public static void resume() { if (isInitialize == false) return; if (isPaused == false) return; isPaused = false; Log.d("BITCOINJ", "Create PeerGroup"); peerGroup = new PeerGroup(netParams, blockChain); peerGroup.setUserAgent("PeerMonitor", "1.0"); peerGroup.setMaxConnections(8); peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new DnsDiscovery(netParams)); Log.d("BITCOINJ", "Start Asynchronous PeerGroup"); peerGroup.start(); Log.d("BITCOINJ", "Download Started"); myDownload = new MyDownload(); peerGroup.startBlockChainDownload(myDownload); }
public boolean isValidProof(BlockChain bc, PeerGroup pg, NetworkParameters params) { if(!isValidPath()) { System.out.println("path is not valid, thus proof not valid, abort"); return false; } if(!isValidGPTx()) { System.out.println("gptx is not valid, abort"); return false; } if(!isNymNotSpend(bc)) { System.out.println("nym is not locked anymore, consider spent, abort"); return false; } if(!isNymTxInBlockChain(params, bc, pg)) { System.out.println("nymtx is not in blockchain, consider proof invalid, abort"); return false; } System.out.println("proof seems valid"); return true; }
@Bean public BlockChainService getBlockchainService(final NetworkParameters params, final BlockChain blockChain, final PeerGroup peerGroup, final TransactionStateService transactionService, final WalletDbService walletService, final AccountDbService accountService, final BlockchainSettings settings ){ final BitcoinjBlockchainServiceImpl blockChainService = new BitcoinjBlockchainServiceImpl(params, blockChain, peerGroup, transactionService, walletService, accountService, settings); blockChainService.init(); return blockChainService; }
public NameLookupLatestLevelDBTransactionCache (Context context, File directory, DBFactory dbFactory, BlockChain chain, BlockStore store, PeerGroup peerGroup) throws IOException { this.chain = chain; = store; this.peerGroup = peerGroup; this.context = context; this.params = context.getParams(); this.path = directory; Options options = new Options(); options.createIfMissing(); try { tryOpen(directory, dbFactory, options); } catch (IOException e) {, options); tryOpen(directory, dbFactory, options); } chain.addNewBestBlockListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, this); chain.addReorganizeListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, this); chain.addTransactionReceivedListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, this); }
/** * Full instantiation * * @param wallet * @param peerGroup * @param appParams * @throws IOException * @throws AccountWasNotFoundException */ public Authenticator(Wallet wallet, PeerGroup peerGroup, BAApplicationParameters appParams) { super(Authenticator.class); try { init(appParams); if(mWalletOperation == null){ mWalletOperation = new WalletOperation(wallet,peerGroup,appParams); initPendingRequests(); } init2(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate Authenticator"); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /* * This is just a test runner that will download blockchain till block * 390000 then exit. */ FullPrunedBlockStore store = new LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore( MainNetParams.get(), args[0], 1000, 100 * 1024 * 1024l, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 100000, true, 390000); FullPrunedBlockChain vChain = new FullPrunedBlockChain( MainNetParams.get(), store); vChain.setRunScripts(false); PeerGroup vPeerGroup = new PeerGroup(MainNetParams.get(), vChain); vPeerGroup.setUseLocalhostPeerWhenPossible(true); vPeerGroup.addAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost()); vPeerGroup.start(); vPeerGroup.downloadBlockChain(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { BriefLogFormatter.init(); PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(PARAMS); peerGroup.setMaxConnections(32); peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new DnsDiscovery(PARAMS)); peerGroup.addOnTransactionBroadcastListener(new OnTransactionBroadcastListener() { @Override public void onTransaction(Peer peer, Transaction tx) { Result result = DefaultRiskAnalysis.FACTORY.create(null, tx, NO_DEPS).analyze(); incrementCounter(TOTAL_KEY);"tx {} result {}", tx.getHash(), result); incrementCounter(; if (result == Result.NON_STANDARD) incrementCounter(Result.NON_STANDARD + "-" + DefaultRiskAnalysis.isStandard(tx)); } }); peerGroup.start(); while (true) { Thread.sleep(STATISTICS_FREQUENCY_MS); printCounters(); } }
public TransactionGenerator(NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, Wallet w, BlockChain bc) { this.params = params; = pg; this.w = w; this.bc = bc; }
