public static BsonDocument getBsonDocument() { BsonDocument bsonObj = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.777)); List<BsonDocument> list = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>(); list.add(bsonObj); list.add(bsonObj); byte[] bytes = new byte[3]; bytes[0] = 3; bytes[1] = 2; bytes[2] = 1; BsonDocument bsonDocument = new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)); return new BsonDocument().append("testDouble", new BsonDouble(20.99)) .append("testString", new BsonString("testStringV")) .append("testArray", new BsonArray(list)) .append("bson_test", bsonDocument) .append("testBinary", new BsonBinary(bytes)) .append("testBsonUndefined", new BsonUndefined()) .append("testObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testStringObjectId", new BsonObjectId()) .append("testBoolean", new BsonBoolean(true)) .append("testDate", new BsonDateTime(time)) .append("testNull", new BsonNull()) .append("testInt", new BsonInt32(233)) .append("testLong", new BsonInt64(233332)); }
@Test public void testBsonDocumentDeSerialize() { BsonDocument document = new BsonDocument().append("a", new BsonString("MongoDB")) .append("b", new BsonArray(Arrays.asList(new BsonInt32(1), new BsonInt32(2)))) .append("c", new BsonBoolean(true)) .append("d", new BsonDateTime(0)); String json = oson.useAttribute(false).setValueOnly(true).serialize(document); String expected = "{\"a\":\"MongoDB\",\"b\":[1,2],\"c\":true,\"d\":0}"; assertEquals(expected, json); BsonDocument document2 = oson.deserialize(json, BsonDocument.class); assertEquals(expected, oson.serialize(document2)); }
public static BsonDocument addTemporalRelationFilterQuery(BsonDocument filter, LongInterval left, AC ss, AC se, AC es, AC ee) { if (filter == null) filter = new BsonDocument(); BsonArray and = new BsonArray(); if (ss != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(ss.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getStart())))); if (se != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(es.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getEnd())))); if (es != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(se.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getStart())))); if (ee != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(ee.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getEnd())))); return filter.append(C.$and.toString(), and); }
/** * Return non-redundant timestamps of all graph element events * * @return HashSet<Long> timestamps */ public TreeSet<Long> getTimestamps() { TreeSet<Long> timestampSet = new TreeSet<Long>(); Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) { return val.getValue(); } }; edgeEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class) .filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull()))) .map(mapper).into(timestampSet); Set<Long> vtSet = new TreeSet<Long>(); vertexEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class) .filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull()))) .map(mapper).into(vtSet); timestampSet.addAll(vtSet); return timestampSet; }
public TreeSet<Long> getTimestamps(Long startTime, Long endTime) { TreeSet<Long> timestampSet = new TreeSet<Long>(); Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) { return val.getValue(); } }; edgeEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class) .filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$gt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(startTime)) .append(Tokens.FC.$lt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(endTime)))) .map(mapper).into(timestampSet); Set<Long> vtSet = new TreeSet<Long>(); vertexEvents.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class) .filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$gt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(startTime)) .append(Tokens.FC.$lt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(endTime)))) .map(mapper).into(timestampSet); timestampSet.addAll(vtSet); return timestampSet; }
public HashSet<Long> getTimestampsHashSet() { HashSet<Long> timestampSet = new HashSet<Long>(); Function<BsonDateTime, Long> mapper = new Function<BsonDateTime, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(BsonDateTime val) { return val.getValue(); } }; edges.distinct(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, BsonDateTime.class) .filter(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(Tokens.FC.$ne.toString(), new BsonNull()))) .map(mapper).into(timestampSet); return timestampSet; }
