Java 类org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.EntropySource 实例源码

项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Return an entropy source that will create bitsRequired bits of entropy on
 * each invocation of getEntropy().
 * @param bitsRequired size (in bits) of entropy to be created by the provided source.
 * @return an EntropySource that generates bitsRequired bits of entropy on each call to its getEntropy() method.
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return _predictionResistant;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[(bitsRequired + 7) / 8];
            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Return an entropy source that will create bitsRequired bits of entropy on
 * each invocation of getEntropy().
 * @param bitsRequired size (in bits) of entropy to be created by the provided source.
 * @return an EntropySource that generates bitsRequired bits of entropy on each call to its getEntropy() method.
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return _predictionResistant;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[(bitsRequired + 7) / 8];
            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:ipack    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:ipack    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:ipack    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        int index = 0;

        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return isPredictionResistant;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[bitsRequired / 8];

            System.arraycopy(data, index, rv, 0, rv.length);

            index += bitsRequired / 8;

            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(Digest digest, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _digest = digest;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(BlockCipher cipher, int keySizeInBits, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _cipher = cipher;
    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:TinyTravelTracker    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:TinyTravelTracker    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:TinyTravelTracker    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:CryptMeme    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:CryptMeme    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:CryptMeme    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:ximix    文件   
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        int index = 0;

        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return true;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[bitsRequired / 8];

            if (data.length < (index + rv.length))
                throw new IllegalStateException("Insufficient entropy - need " + rv.length + " bytes for challenge seed.");

            System.arraycopy(data, index, rv, 0, rv.length);

            index += bitsRequired / 8;

            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        int index = 0;

        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return isPredictionResistant;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[bitsRequired / 8];

            System.arraycopy(data, index, rv, 0, rv.length);

            index += bitsRequired / 8;

            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(Digest digest, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _digest = digest;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:irma_future_id    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(BlockCipher cipher, int keySizeInBits, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _cipher = cipher;
    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:bc-java    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A CTR DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param engine underlying block cipher to use to support DRBG
 * @param keySizeInBits size of the key to use with the block cipher.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public CTRSP800DRBG(BlockCipher engine, int keySizeInBits, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _engine = engine;     

    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _seedLength = keySizeInBits + engine.getBlockSize() * 8;
    _isTDEA = isTDEA(engine);

    if (securityStrength > 256)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (getMaxSecurityStrength(engine, keySizeInBits) < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by block cipher and key size");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();  // Get_entropy_input

    CTR_DRBG_Instantiate_algorithm(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
项目:bc-java    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest  source digest to use for DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HashSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;
    _seedLength = ((Integer)seedlens.get(digest.getAlgorithmName())).intValue();

    // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string.
    // 2. seed = Hash_df (seed_material, seedlen).
    // 3. V = seed.
    // 4. C = Hash_df ((0x00 || V), seedlen). Comment: Preceed V with a byte
    // of zeros.
    // 5. reseed_counter = 1.
    // 6. Return V, C, and reseed_counter as the initial_working_state

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);
    byte[] seed = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedLength);

    _V = seed;
    byte[] subV = new byte[_V.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(_V, 0, subV, 1, _V.length);
    _C = Utils.hash_df(_digest, subV, _seedLength);

    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:bc-java    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Hash DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param hMac Hash MAC to base the DRBG on.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public HMacSP800DRBG(Mac hMac, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    if (securityStrength > Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(hMac))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by the derivation function");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough entropy for security strength required");

    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _hMac = hMac;

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    _K = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    _V = new byte[_K.length];
    Arrays.fill(_V, (byte)1);


    _reseedCounter = 1;
项目:bc-java    文件   
public EntropySource get(final int bitsRequired)
    return new EntropySource()
        int index = 0;

        public boolean isPredictionResistant()
            return isPredictionResistant;

        public byte[] getEntropy()
            byte[] rv = new byte[bitsRequired / 8];