public Mixer(PTP ptp, BroadcastAnnouncement bca, ProofMessage pm, Wallet w, NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, BlockChain bc) { this.ptp = ptp; this.bca = bca; this.mixPartnerAdress = new Identifier(bca.getOnionAdress() + ".onion"); this.ownProof = pm; this.w = w; this.params = params; = pg; this.bc = bc; this.mfListeners = new ArrayList<MixFinishedEventListener>(); this.lockTime = 0; }
public Mixer(PTP ptp, String onionAddress, ProofMessage pm, Wallet w, NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, BlockChain bc) { this.ptp = ptp; this.mixPartnerAdress = new Identifier(onionAddress); this.ownProof = pm; this.w = w; this.params = params; = pg; this.bc = bc; this.mfListeners = new ArrayList<MixFinishedEventListener>(); this.lockTime = 0; }
public Mixer(PTP ptp, ProofMessage pm, Wallet w, NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, BlockChain bc) { this.ptp = ptp; this.ownProof = pm; this.w = w; this.params = params; = pg; this.bc = bc; this.mfListeners = new ArrayList<MixFinishedEventListener>(); this.lockTime = 0; }
public ChallengeResponseVerifier(PTP ptp, Wallet w, NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, BlockChain bc) { this.ptp = ptp; this.w = w; this.params = params; = pg; this.bc = bc; }
public MixPartnerDiscovery(NetworkParameters params, PeerGroup pg, BlockChain bc, Wallet wallet) { = pg; this.bc = bc; this.head = null; this.wallet = wallet; this.broadcasts = new ArrayList<Transaction>(); this.listeners = new ArrayList<BroadcastAnnouncementChangeEventListener>(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.blockStore = new SPVBlockStore(this.params, new File("tbtc_blockstore")); final BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(new Context(this.params), this.blockStore); final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(this.params, chain); final BlockchainSettings settings = new BlockchainSettings(1, BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.TEN, "target", "central.wallet", "admin", "password"); this.service = new BitcoinjBlockchainServiceImpl(this.params, chain, peerGroup, this.transactionService, this.walletService, this.accountService, settings); this.service.init(); this.wallets.add(this.wallet); when(this.accountService.getByEmail("admin")).thenReturn(this.account); when(this.account.getWallets()).thenReturn(this.wallets); when(this.transactionService.getByReceiverHash(anyString())).thenReturn(this.transaction, this.transaction); when(this.wallet.toBuilder()).thenReturn(Wallet.builder()); when(this.wallet.getContent()).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() { @Override public String answer(final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { counter ++; if (counter == 1) { return FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("src/test/resources/content.cnt")); } return FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("src/test/resources/content1.cnt")); } }); }
@Inject public PeerGroupService(NetworkParameters params, PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery) { this.netParams = params; this.peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params); peerGroup.setUserAgent(userAgentName, appVersion); peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(peerDiscovery); }
@Override public void run() { final WalletObservable walletObservable = ewApplication.getWalletObservable(); if(walletObservable!=null) { Log.i(TAG, walletObservable.toString()); final EWWalletService ewWalletService = ewApplication.getEwWalletService(); if(ewWalletService.getBlockChain()!=null) { final int bestChainHeight = ewWalletService.getBlockChain().getBestChainHeight(); Log.i(TAG, "blockchain height: " + bestChainHeight); } final PeerGroup peerGroup = ewWalletService.getPeerGroup(); if(peerGroup !=null) { Log.i(TAG, "peerGroup is running? " + peerGroup.isRunning()); Log.i(TAG, "peerGroup connected peers? " + peerGroup.numConnectedPeers()); } final Wallet wallet = ewWalletService.getWallet(); if(wallet !=null) { Log.i(TAG, "wallet height: " + wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); final Set<Transaction> transactions = wallet.getTransactions(true); final List<String> hashes=new LinkedList<>(); for (Transaction tx : transactions) { hashes.add(tx.getHashAsString()); } Log.i(TAG, "wallet txs: " + Joiner.on(",").join(hashes) ); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "WalletObservable is null ()"); } }