/** * set timestamp properties (replace) for the given timestamp * * @param timestamp * @param timestampProperties */ public void setTimestampProperties(final Long timestamp, BsonDocument timestampProperties) { if (timestampProperties == null) timestampProperties = new BsonDocument(); if (this instanceof ChronoVertex) { graph.getVertexEvents().findOneAndReplace( new BsonDocument(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)), Converter.makeTimestampVertexEventDocumentWithoutID(timestampProperties,, timestamp), new FindOneAndReplaceOptions().upsert(true)); } else { ChronoEdge e = (ChronoEdge) this; graph.getEdgeEvents().findOneAndReplace( new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(e.getOutVertex().toString())) .append(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(e.getLabel())) .append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)) .append(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonString(e.getInVertex().toString())), Converter.makeTimestampEdgeEventDocumentWithoutID(timestampProperties,, timestamp), new FindOneAndReplaceOptions().upsert(true)); } }
/** * @param timestamp * @param projection * @return TimestampProperties BsonDocument only containing projection keys */ public BsonDocument getTimestampProperties(final Long timestamp, final String[] projection) { BsonDocument bsonProjection = new BsonDocument(); if (projection != null) { for (String string : projection) { bsonProjection.append(string, new BsonBoolean(true)); } } if (this instanceof ChronoVertex) return graph.getVertexEvents() .find(new BsonDocument(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(, new BsonDateTime(timestamp))) .projection(bsonProjection).first(); else return graph.getEdgeCollection() .find(new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString( + "-" + timestamp))) .projection(bsonProjection).first(); }
public static BsonDocument makeTimestampEdgeEventDocument(BsonDocument base, String eID, long timestamp) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); String[] arr = eID.split("\\|"); String outV = arr[0]; String inV = arr[2]; String label = arr[1]; base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(eID + "-" + timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(outV)); base.put(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(label)); base.put(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonString(inV)); base.put(Tokens.EDGE, new BsonString(eID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
public static BsonDocument makeTimestampEdgeEventDocumentWithoutID(BsonDocument base, String eID, long timestamp) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); String[] arr = eID.split("\\|"); String outV = arr[0]; String inV = arr[2]; String label = arr[1]; base.put(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(outV)); base.put(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(label)); base.put(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonString(inV)); // base.put(Tokens.EDGE, new BsonString(eID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); // base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
@Override public Date getDate(Object key) { BsonDateTime dateTime = innerBsonDocument.getDateTime(key); if (dateTime != null) { return (Date) BsonValueConverterRepertory.getValueConverterByBsonType(dateTime.getBsonType()).decode(dateTime); } else { return null; } }
@Test public void testDateTimeType() throws IOException { BsonDocument bsonDoc = new BsonDocument(); bsonDoc.append("dateTimeKey", new BsonDateTime(5262729712L)); writer.reset(); bsonReader.write(writer, new BsonDocumentReader(bsonDoc)); SingleMapReaderImpl mapReader = (SingleMapReaderImpl) writer.getMapVector().getReader(); assertEquals(5262729712L, mapReader.reader("dateTimeKey").readDateTime().getMillis()); }
@SneakyThrows @Override public void encode( BsonWriter bsonWriter, T data, EncoderContext encoderContext ) { val doc = Document.parse( fileWriter.writeValueAsString( data ) ); val id = idFunc.apply( data ); doc.put( "_id", new ObjectId( id ) ); val modified = doc.get( "modified" ); doc.put( "modified", new BsonDateTime( ( Long ) modified ) ); documentCodec.encode( bsonWriter, doc, encoderContext ); }
static XMLGregorianCalendar getXMLGregorianCalendar(BsonDateTime bdt) { try { GregorianCalendar eventCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); eventCalendar.setTimeInMillis(bdt.getValue()); XMLGregorianCalendar xmlEventTime; xmlEventTime = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(eventCalendar); return xmlEventTime; } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { Configuration.logger.error(e.toString()); } return null; }
