private Set intersectURI(Set permitted, Set uris) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = uris.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String uri = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (uri != null) { intersect.add(uri); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); intersectURI(_permitted, uri, intersect); } } } return intersect; }
private void okPressed() { List<GeneralSubtree> permittedSubtrees = jgsPermittedSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().getGeneralSubtrees(); List<GeneralSubtree> excludedSubtrees = jgsExcludedSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().getGeneralSubtrees(); GeneralSubtree[] permittedSubtreesArray = permittedSubtrees.toArray(new GeneralSubtree[permittedSubtrees.size()]); GeneralSubtree[] excludedSubtreesArray = excludedSubtrees.toArray(new GeneralSubtree[excludedSubtrees.size()]); NameConstraints nameConstraints = new NameConstraints(permittedSubtreesArray, excludedSubtreesArray); try { value = nameConstraints.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER); } catch (IOException ex) { DError dError = new DError(this, ex); dError.setLocationRelativeTo(this); dError.setVisible(true); return; } closeDialog(); }
private void addPressed() { Container container = getTopLevelAncestor(); DGeneralSubtreeChooser dGeneralSubtreeChooser = null; if (container instanceof JDialog) { dGeneralSubtreeChooser = new DGeneralSubtreeChooser((JDialog) container, title, null); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setVisible(true); } else if (container instanceof JFrame) { dGeneralSubtreeChooser = new DGeneralSubtreeChooser((JFrame) container, title, null); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setVisible(true); } GeneralSubtree newGeneralSubtree = dGeneralSubtreeChooser.getGeneralSubtree(); if (newGeneralSubtree == null) { return; } generalSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().add(newGeneralSubtree); populate(); selectGeneralSubtreeInTable(newGeneralSubtree); }
/** * Load the GeneralSubtreesTableModel with general subtrees. * * @param generalSubtrees * The general subtrees */ public void load(GeneralSubtrees generalSubtrees) { List<GeneralSubtree> generalSubtreesList = generalSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees(); Collections.sort(generalSubtreesList, new GeneralSubtreeBaseComparator()); data = new Object[generalSubtreesList.size()][3]; int i = 0; for (GeneralSubtree generalSubtree : generalSubtreesList) { data[i][0] = generalSubtree; data[i][1] = generalSubtree; data[i][2] = generalSubtree; i++; } fireTableDataChanged(); }
@Override public int compare(GeneralSubtree subtree1, GeneralSubtree subtree2) { // Maximum may be null; BigInteger maximum1 = BigInteger.valueOf(-1); BigInteger maximum2 = BigInteger.valueOf(-1); if (subtree1.getMaximum() != null) { maximum1 = subtree1.getMaximum(); } if (subtree2.getMaximum() != null) { maximum2 = subtree2.getMaximum(); } return maximum1.compareTo(maximum2); }
private Set intersectDN(Set permitted, Set dns) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = dns.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ASN1Sequence dn = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(((GeneralSubtree)it .next()).getBase().getName().toASN1Primitive()); if (permitted == null) { if (dn != null) { intersect.add(dn); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { ASN1Sequence subtree = (ASN1Sequence); if (withinDNSubtree(dn, subtree)) { intersect.add(dn); } else if (withinDNSubtree(subtree, dn)) { intersect.add(subtree); } } } } return intersect; }
private Set intersectEmail(Set permitted, Set emails) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = emails.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String email = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (email != null) { intersect.add(email); } } else { Iterator it2 = permitted.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); intersectEmail(email, _permitted, intersect); } } } return intersect; }
