Java 类org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput 实例源码

项目:okwallet    文件   
 * Returns the amount of bitcoin ever received via output. <b>This is not the balance!</b> If an output spends from a
 * transaction whose inputs are also to our wallet, the input amounts are deducted from the outputs contribution, with a minimum of zero
 * contribution. The idea behind this is we avoid double counting money sent to us.
 * @return the total amount of satoshis received, regardless of whether it was spent or not.
public Coin getTotalReceived() {
    Coin total = Coin.ZERO;

    // Include outputs to us if they were not just change outputs, ie the inputs to us summed to less
    // than the outputs to us.
    for (Transaction tx: transactions.values()) {
        Coin txTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
            if (output.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.add(output.getValue());
        for (TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
            TransactionOutput prevOut = in.getConnectedOutput();
            if (prevOut != null && prevOut.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.subtract(prevOut.getValue());
        if (txTotal.isPositive()) {
            total = total.add(txTotal);
    return total;
项目:okwallet    文件   
/** Checks if the given input passes some of the AreInputsStandard checks. Not complete. */
public static RuleViolation isInputStandard(TransactionInput input) {
    for (ScriptChunk chunk : input.getScriptSig().getChunks()) {
        if ( != null && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData())
            return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA;
        if (chunk.isPushData()) {
            ECDSASignature signature;
            try {
                signature = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
                // Doesn't look like a signature.
                signature = null;
            if (signature != null) {
                if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
                if (!signature.isCanonical())
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
    return RuleViolation.NONE;
项目:coinblesk-client-gui    文件   
private void assembleTransaction() throws PaymentException {
    int numClientSigs = clientTxSignatures.size();
    int numServerSigs = serverTxSignatures.size();
    if (numClientSigs != numServerSigs) {
        throw new PaymentException(PaymentError.TRANSACTION_ERROR);

    for (int i = 0; i < numClientSigs; ++i) {
        TransactionInput txIn = transaction.getInput(i);
        byte[] hash = txIn.getConnectedOutput().getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash();
        TimeLockedAddress tla = walletService.findTimeLockedAddressByHash(hash);
        Script scriptSig = tla.createScriptSigBeforeLockTime(
                clientTxSignatures.get(i), serverTxSignatures.get(i));
项目:coinblesk-client-gui    文件   
private List<TransactionSignature> signTransaction(Transaction tx) throws CoinbleskException {
    final List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx.getInputs();
    final List<TransactionSignature> signatures = new ArrayList<>(inputs.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
        TransactionInput txIn = inputs.get(i);
        TransactionOutput prevTxOut = txIn.getConnectedOutput();
        byte[] sentToHash = prevTxOut.getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash();
        TimeLockedAddress tla = findTimeLockedAddressByHash(sentToHash);
        if (tla == null) {
            throw new CoinbleskException(String.format(Locale.US,
                    "Could not sign input (index=%d, pubKeyHash=%s)",
                    i, org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.HEX.encode(sentToHash)));
        byte[] redeemScript = tla.createRedeemScript().getProgram();
        TransactionSignature signature = tx.calculateSignature(
                i, multisigClientKey, redeemScript, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
    return signatures;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
 * Returns the amount of bitcoin ever received via output. <b>This is not the balance!</b> If an output spends from a
 * transaction whose inputs are also to our wallet, the input amounts are deducted from the outputs contribution, with a minimum of zero
 * contribution. The idea behind this is we avoid double counting money sent to us.
 * @return the total amount of satoshis received, regardless of whether it was spent or not.
public Coin getTotalReceived() {
    Coin total = Coin.ZERO;

    // Include outputs to us if they were not just change outputs, ie the inputs to us summed to less
    // than the outputs to us.
    for (Transaction tx: transactions.values()) {
        Coin txTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
            if (output.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.add(output.getValue());
        for (TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
            TransactionOutput prevOut = in.getConnectedOutput();
            if (prevOut != null && prevOut.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.subtract(prevOut.getValue());
        if (txTotal.isPositive()) {
            total = total.add(txTotal);
    return total;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
/** Checks if the given input passes some of the AreInputsStandard checks. Not complete. */
public static RuleViolation isInputStandard(TransactionInput input) {
    for (ScriptChunk chunk : input.getScriptSig().getChunks()) {
        if ( != null && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData())
            return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA;
        if (chunk.isPushData()) {
            ECDSASignature signature;
            try {
                signature = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(;
            } catch (RuntimeException x) {
                // Doesn't look like a signature.
                signature = null;
            if (signature != null) {
                if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
                if (!signature.isCanonical())
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
    return RuleViolation.NONE;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
public void completeTxPartiallySignedMarried(Wallet.MissingSigsMode missSigMode, byte[] expectedSig) throws Exception {
    // create married wallet without signer
    createMarriedWallet(2, 2, false);
    myAddress = wallet.currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS);
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, COIN, myAddress);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.emptyWallet(OTHER_ADDRESS);
    req.missingSigsMode = missSigMode;
    TransactionInput input = req.tx.getInput(0);

