Java 类org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9IntegerConverter 实例源码

项目:ipack    文件   
public DSTU4145ECBinary(ECDomainParameters params)
    if (!(params.getCurve() instanceof ECCurve.F2m))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("only binary domain is possible");

    // We always use big-endian in parameter encoding
    ECCurve.F2m curve = (ECCurve.F2m)params.getCurve();
    f = new DSTU4145BinaryField(curve.getM(), curve.getK1(), curve.getK2(), curve.getK3());
    a = new ASN1Integer(curve.getA().toBigInteger());
    X9IntegerConverter converter = new X9IntegerConverter();
    b = new DEROctetString(converter.integerToBytes(curve.getB().toBigInteger(), converter.getByteLength(curve)));
    n = new ASN1Integer(params.getN());
    bp = new DEROctetString(DSTU4145PointEncoder.encodePoint(params.getG()));
项目:CryptMeme    文件   
public DSTU4145ECBinary(ECDomainParameters params)
    if (!(params.getCurve() instanceof ECCurve.F2m))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("only binary domain is possible");

    // We always use big-endian in parameter encoding
    ECCurve.F2m curve = (ECCurve.F2m)params.getCurve();
    f = new DSTU4145BinaryField(curve.getM(), curve.getK1(), curve.getK2(), curve.getK3());
    a = new ASN1Integer(curve.getA().toBigInteger());
    X9IntegerConverter converter = new X9IntegerConverter();
    b = new DEROctetString(converter.integerToBytes(curve.getB().toBigInteger(), converter.getByteLength(curve)));
    n = new ASN1Integer(params.getN());
    bp = new DEROctetString(DSTU4145PointEncoder.encodePoint(params.getG()));
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
public DSTU4145ECBinary(ECDomainParameters params)
    if (!(params.getCurve() instanceof ECCurve.F2m))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("only binary domain is possible");

    // We always use big-endian in parameter encoding
    ECCurve.F2m curve = (ECCurve.F2m)params.getCurve();
    f = new DSTU4145BinaryField(curve.getM(), curve.getK1(), curve.getK2(), curve.getK3());
    a = new ASN1Integer(curve.getA().toBigInteger());
    X9IntegerConverter converter = new X9IntegerConverter();
    b = new DEROctetString(converter.integerToBytes(curve.getB().toBigInteger(), converter.getByteLength(curve)));
    n = new ASN1Integer(params.getN());
    bp = new DEROctetString(DSTU4145PointEncoder.encodePoint(params.getG()));
项目:bc-java    文件   
public DSTU4145ECBinary(ECDomainParameters params)
    if (!(params.getCurve() instanceof ECCurve.F2m))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("only binary domain is possible");

    // We always use big-endian in parameter encoding
    ECCurve.F2m curve = (ECCurve.F2m)params.getCurve();
    f = new DSTU4145BinaryField(curve.getM(), curve.getK1(), curve.getK2(), curve.getK3());
    a = new ASN1Integer(curve.getA().toBigInteger());
    X9IntegerConverter converter = new X9IntegerConverter();
    b = new DEROctetString(converter.integerToBytes(curve.getB().toBigInteger(), converter.getByteLength(curve)));
    n = new ASN1Integer(params.getN());
    bp = new DEROctetString(DSTU4145PointEncoder.encodePoint(params.getG()));
项目:web3j    文件   
/** Decompress a compressed public key (x co-ord and low-bit of y-coord). */
private static ECPoint decompressKey(BigInteger xBN, boolean yBit) {
    X9IntegerConverter x9 = new X9IntegerConverter();
    byte[] compEnc = x9.integerToBytes(xBN, 1 + x9.getByteLength(CURVE.getCurve()));
    compEnc[0] = (byte)(yBit ? 0x03 : 0x02);
    return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(compEnc);
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
private void populateFromPubKeyInfo(SubjectPublicKeyInfo info)
    X962Parameters params = new X962Parameters((ASN1Primitive)info.getAlgorithm().getParameters());
    ECCurve curve = EC5Util.getCurve(configuration, params);
    ecSpec = EC5Util.convertToSpec(params, curve);

    DERBitString    bits = info.getPublicKeyData();
    byte[]          data = bits.getBytes();
    ASN1OctetString key = new DEROctetString(data);

    // extra octet string - one of our old certs...
    if (data[0] == 0x04 && data[1] == data.length - 2
        && (data[2] == 0x02 || data[2] == 0x03))
        int qLength = new X9IntegerConverter().getByteLength(curve);

        if (qLength >= data.length - 3)
                key = (ASN1OctetString) ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(data);
            catch (IOException ex)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("error recovering public key");

    X9ECPoint derQ = new X9ECPoint(curve, key);

    this.q = derQ.getPoint();
项目:cosigner    文件   
 * Recover the public key that corresponds to the private key, which signed this message.
public static byte[] recoverPublicKey(byte[] sigR, byte[] sigS, byte[] sigV, byte[] message) {
  ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec(SECP256K1);
  BigInteger pointN = spec.getN();

  try {
    BigInteger pointX = new BigInteger(1, sigR);

    X9IntegerConverter x9 = new X9IntegerConverter();
    byte[] compEnc = x9.integerToBytes(pointX, 1 + x9.getByteLength(spec.getCurve()));
    compEnc[0] = (byte) ((sigV[0] & 1) == 1 ? 0x03 : 0x02);
    ECPoint pointR = spec.getCurve().decodePoint(compEnc);
    if (!pointR.multiply(pointN).isInfinity()) {
      return new byte[0];

