public static BsonDocument getBsonDocument() { BsonDocument bsonObj = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.777)); List<BsonDocument> list = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>(); list.add(bsonObj); list.add(bsonObj); byte[] bytes = new byte[3]; bytes[0] = 3; bytes[1] = 2; bytes[2] = 1; BsonDocument bsonDocument = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)); return new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)) .append("bson_test", bsonDocument) .append("testBinary", new BsonBinary(bytes)) .append("testBsonUndefined", new BsonUndefined()) .append("testObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testStringObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testBoolean", new BsonBoolean(true)) .append("testDate", new BsonDateTime(time)) .append("testNull", new BsonNull()) .append("testInt", new BsonInt32(233)) .append("testLong", new BsonInt64(233332)); }
private BsonValue fromGridRef(SmofGridRef fileRef, PrimaryField fieldOpts) { if(fileRef.isEmpty()) { return new BsonNull(); } if(fileRef.getId() == null) { final SmofObject annotation = fieldOpts.getSmofAnnotationAs(SmofObject.class); if(fileRef.getBucketName() == null) { fileRef.setBucketName(annotation.bucketName()); } //TODO test if upload file adds id to fileRef if(!annotation.preInsert() && !fieldOpts.isForcePreInsert()) { return new BsonLazyObjectId(fieldOpts.getName(), fileRef); } fieldOpts.setForcePreInsert(false); dispatcher.insert(fileRef); } final BsonDocument bsonRef = new BsonDocument("id", new BsonObjectId(fileRef.getId())) .append("bucket", new BsonString(fileRef.getBucketName())); return bsonRef; }
public void capture(BsonObjectId dataID, Long eventTime, Set<String> epcList, BsonArray epcQuantities, String readPoint, String bizLocation, BsonArray sourceList, BsonArray destinationList) { ChronoGraph pg = Configuration.persistentGraph; if (epcList != null && !epcList.isEmpty()) { -> { MongoWriterUtil.addBasicTimestampProperties(pg, eventTime, object, readPoint, bizLocation, sourceList, destinationList); pg.addTimestampVertexProperty(object, eventTime, "data", dataID); }); } if (epcQuantities != null && !epcQuantities.isEmpty()) { -> { MongoWriterUtil.addBasicTimestampProperties(pg, eventTime, classElem, readPoint, bizLocation, sourceList, destinationList); pg.addTimestampVertexProperty(classElem.asDocument().getString("epcClass").getValue(), eventTime, "data", dataID); }); } return; }
public void capture(BsonObjectId dataID, Long eventTime, Set<String> epcList, BsonArray epcQuantities, String readPoint, String bizLocation, BsonArray sourceList, BsonArray destinationList) { ChronoGraph pg = Configuration.persistentGraph; if (epcList != null && !epcList.isEmpty()) { -> { MongoWriterUtil.addBasicTimestampProperties(pg, eventTime, object, readPoint, bizLocation, sourceList, destinationList); pg.addTimestampVertexProperty(object, eventTime, "data", dataID); }); } if (epcQuantities != null && !epcQuantities.isEmpty()) { -> { MongoWriterUtil.addBasicTimestampProperties(pg, eventTime, classElem, readPoint, bizLocation, sourceList, destinationList); pg.addTimestampVertexProperty(classElem.asDocument().getString("epcClass").getValue(), eventTime, "data", dataID); }); } }
private void _transform(BsonDocument data, Set<String> propertiesNames) { data.keySet().stream().forEach(key -> { BsonValue value = data.get(key); if (shouldTransform(key, propertiesNames)) { if (value.isString() && ObjectId.isValid(value .asString() .getValue())) { data.put(key, new BsonObjectId( new ObjectId(value .asString() .getValue()))); } } if (value instanceof BsonDocument) { _transform(value.asDocument(), propertiesNames); } }); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId( T document ) { Object value = _getId( document ); if ( value != null ) { if ( ObjectId.class.isInstance( value ) ) { return new BsonObjectId( (ObjectId) value ); } else if ( String.class.isInstance( value ) ) { return new BsonString( (String) value ); } } return null; }
@Override public ObjectId getObjectId(Object key) { BsonObjectId objectId = innerBsonDocument.getObjectId(key); if (objectId != null) { return (ObjectId) BsonValueConverterRepertory.getValueConverterByBsonType(objectId.getBsonType()).decode(objectId); } else { return null; } }