    boolean firstSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(1).data);
    boolean secondSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(2).data);

    assertTrue("Only one of the signatures should be missing/dummy", firstSigIsMissing ^ secondSigIsMissing);
    int localSigIndex = firstSigIsMissing ? 2 : 1;
    int length = input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(localSigIndex).data.length;
    assertTrue("Local sig should be present: " + length, length >= 70);
项目:thunder    文件   
private static Transaction shuffleTransaction (Transaction transaction) {
    Transaction shuffledTransaction = new Transaction(Constants.getNetwork());

    List<TransactionInput> shuffledInputs = new ArrayList<>(transaction.getInputs());
    List<TransactionOutput> shuffledOutputs = new ArrayList<>(transaction.getOutputs());

    for (TransactionInput input : shuffledInputs) {
    for (TransactionOutput output : shuffledOutputs) {
    return shuffledTransaction;
项目:lbry-android    文件   
public Value getRawTxFee(TransactionWatcherWallet wallet) {
    Preconditions.checkState(!isTrimmed, "Cannot get raw tx fee from a trimmed transaction");
    Value fee = type.value(0);
    for (TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = input.getOutpoint();
        BitTransaction inTx = wallet.getTransaction(outPoint.getHash());
        if (inTx == null || !inTx.isOutputAvailable((int) outPoint.getIndex())) {
            return null;
        TransactionOutput txo = inTx.getOutput((int) outPoint.getIndex());
        fee = fee.add(txo.getValue());
    for (TransactionOutput output : getOutputs()) {
        fee = fee.subtract(output.getValue());
    return fee;
项目:lbry-android    文件   
private boolean isInputMine(TransactionInput input) {
    try {
        try {
            Script script = input.getScriptSig();
            // TODO check multi sig scripts
            return isPubKeyMine(script.getPubKey());
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
            // We didn't understand this input ScriptSig: ignore it.
            log.debug("Could not parse tx input script: {}", e.toString());
            return false;
    finally {
项目:Shufflepuff    文件   
 * Takes in a transaction and a private key and returns a signature (if possible)
 * as a Bytestring object.
public Bytestring getSignature(org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction signTx, ECKey privKey) {

    org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction copyTx = signTx;

    for (int i = 0; i < copyTx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        TransactionInput input = copyTx.getInput(i);
        TransactionOutput connectedOutput = input.getConnectedOutput();
        Sha256Hash hash = copyTx.hashForSignature(i, connectedOutput.getScriptPubKey(), org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecSig = privKey.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSig = new TransactionSignature(ecSig, org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
        byte[] originalScript = input.getScriptBytes().clone();
        Script inputScript = ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSig, ECKey.fromPublicOnly(privKey.getPubKey()));
        try {
            return new Bytestring(inputScript.getProgram());
        } catch (VerificationException e) {
            input.setScriptSig(this.bytestringToInputScript(new Bytestring(originalScript)));