            System.arraycopy(data, index, rv, 0, rv.length);

            index += bitsRequired / 8;

            return rv;

        public int entropySize()
            return bitsRequired;
项目:bc-java    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(Digest digest, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _digest = digest;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:bc-java    文件   
public DRBGTestVector(BlockCipher cipher, int keySizeInBits, EntropySource eSource, boolean predictionResistance, String nonce, int securityStrength, String[] expected)
    _cipher = cipher;
    _keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
    _eSource = eSource;
    _pr = predictionResistance;
    _nonce = nonce;
    _ss = securityStrength;
    _ev = expected;
    _personalisation = null;
项目:ipack    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Dual EC DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param digest source digest to use with the DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public DualECSP800DRBG(Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;

    if (Utils.isTooLarge(personalizationString, MAX_PERSONALIZATION_STRING / 8))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Personalization string too large");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength || entropySource.entropySize() > MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntropySource must provide between " + securityStrength + " and " + MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH + " bits");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    if (securityStrength <= 128)
        if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < 128)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
        _seedlen = 256;
        _outlen = 240 / 8;
        _curve = (ECCurve.Fp)NISTNamedCurves.getByName("P-256").getCurve();
        _P = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p256_Px), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p256_Py));
        _Q = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p256_Qx), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p256_Qy));
    else if (securityStrength <= 192)
        if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < 192)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
        _seedlen = 384;
        _outlen = 368 / 8;
        _curve = (ECCurve.Fp)NISTNamedCurves.getByName("P-384").getCurve();
        _P = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p384_Px), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p384_Py));
        _Q = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p384_Qx), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p384_Qy));
    else if (securityStrength <= 256)
        if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < 256)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
        _seedlen = 521;
        _outlen = 504 / 8;
        _curve = (ECCurve.Fp)NISTNamedCurves.getByName("P-521").getCurve();
        _P = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p521_Px), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p521_Py));
        _Q = new ECPoint.Fp(_curve, new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p521_Qx), new ECFieldElement.Fp(_curve.getQ(), p521_Qy));
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("security strength cannot be greater than 256 bits");

    _s = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedlen);
    _sLength = _s.length;

    _reseedCounter = 0;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Dual EC DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param pointSet an array of points to choose from, in order of increasing security strength
 * @param digest source digest to use with the DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public DualECSP800DRBG(DualECPoints[] pointSet, Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;

    if (Utils.isTooLarge(personalizationString, MAX_PERSONALIZATION_STRING / 8))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Personalization string too large");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength || entropySource.entropySize() > MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntropySource must provide between " + securityStrength + " and " + MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH + " bits");

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    for (int i = 0; i != pointSet.length; i++)
        if (securityStrength <= pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
            if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
            _seedlen = pointSet[i].getSeedLen();
            _outlen =  pointSet[i].getMaxOutlen() / 8;
            _P = pointSet[i].getP();
            _Q = pointSet[i].getQ();

    if (_P == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("security strength cannot be greater than 256 bits");

    _s = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedlen);
    _sLength = _s.length;

    _reseedCounter = 0;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public EntropySource entropySource()
    return _eSource;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Dual EC DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param pointSet an array of points to choose from, in order of increasing security strength
 * @param digest source digest to use with the DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public DualECSP800DRBG(DualECPoints[] pointSet, Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;

    if (Utils.isTooLarge(personalizationString, MAX_PERSONALIZATION_STRING / 8))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Personalization string too large");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength || entropySource.entropySize() > MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntropySource must provide between " + securityStrength + " and " + MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH + " bits");

    byte[] entropy = getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    for (int i = 0; i != pointSet.length; i++)
        if (securityStrength <= pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
            if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
            _seedlen = pointSet[i].getSeedLen();
            _outlen =  pointSet[i].getMaxOutlen() / 8;
            _P = pointSet[i].getP();
            _Q = pointSet[i].getQ();

    if (_P == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("security strength cannot be greater than 256 bits");

    _s = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedlen);
    _sLength = _s.length;