@Override public BsonValue toBson(Object value, SmofField fieldOpts) { if(contextContains(value, fieldOpts, serializationContext)) { return serializationContext.get(value, fieldOpts.getType()); } final Class<?> type = value.getClass(); final BsonDocument serValue; if(value instanceof ObjectId) { return new BsonObjectId((ObjectId) value); } else if(isMaster(fieldOpts)) { return fromMasterField((Element) value, fieldOpts, serializationContext); } else if(isSmofGridRef(type)) { return fromGridRef((SmofGridRef) value, (PrimaryField) fieldOpts); } else if(isElement(type)) { if(fieldOpts instanceof PrimaryField) { return fromElement((Element) value, (PrimaryField) fieldOpts, serializationContext); } return fromElement((Element) value, serializationContext); } else if(isMap(type) && isPrimaryField(fieldOpts)) { return fromMap((Map<?, ?>) value, (PrimaryField) fieldOpts, serializationContext); } else if(isEnum(type)) { return fromEnum((Enum<?>) value, serializationContext); } serValue = fromObject(value); serializationContext.put(value, SmofType.OBJECT, serValue); return serValue; }
private BsonValue fromElement(Element value, SerializationContext serContext) { final SmofOpOptions options = new SmofOpOptionsImpl(); options.bypassCache(true); dispatcher.insert(value, options); final BsonObjectId id = BsonUtils.toBsonObjectId(value); serContext.put(value, SmofType.OBJECT, id); return id; }
@Test public void testObjectIdType() throws IOException { BsonDocument bsonDoc = new BsonDocument(); BsonObjectId value = new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId()); bsonDoc.append("_idKey", value); writer.reset(); bsonReader.write(writer, new BsonDocumentReader(bsonDoc)); SingleMapReaderImpl mapReader = (SingleMapReaderImpl) writer.getMapVector().getReader(); byte[] readByteArray = mapReader.reader("_idKey").readByteArray(); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(value.getValue().toByteArray(), readByteArray)); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(T document) { Object id = idHandler.get(document); if (id instanceof ObjectId) return new BsonObjectId((ObjectId) id); if (id instanceof String) new BsonString((String) id); throw Exceptions.error("unsupported id type, id={}", id); }
/** * * @param exchange * @param etag * @return */ public static boolean checkReadEtag(HttpServerExchange exchange, BsonObjectId etag) { if (etag == null) { return false; } HeaderValues vs = exchange.getRequestHeaders().get(Headers.IF_NONE_MATCH); return vs == null || vs.getFirst() == null ? false : vs.getFirst().equals(etag.getValue().toString()); }
private static BsonObjectId getIdAsObjectId(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The id is not a valid ObjectId " + id); } return new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId(id)); }
/** * @param dbName * @param collName * @param documents * @param shardKeys * @return */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BulkOperationResult bulkUpsertDocumentsPost( final String dbName, final String collName, final BsonArray documents, final BsonDocument filter, final BsonDocument shardKeys) { Objects.requireNonNull(documents); MongoDatabase mdb = client.getDatabase(dbName); MongoCollection<BsonDocument> mcoll = mdb.getCollection(collName, BsonDocument.class); BsonObjectId newEtag = new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId()); documents .stream() .filter(d -> d != null && d.isDocument()) .forEachOrdered(document -> { document. asDocument() .put("_etag", newEtag); }); return DAOUtils.bulkUpsertDocuments( mcoll, documents, filter, shardKeys); }
private boolean checkEtag(HttpServerExchange exchange, GridFSFile dbsfile) { if (dbsfile != null) { Object etag; if (dbsfile.getMetadata() != null && dbsfile.getMetadata().containsKey("_etag")) { etag = dbsfile.getMetadata().get("_etag"); } else { etag = null; } if (etag != null && etag instanceof ObjectId) { ObjectId _etag = (ObjectId) etag; BsonObjectId __etag = new BsonObjectId(_etag); // in case the request contains the IF_NONE_MATCH header with the current etag value, // just return 304 NOT_MODIFIED code if (RequestHelper.checkReadEtag(exchange, __etag)) { exchange.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); exchange.endExchange(); return true; } } } return false; }
