Java 类 实例源码

项目:svnant    文件   
 * Returns a facade which is associated with the supplied ant project.
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
 * @return   A new facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final SvnFacade getFacade( ProjectComponent component ) {
    // in general I would prefer to use the key by it's own but the code might
    // become invalid if the ant svn tasks are used in parallel for the same
    // project (which is unlikely to happen), so here we're providing the necessary 
    // distinction.
    if( component instanceof SvnCommand ) {
        // if a command is passed we're using the task for reference
        component = ((SvnCommand) component).getTask();
    String    key    = KEY_FACADE + component.hashCode();
    SvnFacade result = (SvnFacade) component.getProject().getReference( key );
    if( result == null ) {
        result = new SvnFacade();
        component.getProject().addReference( key, result );
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
private static final SvnSetting getRefidSetting( ProjectComponent component ) {
    SvnFacade facade = getFacade( component );
    if( facade.refidsetting == null ) {
        if( facade.refid != null ) {
            Object obj = facade.refid.getReferencedObject( component.getProject() );
            if( obj == null ) {
                throw new BuildException( "The refid attribute value '" + facade.refid + "' doesn't refer to any object." );
            if( !(obj instanceof SvnSetting) ) {
                throw new BuildException( "The refid attribute value '" + facade.refid + "' has an unknown type [" + obj.getClass().getName() + "]." );
            facade.refidsetting = (SvnSetting) obj;
        } else {
            facade.refidsetting = facade.setting;
    return facade.refidsetting;
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
protected Properties getDefaultProperties(ProjectComponent task) {
    URL url = IvySettings.getDefaultPropertiesURL();
    // this is copy of loadURL code from ant Property task (not available in 1.5.1)
    Properties props = new Properties();
    task.log("Loading " + url, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
    try {
        InputStream is = url.openStream();
        try {
        } finally {
            if (is != null) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new BuildException(ex);
    return props;
项目:ant    文件   
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected boolean run(Commandline cmd, ProjectComponent log)
    throws BuildException {
    ExecuteJava ej = new ExecuteJava();
    Class<?> c = getN2aClass();
    if (c == null) {
        throw new BuildException(
            "Couldn't load Kaffe's Native2Ascii class");

    // otherwise ExecuteJava has thrown an exception
    return true;
项目:ant    文件   
 * Creates the Native2AsciiAdapter based on the user choice and
 * potentially the VM vendor.
 * @param choice the user choice (if any).
 * @param log a ProjectComponent instance used to access Ant's
 * logging system.
 * @param classpath the classpath to use when looking up an
 * adapter class
 * @return The adapter to use.
 * @throws BuildException if there was a problem.
 * @since Ant 1.8.0
public static Native2AsciiAdapter getAdapter(String choice,
                                             ProjectComponent log,
                                             Path classpath)
    throws BuildException {
    if ((shouldUseKaffee() && choice == null)
        || KaffeNative2Ascii.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new KaffeNative2Ascii();
    } else if (SunNative2Ascii.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new SunNative2Ascii();
    } else if (BuiltinNative2Ascii.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new BuiltinNative2Ascii();
    } else if (choice != null) {
        return resolveClassName(choice,
                                // Memory leak in line below

