Java 类org.assertj.core.api.iterable.Extractor 实例源码

项目:ArchUnit    文件   
private static Extractor<Location, String> lastUriPart() {
    return new Extractor<Location, String>() {
        public String extract(Location input) {
            return input.asURI().toString()
                    .replaceAll("/$", "")
                    .replaceAll(".*/", "");
项目:ArchUnit    文件   
private Extractor<JavaMember, String> memberIdentifier() {
    return new Extractor<JavaMember, String>() {
        public String extract(JavaMember input) {
            return input.getOwner().getSimpleName() + "#" + input.getName();
项目:jax-rs-linker    文件   
private Extractor<PathParameter, Optional<String>> patternToOptionalOfString() {
    return new Extractor<PathParameter, Optional<String>>() {
        public Optional<String> extract(PathParameter pathParameter) {
            return pathParameter.getRegex().isPresent()?
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Behavior is described in {@link AbstractIterableAssert#extracting(Extractor)}
 * @param <F> type of elements to extract a value from
 * @param <T> the extracted value type
 * @param objects the elements to extract a value from
 * @param extractor the extractor function
 * @return the extracted values
public static <F, T> List<T> extract(Iterable<? extends F> objects, Extractor<? super F, T> extractor) {
  List<T> result = newArrayList();

  for (F object : objects) {
    final T newValue = extractor.extract(object);

  return result;
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public Tuple extract(T input) {
  checkArgument(fieldsOrProperties != null, "The names of the fields/properties to read should not be null");
  checkArgument(fieldsOrProperties.length > 0, "The names of the fields/properties to read should not be empty");
  checkArgument(input != null, "The object to extract fields/properties from should not be null");

  List<Extractor<T, Object>> extractors = buildExtractors();
  List<Object> values = extractValues(input, extractors);

  return new Tuple(values.toArray());
项目:assertj-core    文件   
private List<Object> extractValues(T input, List<Extractor<T, Object>> singleExtractors) {
  List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();

  for (Extractor<T, Object> extractor : singleExtractors) {
  return values;
项目:assertj-core    文件   
private List<Extractor<T, Object>> buildExtractors() {
  List<Extractor<T, Object>> result = new ArrayList<>();

  for (String name : fieldsOrProperties) {
    result.add(new ByNameSingleExtractor<T>(name));

  return result;
项目:assertj-core    文件   
private <V> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> doFlatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ? extends Collection<V>> extractor) {
  List<V> result = newArrayList();
  final List<? extends Collection<V>> extractedValues = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, extractor);

  for (Collection<? extends V> iterable : extractedValues) {

  return newListAssertInstance(result);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
private <V, C extends Collection<V>> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> doFlatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, C> extractor) {
  final List<C> extractedValues = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(Arrays.asList(actual), extractor);

  final List<V> result = newArrayList();
  for (C e : extractedValues) {

  return newListAssertInstance(result);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
private <U, C extends Collection<U>> ObjectArrayAssert<U> doFlatExtracting(Extractor<? super T, C> extractor) {
  final List<C> extractedValues = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(Arrays.asList(array), extractor);

  final List<U> result = newArrayList();
  for (C e : extractedValues) {

  return new ObjectArrayAssert<>(IterableUtil.toArray(result));
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 public void should_extract_tuples_from_fields_or_properties() {
Extractor<Employee, Tuple> extractor = new ByNameMultipleExtractor<>("id", "age");

Tuple extractedValue = extractor.extract(yoda);
assertThat(extractedValue).isEqualTo(tuple(1L, 800));
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 public void should_extract_tuples_with_consistent_iteration_order() {
Extractor<Employee, Tuple> extractor = new ByNameMultipleExtractor<>("id", "name.first", "age");