    return null;
项目:libdohj    文件   
private static AltcoinBlock createGenesis(NetworkParameters params) {
    AltcoinBlock genesisBlock = new AltcoinBlock(params, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS);
    Transaction t = new Transaction(params);
    try {
        byte[] bytes = Utils.HEX.decode
        t.addInput(new TransactionInput(params, t, bytes));
        ByteArrayOutputStream scriptPubKeyBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Script.writeBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes, Utils.HEX.decode
        t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, COIN.multiply(88), scriptPubKeyBytes.toByteArray()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Cannot happen.
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return genesisBlock;
项目:libdohj    文件   
private static AltcoinBlock createGenesis(NetworkParameters params) {
    AltcoinBlock genesisBlock = new AltcoinBlock(params, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS);
    Transaction t = new Transaction(params);
    try {
        byte[] bytes = Hex.decode
        t.addInput(new TransactionInput(params, t, bytes));
        ByteArrayOutputStream scriptPubKeyBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Script.writeBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes, Hex.decode
        t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, COIN.multiply(50), scriptPubKeyBytes.toByteArray()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Cannot happen.
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return genesisBlock;
项目:libdohj    文件   
private static AltcoinBlock createGenesis(NetworkParameters params) {
    AltcoinBlock genesisBlock = new AltcoinBlock(params, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS);
    Transaction t = new Transaction(params);
    try {
        byte[] bytes = Hex.decode
        t.addInput(new TransactionInput(params, t, bytes));
        ByteArrayOutputStream scriptPubKeyBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Script.writeBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes, Hex.decode
        t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, COIN.multiply(50), scriptPubKeyBytes.toByteArray()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Cannot happen.
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return genesisBlock;
项目:libdohj    文件   
private static AltcoinBlock createGenesis(NetworkParameters params) {
    AltcoinBlock genesisBlock = new AltcoinBlock(params, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS);
    Transaction t = new Transaction(params);
    try {
        // "... choose what comes next.  Lives of your own, or a return to chains. -- V"
        byte[] bytes = Utils.HEX.decode
        t.addInput(new TransactionInput(params, t, bytes));
        ByteArrayOutputStream scriptPubKeyBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Script.writeBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes, Utils.HEX.decode
        t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, COIN.multiply(50), scriptPubKeyBytes.toByteArray()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Cannot happen.
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return genesisBlock;
项目:consensusj    文件   
 * Construct from a bitcoinj transaction
 * @param transaction A bitcoinj confirmed or unconfirmed transaction
public RawTransactionInfo(Transaction transaction) {
    this.hex = TransactionHexSerializer.bytesToHexString(transaction.bitcoinSerialize());
    this.txid = transaction.getHash();
    this.version = transaction.getVersion();
    this.locktime = transaction.getLockTime();
    this.blockhash = null;  // For now
    this.confirmations = transaction.getConfidence().getDepthInBlocks();
    this.time = 0; // TODO: block header time of block including transaction
    this.blocktime = this.time; // same as time (see API doc)
    vin = new VinList();
    for (TransactionInput input : transaction.getInputs()) {
        vin.add(new Vin(input.getHash(),
    vout = new VoutList();
    for (TransactionOutput output : transaction.getOutputs()) {
        vout.add(new Vout(output.getValue(),
项目:EternityWallAndroid    文件   
public void pshTx() {

    final List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx1.getInputs();
    for (TransactionInput input : inputs) {
        try {
            Address current = input.getScriptSig().getFromAddress(MainNetParams.get());
        } catch (ScriptException e) {


项目:coinblesk-server    文件   
public Coin getPendingChannelFees(Account account) {
    if (account.getChannelTransaction() == null) {
        return Coin.ZERO;
    Transaction tx = new Transaction(appConfig.getNetworkParameters(), account.getChannelTransaction());

    long inputSum = 0L;
    long outputSum = 0L;

    for(TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
        inputSum += walletService.findOutputFor(in).getValue().longValue();

    for(TransactionOutput out : tx.getOutputs()) {
        outputSum += out.getValue().longValue();

    return Coin.valueOf(inputSum - outputSum);
项目:java-obelisk    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    //ClientBase clientBase = new ClientBase("tcp://");
    ClientBase clientBase = new ClientBase("tcp://");
    clientBase.setMonitorOutputInterval(3 * 1000);

    final Client client = new Client(clientBase);

    Future<Object> f = client.getBlockchain().fetchTransaction(Hex.decode("516a4fe33d99edcfb500aab499d93d9a6d4133d46860f0d7716781ab65002e69"));
    Transaction tx = (Transaction)f.get();
    for (TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
    for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
项目:Wallet    文件   
private Transaction signStandardTx(Transaction tx, Map<String,ECKey> keys){
    // sign
    for(int index=0;index < tx.getInputs().size(); index++){
        TransactionInput in = tx.getInput(index);
        TransactionOutput connectedOutput = in.getConnectedOutput();
        String addFrom = connectedOutput.getScriptPubKey().getToAddress(getNetworkParams()).toString();
        TransactionSignature sig = tx.calculateSignature(index, keys.get(addFrom), 
        Script inputScript = ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(sig, keys.get(addFrom));

        try {
            in.getScriptSig().correctlySpends(tx, (long)index, connectedOutput.getScriptPubKey());
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
            return null;