    return new BuiltinNative2Ascii();
项目:svnant    文件   
 * Returns the <code>ConflictResolution</code> specification used to handle conflicts.
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
 * @return   The <code>ConflictResolution</code> specification used to handle conflicts.
private static final ConflictResolution getConflictResolution( ProjectComponent component ) {
    ConflictResolution result = getSetting( component ).getConflictResolution();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getConflictResolution();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getUsername()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final String getUsername( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String result = getSetting( component ).getUsername();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getUsername();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getPassword()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final String getPassword( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String result = getSetting( component ).getPassword();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getPassword();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getSSLPassword()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final String getSSLPassword( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String result = getSetting( component ).getSSLPassword();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getSSLPassword();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getSSLClientCertPath()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final File getSSLClientCertPath( ProjectComponent component ) {
    File result = getSetting( component ).getSSLClientCertPath();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getSSLClientCertPath();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getSSHPort()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final Integer getSSHPort( ProjectComponent component ) {
    Integer result = getSetting( component ).getSSHPort();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getSSHPort();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getSSHPassphrase()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final String getSSHPassphrase( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String result = getSetting( component ).getSSHPassphrase();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getSSHPassphrase();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getSSHKeyPath()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final File getSSHKeyPath( ProjectComponent component ) {
    File result = getSetting( component ).getSSHKeyPath();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getSSHKeyPath();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getConfigDirectory()
private static final File getConfigDirectory( ProjectComponent component ) {
    File result = getSetting( component ).getConfigDirectory();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getConfigDirectory();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getCertReject()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final Boolean getCertReject( ProjectComponent component ) {
    Boolean result = getSetting( component ).getCertReject();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getCertReject();
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getDateFormatter()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
public static final String getDateFormatter( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String result = getSetting( component ).getDateFormatter();
    if( (result == null) || (result.length() == 0) ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getDateFormatter();
    if( (result == null) || (result.length() == 0) ) {
    return result;
项目:svnant    文件   
 * @see SvnSetting#getDateTimezone()
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
public static final TimeZone getDateTimezone( ProjectComponent component ) {
    String zone = getSetting( component ).getDateTimezone();
    if( (zone == null) || (zone.length() == 0) ) {
        zone = getRefidSetting( component ).getDateTimezone();
    if( (zone == null) || (zone.length() == 0) ) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return TimeZone.getTimeZone( zone );
项目:svnant    文件   
 * Returns <code>true</code> if a failure shall abort the build process.
 * @param component  The ant project component used to access the facade. 
 *                          Not <code>null</code>.
 * @return   <code>true</code> <=> A failure has to abort the build process.
public static final boolean getFailonerror( ProjectComponent component ) {
    Boolean result = getSetting( component ).getFailonerror();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = getRefidSetting( component ).getFailonerror();
    if( result == null ) {
        result = DEFAULT_FAILONERROR;
    return result.booleanValue();
项目:svnant    文件   
 * This method returns a SVN client adapter, based on the property set to the svn task. 
 * More specifically, the 'javahl' and 'svnkit' flags are verified, as well as the
 * availability of JAVAHL ad SVNKit adapters, to decide what flavour to use.
 * @param component  The ant project component used to access the facade. 
 *                   Not <code>null</code>.
 * @return  An instance of SVN client adapter that meets the specified constraints, if any.
 *          Not <code>null</code>.
 * @throws BuildException   Thrown in a situation where no adapter can fit the constraints.
public static final synchronized ISVNClientAdapter getClientAdapter( ProjectComponent component ) throws BuildException {
    SvnClientType     clienttype = getClientType( component );
    ISVNClientAdapter result     = clienttype.createClient();
    File configdir = getConfigDirectory( component );
    if( configdir != null ) {
        try {
            result.setConfigDirectory( configdir );
        } catch( SVNClientException ex ) {
            throw new BuildException( "Failed to change the configuration directory to '" + configdir.getAbsolutePath() + "' !", ex );
    ConflictResolution conflictresolution = getConflictResolution( component );
    if( conflictresolution != null ) {
        result.addConflictResolutionCallback( new DefaultConflictResolver( conflictresolution ) );
    if( getUsername( component ) != null ) {
        result.setUsername( getUsername( component ) );
    if( clienttype == SvnClientType.cli ) {
        if( getPassword( component ) != null ) {
            result.setPassword( getPassword( component ) );
    } else {
            new DefaultPasswordCallback( 
                getUsername          ( component ),
                getPassword          ( component ),
                getSSHKeyPath        ( component ),
                getSSHPassphrase     ( component ),
                getSSHPort           ( component ),
                getSSLClientCertPath ( component ),
                getSSLPassword       ( component ),
                getCertReject        ( component )
    return result;

项目:ant-ivy    文件   
 * Returns the default ivy settings of this classloader. If it doesn't exist yet, a new one is
 * created using the given project to back the VariableContainer.
 * @param task
 *            TODO add text.
 * @return An IvySetting instance.
public static IvyAntSettings getDefaultInstance(ProjectComponent task) {
    Project project = task.getProject();
    Object defaultInstanceObj = project.getReference("ivy.instance");
    if (defaultInstanceObj != null
            && defaultInstanceObj.getClass().getClassLoader() != IvyAntSettings.class
                    .getClassLoader()) {
        task.log("ivy.instance reference an ivy:settings defined in an other classloader.  "
                + "An new default one will be used in this project.", Project.MSG_WARN);
        defaultInstanceObj = null;
    if (defaultInstanceObj != null && !(defaultInstanceObj instanceof IvyAntSettings)) {
        throw new BuildException("ivy.instance reference a "
                + defaultInstanceObj.getClass().getName()
                + " an not an IvyAntSettings.  Please don't use this reference id ()");
    if (defaultInstanceObj == null) {
        task.log("No ivy:settings found for the default reference 'ivy.instance'.  "
                + "A default instance will be used", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

