold / 8); try (final DeflaterOutputStream stream = compressionType.createDeflaterOutputStream(baos)) { if (stream == null) { return bytes; } stream.write(bytes); stream.finish(); } return baos.toByteArray(); } catch (final IOException e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error(e); return bytes; } }
protected void setUp(final String tableName, final String configFileName) throws SQLException { this.connection = this.newConnection(); final Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement(); try { statement.executeUpdate(this.toCreateTableSqlString(tableName)); } finally { statement.close(); } System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, "org/apache/logging/log4j/core/appender/db/jdbc/" + configFileName); final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false); if (context.getConfiguration() instanceof DefaultConfiguration) { context.reconfigure(); } StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); }
/** * Returns the result of {@code ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime()}, * or the current system time if JMX is not available. */ private static long initStartTime() { // LOG4J2-379: // We'd like to call ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime(), // but Google App Engine throws a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError // " is a restricted class". // The reflection is necessary because without it, Google App Engine // will refuse to initialize this class. try { final Class<?> factoryClass = Loader.loadSystemClass(""); final Method getRuntimeMXBean = factoryClass.getMethod("getRuntimeMXBean"); final Object runtimeMXBean = getRuntimeMXBean.invoke(null); final Class<?> runtimeMXBeanClass = Loader.loadSystemClass(""); final Method getStartTime = runtimeMXBeanClass.getMethod("getStartTime"); final Long result = (Long) getStartTime.invoke(runtimeMXBean); return result; } catch (final Throwable t) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error("Unable to call ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime(), " + "using system time for OnStartupTriggeringPolicy", t); // We have little option but to declare "now" as the beginning of time. return System.currentTimeMillis(); } }
@Setup public void setup() throws Exception { connectionHSQLDB = getConnectionHSQLDB(); connectionH2 = getConnectionH2(); createTable(connectionHSQLDB, toCreateTableSqlStringHQLDB("fmLogEntry")); createTable(connectionH2, toCreateTableSqlStringH2("fmLogEntry")); System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, "log4j2-jdbc-appender.xml"); final LoggerContext context = LoggerContext.getContext(false); if (context.getConfiguration() instanceof DefaultConfiguration) { context.reconfigure(); } StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); loggerH2 = LogManager.getLogger("H2Logger"); loggerHSQLDB = LogManager.getLogger("HSQLDBLogger"); }
/** * Checks that the message factory a logger was created with is the same as the given messageFactory. If they are * different log a warning to the {@linkplain StatusLogger}. A null MessageFactory translates to the default * MessageFactory {@link #DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FACTORY_CLASS}. * * @param logger The logger to check * @param messageFactory The message factory to check. */ public static void checkMessageFactory(final ExtendedLogger logger, final MessageFactory messageFactory) { final String name = logger.getName(); final MessageFactory loggerMessageFactory = logger.getMessageFactory(); if (messageFactory != null && !loggerMessageFactory.equals(messageFactory)) { StatusLogger.getLogger().warn( "The Logger {} was created with the message factory {} and is now requested with the " + "message factory {}, which may create log events with unexpected formatting.", name, loggerMessageFactory, messageFactory); } else if (messageFactory == null && !loggerMessageFactory.getClass().equals(DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FACTORY_CLASS)) { StatusLogger .getLogger() .warn("The Logger {} was created with the message factory {} and is now requested with a null " + "message factory (defaults to {}), which may create log events with unexpected " + "formatting.", name, loggerMessageFactory, DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FACTORY_CLASS.getName()); } }
@Override public String toSerializable(final LogEvent event) { final StringBuilder buffer = getStringBuilder(); final CSVFormat format = getFormat(); try { format.print(event.getNanoTime(), buffer, true); format.print(event.getTimeMillis(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getLevel(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getThreadId(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getThreadName(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getThreadPriority(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getMessage().getFormattedMessage(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getLoggerFqcn(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getLoggerName(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getMarker(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getThrownProxy(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getSource(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getContextData(), buffer, false); format.print(event.getContextStack(), buffer, false); format.println(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } catch (final IOException e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error(event.toString(), e); return format.getCommentMarker() + " " + e; } }
private ThrowableProxy[] toSuppressedProxies(final Throwable thrown, Set<Throwable> suppressedVisited) { try { final Throwable[] suppressed = thrown.getSuppressed(); if (suppressed == null) { return EMPTY_THROWABLE_PROXY_ARRAY; } final List<ThrowableProxy> proxies = new ArrayList<>(suppressed.length); if (suppressedVisited == null) { suppressedVisited = new HashSet<>(proxies.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < suppressed.length; i++) { final Throwable candidate = suppressed[i]; if (!suppressedVisited.contains(candidate)) { suppressedVisited.add(candidate); proxies.add(new ThrowableProxy(candidate, suppressedVisited)); } } return proxies.toArray(new ThrowableProxy[proxies.size()]); } catch (final Exception e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error(e); } return null; }
private boolean closeConnection() { if (connection == null) { return true; } final Connection temp = connection; connection = null; try { temp.close(); return true; } catch (final JMSException e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().debug( "Caught exception closing JMS Connection: {} ({}); continuing JMS manager shutdown", e.getLocalizedMessage(), temp, e); return false; } }
