public FiltersAggregatorFactory(String name, List<KeyedFilter> filters, boolean keyed, boolean otherBucket, String otherBucketKey, SearchContext context, AggregatorFactory<?> parent, AggregatorFactories.Builder subFactories, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException { super(name, context, parent, subFactories, metaData); this.keyed = keyed; this.otherBucket = otherBucket; this.otherBucketKey = otherBucketKey; IndexSearcher contextSearcher = context.searcher(); weights = new Weight[filters.size()]; keys = new String[filters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < filters.size(); ++i) { KeyedFilter keyedFilter = filters.get(i); this.keys[i] = keyedFilter.key(); Query filter = keyedFilter.filter().toFilter(context.getQueryShardContext()); this.weights[i] = contextSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(filter, false); } }
public FiltersAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, String[] keys, Weight[] filters, boolean keyed, String otherBucketKey, SearchContext context, Aggregator parent, List<PipelineAggregator> pipelineAggregators, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException { super(name, factories, context, parent, pipelineAggregators, metaData); this.keyed = keyed; this.keys = keys; this.filters = filters; this.showOtherBucket = otherBucketKey != null; this.otherBucketKey = otherBucketKey; if (showOtherBucket) { this.totalNumKeys = keys.length + 1; } else { this.totalNumKeys = keys.length; } }
@Override public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores) throws IOException { return new RandomAccessWeight(this) { @Override protected Bits getMatchingDocs(final LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { final SortedNumericDocValues values = DocValues.getSortedNumeric(context.reader(), getField()); return new Bits() { @Override public boolean get(int doc) { values.setDocument(doc); for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); i++) { return contains(BitMixer.mix(values.valueAt(i))); } return contains(0); } @Override public int length() { return context.reader().maxDoc(); } }; } }; }
@Override public Weight createWeight(Query query, boolean needsScores) throws IOException { if (profiler != null) { // createWeight() is called for each query in the tree, so we tell the queryProfiler // each invocation so that it can build an internal representation of the query // tree QueryProfileBreakdown profile = profiler.getQueryBreakdown(query); profile.startTime(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT); final Weight weight; try { weight = super.createWeight(query, needsScores); } finally { profile.stopAndRecordTime(); profiler.pollLastElement(); } return new ProfileWeight(query, weight, profile); } else { // needs to be 'super', not 'in' in order to use aggregated DFS return super.createWeight(query, needsScores); } }
/** * Check whether there is one or more documents matching the provided query. */ public static boolean exists(IndexSearcher searcher, Query query) throws IOException { final Weight weight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(query, false); // the scorer API should be more efficient at stopping after the first // match than the bulk scorer API for (LeafReaderContext context : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) { final Scorer scorer = weight.scorer(context); if (scorer == null) { continue; } final Bits liveDocs = context.reader().getLiveDocs(); final DocIdSetIterator iterator = scorer.iterator(); for (int doc = iterator.nextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = iterator.nextDoc()) { if (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get(doc)) { return true; } } } return false; }
private void countTestCase(Query query, IndexReader reader, boolean shouldCollect) throws Exception { TestSearchContext context = new TestSearchContext(null); context.parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(query)); context.setSize(0); context.setTask(new SearchTask(123L, "", "", "", null)); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); final AtomicBoolean collected = new AtomicBoolean(); IndexSearcher contextSearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader) { protected void search(List<LeafReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector) throws IOException { collected.set(true);, weight, collector); } }; final boolean rescore = QueryPhase.execute(context, contextSearcher); assertFalse(rescore); assertEquals(searcher.count(query), context.queryResult().topDocs().totalHits); assertEquals(shouldCollect, collected.get()); }