public static BsonValue converseType(String value) { String[] valArr = value.split("\\^"); if (valArr.length != 2) { return new BsonString(value); } try { String type = valArr[1]; if (type.equals("int")) { return new BsonInt32(Integer.parseInt(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("long")) { return new BsonInt64(Long.parseLong(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("double")) { return new BsonDouble(Double.parseDouble(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { return new BsonBoolean(Boolean.parseBoolean(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("float")) { return new BsonDouble(Double.parseDouble(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("dateTime")) { BsonDateTime time = getBsonDateTime(valArr[0]); if (time != null) return time; return new BsonString(value); } else if (type.equals("geoPoint")) { BsonDocument point = getBsonGeoPoint(valArr[0]); if (point == null) return new BsonString(value); return point; } else if (type.equals("geoArea")) { BsonDocument area = getBsonGeoArea(valArr[0]); if (area == null) return new BsonString(value); return area; } else { return new BsonString(value); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new BsonString(value); } }
static BsonDocument getErrorDeclaration(ErrorDeclarationType edt) { BsonDocument errorBson = new BsonDocument(); long declarationTime = edt.getDeclarationTime().toGregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); errorBson.put("declarationTime", new BsonDateTime(declarationTime)); // (Optional) reason if (edt.getReason() != null) { errorBson.put("reason", new BsonString(edt.getReason())); } // (Optional) correctiveEventIDs if (edt.getCorrectiveEventIDs() != null) { CorrectiveEventIDsType cIDs = edt.getCorrectiveEventIDs(); List<String> cIDStringList = cIDs.getCorrectiveEventID(); BsonArray correctiveIDBsonArray = new BsonArray(); for (String cIDString : cIDStringList) { correctiveIDBsonArray.add(new BsonString(cIDString)); } if (correctiveIDBsonArray.size() != 0) { errorBson.put("correctiveEventIDs", correctiveIDBsonArray); } } if (edt.getAny() != null) { BsonDocument map2Save = getAnyMap(edt.getAny()); if (map2Save != null && map2Save.isEmpty() == false) { errorBson.put("any", map2Save); } } return errorBson; }
static BsonValue converseType(String value) { String[] valArr = value.split("\\^"); if (valArr.length != 2) { return new BsonString(value); } try { String type = valArr[1].trim(); if (type.equals("int")) { return new BsonInt32(Integer.parseInt(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("long")) { return new BsonInt64(Long.parseLong(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("double")) { return new BsonDouble(Double.parseDouble(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { return new BsonBoolean(Boolean.parseBoolean(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("regex")) { return new BsonRegularExpression("^" + valArr[0] + "$"); } else if (type.equals("float")) { return new BsonDouble(Double.parseDouble(valArr[0])); } else if (type.equals("dateTime")) { BsonDateTime time = MongoQueryService.getTimeMillis(valArr[0]); if (time != null) return time; return new BsonString(value); } else { return new BsonString(value); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new BsonString(value); } }
private Map<String, BsonValue> getExtensionMap(List<ECReportMemberField> fields) { Map<String, BsonValue> extMap = new HashMap<String, BsonValue>(); for (int l = 0; l < fields.size(); l++) { ECReportMemberField field = fields.get(l); String key = field.getName(); String value = field.getValue(); String[] valArr = value.split("\\^"); if (valArr.length != 2) { extMap.put(key, new BsonString(value)); continue; } try { String type = valArr[1]; if (type.equals("int")) { extMap.put(key, new BsonInt32(Integer.parseInt(valArr[0]))); } else if (type.equals("long")) { extMap.put(key, new BsonInt64(Long.parseLong(valArr[0]))); } else if (type.equals("double")) { extMap.put(key, new BsonDouble(Double.parseDouble(valArr[0]))); } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { extMap.put(key, new BsonBoolean(Boolean.parseBoolean(valArr[0]))); } else if (type.equals("dateTime")) { extMap.put(key, new BsonDateTime(Long.parseLong(valArr[0]))); } else { extMap.put(key, new BsonString(valArr[0])); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { extMap.put(key, new BsonString(valArr[0])); } } return extMap; }
public static BsonDocument getTemporalRelationFilterQuery(long left, AC ss, AC se) { BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument(); if (ss != null) filter.append(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(ss.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left))); if (se != null) filter.append(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(se.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left))); return filter; }
public static BsonDocument addTemporalRelationFilterQuery(BsonDocument filter, long left, AC ss, AC se) { if (filter == null) filter = new BsonDocument(); if (ss != null) filter.append(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(ss.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left))); if (se != null) filter.append(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(se.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left))); return filter; }