    return tx;
项目:Wallet    文件   
private TransactionInput addInput(Coin amount, String privateKeyStringHex, String addressString, int keyIndex) throws Exception{
    ECKey inKey =  ECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode(privateKeyStringHex));
    Address inAddress = inKey.toAddress(MainNetParams.get());
    ATAddress.Builder bAddress = ATAddress.newBuilder();
    TransactionOutput in = new TransactionOutput(MainNetParams.get(), 
    TransactionInput inMock  = Mockito.mock(TransactionInput.class);


    return inMock;
项目:dashj    文件   
/** Checks if the given input passes some of the AreInputsStandard checks. Not complete. */
public static RuleViolation isInputStandard(TransactionInput input) {
    for (ScriptChunk chunk : input.getScriptSig().getChunks()) {
        if ( != null && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData())
            return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA;
        if (chunk.isPushData()) {
            ECDSASignature signature;
            try {
                signature = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(;
            } catch (RuntimeException x) {
                // Doesn't look like a signature.
                signature = null;
            if (signature != null) {
                if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
                if (!signature.isCanonical())
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
    return RuleViolation.NONE;
项目:dashj    文件   
public void completeTxPartiallySignedMarried(Wallet.MissingSigsMode missSigMode, byte[] expectedSig) throws Exception {
    // create married wallet without signer
    createMarriedWallet(2, 2, false);
    myAddress = wallet.currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS);
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, COIN, myAddress);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.emptyWallet(OTHER_ADDRESS);
    req.missingSigsMode = missSigMode;
    TransactionInput input = req.tx.getInput(0);

    boolean firstSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(1).data);
    boolean secondSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(2).data);

    assertTrue("Only one of the signatures should be missing/dummy", firstSigIsMissing ^ secondSigIsMissing);
    int localSigIndex = firstSigIsMissing ? 2 : 1;
    int length = input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(localSigIndex).data.length;
    assertTrue("Local sig should be present: " + length, length >= 70);
项目:jelectrum    文件   
public TransactionSummary(Transaction tx, TXUtil tx_util, boolean confirmed, Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> block_tx_map)
  tx_hash = tx.getHash();
  involved_scripthashes = new HashSet<>();
  ins = new TreeMap<>();
  outs = new TreeMap<>();

  for(TransactionOutput tx_out : tx.getOutputs())
    TransactionOutSummary os = new TransactionOutSummary(tx_out, tx_util);

    outs.put( tx_out.getIndex(), os );
  int idx=0;
  for(TransactionInput tx_in : tx.getInputs())
    TransactionInSummary is =  new TransactionInSummary(tx_in, tx_util, confirmed, block_tx_map);

    ByteString addr = is.getScriptHash();
    if (addr != null) involved_scripthashes.add(addr);

    ins.put(idx, is);  
项目:jelectrum    文件   
public void putTxOutSpents(Transaction tx)
  LinkedList<String> tx_outs = new LinkedList<String>();

    for(TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs())
        if (!in.isCoinBase())
            TransactionOutPoint out = in.getOutpoint();
            String key = out.getHash().toString() + ":" + out.getIndex();
            //file_db.addTxOutSpentByMap(key, tx.getHash());

项目:jelectrum    文件   
public boolean areSomeInputsPending(Transaction tx)
  MemPoolInfo info = latest_info;
  if (info == null) return false; //Hard to say

  for(TransactionInput tx_in : tx.getInputs())
    if (!tx_in.isCoinBase())
      TransactionOutPoint tx_out = tx_in.getOutpoint();
      Sha256Hash parent_hash = tx_out.getHash();
      if (info.tx_set.contains(parent_hash)) return true;
  return false;
项目:bitcoinj    文件   
 * Returns the amount of bitcoin ever received via output. <b>This is not the balance!</b> If an output spends from a
 * transaction whose inputs are also to our wallet, the input amounts are deducted from the outputs contribution, with a minimum of zero
 * contribution. The idea behind this is we avoid double counting money sent to us.
 * @return the total amount of satoshis received, regardless of whether it was spent or not.
public Coin getTotalReceived() {
    Coin total = Coin.ZERO;