public void testPostFilterDisablesCountOptimization() throws Exception { TestSearchContext context = new TestSearchContext(null); context.parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(new MatchAllDocsQuery())); context.setSize(0); context.setTask(new SearchTask(123L, "", "", "", null)); final AtomicBoolean collected = new AtomicBoolean(); IndexSearcher contextSearcher = new IndexSearcher(new MultiReader()) { protected void search(List<LeafReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector) throws IOException { collected.set(true);, weight, collector); } }; QueryPhase.execute(context, contextSearcher); assertEquals(0, context.queryResult().topDocs().totalHits); assertFalse(collected.get()); context.parsedPostFilter(new ParsedQuery(new MatchNoDocsQuery())); QueryPhase.execute(context, contextSearcher); assertEquals(0, context.queryResult().topDocs().totalHits); assertTrue(collected.get()); }
public void testMinScoreDisablesCountOptimization() throws Exception { TestSearchContext context = new TestSearchContext(null); context.parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(new MatchAllDocsQuery())); context.setSize(0); context.setTask(new SearchTask(123L, "", "", "", null)); final AtomicBoolean collected = new AtomicBoolean(); IndexSearcher contextSearcher = new IndexSearcher(new MultiReader()) { protected void search(List<LeafReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector) throws IOException { collected.set(true);, weight, collector); } }; QueryPhase.execute(context, contextSearcher); assertEquals(0, context.queryResult().topDocs().totalHits); assertFalse(collected.get()); context.minimumScore(1); QueryPhase.execute(context, contextSearcher); assertEquals(0, context.queryResult().topDocs().totalHits); assertTrue(collected.get()); }
public FiltersAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, String[] keys, Weight[] filters, boolean keyed, String otherBucketKey, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, List<PipelineAggregator> pipelineAggregators, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException { super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parent, pipelineAggregators, metaData); this.keyed = keyed; this.keys = keys; this.filters = filters; this.showOtherBucket = otherBucketKey != null; this.otherBucketKey = otherBucketKey; if (showOtherBucket) { this.totalNumKeys = keys.length + 1; } else { this.totalNumKeys = keys.length; } }
private void addMatchedQueries(HitContext hitContext, ImmutableMap<String, Query> namedQueries, List<String> matchedQueries) throws IOException { for (Map.Entry<String, Query> entry : namedQueries.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Query filter = entry.getValue(); final Weight weight = hitContext.topLevelSearcher().createNormalizedWeight(filter, false); final Scorer scorer = weight.scorer(hitContext.readerContext()); if (scorer == null) { continue; } final TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase = scorer.twoPhaseIterator(); if (twoPhase == null) { if (scorer.iterator().advance(hitContext.docId()) == hitContext.docId()) { matchedQueries.add(name); } } else { if (twoPhase.approximation().advance(hitContext.docId()) == hitContext.docId() && twoPhase.matches()) { matchedQueries.add(name); } } } }
@Override public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores) throws IOException { return new RandomAccessWeight(this) { @Override protected Bits getMatchingDocs(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { final int maxDoc = context.reader().maxDoc(); final MultiGeoPointValues values = indexFieldData.load(context).getGeoPointValues(); // checks to see if bounding box crosses 180 degrees if (topLeft.lon() > bottomRight.lon()) { return new Meridian180GeoBoundingBoxBits(maxDoc, values, topLeft, bottomRight); } else { return new GeoBoundingBoxBits(maxDoc, values, topLeft, bottomRight); } } }; }
IncludeNestedDocsScorer(Weight weight, Scorer parentScorer, BitSet parentBits, int currentParentPointer) { super(weight); this.parentScorer = parentScorer; this.parentBits = parentBits; this.currentParentPointer = currentParentPointer; if (currentParentPointer == 0) { currentChildPointer = 0; } else { this.currentChildPointer = this.parentBits.prevSetBit(currentParentPointer - 1); if (currentChildPointer == -1) { // no previous set parent, we delete from doc 0 currentChildPointer = 0; } else { currentChildPointer++; // we only care about children } } currentDoc = currentChildPointer; }
@Override public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores) throws IOException { if (!needsScores) { // If scores are not needed simply return a constant score on all docs return new ConstantScoreWeight(this) { @Override public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { return new ConstantScoreScorer(this, score(), DocIdSetIterator.all(context.reader().maxDoc())); } }; } List<Weight> weights = new ArrayList<>(queries.size()); for (Query q : queries) { weights.add(searcher.createWeight(q, needsScores)); } return new RankerWeight(weights); }