Tuple extractedValues = extractor.extract(yoda);
assertThat(extractedValues).isEqualTo(tuple(1L, "Yoda", 800));
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public void should_let_anonymous_class_extractor_runtime_exception_bubble_up() {
  thrown.expect(RuntimeException.class, "age > 100");
  assertThat(employees).extracting(new Extractor<Employee, String>() {
    public String extract(Employee employee) {
      if (employee.getAge() > 100) throw new RuntimeException("age > 100");
      return employee.getName().getFirst();
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public void should_allow_assertions_on_extractor_assertions_extracted_from_given_array_compatibility() {
  assertThat(employees).extracting(new Extractor<Employee, String>() {
    public String extract(Employee input) {
      return input.getName().getFirst();
  }).containsOnly("Yoda", "Luke");
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public void should_allow_assertions_on_extractor_assertions_extracted_from_given_array_compatibility_runtimeexception() {
  assertThat(employees).extracting(new Extractor<Employee, String>() {
    public String extract(Employee input) {
      if (input.getAge() > 100) {
        throw new RuntimeException("age > 100");
      return input.getName().getFirst();
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public final AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ?>... extractors) {
  return super.flatExtracting(extractors);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
public final AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ?>... extractors) {
  return super.flatExtracting(extractors);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract multiple values from each {@code Iterable}'s element according to the given {@code Extractor}s
 * and concatenate/flatten the extracted values in a list that is used as the new object under test.
 * <p>
 * If extracted values were not flattened, instead of a simple list like (given 2 extractors) :
 * <pre>element1.value1, element1.value2, element2.value1, element2.value2, ...  </pre>
 * we would get a list of list like :
 * <pre>list(element1.value1, element1.value2), list(element2.value1, element2.value2), ...  </pre>
 * <p>
 * Code example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> // fellowshipOfTheRing is a List&lt;TolkienCharacter&gt;
 * // values are extracted in order and flattened : age1, name1, age2, name2, age3 ...
 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).flatExtracting(TolkienCharacter::getAge,
 *                                                TolkienCharacter::getName)
 *                                .contains(33 ,"Frodo",
 *                                          1000, "Legolas",
 *                                          87, "Aragorn");</code></pre>
 * The resulting extracted values list is ordered by {@code Iterable}'s element first and then extracted values,
 * this is why is in the example that age values come before names.
 * @param extractors all the extractors to apply on each actual {@code Iterable}'s elements
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is a flattened list of all extracted values.
public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ?>... extractors) {
  Stream<? extends ELEMENT> actualStream = stream(actual.spliterator(), false);
  List<Object> result = actualStream.flatMap(element -> Stream.of(extractors)
                                                              .map(extractor -> extractor.extract(element)))
  return newListAssertInstance(result);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the values from the array's elements by applying an extracting function on them. The returned
 * array becomes a new object under test.
 * <p>
 * It allows to test values from the elements in safer way than by using {@link #extracting(String)}, as it
 * doesn't utilize introspection.
 * <p>
 * Let's take a look an example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)
 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.
 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;TolkienCharacter&gt; fellowshipOfTheRing = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new TolkienCharacter[]{
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Frodo&quot;, 33, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Sam&quot;, 38, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gandalf&quot;, 2020, MAIA),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Legolas&quot;, 1000, ELF),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Pippin&quot;, 28, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gimli&quot;, 139, DWARF),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Aragorn&quot;, 87, MAN,
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Boromir&quot;, 37, MAN)
 * };
 * // this extracts the race
 * Extractor&lt;TolkienCharacter, Race&gt; race = new Extractor&lt;TolkienCharacter, Race&gt;() {
 *    {@literal @}Override
 *    public Race extract(TolkienCharacter input) {
 *        return input.getRace();
 *    }
 * }
 * // fellowship has hobbits, right, my presioussss?
 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting(race).contains(HOBBIT);</code></pre>
 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under
 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values
 * order.
 * @param <U> the extracted values type
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to desired one
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.0
public <U> ObjectArrayAssert<U> extracting(Extractor<? super T, U> extractor) {
  U[] extracted = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(array, extractor);

