protected void init(boolean write) throws IOException { // configure/initialize lucene Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_44); IndexWriterConfig conf = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_44, new LimitTokenCountAnalyzer(analyzer, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // if index doesn't exist, create it (otherwise you get an error trying to open the reader) if (write || !DirectoryReader.indexExists(directory)) { this.writer = new IndexWriter(directory, conf); this.writer.commit(); // for ensuring the index exists the first time } this.reader =; this.searcher = new IndexSearcher(this.reader); this.parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_44, "description", analyzer); this.parser.setDefaultOperator(Operator.AND); // get the unique SAB's Set<String> sabs = new HashSet<>(); Fields fields = MultiFields.getFields(this.reader); if (fields != null) { Terms terms = fields.terms("sab"); TermsEnum itr = terms.iterator(null); BytesRef bytes = null; while((bytes = != null) { String term = new String(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, bytes.length); sabs.add(term); } } = Collections.unmodifiableSet(sabs); }