public boolean addField(String recID, String prefix, String value){ try { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Query q=new TermQuery(new Term("ID",recID)); Hits; if ((hits==null)||(hits.length()!=1)){ return false; } Document doc=hits.doc(0); IndexWriter iw = getIndexWriter(); Field f=new Field(prefix,value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED, Field.TermVector.NO); doc.add(f); iw.updateDocument(new Term("ID", recID), doc); } catch (IOException ex) { log.fatal(ex); return false; } return true; }
public boolean addField(String recID, String prefix, String value){ try { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Query q=new TermQuery(new Term("ID",recID)); Hits; if ((hits==null)||(hits.length()!=1)){ return false; } Document doc=hits.doc(0); IndexWriter iw = getIndexWriter(); Field f=new Field(prefix,value, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED, Field.TermVector.NO); doc.add(f); iw.updateDocument(new Term("ID", recID), doc); iw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.fatal(ex); return false; } return true; }
public void deleteField(String recID, String prefix, String value){ try { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Query q=new TermQuery(new Term("ID",recID)); Hits; if ((hits==null)||(hits.length()!=1)){ log.fatal("greska pri brisanju polja. Zapis: "+recID); return ; } Document doc=hits.doc(0); Field [] fields=doc.getFields(prefix); IndexWriter iw = getIndexWriter(); doc.removeFields(prefix); for(int i=0;i<fields.length;i++){ if(!fields[i].stringValue().equals(value)){ doc.add(fields[i]); } } iw.updateDocument(new Term("ID", recID), doc); iw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.fatal(ex); } }
public static List<Integer> getResultList(Searcher searcher, TopDocs docs, int first, int max) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(max); ScoreDoc[] hits = docs.scoreDocs; if (first < 0) { first = 0; } if (max < 0) { max = 0; } int last = first + max; int len = hits.length; if (last > len) { last = len; } for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { Document d = searcher.doc(hits[i].doc); list.add(Integer.valueOf(d.getField(ID).stringValue())); } return list; }
@Transactional(readOnly = true) public Pagination searchPage(Directory dir, String queryString,String category,String workplace, Integer siteId, Integer channelId, Date startDate, Date endDate, int pageNo, int pageSize) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, ParseException { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir); try { Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30); Query query = LuceneContent.createQuery(queryString,category,workplace, siteId, channelId, startDate, endDate, analyzer); TopDocs docs =, pageNo * pageSize); Pagination p = LuceneContent.getResultPage(searcher, docs, pageNo, pageSize); List<?> ids = p.getList(); List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<Content>(ids.size()); for (Object id : ids) { contents.add(contentMng.findById((Integer) id)); } p.setList(contents); return p; } finally { searcher.close(); } }
public Set<String> incomingLinks(final String page) throws IOException, PageStoreException { if (_dir == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } try { return doReadOperation(new ReadOperation<Set<String>>() { public Set<String> execute(final IndexReader reader, final Searcher searcher, final Analyzer analyzer) throws IOException, ParseException { final String pageEscaped = escape(URIUtil.encodeWithinPath(page)); Set<String> results = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(query(reader, createAnalyzer(), searcher, FIELD_OUTGOING_LINKS, pageEscaped, false), SearchMatch.TO_PAGE_NAME)); results.remove(page); return results; } }, false); } catch (QuerySyntaxException ex) { throw new NoQueryPerformedException(ex); } }
public Set<SearchMatch> search(final String queryString, final boolean provideExtracts, final boolean singleWiki) throws IOException, QuerySyntaxException { if (_dir == null || queryString == null || queryString.trim().length() == 0) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return doReadOperation(new ReadOperation<Set<SearchMatch>>() { public Set<SearchMatch> execute(final IndexReader reader, final Searcher searcher, final Analyzer analyzer) throws IOException, ParseException { LinkedHashSet<SearchMatch> results = new LinkedHashSet<SearchMatch>(); // Prefer path, then title then content matches (match equality is on page name) for (String field : ALL_SEARCH_FIELDS) { if (field.equals(FIELD_PATH_LOWER)) { final Query query = new WildcardQuery(new Term(FIELD_PATH_LOWER, "*" + queryString.toLowerCase() + "*")); results.addAll(doQuery(reader, analyzer, searcher, field, provideExtracts, query)); } else { results.addAll(query(reader, analyzer, searcher, field, queryString, provideExtracts)); } } return orderResults(results); } }, !singleWiki); }