    // Include outputs to us if they were not just change outputs, ie the inputs to us summed to less
    // than the outputs to us.
    for (Transaction tx: transactions.values()) {
        Coin txTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
            if (output.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.add(output.getValue());
        for (TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
            TransactionOutput prevOut = in.getConnectedOutput();
            if (prevOut != null && prevOut.isMine(this)) {
                txTotal = txTotal.subtract(prevOut.getValue());
        if (txTotal.isPositive()) {
            total = total.add(txTotal);
    return total;
项目:bitcoinj    文件   
/** Checks if the given input passes some of the AreInputsStandard checks. Not complete. */
public static RuleViolation isInputStandard(TransactionInput input) {
    for (ScriptChunk chunk : input.getScriptSig().getChunks()) {
        if ( != null && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData())
            return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA;
        if (chunk.isPushData()) {
            ECDSASignature signature;
            try {
                signature = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
                // Doesn't look like a signature.
                signature = null;
            if (signature != null) {
                if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
                if (!signature.isCanonical())
                    return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING;
    return RuleViolation.NONE;
项目:bitcoinj    文件   
public void completeTxPartiallySignedMarried(Wallet.MissingSigsMode missSigMode, byte[] expectedSig) throws Exception {
    // create married wallet without signer
    createMarriedWallet(2, 2, false);
    myAddress = wallet.currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose.RECEIVE_FUNDS);
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, COIN, myAddress);

    SendRequest req = SendRequest.emptyWallet(OTHER_ADDRESS);
    req.missingSigsMode = missSigMode;
    TransactionInput input = req.tx.getInput(0);

    boolean firstSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(1).data);
    boolean secondSigIsMissing = Arrays.equals(expectedSig, input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(2).data);

    assertTrue("Only one of the signatures should be missing/dummy", firstSigIsMissing ^ secondSigIsMissing);
    int localSigIndex = firstSigIsMissing ? 2 : 1;
    int length = input.getScriptSig().getChunks().get(localSigIndex).data.length;
    assertTrue("Local sig should be present: " + length, length >= 70);
项目:xwallet    文件   
public static boolean isEntirelySelf(final Transaction tx, final Wallet wallet) {
    for (final TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
        final TransactionOutput connectedOutput = input.getConnectedOutput();
        if (connectedOutput == null || !connectedOutput.isMine(wallet))
            return false;

    for (final TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
        if (!output.isMine(wallet))
            return false;

    return true;
项目:okwallet    文件   
/** Finds if tx is NOT spending other txns which are in the specified confidence type */
private boolean isNotSpendingTxnsInConfidenceType(Transaction tx, ConfidenceType confidenceType) {
    for (TransactionInput txInput : tx.getInputs()) {
        Transaction connectedTx = this.getTransaction(txInput.getOutpoint().getHash());
        if (connectedTx != null && connectedTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType().equals(confidenceType)) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:okwallet    文件   
/** Finds whether txA spends txB */
boolean spends(Transaction txA, Transaction txB) {
    for (TransactionInput txInput : txA.getInputs()) {
        if (txInput.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(txB.getHash())) {
            return true;
    return false;
项目:okwallet    文件   
 * Returns the amount of bitcoin ever sent via output. If an output is sent to our own wallet, because of change or
 * rotating keys or whatever, we do not count it. If the wallet was
 * involved in a shared transaction, i.e. there is some input to the transaction that we don't have the key for, then
 * we multiply the sum of the output values by the proportion of satoshi coming in to our inputs. Essentially we treat
 * inputs as pooling into the transaction, becoming fungible and being equally distributed to all outputs.
 * @return the total amount of satoshis sent by us
public Coin getTotalSent() {
    Coin total = Coin.ZERO;

    for (Transaction tx: transactions.values()) {
        // Count spent outputs to only if they were not to us. This means we don't count change outputs.
        Coin txOutputTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput out : tx.getOutputs()) {
            if (out.isMine(this) == false) {
                txOutputTotal = txOutputTotal.add(out.getValue());

        // Count the input values to us
        Coin txOwnedInputsTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
            TransactionOutput prevOut = in.getConnectedOutput();
            if (prevOut != null && prevOut.isMine(this)) {
                txOwnedInputsTotal = txOwnedInputsTotal.add(prevOut.getValue());

        // If there is an input that isn't from us, i.e. this is a shared transaction
        Coin txInputsTotal = tx.getInputSum();
        if (txOwnedInputsTotal != txInputsTotal) {