/** * Returns the intersection of the permitted IP ranges in * <code>permitted</code> with <code>ip</code>. * * @param permitted A <code>Set</code> of permitted IP addresses with * their subnet mask as byte arrays. * @param ips The IP address with its subnet mask. * @return The <code>Set</code> of permitted IP ranges intersected with * <code>ip</code>. */ private Set intersectIP(Set permitted, Set ips) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = ips.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { byte[] ip = ASN1OctetString.getInstance( ((GeneralSubtree); if (permitted == null) { if (ip != null) { intersect.add(ip); } } else { Iterator it2 = permitted.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { byte[] _permitted = (byte[]); intersect.addAll(intersectIPRange(_permitted, ip)); } } } return intersect; }
private Set intersectDNS(Set permitted, Set dnss) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = dnss.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String dns = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (dns != null) { intersect.add(dns); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); if (withinDomain(_permitted, dns)) { intersect.add(_permitted); } else if (withinDomain(dns, _permitted)) { intersect.add(dns); } } } } return intersect; }
/** * Adds a subtree to the excluded set of these name constraints. * * @param subtree A subtree with an excluded GeneralName. */ public void addExcludedSubtree(GeneralSubtree subtree) { GeneralName base = subtree.getBase(); switch (base.getTagNo()) { case 1: excludedSubtreesEmail = unionEmail(excludedSubtreesEmail, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case 2: excludedSubtreesDNS = unionDNS(excludedSubtreesDNS, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case 4: excludedSubtreesDN = unionDN(excludedSubtreesDN, (ASN1Sequence)base.getName().toASN1Primitive()); break; case 6: excludedSubtreesURI = unionURI(excludedSubtreesURI, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case 7: excludedSubtreesIP = unionIP(excludedSubtreesIP, ASN1OctetString .getInstance(base.getName()).getOctets()); break; } }
private Builder addNameConstraint(boolean permitted, GeneralName generalName) { if (permitted) { permittedNameConstraints.add(new GeneralSubtree(generalName)); } else { excludedNameConstraints.add(new GeneralSubtree(generalName)); } return this; }
public static X509Certificate createCa( PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey, String subject) { try { X500Principal principal = new X500Principal(subject); return createCertificate(publicKey, privateKey, principal, principal, 0, true, new ArrayList<KeyPurposeId>(), new ArrayList<Boolean>(), new ArrayList<GeneralName>(), new ArrayList<GeneralSubtree>(), new ArrayList<GeneralSubtree>(), null /* serialNumber, generated randomly */); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private void populate() { if (generalSubtrees == null) { generalSubtrees = new GeneralSubtrees(new ArrayList<GeneralSubtree>()); } reloadGeneralSubtreesTable(); selectFirstGeneralSubtreeInTable(); updateButtonControls(); }
private void removeSelectedGeneralSubtree() { int selectedRow = jtGeneralSubtrees.getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow != -1) { GeneralSubtree generalSubtree = (GeneralSubtree) jtGeneralSubtrees.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0); generalSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().remove(generalSubtree); reloadGeneralSubtreesTable(); selectFirstGeneralSubtreeInTable(); updateButtonControls(); } }
private void editSelectedGeneralSubtree() { int selectedRow = jtGeneralSubtrees.getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow != -1) { GeneralSubtree generalSubtree = (GeneralSubtree) jtGeneralSubtrees.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0); Container container = getTopLevelAncestor(); DGeneralSubtreeChooser dGeneralSubtreeChooser = null; if (container instanceof JDialog) { dGeneralSubtreeChooser = new DGeneralSubtreeChooser((JDialog) container, title, generalSubtree); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setVisible(true); } else if (container instanceof JFrame) { dGeneralSubtreeChooser = new DGeneralSubtreeChooser((JFrame) container, title, generalSubtree); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setLocationRelativeTo(container); dGeneralSubtreeChooser.setVisible(true); } GeneralSubtree newGeneralSubtree = dGeneralSubtreeChooser.getGeneralSubtree(); if (newGeneralSubtree == null) { return; } generalSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().remove(generalSubtree); generalSubtrees.getGeneralSubtrees().add(newGeneralSubtree); populate(); selectGeneralSubtreeInTable(newGeneralSubtree); } }