private String getProperty(final String propertyName) throws IOException { if (_dir == null) { return null; } try { return doReadOperation(new ReadOperation<String>() { public String execute(final IndexReader reader, final Searcher searcher, final Analyzer analyzer) throws IOException, ParseException { Hits hits = TermQuery(new Term(FIELD_PROPERTY_KEY, propertyName))); Iterator<?> iterator = hits.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { return ((Hit); } return null; } }, false); } catch (QuerySyntaxException ex) { throw new NoQueryPerformedException(ex); } }
/** * Returns a Lucene Searcher that can be used to execute queries. Lucene * can handle index reading even while updates occur. However, in order * for index changes to be reflected in search results, the reader must * be re-opened whenever the modificationDate changes.<p> * <p/> * The location of the index is the "index" subdirectory in [jiveHome]. * * @return a Searcher that can be used to execute queries. */ public Searcher getSearcher() throws IOException { synchronized (indexerAnalyzer) { if (searcherReader == null) { if (searchDirectory != null && IndexReader.indexExists(searchDirectory)) { searcherReader =; searcher = new IndexSearcher(searcherReader); } else { // Log warnings. if (searchDirectory == null) { Log.warn("Search " + "directory not set, you must rebuild the index."); } else if (!IndexReader.indexExists(searchDirectory)) { Log.warn("Search " + "directory " + searchDirectory + " does not appear to " + "be a valid search index. You must rebuild the index."); } return null; } } } return searcher; }
public NearSpans(SpanNearQuery query, IndexReader reader, Searcher searcher) throws IOException { this.query = query; this.slop = query.getSlop(); this.inOrder = query.isInOrder(); SpanQuery[] clauses = query.getClauses(); // initialize spans & list for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) { SpansCell cell = // construct clause spans new SpansCell(clauses[i].getSpans(reader, searcher), i); ordered.add(cell); // add to ordered } similarity = searcher.getSimilarity(); }
public OrNearSpans(SpanOrNearQuery query, IndexReader reader, Searcher searcher) throws IOException { this.query = query; this.slop = query.getSlop(); this.penalizeOutOfOrder = query.penalizeOutOfOrder(); SpanQuery[] clauses = query.getClauses(); nClauses = clauses.length; cells = new ArrayList(nClauses); for (int i = 0; i < nClauses; i++) cells.add(new SpansCell(clauses[i].getSpans(reader, searcher), i)); similarity = searcher.getSimilarity(); }
/** * Wrap a lucene seach result with node support * * @param hits Hits * @param searcher Searcher * @param nodeService nodeService * @param tenantService tenant service * @param searchParameters SearchParameters * @param config - lucene config */ public LuceneResultSet(Hits hits, Searcher searcher, NodeService nodeService, TenantService tenantService, SearchParameters searchParameters, LuceneConfig config) { super(); this.hits = hits; this.searcher = searcher; this.nodeService = nodeService; this.tenantService = tenantService; this.searchParameters = searchParameters; this.config = config; prefetch = new BitSet(hits.length()); }
public Result selectAll(Query query, String sortPrefix){ try { BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(20000);//zbog heap-a Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Hits hits; if (sortPrefix == null || "".equals(sortPrefix)) hits =; else { int sortType = SortField.STRING; if ("RN_sort".equals(sortPrefix)) sortType = SortField.INT; hits =, new Sort( new SortField(sortPrefix, sortType))); } int n = hits.length(); int[] retVal = new int[n]; List<String> invs = new ArrayList<String>(); Field[] tmp = null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String recordID = hits.doc(i).get("ID"); retVal[i] = Integer.parseInt(recordID); tmp = hits.doc(i).getFields("IN"); if (tmp != null){ for (int j = 0; j<tmp.length; j++){ invs.add(tmp[j].stringValue()); } } } searcher.close(); Result result = new Result(); result.setRecords(retVal); result.setInvs(invs); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal(ex); return null; } }
public int[] select(Query query, Filter filter, String sortPrefix){ try { BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(Integer.MAX_VALUE); Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Hits hits; if (sortPrefix == null || "".equals(sortPrefix)){ hits =,filter); } else { int sortType = SortField.STRING; if ("RN_sort".equals(sortPrefix)) sortType = SortField.INT; hits =,filter, new Sort( new SortField(sortPrefix, sortType))); } int n = hits.length(); int[] retVal = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String recordID = hits.doc(i).get("ID"); retVal[i] = Integer.parseInt(recordID); } searcher.close(); return retVal; } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal(ex); return null; } }