  return new ObjectArrayAssert<>(extracted);
项目:bdt    文件   
 * Get selenium extractor.
 * @return {@code Extractor<WebElement, String>}
public static Extractor<WebElement, String> linkText() {
    return new SeleniumExtractor();
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Call {@link #extract(Iterable, Extractor)} after converting objects to an iterable.
 * <p>
 * Behavior is described in javadoc {@link AbstractObjectArrayAssert#extracting(Extractor)}
 * @param <F> type of elements to extract a value from
 * @param <T> the extracted value type
 * @param objects the elements to extract a value from
 * @param extractor the extractor function
 * @return the extracted values
public static <F, T> T[] extract(F[] objects, Extractor<? super F, T> extractor) {
  List<T> result = extract(newArrayList(objects), extractor);
  return toArray(result);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Provides extractor for extracting {@link java.lang.Object#toString} from any object
 * @return the built {@link Extractor}
public static Extractor<Object, String> toStringMethod() {
  return new ToStringExtractor();
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Provides extractor for extracting single field or property from any object using reflection
 * @param <F> type to extract property from
 * @param fieldOrProperty the name of the field/property to extract 
 * @return the built {@link Extractor}
public static <F> Extractor<F, Object> byName(String fieldOrProperty) {
  return new ByNameSingleExtractor<>(fieldOrProperty);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Provides extractor for extracting multiple fields or properties from any object using reflection
 * @param <F> type to extract property from
 * @param fieldsOrProperties the name of the fields/properties to extract 
 * @return the built {@link Extractor}
public static <F> Extractor<F, Tuple> byName(String... fieldsOrProperties) {
  return new ByNameMultipleExtractor<>(fieldsOrProperties);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Provides extractor for extracting values by method name from any object using reflection
 * @param <F> type to extract property from
 * @param methodName the name of the method to execute
 * @return the built {@link Extractor}
public static <F> Extractor<F, Object> resultOf(String methodName) {
  return new ResultOfExtractor<>(methodName);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the values from Iterable's elements under test by applying an extracting function on them. The returned
 * iterable becomes a new object under test.
 * <p>
 * It allows to test values from the elements in more safe way than by using {@link #extracting(String)}, as it
 * doesn't utilize introspection.
 * <p>
 * Let's have a look at an example :
 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)
 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.
 * List&lt;TolkienCharacter&gt; fellowshipOfTheRing = new ArrayList&lt;TolkienCharacter&gt;();
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Frodo&quot;, 33, HOBBIT));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Sam&quot;, 38, HOBBIT));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gandalf&quot;, 2020, MAIA));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Legolas&quot;, 1000, ELF));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Pippin&quot;, 28, HOBBIT));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gimli&quot;, 139, DWARF));
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Aragorn&quot;, 87, MAN);
 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Boromir&quot;, 37, MAN));
 * // this extracts the race
 * Extractor&lt;TolkienCharacter, Race&gt; race = new Extractor&lt;TolkienCharacter, Race&gt;() {
 *    {@literal @}Override
 *    public Race extract(TolkienCharacter input) {
 *        return input.getRace();
 *    }
 * }
 * // fellowship has hobbitses, right, my presioussss?
 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting(TolkienCharacter::getRace).contains(HOBBIT);</code></pre>
 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under
 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values
 * order.
 * @param <V> the type of elements extracted.
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to desired one
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
public <V> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> extracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, V> extractor) {
  List<V> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, extractor);
  return newListAssertInstance(values);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the Iterable values from Iterable's elements under test by applying an Iterable extracting function on them
 * and concatenating the result lists. The returned iterable becomes a new object under test.
 * <p>
 * It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
 * homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
 * CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
 * CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
 * fred.getChildren().add(pebbles);
 * Extractor&lt;CartoonCharacter, List&lt;CartoonCharacter&gt;&gt; childrenOf = new Extractor&lt;CartoonChildren, List&lt;CartoonChildren&gt;&gt;() {
 *    {@literal @}Override
 *    public List&lt;CartoonChildren&gt; extract(CartoonCharacter input) {
 *        return input.getChildren();
 *    }
 * }
 * List&lt;CartoonCharacter&gt; parents = newArrayList(homer, fred);
 * // check children
 * assertThat(parent).flatExtracting(CartoonCharacter::getChildren)
 *                   .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);</code></pre>
 * The order of extracted values is consistent with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted
 * collections.
 * @param <V> the type of elements extracted.
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to an {@code Iterable} of desired ones
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
 * @throws NullPointerException if one of the {@code Iterable}'s element is null.
public <V> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ? extends Collection<V>> extractor) {
  return doFlatExtracting(extractor);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the values from the array's elements by applying an extracting function on them, the resulting list becomes  
 * the new object under test.
 * <p>
 * This method is similar to {@link #extracting(String)} but more refactoring friendly as it does not use introspection.
 * <p>
 * Let's take a look an example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)
 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.
 * TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Frodo&quot;, 33, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Sam&quot;, 38, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gandalf&quot;, 2020, MAIA),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Legolas&quot;, 1000, ELF),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Pippin&quot;, 28, HOBBIT),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Gimli&quot;, 139, DWARF),
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Aragorn&quot;, 87, MAN,
 *   new TolkienCharacter(&quot;Boromir&quot;, 37, MAN)
 * };
 * // fellowship has hobbitses, right, my presioussss?
 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting(TolkienCharacter::getRace).contains(HOBBIT);</code></pre>
 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under
 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values
 * order.
 * @param <U> the type of elements to extract.
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to desired one
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted values. 
public <U> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends U>, U, ObjectAssert<U>> extracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, U> extractor) {
  List<U> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(Arrays.asList(actual), extractor);
  return newListAssertInstance(values);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the Iterable values from arrays elements under test by applying an Iterable extracting function on them
 * and concatenating the result lists into an array which becomes the new object under test.
 * <p>
 * It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
 * homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
 * CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
 * CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
 * fred.getChildren().add(pebbles);
 * CartoonCharacter[] parents = new CartoonCharacter[] { homer, fred };
 * // check children
 * assertThat(parents).flatExtracting(CartoonCharacter::getChildren)
 *                    .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);</code></pre>
 * The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted
 * collections.
 * @param <V> the type of elements to extract.
 * @param <C> the type of collection to flat/extract.
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
public <V, C extends Collection<V>> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, C> extractor) {
  return doFlatExtracting(extractor);
项目:assertj-core    文件   
 * Extract the Iterable values from the array's elements by applying an Iterable extracting function on them
 * and concatenating the result lists into an array which becomes the new object under test.
 * <p>
 * It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre><code class='java'> CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
 * CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
 * homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
 * CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
 * CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
 * fred.getChildren().add(pebbles);
 * Extractor&lt;CartoonCharacter, List&lt;CartoonCharacter&gt;&gt; childrenOf = new Extractor&lt;CartoonCharacter, List&lt;CartoonCharacter&gt;&gt;() {
 *    {@literal @}Override
 *    public List&lt;CartoonChildren&gt; extract(CartoonCharacter input) {
 *        return input.getChildren();
 *    }
 * }
 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;CartoonCharacter&gt; parents = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new CartoonCharacter[]{ homer, fred });
 * // check children
 * assertThat(parents).flatExtracting(childrenOf)
 *                    .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);</code></pre>
 * The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted
 * collections.
 * @param <U> the type of elements to extract.
 * @param <C> the type of collection to flat/extract.
 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones
 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.0
public <U, C extends Collection<U>> ObjectArrayAssert<U> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super T, C> extractor) {
  return doFlatExtracting(extractor);