    BigInteger pointE = new BigInteger(1, message);
    BigInteger pointEInv = BigInteger.ZERO.subtract(pointE).mod(pointN);
    BigInteger pointRInv = new BigInteger(1, sigR).modInverse(pointN);
    BigInteger srInv = pointRInv.multiply(new BigInteger(1, sigS)).mod(pointN);
    BigInteger pointEInvRInv = pointRInv.multiply(pointEInv).mod(pointN);
    ECPoint pointQ = ECAlgorithms.sumOfTwoMultiplies(spec.getG(), pointEInvRInv, pointR, srInv);
    return pointQ.getEncoded(false);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOGGER.warn("Error recovering public key from message");

  return new byte[0];
项目:hadoopcryptoledger    文件   
 * Calculates the sent address of an EthereumTransaction. Note this can be a costly operation to calculate. . This requires that you have Bouncy castle as a dependency in your project
 * @param eTrans transaction
 * @return sent address as byte array
public static byte[] getSendAddress(EthereumTransaction eTrans) {
    // init, maybe we move this out to save time
    X9ECParameters params = SECNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1");
    ECDomainParameters CURVE=new ECDomainParameters(params.getCurve(), params.getG(), params.getN(), params.getH());     // needed for getSentAddress

  // transaction hash without signature data
    byte[] transactionHash = EthereumUtil.getTransactionHashWithoutSignature(eTrans);
  // signature to address
    BigInteger bR = new BigInteger(1,eTrans.getSig_r());
    BigInteger bS = new BigInteger(1,eTrans.getSig_s());
  // calculate v for signature
    byte v =(byte) (eTrans.getSig_v()[0]);
    if (!((v == EthereumUtil.LOWER_REAL_V) || (v== (LOWER_REAL_V+1)))) {
        v = EthereumUtil.LOWER_REAL_V;
        if (((int)v%2 == 0)) {
            v = (byte) (v+0x01);

    boolean compressedKey= false;
    // the following lines are inspired from of EthereumJ, but adapted to the hadoopcryptoledger context
    if (v < 27 || v > 34) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Header out of range");
    if (v>=31) {
        compressedKey = true;
        v -=4;
    int receiverId = v - 27;
    BigInteger n = CURVE.getN();
    BigInteger i = BigInteger.valueOf((long) receiverId / 2);
    BigInteger x = bR.add(i.multiply(n));
    ECCurve.Fp curve = (ECCurve.Fp) CURVE.getCurve();
    BigInteger prime = curve.getQ();
    if (x.compareTo(prime) >= 0) {
        return null;
    // decompress Key
    X9IntegerConverter x9 = new X9IntegerConverter();
    byte[] compEnc = x9.integerToBytes(x, 1 + x9.getByteLength(CURVE.getCurve()));
    boolean yBit=(receiverId & 1) == 1;
    compEnc[0] = (byte)(yBit ? 0x03 : 0x02);
    ECPoint R =  CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(compEnc);
    if (!R.multiply(n).isInfinity()) {
            return null;
    BigInteger e = new BigInteger(1,transactionHash);
    BigInteger eInv = BigInteger.ZERO.subtract(e).mod(n);
    BigInteger rInv = bR.modInverse(n);
    BigInteger srInv = rInv.multiply(bS).mod(n);
    BigInteger eInvrInv = rInv.multiply(eInv).mod(n);
    ECPoint.Fp q = (ECPoint.Fp) ECAlgorithms.sumOfTwoMultiplies(CURVE.getG(), eInvrInv, R, srInv);
    byte[] pubKey=q.getEncoded(false);
    // now we need to convert the public key into an ethereum sent address which is the last 20 bytes of 32 byte KECCAK-256 Hash of the key.
    Keccak.Digest256 digest256 = new Keccak.Digest256();
    byte[] kcck = digest256.digest();
    return Arrays.copyOfRange(kcck,12,kcck.length);
项目:cosigner    文件   
 * Determine the recovery ID for the given signature and public key.
 * <p>Any signed message can resolve to one of two public keys due to the nature ECDSA. The
 * recovery ID provides information about which one it is, allowing confirmation that the message
 * was signed by a specific key.</p>
public static byte getRecoveryId(byte[] sigR, byte[] sigS, byte[] message, byte[] publicKey) {
  ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec(SECP256K1);
  BigInteger pointN = spec.getN();
  for (int recoveryId = 0; recoveryId < 2; recoveryId++) {
    try {
      BigInteger pointX = new BigInteger(1, sigR);

      X9IntegerConverter x9 = new X9IntegerConverter();
      byte[] compEnc = x9.integerToBytes(pointX, 1 + x9.getByteLength(spec.getCurve()));
      compEnc[0] = (byte) ((recoveryId & 1) == 1 ? 0x03 : 0x02);
      ECPoint pointR = spec.getCurve().decodePoint(compEnc);
      if (!pointR.multiply(pointN).isInfinity()) {

      BigInteger pointE = new BigInteger(1, message);
      BigInteger pointEInv = BigInteger.ZERO.subtract(pointE).mod(pointN);
      BigInteger pointRInv = new BigInteger(1, sigR).modInverse(pointN);
      BigInteger srInv = pointRInv.multiply(new BigInteger(1, sigS)).mod(pointN);
      BigInteger pointEInvRInv = pointRInv.multiply(pointEInv).mod(pointN);
      ECPoint pointQ = ECAlgorithms.sumOfTwoMultiplies(spec.getG(), pointEInvRInv, pointR, srInv);
      byte[] pointQBytes = pointQ.getEncoded(false);
      boolean matchedKeys = true;
      for (int j = 0; j < publicKey.length; j++) {
        if (pointQBytes[j] != publicKey[j]) {
          matchedKeys = false;
      if (!matchedKeys) {
      return (byte) (0xFF & recoveryId);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.error(null, e);

  return (byte) 0xFF;