            // multiply our output total by the appropriate proportion to account for the inputs that we don't own
            BigInteger txOutputTotalNum = new BigInteger(txOutputTotal.toString());
            txOutputTotalNum = txOutputTotalNum.multiply(new BigInteger(txOwnedInputsTotal.toString()));
            txOutputTotalNum = txOutputTotalNum.divide(new BigInteger(txInputsTotal.toString()));
            txOutputTotal = Coin.valueOf(txOutputTotalNum.longValue());
        total = total.add(txOutputTotal);

    return total;
项目:okwallet    文件   
public static boolean isEntirelySelf(final Transaction tx, final Wallet wallet) {
    for (final TransactionInput input : tx.getInputs()) {
        final TransactionOutput connectedOutput = input.getConnectedOutput();
        if (connectedOutput == null || !connectedOutput.isMine(wallet))
            return false;

    for (final TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) {
        if (!output.isMine(wallet))
            return false;

    return true;
项目:coinblesk-client-gui    文件   
private Map<String, Long> createLockTimeForInputsMap(List<TransactionInput> inputs) {
    Map<String, Long> timeLocksOfInputs = new HashMap<>(inputs.size());
    for (TransactionInput txIn : inputs) {
        byte[] pubKeyHash = txIn.getConnectedOutput().getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash();
        String addressHashHex = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.HEX.encode(pubKeyHash);
        TimeLockedAddress txInAddress = addressHashes.get(addressHashHex);
        if (txInAddress != null) {
            long lockTime = txInAddress.getLockTime();
            timeLocksOfInputs.put(addressHashHex, lockTime);
    return timeLocksOfInputs;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
/** Finds if tx is NOT spending other txns which are in the specified confidence type */
private boolean isNotSpendingTxnsInConfidenceType(Transaction tx, ConfidenceType confidenceType) {
    for (TransactionInput txInput : tx.getInputs()) {
        Transaction connectedTx = this.getTransaction(txInput.getOutpoint().getHash());
        if (connectedTx != null && connectedTx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType().equals(confidenceType)) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
/** Finds whether txA spends txB */
boolean spends(Transaction txA, Transaction txB) {
    for (TransactionInput txInput : txA.getInputs()) {
        if (txInput.getOutpoint().getHash().equals(txB.getHash())) {
            return true;
    return false;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
 * Returns the amount of bitcoin ever sent via output. If an output is sent to our own wallet, because of change or
 * rotating keys or whatever, we do not count it. If the wallet was
 * involved in a shared transaction, i.e. there is some input to the transaction that we don't have the key for, then
 * we multiply the sum of the output values by the proportion of satoshi coming in to our inputs. Essentially we treat
 * inputs as pooling into the transaction, becoming fungible and being equally distributed to all outputs.
 * @return the total amount of satoshis sent by us
public Coin getTotalSent() {
    Coin total = Coin.ZERO;

    for (Transaction tx: transactions.values()) {
        // Count spent outputs to only if they were not to us. This means we don't count change outputs.
        Coin txOutputTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionOutput out : tx.getOutputs()) {
            if (out.isMine(this) == false) {
                txOutputTotal = txOutputTotal.add(out.getValue());

        // Count the input values to us
        Coin txOwnedInputsTotal = Coin.ZERO;
        for (TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
            TransactionOutput prevOut = in.getConnectedOutput();
            if (prevOut != null && prevOut.isMine(this)) {
                txOwnedInputsTotal = txOwnedInputsTotal.add(prevOut.getValue());

        // If there is an input that isn't from us, i.e. this is a shared transaction
        Coin txInputsTotal = tx.getInputSum();
        if (txOwnedInputsTotal != txInputsTotal) {

            // multiply our output total by the appropriate proportion to account for the inputs that we don't own
            BigInteger txOutputTotalNum = new BigInteger(txOutputTotal.toString());
            txOutputTotalNum = txOutputTotalNum.multiply(new BigInteger(txOwnedInputsTotal.toString()));
            txOutputTotalNum = txOutputTotalNum.divide(new BigInteger(txInputsTotal.toString()));
            txOutputTotal = Coin.valueOf(txOutputTotalNum.longValue());
        total = total.add(txOutputTotal);

    return total;
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
public void isTxConsistentReturnsFalseAsExpected() {
    Wallet wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS);
    TransactionOutput to = createMock(TransactionOutput.class);
    EasyMock.expect(to.getSpentBy()).andReturn(new TransactionInput(PARAMS, null, new byte[0]));

    Transaction tx = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTxWithoutChange(PARAMS, to);


    boolean isConsistent = wallet.isTxConsistent(tx, false);
项目:cryptwallet    文件   
@Test (expected = ECKey.MissingPrivateKeyException.class)
public void completeTxPartiallySignedThrows() throws Exception {
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, CENT, wallet.freshReceiveKey());
    SendRequest req = SendRequest.emptyWallet(OTHER_ADDRESS);
    // Delete the sigs
    for (TransactionInput input : req.tx.getInputs())
    Wallet watching = Wallet.fromWatchingKey(PARAMS, wallet.getWatchingKey().dropParent().dropPrivateBytes());