/** * Starts a bitcoin network peer and begins to listen * * @throws BlockStoreException */ public void start() throws BlockStoreException { BlockChain blockChain = new BlockChain(NET_PARAMS, new MemoryBlockStore(NET_PARAMS)); PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(NET_PARAMS, blockChain); peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new DnsDiscovery(NET_PARAMS)); peerGroup.addEventListener(peerEventListener); peerGroup.startAsync(); }
PeerGroup createPeerGroup() throws TimeoutException { if (useTor) { return PeerGroup.newWithTor(netParams, vChain, new TorClient()); } else return new PeerGroup(netParams, vChain); }
/** * Instantiate WalletOperations with bitcoinj wallet * * @param wallet * @param peerGroup * @throws IOException */ public WalletOperation(Wallet wallet, PeerGroup peerGroup, BAApplicationParameters params){ super(WalletOperation.class); if(mWalletWrapper == null){ mWalletWrapper = new WalletWrapper(wallet,peerGroup); mWalletWrapper.addEventListener(new WalletListener(WalletOperation.this)); } init(params); }
/** * Synchronize a list of {@code Wallet} against the BlockChain. * * @param params the NetworkParameters to use * @param wallets the list of Wallet * @param chainFile the chain file to use * @param listener the listener to inform for status changes */ public static void syncBlockChain(UniquidNodeConfiguration configuration, final List<Wallet> wallets, final File chainFile, final DownloadProgressTracker listener, final NativePeerEventListener peerListener) { try { NetworkParameters params = configuration.getNetworkParameters(); BlockStore chainStore = new SPVBlockStore(params, chainFile); for (Wallet wallet : wallets) { if ((wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight() < 1) && (openStream(params) != null)) { try { CheckpointManager.checkpoint(params, openStream(params), chainStore, configuration.getCreationTime()); StoredBlock head = chainStore.getChainHead();"Skipped to checkpoint " + head.getHeight() + " at " + Utils.dateTimeFormat(head.getHeader().getTimeSeconds() * 1000)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Problem using checkpoints", t); } break; } } BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, wallets, chainStore); final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain); peerGroup.setUserAgent("UNIQUID", "0.1"); peerGroup.setMaxPeersToDiscoverCount(3); peerGroup.setMaxConnections(2); if (params.getDnsSeeds() != null && params.getDnsSeeds().length > 0) { peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new DnsDiscovery(params)); } else if (params.getAddrSeeds() != null && params.getAddrSeeds().length > 0) { peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new SeedPeers(params.getAddrSeeds(), params)); } else { throw new Exception("Problem with Peers discovery!"); }"BLOCKCHAIN Preparing to download blockchain..."); peerGroup.addConnectedEventListener(peerListener); peerGroup.addDisconnectedEventListener(peerListener); peerGroup.addDiscoveredEventListener(peerListener); peerGroup.start(); peerGroup.startBlockChainDownload(listener); listener.await(); peerGroup.stop(); chainStore.close();"BLOCKCHAIN downloaded."); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception catched ", ex); } }
public boolean isProbablyValid(NetworkParameters params, BlockChain bc, PeerGroup pg) { return isValidPath() && isValidGPTx() && isNymTxInBlockChain(params, bc, pg); }
public PeerGroup getPeerGroup(){ return peerGroup; }
@Bean public PeerGroup getPeers(final NetworkParameters params,final BlockChain chain) { return new PeerGroup(params, chain); }
public NameLookupByBlockHashOneFullBlock (PeerGroup peerGroup) { this.peerGroup = peerGroup; }
public NameLookupLatestLevelDBTransactionCache (Context context, File directory, BlockChain chain, BlockStore store, PeerGroup peerGroup) throws IOException { this(context, directory, JniDBFactory.factory, chain, store, peerGroup); }
public PeerGroup getPeerGroup() { return peerGroup; }