public static BsonDocument getTemporalRelationFilterQuery(LongInterval left, AC ss, AC se, AC es, AC ee) { BsonArray and = new BsonArray(); if (ss != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(ss.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getStart())))); if (se != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.START, new BsonDocument(es.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getEnd())))); if (es != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(se.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getStart())))); if (ee != null) and.add(new BsonDocument(Tokens.END, new BsonDocument(ee.toString(), new BsonDateTime(left.getEnd())))); return new BsonDocument(C.$and.toString(), and); }
public CachedChronoGraph getSnapshot(Long t) { CachedChronoGraph g = new CachedChronoGraph(); MongoCursor<BsonDocument> c = this.getEdgeEvents().find(new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(t))) .iterator(); while (c.hasNext()) { BsonDocument doc =; String outV = doc.getString(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX).getValue(); String label = doc.getString(Tokens.LABEL).getValue(); String inV = doc.getString(Tokens.IN_VERTEX).getValue(); CachedChronoEdge e = g.addEdge(outV, inV, label); e.setProperties(doc); } return g; }
/** * @param timestamp * @return TimestampProperties BsonDocument */ public BsonDocument getTimestampProperties(final Long timestamp) { if (this instanceof ChronoVertex) return graph.getVertexEvents().find(new BsonDocument(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString( .append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp))).first(); else { String[] idArr ="\\|"); String outV = idArr[0]; String label = idArr[1]; String inV = idArr[2]; return graph.getEdgeEvents().find(new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(outV)) .append(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(label)).append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)) .append(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonString(inV))).projection(Tokens.PRJ_NOT_ID).first(); } }
public Set<VertexEvent> getOutVertexEventSet(final String label, final AC tt) { // db.edges.createIndex({"_outV" : 1, "_label" : 1, "_t" : 1, "_inV" : 1}) BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(vertex.toString())); query.append(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(label)); query.append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(tt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(timestamp))); BsonDocument proj = new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonBoolean(true)) .append(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonBoolean(true)).append(Tokens.ID, new BsonBoolean(false)); HashSet<VertexEvent> ret = new HashSet<VertexEvent>(); Iterator<BsonDocument> x = vertex.graph.getEdgeEvents().find(query).projection(proj).iterator(); HashMap<String, Long> map = new HashMap<String, Long>(); while (x.hasNext()) { BsonDocument d =; String inV = d.getString(Tokens.IN_VERTEX).getValue(); Long t = d.getDateTime(Tokens.TIMESTAMP).getValue(); if (map.containsKey(inV)) { // TODO: if (map.get(inV) > t) map.put(inV, t); } else map.put(inV, t); } map.entrySet().parallelStream().forEach(entry -> { VertexEvent ve = new VertexEvent(graph, entry.getKey() + "-" + entry.getValue()); ret.add(ve); }); return ret; }
public Set<VertexEvent> getInVertexEventSet(final String label, final AC tt) { // db.edges.createIndex({"_outV" : 1, "_label" : 1, "_t" : 1, "_inV" : 1}) BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonString(vertex.toString())); query.append(Tokens.LABEL, new BsonString(label)); query.append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument(tt.toString(), new BsonDateTime(timestamp))); BsonDocument proj = new BsonDocument(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonBoolean(true)) .append(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonBoolean(true)).append(Tokens.ID, new BsonBoolean(false)); HashSet<VertexEvent> ret = new HashSet<VertexEvent>(); Iterator<BsonDocument> x = vertex.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query).projection(proj).iterator(); HashMap<String, Long> map = new HashMap<String, Long>(); while (x.hasNext()) { BsonDocument d =; String outV = d.getString(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX).getValue(); Long t = d.getDateTime(Tokens.TIMESTAMP).getValue(); if (map.containsKey(outV)) { // TODO: if (map.get(outV) > t) map.put(outV, t); } else map.put(outV, t); } map.entrySet().parallelStream().forEach(entry -> { VertexEvent ve = new VertexEvent(graph, entry.getKey() + "-" + entry.getValue()); ret.add(ve); }); return ret; }