        IvyAntSettings settings = new IvyAntSettings();
        project.addReference("ivy.instance", settings);
        return settings;
    } else {
        return (IvyAntSettings) defaultInstanceObj;
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
 * Return the configured Ivy instance.
 * @param task ProjectComponent
 * @return Returns the configured Ivy instance.
public Ivy getConfiguredIvyInstance(ProjectComponent task) {
    if (ivyEngine == null) {
    return ivyEngine;
项目:ant    文件   
 * Creates the JavahAdapter based on the user choice and
 * potentially the VM vendor.
 * @param choice the user choice (if any).
 * @param log a ProjectComponent instance used to access Ant's
 * logging system.
 * @param classpath the classpath to use when looking up an
 * adapter class
 * @return The adapter to use.
 * @throws BuildException if there is an error.
 * @since Ant 1.8.0
public static JavahAdapter getAdapter(String choice,
                                      ProjectComponent log,
                                      Path classpath)
    throws BuildException {
    if ((JavaEnvUtils.isKaffe() && choice == null)
        || Kaffeh.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new Kaffeh();
    if ((JavaEnvUtils.isGij() && choice == null)
        || Gcjh.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new Gcjh();
    if (JavaEnvUtils.isAtLeastJavaVersion("10") &&
        (choice == null || ForkingJavah.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice))) {
        throw new BuildException("javah does not exist under Java 10 and higher,"
            + " use the javac task with nativeHeaderDir instead");
    if (ForkingJavah.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new ForkingJavah();
    if (SunJavah.IMPLEMENTATION_NAME.equals(choice)) {
        return new SunJavah();
    if (choice != null) {
        return resolveClassName(choice,
                                // Memory leak in line below
    return new ForkingJavah();
项目:ant    文件   
 * Run the Java command in a separate VM, this does not give you
 * the full flexibility of the Java task, but may be enough for
 * simple needs.
 * @param pc the ProjectComponent to use for logging, etc.
 * @return the exit status of the subprocess.
 * @throws BuildException on error.
 * @since Ant 1.6.3
public int fork(ProjectComponent pc) throws BuildException {
    CommandlineJava cmdl = new CommandlineJava();
    String[] args = javaCommand.getArguments();
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    if (classpath != null) {
    if (sysProperties != null) {
    Redirector redirector = new Redirector(pc);
    Execute exe
        = new Execute(redirector.createHandler(),
                      timeout == null
                      ? null
                      : new ExecuteWatchdog(timeout.longValue()));
    if (Os.isFamily("openvms")) {
        setupCommandLineForVMS(exe, cmdl.getCommandline());
    } else {
    try {
        int rc = exe.execute();
        return rc;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new BuildException(e);
    } finally {
        timedOut = exe.killedProcess();
项目:ant    文件   
 * Tells which sources should be reprocessed because the given
 * selector selects at least one target.
 * @param logTo where to send (more or less) interesting output.
 * @param source ResourceCollection.
 * @param mapper filename mapper indicating how to find the target Resources.
 * @param targets object able to map a relative path as a Resource.
 * @param selector returns a selector that is applied to target
 * files.  If it selects at least one target the source will be
 * added to the returned collection.
 * @return ResourceCollection.
 * @since Ant 1.8.0
public static ResourceCollection selectSources(final ProjectComponent logTo,
                                               ResourceCollection source,
                                               final FileNameMapper mapper,
                                               final ResourceFactory targets,
                                               final ResourceSelectorProvider selector) {
    if (source.isEmpty()) {
        logTo.log("No sources found.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
        return Resources.NONE;
    source = Union.getInstance(source);

    final Union result = new Union();
    for (final Resource sr : source) {
        String srName = sr.getName();
        srName = srName == null
            ? srName : srName.replace('/', File.separatorChar);