@Override public void normalize(float norm, float boost) { // Ignore top-level boost & norm // We must make sure that the scores from the sub scorers // are not affected by parent queries because rankers using thresholds // may produce inconsistent results. // It breaks lucene contract but in general this query is meant // to be used as the top level query of a rescore query where // resulting score can still be controlled with the rescore_weight param. // One possibility would be to store the boost value and apply it // on the resulting score. // Logging feature scores may be impossible when feature queries // are run and logged individually (_msearch approach) and the similatity // used is affected by queryNorm (ClassicSimilarity) for (Weight w : weights) { w.normalize(1F, 1F); } }
public LearnToRankWeight(final IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { // Check for required and optional weights final List<LearnToRankClause> requiredClauses = new LinkedList<LearnToRankClause>(); final List<LearnToRankClause> optionalClauses = new LinkedList<LearnToRankClause>(); // boolean termConjunction = true; for (int i = 0; i < clausesList.size(); i++) { final LearnToRankClause clause = clausesList.get(i); final Weight cweight = clause.getQuery().createWeight(searcher); if (clause.isMustOccur()) { requiredClauses.add(clause); } else { optionalClauses.add(clause); } // if (!(clause.isMustOccur() && w instanceof TermWeight)) { // termConjunction = false; // } clause.setW(cweight); } this.requiredClauses = requiredClauses; this.optionalClauses = optionalClauses; // this.termConjunction = termConjunction; }
@Override public Weight createWeight(final IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { final IndexReaderContext context = searcher.getTopReaderContext(); final TermContext termState; if ((perReaderTermS == null) || (perReaderTermS.topReaderContext != context)) { // make TermQuery single-pass if we don't have a PRTS or if the // context differs! termState =, term); } else { // PRTS was pre-build for this IS termState = perReaderTermS; } // we must not ignore the given docFreq - if set use the given value // (lie) if (docFreq != -1) { termState.setDocFreq(docFreq); } return new TermWeight(searcher, termState); }
@Override public Weight createWeight(final IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { final IndexReaderContext context = searcher.getTopReaderContext(); final TermContext termState; if ((perReaderTermS == null) || (perReaderTermS.topReaderContext != context)) { // make TermQuery single-pass if we don't have a PRTS or if the // context differs! termState =, term); // cache term // lookups! } else { // PRTS was pre-build for this IS termState = perReaderTermS; } // we must not ignore the given docFreq - if set use the given value // (lie) if (docFreq != -1) { termState.setDocFreq(docFreq); } return new TermWeight(searcher, termState); }
/** * Construct a <code>AbstractDisjunctionScorer</code>. * * @param weight * The weight to be used. * @param subScorers * A collection of at least two subscorers. * @param minimumNrMatchers * The positive minimum number of subscorers that should match to * match this query. <br> * When <code>minimumNrMatchers</code> is bigger than the number * of <code>subScorers</code>, no matches will be produced. <br> * When minimumNrMatchers equals the number of subScorers, it * more efficient to use <code>ConjunctionScorer</code>. */ public DisjunctionSumScorer(final Weight weight, final List<Scorer> subScorers, final int minimumNrMatchers, final LearnToRankClause[] ltrWeights, final int docBase) throws IOException { super(weight, subScorers.toArray(new Scorer[subScorers.size()]), ltrWeights, subScorers.size()); if (minimumNrMatchers <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Minimum nr of matchers must be positive"); } if (numScorers <= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There must be at least 2 subScorers"); } clauses = ltrWeights; this.minimumNrMatchers = minimumNrMatchers; this.docBase = docBase; }
ConjunctionScorer(final Weight weight, final Scorer[] scorers, final float coord, final LearnToRankClause[] ltrclauses, final int docBase) { super(weight); this.coord = coord; this.docBase = docBase; clauses = ltrclauses; docsAndFreqs = new DocsAndFreqs[scorers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scorers.length; i++) { docsAndFreqs[i] = new DocsAndFreqs(scorers[i]); } // Sort the array the first time to allow the least frequent DocsEnum to // lead the matching. ArrayUtil.timSort(docsAndFreqs, new Comparator<DocsAndFreqs>() { @Override public int compare(final DocsAndFreqs obj1, final DocsAndFreqs obj2) { return Long.signum(obj1.cost - obj2.cost); } }); lead = docsAndFreqs[0]; // least frequent DocsEnum leads the // intersection }