    _reseedCounter = 0;
项目:cosigner    文件   
 * Generates a deterministic SecureRandom based on the userKey and serverKey.
public static SecureRandom getSecureRandom(byte[] userKey, byte[] serverKey) {
  SecureRandom secureRandom;
  try {
    secureRandom =
  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOGGER.error(null, e);
    secureRandom = new SecureRandom();

  byte[] userSeed = new byte[Math.max(userKey.length, serverKey.length)];

  // XOR the key parts to get our seed, repeating them if they lengths
  // don't match
  for (int i = 0; i < userSeed.length; i++) {
    userSeed[i] = (byte) (userKey[i % userKey.length] ^ serverKey[i % serverKey.length]);

  // Set up out private key variables

  final SecureRandom finalSecureRandom = secureRandom;
  SP800SecureRandomBuilder sp800SecureRandomBuilder =
      new SP800SecureRandomBuilder(i -> new EntropySource() {
        public boolean isPredictionResistant() {
          return true;

        public byte[] getEntropy() {
          byte[] entropy = new byte[(i + 7) / 8];
          return entropy;

        public int entropySize() {
          return i;
  secureRandom = sp800SecureRandomBuilder.buildHash(new SHA512Digest(), serverKey, true);
  return secureRandom;
项目:TinyTravelTracker    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Dual EC DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param pointSet an array of points to choose from, in order of increasing security strength
 * @param digest source digest to use with the DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public DualECSP800DRBG(DualECPoints[] pointSet, Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;

    if (Utils.isTooLarge(personalizationString, MAX_PERSONALIZATION_STRING / 8))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Personalization string too large");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength || entropySource.entropySize() > MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntropySource must provide between " + securityStrength + " and " + MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH + " bits");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    for (int i = 0; i != pointSet.length; i++)
        if (securityStrength <= pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
            if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
            _seedlen = pointSet[i].getSeedLen();
            _outlen =  pointSet[i].getMaxOutlen() / 8;
            _P = pointSet[i].getP();
            _Q = pointSet[i].getQ();

    if (_P == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("security strength cannot be greater than 256 bits");

    _s = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedlen);
    _sLength = _s.length;

    _reseedCounter = 0;
项目:CryptMeme    文件   
 * Construct a SP800-90A Dual EC DRBG.
 * <p>
 * Minimum entropy requirement is the security strength requested.
 * </p>
 * @param pointSet an array of points to choose from, in order of increasing security strength
 * @param digest source digest to use with the DRB stream.
 * @param securityStrength security strength required (in bits)
 * @param entropySource source of entropy to use for seeding/reseeding.
 * @param personalizationString personalization string to distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
 * @param nonce nonce to further distinguish this DRBG (may be null).
public DualECSP800DRBG(DualECPoints[] pointSet, Digest digest, int securityStrength, EntropySource entropySource, byte[] personalizationString, byte[] nonce)
    _digest = digest;
    _entropySource = entropySource;
    _securityStrength = securityStrength;

    if (Utils.isTooLarge(personalizationString, MAX_PERSONALIZATION_STRING / 8))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Personalization string too large");

    if (entropySource.entropySize() < securityStrength || entropySource.entropySize() > MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("EntropySource must provide between " + securityStrength + " and " + MAX_ENTROPY_LENGTH + " bits");

    byte[] entropy = entropySource.getEntropy();
    byte[] seedMaterial = Arrays.concatenate(entropy, nonce, personalizationString);

    for (int i = 0; i != pointSet.length; i++)
        if (securityStrength <= pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
            if (Utils.getMaxSecurityStrength(digest) < pointSet[i].getSecurityStrength())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested security strength is not supported by digest");
            _seedlen = pointSet[i].getSeedLen();
            _outlen =  pointSet[i].getMaxOutlen() / 8;
            _P = pointSet[i].getP();
            _Q = pointSet[i].getQ();

    if (_P == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("security strength cannot be greater than 256 bits");

    _s = Utils.hash_df(_digest, seedMaterial, _seedlen);
    _sLength = _s.length;

    _reseedCounter = 0;