private boolean closeMessageProducer() { if (messageProducer == null) { return true; } final MessageProducer temp = messageProducer; messageProducer = null; try { temp.close(); return true; } catch (final JMSException e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().debug( "Caught exception closing JMS MessageProducer: {} ({}); continuing JMS manager shutdown", e.getLocalizedMessage(), temp, e); return false; } }
public void tearDown() throws SQLException { final LoggerContext context = LoggerContext.getContext(false); try { String appenderName = "databaseAppender"; final Appender appender = context.getConfiguration().getAppender(appenderName); assertNotNull("The appender '" + appenderName + "' should not be null.", appender); assertTrue("The appender should be a JpaAppender.", appender instanceof JpaAppender); ((JpaAppender) appender).getManager().close(); } finally { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); PropertiesUtil.getProperties().reload(); context.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement();) { statement.execute("SHUTDOWN"); } this.connection.close(); } }
private TextRenderer loadMessageRenderer(final String[] options) { if (options != null) { for (final String option : options) { switch (option.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)) { case "ANSI": if (Loader.isJansiAvailable()) { return new JAnsiTextRenderer(options, JAnsiTextRenderer.DefaultMessageStyleMap); } StatusLogger.getLogger() .warn("You requested ANSI message rendering but JANSI is not on the classpath."); return null; case "HTML": return new HtmlTextRenderer(options); } } } return null; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { StatusLogger.getLogger().debug( "LogService responding to a property change event. Property name is {}.", evt.getPropertyName()); if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(LoggerContext.PROPERTY_CONFIG)) { configureFastLoggerDelegating(); } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Configurator.shutdown(); BasicAppender.clearInstance(); this.beforeConfigFileProp = System.getProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); this.beforeLevel = StatusLogger.getLogger().getLevel(); this.configFileGemfireVerboseAccept = createConfigFile(FILE_NAME_GEMFIRE_VERBOSE_ACCEPT); this.configFileGemfireVerboseDeny = createConfigFile(FILE_NAME_GEMFIRE_VERBOSE_DENY); this.configFileGeodeVerboseAccept = createConfigFile(FILE_NAME_GEODE_VERBOSE_ACCEPT); this.configFileGeodeVerboseDeny = createConfigFile(FILE_NAME_GEODE_VERBOSE_DENY); }
@Override protected void before() { beforeConfigFileProp = System.getProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); beforeLevel = StatusLogger.getLogger().getLevel(); System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(Level.OFF); Configurator.shutdown(); }
@Override protected void after() { Configurator.shutdown(); System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); if (beforeConfigFileProp != null) { System.setProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY, beforeConfigFileProp); } StatusLogger.getLogger().setLevel(beforeLevel); LogService.reconfigure(); assertThat(LogService.isUsingGemFireDefaultConfig()).as(LogService.getConfigInformation()) .isTrue(); }
@Override public void beforeStopConfiguration(final Configuration configuration) { // only sleep once per configuration stop if (loggerConfig == configuration.getRootLogger()) { try { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_MILLIS); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { StatusLogger.getLogger().warn("Sleep before stop configuration was interrupted."); } } }
/** * Return the system properties or an empty Properties object if an error occurs. * @return The system properties. */ public static Properties getSystemProperties() { try { return new Properties(System.getProperties()); } catch (final SecurityException ex) { StatusLogger.getLogger().error("Unable to access system properties."); // Sandboxed - can't read System Properties return new Properties(); } }
@AfterClass public static void cleanUpClass() { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false); context.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); }
@AfterClass public static void cleanupClass() { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false); ctx.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); }
@AfterClass public static void cleanupClass() { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); final LoggerContext ctx = LoggerContext.getContext(); ctx.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); final File file = new File(STATUS_LOG); file.delete(); }
private static void unregisterAllMatching(final String search, final MBeanServer mbs) { try { final ObjectName pattern = new ObjectName(search); final Set<ObjectName> found = mbs.queryNames(pattern, null); for (final ObjectName objectName : found) { mbs.unregisterMBean(objectName); } } catch (final Exception ex) { StatusLogger.getLogger() .error("Could not unregister " + search, ex); } }
/** * Constructs a new {@code StatusLoggerAdmin} with the {@code Executor} to * be used for sending {@code Notification}s asynchronously to listeners. * * @param executor used to send notifications asynchronously */ public StatusLoggerAdmin(final Executor executor) { super(executor, createNotificationInfo()); try { objectName = new ObjectName(NAME); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } StatusLogger.getLogger().registerListener(this); }
@AfterClass public static void cleanupClass() { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); ctx.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); ThreadContext.clear(); }
@AfterClass public static void cleanupClass() { deleteDir(); System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(); ctx.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); }
@After public void tearDown() { System.clearProperty(ConfigurationFactory.CONFIGURATION_FILE_PROPERTY); final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(); ctx.reconfigure(); StatusLogger.getLogger().reset(); }
@Test public void testEmptyAttribute() throws Exception { final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();"Test"); final StatusData data = StatusLogger.getLogger().getStatusData().get(0); //System.out.println(data.getFormattedStatus()); assertEquals(Level.ERROR, data.getLevel()); assertTrue(data.getMessage().getFormattedMessage().contains("multiple root loggers")); }