@Override public void normalize(float norm, float topLevelBoost) { // note we DONT incorporate our boost, nor pass down any topLevelBoost // (e.g. from outer BQ), as there is no guarantee that the CustomScoreProvider's // function obeys the distributive law... it might call sqrt() on the subQuery score // or some other arbitrary function other than multiplication. // so, instead boosts are applied directly in score() subQueryWeight.normalize(norm, 1f); for (Weight valSrcWeight : valSrcWeights) { if (qStrict) { valSrcWeight.normalize(1, 1); // do not normalize the ValueSource part } else { valSrcWeight.normalize(norm, 1f); } } queryWeight = topLevelBoost * getBoost(); }
@Override public DocIdSetIterator iterator() throws IOException { List<DocIdSetIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<>(weights.size()+1); if (docIdSet != null) { DocIdSetIterator iter = docIdSet.iterator(); if (iter == null) return null; iterators.add(iter); } for (Weight w : weights) { Scorer scorer = w.scorer(context, context.reader().getLiveDocs()); if (scorer == null) return null; iterators.add(scorer); } if (iterators.size()==0) return null; if (iterators.size()==1) return iterators.get(0); if (iterators.size()==2) return new DualFilterIterator(iterators.get(0), iterators.get(1)); return new FilterIterator(iterators.toArray(new DocIdSetIterator[iterators.size()])); }
public LearnToRankWeight(IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { // Check for required and optional weights List<LearnToRankClause> requiredClauses = new LinkedList<LearnToRankClause>(); List<LearnToRankClause> optionalClauses = new LinkedList<LearnToRankClause>(); weights = new Weight[clauses.size()]; boolean termConjunction = true; for (int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) { LearnToRankClause clause = clauses.get(i); Weight w = clause.getQuery().createWeight(searcher); if (clause.isMustOccur()) { requiredClauses.add(clause); } else { optionalClauses.add(clause); } if (!(clause.isMustOccur() && w instanceof TermWeight)) { termConjunction = false; } weights[i] = w; clause.setW(w); } this.requiredClauses = requiredClauses; this.optionalClauses = optionalClauses; this.termConjunction = termConjunction; }
@Override public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { final IndexReaderContext context = searcher.getTopReaderContext(); final TermContext termState; if (perReaderTermState == null || perReaderTermState.topReaderContext != context) { // make TermQuery single-pass if we don't have a PRTS or if the // context differs! termState =, term, true); // cache term // lookups! } else { // PRTS was pre-build for this IS termState = this.perReaderTermState; } // we must not ignore the given docFreq - if set use the given value // (lie) if (docFreq != -1) termState.setDocFreq(docFreq); return new TermWeight(searcher, termState); }
/** * Construct a <code>DisjunctionScorer</code>. * * @param weight * The weight to be used. * @param subScorers * A collection of at least two subscorers. * @param minimumNrMatchers * The positive minimum number of subscorers that should match to * match this query. <br> * When <code>minimumNrMatchers</code> is bigger than the number * of <code>subScorers</code>, no matches will be produced. <br> * When minimumNrMatchers equals the number of subScorers, it * more efficient to use <code>ConjunctionScorer</code>. */ public DisjunctionSumScorer(Weight weight, List<Scorer> subScorers, int minimumNrMatchers, LearnToRankClause[] learnToRankWeights, int docBase) throws IOException { super(weight, subScorers.toArray(new Scorer[subScorers.size()]), learnToRankWeights, subScorers.size()); if (minimumNrMatchers <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Minimum nr of matchers must be positive"); } if (numScorers <= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There must be at least 2 subScorers"); } this.clauses = learnToRankWeights; this.minimumNrMatchers = minimumNrMatchers; this.docBase = docBase; }
AbstractSolrCachingScorer(Weight weight, DocSet in, AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs, SolrIndexSearcher searcher) { super(weight); this.context = context; this.acceptDocs = acceptDocs; if (in instanceof BitDocSet) { matches = (BitDocSet) in; } else { this.matches = new BitDocSet(new FixedBitSet(searcher.maxDoc())); for (DocIterator it = in.iterator(); it.hasNext(); /* */) { matches.addUnique(it.nextDoc()); } } bitSet = matches.getBits(); doc = getBase() - 1; }
