VerificationInputContext(StoredTransactionOutput storedTxOut) { this.storedTxOut = storedTxOut; }
/** * Gets a {@link StoredTransactionOutput} with the given hash and index, or null if none is found */ StoredTransactionOutput getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash hash, long index) throws BlockStoreException;
/** * Adds a {@link StoredTransactionOutput} to the list of unspent TransactionOutputs */ void addUnspentTransactionOutput(StoredTransactionOutput out) throws BlockStoreException;
/** * Removes a {@link StoredTransactionOutput} from the list of unspent TransactionOutputs * Note that the coinbase of the genesis block should NEVER be spendable and thus never in the list. * @throws BlockStoreException if there is an underlying storage issue, or out was not in the list. */ void removeUnspentTransactionOutput(StoredTransactionOutput out) throws BlockStoreException;