@Test public void testGetUriWithFilterOneObjectId() { BsonObjectId id = new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId()); RequestContext context = prepareRequestContext(); String expResult = "/dbName/collName?filter={'referenceField':{'$oid':'" + id.getValue().toString() + "'}}"; String result; try { result = URLUtils.getUriWithFilterOne(context, "dbName", "collName", "referenceField", id); assertEquals(expResult, result); } catch (UnsupportedDocumentIdException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testGetUriWithFilterManyInverseObjectId() { RequestContext context = prepareRequestContext(); BsonObjectId id = new BsonObjectId(new ObjectId()); String expResult = "/dbName/collName?filter={'referenceField':{'$elemMatch':{'$eq':{'$oid':'" + id.getValue().toString() + "'}}}}"; String result; try { result = URLUtils.getUriWithFilterManyInverse(context, "dbName", "collName", "referenceField", id); assertEquals(expResult, result); } catch (UnsupportedDocumentIdException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void deserialise_object_id() { ObjectId value = new ObjectId(new Date(), random.nextInt(0xffffff)); BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); doc.put("my-value", new BsonObjectId(value)); Key<ObjectId> idKey = Key.named("my-value"); Record record = BsonRecordDeserialiser.builder() .readObjectId(idKey) .get() .apply(doc); assertEquals("wrong ObjectId value", value, idKey.get(record).get()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(OracleToMongoEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(MongoToOracleMap map) { return new BsonObjectId(map.getMapId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(OracleToMongoGridFsMap map) { return new BsonObjectId(map.getMapId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(OracleToMongoMap map) { return new BsonObjectId(map.getMapId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(OracleToMongoGridFsEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(SyncEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(SyncNode nodeMapper) { return new BsonObjectId(nodeMapper.getId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(SyncMap map) { return new BsonObjectId(map.getMapId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(O2MSyncEventLog arg0) { return new BsonObjectId(arg0.getLogId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(OracleToMongoSyncEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(MongoToOracleSyncEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue getDocumentId(MongoToOracleEvent event) { return new BsonObjectId(event.getEventId()); }
@Override public BsonValue asBsonValue(ObjectId id, TypeCodecRegistry typeCodecRegistry) { return new BsonObjectId(id); }
@Override public BsonObjectId encode(StringObjectId object) { return new BsonObjectId(object.getInnerObjectId()); }
@Override public BsonObjectId encode(ObjectId object) { return new BsonObjectId(object); }
@Test public void decode() throws Exception { BsonDocument bsonObj = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.777)); List<BsonDocument> list = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>(); list.add(bsonObj); list.add(bsonObj); List<BsonArray> arrayList = new ArrayList<BsonArray>(); arrayList.add(new BsonArray(list)); arrayList.add(new BsonArray(list)); byte[] bytes = new byte[3]; bytes[0] = 3; bytes[1] = 2; bytes[2] = 1; BsonDocument bsonDocument = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)); BsonDocument bsonDocument1 = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)) .append("bson_test", bsonDocument) .append("testBinary", new BsonBinary(bytes)) .append("testBsonUndefined", new BsonUndefined()) .append("testObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testStringObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testBoolean", new BsonBoolean(true)) .append("testDate", new BsonDateTime(new Date().getTime())) .append("testNull", new BsonNull()) .append("testInt", new BsonInt32(233)) .append("testLong", new BsonInt64(233332)); BsonTest bsonTest = BsonDocumentConverter.getInstance().decode(bsonDocument1, BsonTest.class, BsonMapperConfig.DEFALUT); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestDouble()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestString()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestArray()); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bsonTest.getTestBinary().getData())); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestObjectId()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestStringObjectId()); System.out.println(bsonTest.isTestBoolean()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestDate()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestNull()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestInt()); System.out.println(bsonTest.getTestLong()); System.out.println(bsonTest); }
public static BsonObjectId toBsonObjectId(Element value) { final ObjectId id = value.getId(); return new BsonObjectId(id); }
@Override public BsonValue serializeToBson(Object value, SmofField fieldOpts) { return new BsonObjectId((ObjectId) value); }
public void idEq(ObjectId id) { idEq(new BsonObjectId(id)); }
public void idEq(BsonObjectId id) { filter = new BsonDocument(Element.ID, id); execute(); }