@Override public DocIdSetIterator iterator() throws IOException { List<DocIdSetIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<DocIdSetIterator>(weights.size() + 1); if(docIdSet != null) { DocIdSetIterator iter = docIdSet.iterator(); if(iter == null) return null; iterators.add(iter); } for(Weight w : weights) { Scorer scorer = w.scorer(context, true, false, context.reader().getLiveDocs()); if(scorer == null) return null; iterators.add(scorer); } if(iterators.size() == 0) return null; if(iterators.size() == 1) return iterators.get(0); if(iterators.size() == 2) return new DualFilterIterator(iterators.get(0), iterators.get(1)); return new FilterIterator(iterators.toArray(new DocIdSetIterator[iterators.size()])); }
@Override public DocIdSetIterator iterator() throws IOException { List<DocIdSetIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<DocIdSetIterator>(weights.size()+1); if (docIdSet != null) { DocIdSetIterator iter = docIdSet.iterator(); if (iter == null) return null; iterators.add(iter); } for (Weight w : weights) { Scorer scorer = w.scorer(context, true, false, context.reader().getLiveDocs()); if (scorer == null) return null; iterators.add(scorer); } if (iterators.size()==0) return null; if (iterators.size()==1) return iterators.get(0); if (iterators.size()==2) return new DualFilterIterator(iterators.get(0), iterators.get(1)); return new FilterIterator(iterators.toArray(new DocIdSetIterator[iterators.size()])); }
/** * Simple utility class to perform basic term frequency/document frequency * counts on the individual terms within a query. This relies on * IndexReader and does not perform any concordance search/retrieval; * it is, therefore, very fast. * <p> * If you want to visit more than basic terms (e.g. SpanNear), * see {@link} * * @param query query * @param searcher searcher * @return target term results * @throws if there is an IOException from the searcher */ public SimpleTargetTermResults searchSingleTerms(Query query, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { Query tmpQ = query.rewrite(searcher.getIndexReader()); Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<>(); Weight weight = tmpQ.createWeight(searcher, false, 1.0f);//default boost 1.0f. weight.extractTerms(terms); Map<String, Integer> dfs = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Integer> tfs = new HashMap<>(); for (Term t : terms) { String targ = t.text(); int docFreq = searcher.getIndexReader().docFreq(t); if (docFreq == 0) { continue; } Integer i = Integer.valueOf(docFreq); dfs.put(targ, i); long tf = searcher.getIndexReader().totalTermFreq(t); tfs.put(targ, (int) tf); } return new SimpleTargetTermResults(dfs, tfs); }
@Override protected SpanQuery convertUnknownQuery(String field, Query query) { if (query instanceof CommonTermsQuery) { // specialized since rewriting would change the result query // this query is TermContext sensitive. CommonTermsQuery ctq = (CommonTermsQuery) query; Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<>(); try { Weight w = ctq.createWeight(searcher, false, 1.0f); w.extractTerms(terms); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException on searcher!!!", e); } List<SpanQuery> spanQs = new LinkedList<>(); for (Term term : terms) { if (term.field().equals(field)) { spanQs.add(new SpanTermQuery(term)); } } if (spanQs.size() == 0) { return getEmptySpanQuery(); } else if (spanQs.size() == 1) { return spanQs.get(0); } else { return new SpanOrQuery(spanQs.toArray(new SpanQuery[spanQs.size()])); } } super.convertUnknownQuery(field, query); return null; }
BaseScorer(Weight weight, Scorer approximation, CheckedFunction<Integer, Query, IOException> percolatorQueries, IndexSearcher percolatorIndexSearcher) { super(weight); this.approximation = approximation; this.percolatorQueries = percolatorQueries; this.percolatorIndexSearcher = percolatorIndexSearcher; }
public AdjacencyMatrixAggregatorFactory(String name, List<KeyedFilter> filters, String separator, SearchContext context, AggregatorFactory<?> parent, AggregatorFactories.Builder subFactories, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException { super(name, context, parent, subFactories, metaData); IndexSearcher contextSearcher = context.searcher(); this.separator = separator; weights = new Weight[filters.size()]; keys = new String[filters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < filters.size(); ++i) { KeyedFilter keyedFilter = filters.get(i); this.keys[i] = keyedFilter.key(); Query filter = keyedFilter.filter().toFilter(context.getQueryShardContext()); this.weights[i] = contextSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(filter, false); } }