public Set<VertexEvent> getOutVertexEventSet(final AC tt) { while (true) { try { // db.tEdgeEvents.aggregate([{$match:{"_o":"1","_t":{ $lt : ISODate(0) // }}},{$project:{"_i":1,"_t":1,"_id":0}},{$group:{"_id":"$_i", "_mt": {$min: // "$_t"}}}]) BsonDocument match = new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument(Tokens.OUT_VERTEX, new BsonString(vertex.toString())).append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument("$gt", new BsonDateTime(timestamp)))); BsonDocument project = new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument(Tokens.IN_VERTEX, new BsonBoolean(true)) .append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonBoolean(true)) .append(Tokens.ID, new BsonBoolean(false))); BsonDocument group = new BsonDocument("$group", new BsonDocument(Tokens.ID, new BsonString("$" + Tokens.IN_VERTEX)).append(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDocument("$min", new BsonString("$" + Tokens.TIMESTAMP)))); ArrayList<BsonDocument> aggregateQuery = new ArrayList<BsonDocument>(); aggregateQuery.add(match); aggregateQuery.add(project); aggregateQuery.add(group); HashSet<VertexEvent> ret = new HashSet<VertexEvent>(); Function<BsonDocument, VertexEvent> mapper = new Function<BsonDocument, VertexEvent>() { @Override public VertexEvent apply(BsonDocument d) { String inV = d.getString(Tokens.ID).getValue(); Long t = d.getDateTime(Tokens.TIMESTAMP).getValue(); return new VertexEvent(graph, new ChronoVertex(inV, graph), t); } }; vertex.graph.getEdgeEvents().aggregate(aggregateQuery).map(mapper).into(ret); return ret; } catch (MongoCursorNotFoundException e1) { System.out.println(e1.getErrorMessage()); } } }
public static BsonDocument getBaseTimestampVertexEventDocument(String vID, long timestamp) { BsonDocument base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(vID + "-" + timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(vID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
public static BsonDocument getBaseTimestampEdgeEventDocument(String eID, long timestamp) { BsonDocument base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(eID + "-" + timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.EDGE, new BsonString(eID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
public static BsonDocument makeTimestampVertexEventDocument(BsonDocument base, String vID, long timestamp) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(vID + "-" + timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(vID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
public static BsonDocument makeTimestampVertexEventDocumentWithoutID(BsonDocument base, String vID, long timestamp) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(vID)); base.put(Tokens.TIMESTAMP, new BsonDateTime(timestamp)); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); return base; }
public static BsonDocument getBaseIntervalVertexEventDocument(String vID, LongInterval interval) { BsonDocument base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(vID + "-" + interval.toString())); base.put(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(vID)); base.put(Tokens.START, new BsonDateTime(interval.getStart())); base.put(Tokens.END, new BsonDateTime(interval.getEnd())); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_INTERVAL); return base; }
public static BsonDocument getBaseIntervalEdgeEventDocument(String eID, LongInterval interval) { BsonDocument base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(eID + "-" + interval.toString())); base.put(Tokens.EDGE, new BsonString(eID)); base.put(Tokens.START, new BsonDateTime(interval.getStart())); base.put(Tokens.END, new BsonDateTime(interval.getEnd())); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_INTERVAL); return base; }
public static BsonDocument makeIntervalVertexEventDocument(BsonDocument base, String vID, LongInterval interval) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(vID + "-" + interval.toString())); base.put(Tokens.VERTEX, new BsonString(vID)); base.put(Tokens.START, new BsonDateTime(interval.getStart())); base.put(Tokens.END, new BsonDateTime(interval.getEnd())); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_INTERVAL); return base; }
public static BsonDocument makeIntervalEdgeEventDocument(BsonDocument base, String eID, LongInterval interval) { if (base == null) base = new BsonDocument(); base.put(Tokens.ID, new BsonString(eID + "-" + interval.toString())); base.put(Tokens.EDGE, new BsonString(eID)); base.put(Tokens.START, new BsonDateTime(interval.getStart())); base.put(Tokens.END, new BsonDateTime(interval.getEnd())); base.put(Tokens.TYPE, Tokens.TYPE_INTERVAL); return base; }
private static BsonDateTime getIdAsDate(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException { BsonValue ret = JsonUtils.parse(id); if (ret.isDateTime()) { return ret.asDateTime(); } else if (ret.isInt32()) { return new BsonDateTime(0l + ret.asInt32().getValue()); } else if (ret.isInt64()) { return new BsonDateTime(ret.asInt64().getValue()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The id is not a valid number " + id); } }