public Result selectAll(Query query, Filter filter, String sortPrefix) { try { BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(Integer.MAX_VALUE); Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); Hits hits; if (sortPrefix == null || "".equals(sortPrefix)){ hits =,filter); } else { int sortType = SortField.STRING; if ("RN_sort".equals(sortPrefix)) sortType = SortField.INT; hits =,filter, new Sort( new SortField(sortPrefix, sortType))); } int n = hits.length(); int[] retVal = new int[n]; List<String> invs = new ArrayList<String>(); Field[] tmp = null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String recordID = hits.doc(i).get("ID"); retVal[i] = Integer.parseInt(recordID); tmp = hits.doc(i).getFields("IN"); if (tmp != null){ for (int j = 0; j<tmp.length; j++){ invs.add(tmp[j].stringValue()); } } } searcher.close(); Result result = new Result(); result.setRecords(retVal); result.setInvs(invs); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal(ex); return null; } }
public List<String> selectExpand(String query, String prefix,String text){ try { WhitespaceAnalyzer sa= new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(Integer.MAX_VALUE); QueryParser p = new QueryParser("contents", sa); Query q = p.parse(query); Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath); StopWatch clock=new StopWatch(); clock.start(); Hits hits =; int n = hits.length(); List <String> expandList = new ArrayList<String>(); Field[] tmp = null; String pom=""; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmp = hits.doc(i).getFields(prefix); if (tmp != null){ for (int j = 0; j<tmp.length; j++){ pom=tmp[j].stringValue().replace("0start0 ", ""); pom=pom.replace(" 0end0", ""); if(pom.startsWith(text)&&(!expandList.contains(pom))){ expandList.add(pom); } } } } clock.stop(); searcher.close(); return expandList; } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal(ex); return null; } }
public static Map<String, Float> generateConfidence(String indexFolder, String query, String field, int noOfPages, int maxValue) throws Exception { CustomValueSortedMap docNameScore = new CustomValueSortedMap(maxValue); IndexReader reader = File(indexFolder)), true); // only searching, so read-only=true Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT); // Analyzer analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, field, analyzer); if (query != null) { query = query.trim(); } else { System.out.println("Wrong Query"); return null; } Query searchQuery = parser.parse(query); ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = doPagingSearch(searcher, searchQuery, noOfPages); if (scoreDocs != null && scoreDocs.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < scoreDocs.length; i++) { Document document = searcher.doc(scoreDocs[i].doc); /* Explanation exp = */searcher.explain(searchQuery, scoreDocs[i].doc); String docPageType = fetchDocPageType(document.get("path")); docNameScore.add(docPageType, Double.valueOf(scoreDocs[i].score)); } } reader.close(); return docNameScore.getReverseSortedMapValueInFloat(); }
/** * This demonstrates a typical paging search scenario, where the search engine presents pages of size n to the user. The user can * then go to the next page if interested in the next hits. * * When the query is executed for the first time, then only enough results are collected to fill 5 result pages. If the user wants * to page beyond this limit, then the query is executed another time and all hits are collected. * */ public static ScoreDoc[] doPagingSearch(Searcher searcher, Query query, int noOfPages) throws IOException { // Collect enough docs to show 5 pages TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(noOfPages, true);, collector); ScoreDoc[] hits = collector.topDocs().scoreDocs; int numTotalHits = collector.getTotalHits(); // System.out.println("Confidence Score : : "+hits.length); System.out.println(numTotalHits + " total matching documents"); return hits; }
public static Pagination getResultPage(Searcher searcher, TopDocs docs, int pageNo, int pageSize) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(pageSize); ScoreDoc[] hits = docs.scoreDocs; int endIndex = pageNo * pageSize; int len = hits.length; if (endIndex > len) { endIndex = len; } for (int i = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize; i < endIndex; i++) { Document d = searcher.doc(hits[i].doc); list.add(Integer.valueOf(d.getField(ID).stringValue())); } return new Pagination(pageNo, pageSize, docs.totalHits, list); }
@Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Content> searchList(Directory dir, String queryString,String category,String workplace, Integer siteId, Integer channelId, Date startDate, Date endDate, int first, int max) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException, ParseException { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir); try { Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30); Query query = LuceneContent.createQuery(queryString,category,workplace, siteId, channelId, startDate, endDate, analyzer); if (first < 0) { first = 0; } if (max < 0) { max = 0; } TopDocs docs =, first + max); List<Integer> ids = LuceneContent.getResultList(searcher, docs, first, max); List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<Content>(ids.size()); for (Object id : ids) { contents.add(contentMng.findById((Integer) id)); } return contents; } finally { searcher.close(); } }
private static void close(Searcher searcher) throws SearchException { if(searcher!=null){ try { searcher.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SearchException(e); } } }
private List<ResultDocument> initResultList(final Identity identity, final Roles roles, final Query query, final Analyzer analyzer, final Searcher searcher, final TopDocs docs, final int firstResult, final int maxReturns, final boolean doHighlight) throws IOException { final FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelector() { @Override public FieldSelectorResult accept(final String fieldName) { return (doHighlight || !AbstractOlatDocument.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName)) ? FieldSelectorResult.LOAD : FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD; } }; maxHits = SearchServiceFactory.getService().getSearchModuleConfig().getMaxHits(); totalHits = docs.totalHits; totalDocs = (docs.scoreDocs == null ? 0 : docs.scoreDocs.length); final int numOfDocs = Math.min(maxHits, docs.totalHits); final List<ResultDocument> res = new ArrayList<ResultDocument>(maxReturns + 1); for (int i = firstResult; i < numOfDocs && res.size() < maxReturns; i++) { final Document doc = searcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[i].doc, selector); final String reservedTo = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.RESERVED_TO); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(reservedTo) && !"public".equals(reservedTo) && !reservedTo.contains(identity.getKey().toString())) { continue;// admin cannot see private documents } final ResultDocument rDoc = createResultDocument(doc, i, query, analyzer, doHighlight, identity, roles); if (rDoc != null) { res.add(rDoc); } if (!roles.isOLATAdmin() && i % 10 == 0) { // Do commit after certain number of documents because the transaction should not be too big DBFactory.getInstance().intermediateCommit(); } } return res; }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrAuthoritySetQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if (!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrCachingAuxDocQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher) searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrCachingAuthorityQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrReaderSetQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrCachingOwnerQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrOwnerSetQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
public Weight createWeight(Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if(!(searcher instanceof SolrIndexSearcher)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must have a SolrIndexSearcher"); } return new SolrCachingPathQueryWeight((SolrIndexSearcher)searcher); }
/** * Construct a recording scorer. * * @param spans set of spans to process * @param weight weight of this query * @param similarity used to calculate scores, and compare queries * @param maxSpans max # of spans to collect * @throws IOException */ SpanRecordingScorer(Spans spans, SpanWeight weight, Similarity similarity, int maxSpans) throws IOException { super(spans, weight, similarity); this.spans = spans; this.maxSpans = maxSpans; value = weight.getValue(); field = ((SpanQuery)weight.getQuery()).getField(); // Register ourselves with the searcher, so it will know how to call us // to get the matching spans. // Searcher searcher = weight.getSearcher(); if (searcher instanceof RecordingSearcher) ((RecordingSearcher)searcher).registerRecordingScorer(this); // Make a map of all the terms. Collection termColl = ((SpanQuery)weight.getQuery()).getTerms(); terms = new HashSet(termColl.size() * 2); for (Iterator iter = termColl.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String term = ((Term); terms.add(term); // If this is a probable bi-gram, add both the component terms to the // map as well. // int sepPos = term.indexOf('~'); if (sepPos > 0) { terms.add(term.substring(0, sepPos)); terms.add(term.substring(sepPos + 1)); } } }
public Spans getSpans(final IndexReader reader, final Searcher searcher) throws IOException { if (clauses.length == 1) // optimize 1-clause case return clauses[0].getSpans(reader, searcher); return new OrNearSpans(this, reader, searcher); }