@Test public void btcWalletTestWithCheckpoint() throws Exception { final byte[] seed = Bitcoin.getEntropyFromPassphrase("sweet field bless symptom play cherry fault curious mechanic cross gift thunder"); EWDerivation ewDerivation = new EWDerivation(seed); final MainNetParams params = MainNetParams.get(); final String blockpath = "./spvblockstore" + System.currentTimeMillis(); //final File blockChainFile = new File(getDir("blockstore_" + receivingId, Context.MODE_PRIVATE), "blockchain.spvchain"); //final String pathname = "./spvblockstore" + System.currentTimeMillis(); //final String pathname = "./spvblockstore1448448596283"; File blockFile = new File(blockpath); BlockStore blockStore = new SPVBlockStore(params, blockFile); StoredBlock chainHead = blockStore.getChainHead(); if(chainHead.getHeight()==0) { //first run CheckpointManager.checkpoint(PARAMS, BitcoinNetwork.getInstance().getCheckPointsStream() , blockStore, EPOCH); } //final StoredBlock checkpointBefore = manager.getCheckpointBefore(startFrom); //blockStore.setChainHead(checkpointBefore); Wallet wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS); BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, wallet, blockStore); //BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, blockStore); PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain); //peerGroup.addAddress(InetAddress.getByName("")); peerGroup.setMaxConnections(1); peerGroup.setDownloadTxDependencies(false); //peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(new DnsDiscovery(params)); //EWFilterProvider provider = new EWFilterProvider( ); //System.out.println("provider " + provider); //peerGroup.addPeerFilterProvider(provider); DownloadProgressTracker downloadProgressTracker = new DownloadProgressTracker(); EWChainListener listener = new EWChainListener(); chain.addListener(listener); //peerGroup.setMaxConnections(10); peerGroup.setFastCatchupTimeSecs(EPOCH); //24 Giugno 2015 12:00 peerGroup.startBlockChainDownload(downloadProgressTracker); long startDownload = System.currentTimeMillis(); peerGroup.downloadBlockChain(); final long endDownload = System.currentTimeMillis() - startDownload; System.out.println("Download run for " + endDownload); System.out.println("---------FINISH----------"); System.out.println("peerGroup.getConnectedPeers()=" + peerGroup.getConnectedPeers()); System.out.println("blockpath " + blockpath); System.out.println("chain.getBestChainHeight()=" + chain.getBestChainHeight() ); System.out.println("chainHeadHeightAtBeginning=" + chainHead.getHeight() ); System.out.println("TX# " + listener.counter); //System.out.println("checkpointBefore.getHeight()=" + checkpointBefore.getHeight() ); //System.out.println("Derivation took " + l); blockStore.close(); //wallet.addFollowingAccountKeys(a,2); }
public static PeerGroup getPeergroup() { if(appKit == null) log.error("appKit not initialized when peergroup requested."); return appKit.peerGroup(); }
public static PeerGroup getTestPeergroup() { if(testAppKit == null) log.error("appKit not initialized when peergroup requested."); return testAppKit.peerGroup(); }
public static void broadcastTx(Wallet wallet, PeerGroup peerGroup, Transaction tx, FutureCallback<Transaction> callback) { broadcastTx(wallet, peerGroup, tx, callback, DEFAULT_BROADCAST_TIMEOUT); }
public static void broadcastTx(Wallet wallet, PeerGroup peerGroup, Transaction tx, FutureCallback<Transaction> callback, int timeoutInSec) { final Timer timeoutTimer; if (!broadcastTimerSet.contains(tx.getHashAsString())) { timeoutTimer = UserThread.runAfter(() -> { log.warn("Broadcast of tx {} not completed after {} sec. We optimistically assume that the tx broadcast succeeded and " + "call onSuccess on the callback handler.", tx.getHashAsString(), timeoutInSec); wallet.maybeCommitTx(tx); callback.onSuccess(tx); broadcastTimerSet.remove(tx.getHashAsString()); }, timeoutInSec); broadcastTimerSet.add(tx.getHashAsString()); } else { timeoutTimer = null; } Futures.addCallback(peerGroup.broadcastTransaction(tx).future(), new FutureCallback<Transaction>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable Transaction result) { // At regtest we get called immediately back but we want to make sure that the handler is not called // before the caller is finished. UserThread.execute(() -> { if (broadcastTimerSet.contains(tx.getHashAsString())) { // If the timeout has not been called we call the callback.onSuccess stopAndRemoveTimer(timeoutTimer, tx); if (result != null) wallet.maybeCommitTx(result); callback.onSuccess(tx); } else { // Timeout was triggered, nothing to do anymore."onSuccess for tx {} was already called from timeout handler. ", tx.getHashAsString()); } }); } @Override public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable t) { UserThread.execute(() -> { stopAndRemoveTimer(timeoutTimer, tx); callback.onFailure(t); }); } }); }
/** * If PeerGroup is Null, no broadcasting function is available * * @param wallet * @param peerGroup */ public WalletWrapper(Wallet wallet, @Nullable PeerGroup peerGroup){ super(WalletWrapper.class); this.trackedWallet = wallet; this.mPeerGroup = peerGroup; }