        String[] targetnames = null;
        try {
            targetnames = mapper.mapFileName(srName);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            logTo.log("Caught " + e + " mapping resource " + sr,
        if (targetnames == null || targetnames.length == 0) {
            logTo.log(sr + " skipped - don\'t know how to handle it",
        for (int i = 0; i < targetnames.length; i++) {
            if (targetnames[i] == null) {
                targetnames[i] = "(no name)";
        final Union targetColl = new Union();
        for (int i = 0; i < targetnames.length; i++) {
                targetnames[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/')));
        //find the out-of-date targets:
        final Restrict r = new Restrict();
        if (r.size() > 0) {
            final Resource t = r.iterator().next();
            logTo.log(sr.getName() + " added as " + t.getName()
                + (t.isExists() ? " is outdated." : " doesn\'t exist."),
        //log uptodateness of all targets:
              + " omitted as " + targetColl.toString()
              + (targetColl.size() == 1 ? " is" : " are ")
              + " up to date.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
    return result;
项目:ant    文件   
 * Log which Resources (if any) have been modified in the future.
 * @param logTo the ProjectComponent to do the logging.
 * @param rc the collection of Resources to check.
 * @param granularity the timestamp granularity to use.
 * @since Ant 1.7
private static void logFuture(final ProjectComponent logTo,
                              final ResourceCollection rc, final long granularity) {
    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis() + granularity;
    final Date sel = new Date();
    final Restrict future = new Restrict();
    for (final Resource r : future) {
        logTo.log("Warning: " + r.getName() + " modified in the future.", Project.MSG_WARN);
项目:ant    文件   
 * Bind the runner to a project component.
 * Properties, targets and references are all added as beans;
 * project is bound to project, and self to the component.
 * @param component to become <code>self</code>
public void bindToComponent(ProjectComponent component) {
    project = component.getProject();
    addBean("project", project);
    addBean("self", component);
项目:svnant    文件   
 * {@inheritDoc}
public ProjectComponent getProjectComponent() {
    return this;
项目:svnant    文件   
private static final SvnClientType getClientType( ProjectComponent component ) {
    return getRefidSetting( component ).getClient();
项目:forbidden-apis    文件   
private <T extends ProjectComponent & ResourceCollection> T addSignaturesResource(T res) {
  return res;
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
public static IvyAntSettings getDefaultInstance(Task task) {
    return getDefaultInstance((ProjectComponent) task);
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
public Ivy getConfiguredIvyInstance(Task task) {
    return getConfiguredIvyInstance((ProjectComponent) task);
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
void createIvyEngine(final ProjectComponent task) {
    Project project = task.getProject();
    Property prop = new Property() {
        public void execute() throws BuildException {

    IvyAntVariableContainer ivyAntVariableContainer = new IvyAntVariableContainer(project);
    IvySettings settings = new IvySettings(ivyAntVariableContainer);

    if (file == null && url == null) {
        defineDefaultSettingFile(ivyAntVariableContainer, task);

    if (antWorkspaceResolver != null) {

    Ivy ivy = Ivy.newInstance(settings);
    try {
        AntMessageLogger.register(task, ivy);