private void selectGeneralSubtreeInTable(GeneralSubtree generalSubtree) { for (int i = 0; i < jtGeneralSubtrees.getRowCount(); i++) { if (generalSubtree.equals(jtGeneralSubtrees.getValueAt(i, 0))) { jtGeneralSubtrees.changeSelection(i, 0, false, false); return; } } }
private void populate(GeneralSubtree generalSubtree) { if (generalSubtree != null) { jgnBase.setGeneralName(generalSubtree.getBase()); if (generalSubtree.getMinimum() != null) { jtfMinimum.setText("" + generalSubtree.getMinimum().intValue()); jtfMinimum.setCaretPosition(0); } if (generalSubtree.getMaximum() != null) { jtfMaximum.setText("" + generalSubtree.getMaximum().intValue()); jtfMaximum.setCaretPosition(0); } } }
/** * Returns the rendered cell. * * @param jtGeneralSubtrees * The JTable * @param value * The value to assign to the cell * @param isSelected * True if cell is selected * @param row * The row of the cell to render * @param col * The column of the cell to render * @param hasFocus * If true, render cell appropriately * @return The renderered cell */ @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable jtGeneralSubtrees, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int col) { JLabel cell = (JLabel) super.getTableCellRendererComponent(jtGeneralSubtrees, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, col); GeneralSubtree generalSubtree = (GeneralSubtree) value; if (col == 0) { cell.setText(GeneralNameUtil.safeToString(generalSubtree.getBase(), false)); } else if (col == 1) { if (generalSubtree.getMinimum() != null) { String minimumStr = "" + generalSubtree.getMinimum().intValue(); cell.setText(minimumStr); cell.setToolTipText(minimumStr); } else { cell.setText("-"); } } else { if (generalSubtree.getMaximum() != null) { String maximumStr = "" + generalSubtree.getMaximum().intValue(); cell.setText(maximumStr); cell.setToolTipText(maximumStr); } else { cell.setText("-"); } } cell.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 5, 0, 5)); return cell; }
public static NameConstraints buildNameConstrains( type) throws CertprofileException { ParamUtil.requireNonNull("type", type); GeneralSubtree[] permitted = buildGeneralSubtrees(type.getPermittedSubtrees()); GeneralSubtree[] excluded = buildGeneralSubtrees(type.getExcludedSubtrees()); return (permitted == null && excluded == null) ? null : new NameConstraints(permitted, excluded); }
private static GeneralSubtree[] buildGeneralSubtrees(GeneralSubtreesType subtrees) throws CertprofileException { if (subtrees == null || CollectionUtil.isEmpty(subtrees.getBase())) { return null; } List<GeneralSubtreeBaseType> list = subtrees.getBase(); final int n = list.size(); GeneralSubtree[] ret = new GeneralSubtree[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ret[i] = buildGeneralSubtree(list.get(i)); } return ret; }
private static GeneralSubtree buildGeneralSubtree(GeneralSubtreeBaseType type) throws CertprofileException { ParamUtil.requireNonNull("type", type); GeneralName base = null; if (type.getDirectoryName() != null) { base = new GeneralName(X509Util.reverse( new X500Name(type.getDirectoryName()))); } else if (type.getDnsName() != null) { base = new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, type.getDnsName()); } else if (type.getIpAddress() != null) { base = new GeneralName(GeneralName.iPAddress, type.getIpAddress()); } else if (type.getRfc822Name() != null) { base = new GeneralName(GeneralName.rfc822Name, type.getRfc822Name()); } else if (type.getUri() != null) { base = new GeneralName(GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier, type.getUri()); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "should not reach here, unknown child of GeneralSubtreeBaseType"); } Integer min = type.getMinimum(); if (min != null && min < 0) { throw new CertprofileException("negative minimum is not allowed: " + min); } BigInteger minimum = (min == null) ? null : BigInteger.valueOf(min.intValue()); Integer max = type.getMaximum(); if (max != null && max < 0) { throw new CertprofileException("negative maximum is not allowed: " + max); } BigInteger maximum = (max == null) ? null : BigInteger.valueOf(max.intValue()); return new GeneralSubtree(base, minimum, maximum); }