        if (file != null) {
            if (!file.exists()) {
                throw new BuildException("settings file does not exist: " + file);
        } else {
            if (url == null) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                        "ivy setting should have either a file, either an url,"
                                + " and if not defineDefaultSettingFile must set it.");
        ivyEngine = ivy;
    } catch (ParseException | IOException e) {
        throw new BuildException("impossible to configure ivy:settings with given "
                + (file != null ? "file: " + file : "url: " + url) + " : " + e, e);
    } finally {
项目:ant-ivy    文件   
 * Set file or url to its default value
 * @param variableContainer IvyVariableContainer
private void defineDefaultSettingFile(IvyVariableContainer variableContainer,
        ProjectComponent task) {
    String settingsFileName = variableContainer.getVariable("ivy.conf.file");
    if (settingsFileName != null
            && !settingsFileName.equals(variableContainer.getVariable("ivy.settings.file"))) {
        task.log("DEPRECATED: 'ivy.conf.file' is deprecated, use 'ivy.settings.file' instead",
    } else {
        settingsFileName = variableContainer.getVariable("ivy.settings.file");
    File[] settingsLocations = new File[] {
            new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), settingsFileName),
            new File(getProject().getBaseDir(), "ivyconf.xml"), new File(settingsFileName),
            new File("ivyconf.xml")};
    for (File settingsFile : settingsLocations) {
        task.log("searching settings file: trying " + settingsFile, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
        if (settingsFile.exists()) {
            file = settingsFile;
    if (file == null) {
        if (Boolean.valueOf(getProject().getProperty("ivy.14.compatible"))) {
            task.log("no settings file found, using Ivy 1.4 default...", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
            url = IvySettings.getDefault14SettingsURL();
        } else {
            String settingsFileUrl = variableContainer.getVariable("ivy.settings.url");
            if (settingsFileUrl != null) {
                try {
                    url = new URL(settingsFileUrl);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    throw new BuildException(
                            "Impossible to configure ivy:settings with given url: "
                                    + settingsFileUrl + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
            } else {
                task.log("no settings file found, using default...", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
                url = IvySettings.getDefaultSettingsURL();
项目:ant    文件   
 * Create a new LogOutputResource.
 * @param managingComponent ditto
public LogOutputResource(ProjectComponent managingComponent) {
    outputStream = new LogOutputStream(managingComponent);
项目:revapi    文件   
public void initialize(@Nonnull AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
    this.logger = (ProjectComponent) analysisContext.getData(ANT_REPORTER_LOGGER_KEY);
    this.minSeverity = (DifferenceSeverity) analysisContext.getData(MIN_SEVERITY_KEY);
项目:ant    文件   
 * Tells which source files should be reprocessed based on the
 * last modification date of target files.
 * @param logTo where to send (more or less) interesting output.
 * @param source array of resources bearing relative path and last
 * modification date.
 * @param mapper filename mapper indicating how to find the target
 * files.
 * @param targets object able to map as a resource a relative path
 * at <b>destination</b>.
 * @return array containing the source files which need to be
 * copied or processed, because the targets are out of date or do
 * not exist.
public static Resource[] selectOutOfDateSources(final ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                final Resource[] source,
                                                final FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                final ResourceFactory targets) {
    return selectOutOfDateSources(logTo, source, mapper, targets,
项目:ant    文件   
 * Tells which source files should be reprocessed based on the
 * last modification date of target files.
 * @param logTo where to send (more or less) interesting output.
 * @param source array of resources bearing relative path and last
 * modification date.
 * @param mapper filename mapper indicating how to find the target
 * files.
 * @param targets object able to map as a resource a relative path
 * at <b>destination</b>.
 * @param granularity The number of milliseconds leeway to give
 * before deciding a target is out of date.
 * @return array containing the source files which need to be
 * copied or processed, because the targets are out of date or do
 * not exist.
 * @since Ant 1.6.2
public static Resource[] selectOutOfDateSources(final ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                final Resource[] source,
                                                final FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                final ResourceFactory targets,
                                                final long granularity) {
    final Union u = new Union();
    final ResourceCollection rc
        = selectOutOfDateSources(logTo, u, mapper, targets, granularity);
    return rc.size() == 0 ? new Resource[0] : ((Union) rc).listResources();
项目:ant    文件   
 * Tells which sources should be reprocessed based on the
 * last modification date of targets.
 * @param logTo where to send (more or less) interesting output.
 * @param source ResourceCollection.
 * @param mapper filename mapper indicating how to find the target Resources.
 * @param targets object able to map a relative path as a Resource.
 * @param granularity The number of milliseconds leeway to give
 * before deciding a target is out of date.
 * @return ResourceCollection.
 * @since Ant 1.7
public static ResourceCollection selectOutOfDateSources(final ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                        final ResourceCollection source,
                                                        final FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                        final ResourceFactory targets,
                                                        final long granularity) {
    logFuture(logTo, source, granularity);
    return selectSources(logTo, source, mapper, targets,
        sr -> target -> SelectorUtils.isOutOfDate(sr, target, granularity));
项目:ant    文件   
 * Bind the runner to a project component.
 * The project and self are the only beans set.
 * @param component to become <code>self</code>
public void bindToComponentMinimum(ProjectComponent component) {
    project = component.getProject();
    addBean("project", project);
    addBean("self", component);
项目:svnant    文件   
 * Returns the settings used by this facade.
 * @param component   The ant project component used to access the facade. Not <code>null</code>.
 * @return   The settings used by this facade. Not <code>null</code>.
private static final SvnSetting getSetting( ProjectComponent component ) {
    return getFacade( component ).setting;