public static void copyDefaultNode(YamlConfiguration configFile, Plugin plugin, String path, String nodPath){ configFile.createSection(nodPath); path = fixPath(path); InputStream file = plugin.getResource(path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')); if(file!=null){ YamlConfiguration defaultFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(file)); if(defaultFile.contains(nodPath)) configFile.set(nodPath, defaultFile.get(path)); else configFile.set(nodPath, Error.MISSING_NODE.getMessage()); } File temp = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), path); try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); ErrorLogger.addError("I/O Exception for file : " + temp.getAbsolutePath()); } }
/** * This method essentially imitates the getConfig method within the JavaPlugin class * but is used to create or grab special config files pertaining to the Wage Tables of * the plugin * * @param resource The file or resource to grab the Configuration for. * * @return The configuration of the resource. */ public YamlConfiguration getSpecialConfig (String resource) { YamlConfiguration config = mWageConfigs.get (resource); if (config == null) { InputStream configStream = mPlugin.getResource (resource); config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration (mWageFiles.get (resource)); if (configStream != null) { config.setDefaults (YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration (new InputStreamReader (configStream, Charsets.UTF_8))); } mWageConfigs.put (resource, config); } return config; }
public void createConfig() { (new File("plugins" + File.separator + "AsgardAscension" + File.separator + "")).mkdirs(); file = new File("plugins" + File.separator + "AsgardAscension", "food.yml"); config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); if(!file.exists()){ config.options().header("Potion Effect Types:"); config.addDefault("", "Nidhogg�s Heart"); config.addDefault("1.item", 372); config.addDefault("1.amount", 1); List<String> effects = new ArrayList<String>(); effects.add("SPEED, 120, 2"); config.addDefault("1.effects", effects); config.options().copyDefaults(true); } saveConfig(); }
public Menu(MessageManager messageManager, YamlConfiguration section) { ConfigurationSection settings = section.getConfigurationSection(Node.SETTINGS.get()); if(settings == null){ Error.MISSING_NODE.add(Node.SETTINGS.get()); title = new MComponent(VanillaPlusCore.getDefaultLang(), " "); icons = new Icon[37]; type = InventoryType.CHEST; refresh = 0; return; }else{ title = messageManager.getComponentManager().get(settings.getString(Node.NAME_PATH.get())); type = InventoryType.valueOf(settings.getString(Node.TYPE.get(), "CHEST")); if(type == InventoryType.CHEST) { int size = settings.getInt("ROWS"); if(size < 0 || size > 12) ErrorLogger.addError("ROWS must be between 0 and 12 inclulsive !"); icons = new Icon[9*size+1]; } else icons = new Icon[type.getDefaultSize()+1]; refresh = (byte) settings.getInt("REFRESH", 0); } }
private static Object build(Class clazz) { Object object; try { object = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.err("Failed to build a configuration - couldn't access the class!"); return null; } String name = object.getClass().getDeclaredAnnotation(Configuration.class).value(); File file = new File(JavaPlugin.getProvidingPlugin(clazz).getDataFolder(), String.format("%s.yml", name)); FileConfiguration configFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); buildFromConfig(configFile, clazz, object); return object; }
public static void loadConfig(Plugin plugin) { pl = plugin; file = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "Config/Global/OnJoin/Gamemode-OnJoin.yml"); Config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); if (!pl.getDataFolder().exists()) { pl.getDataFolder().mkdir(); } create(); int gamemode = Config.getInt("On-Join.Spawn.Gamemode.Gamemode"); if ((gamemode != 0) && (gamemode != 1) && (gamemode != 2) && (gamemode != 3)) { Config.set("Gamemode.Value", Integer.valueOf(0)); } }
public void savePlayersToDisk() { YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); if (mtPlayers.isEmpty()) return; for (PlayerObject p : mtPlayers.values()) { String uuid = p.getUuid().toString(); config.set(uuid + ".pk-state", p.getPkState().name()); config.set(uuid + ".kills", p.getPlayerKills()); config.set(uuid + ".ingame-name", p.getCurrentIngameName()); config.set(uuid + ".in-geck-range", p.isPlayerInRangeOfGeck()); config.set(uuid + ".last-player-kill", p.getLastPlayerKillTime()); // if (config.get(uuid + ".first-join-time") == null) // config.set(uuid + ".first-join-time", p.getJoinTime()); } mtPlayers.clear();; }
public Metrics() throws IOException { // load the config configurationFile = getConfigFile(); configuration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configurationFile); // add some defaults configuration.addDefault("opt-out", false); configuration.addDefault("guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); configuration.addDefault("debug", false); // Do we need to create the file? if (configuration.get("guid", null) == null) { configuration.options().header("").copyDefaults(true);; } // Load the guid then guid = configuration.getString("guid"); debug = configuration.getBoolean("debug", false); }
public Map(String title, String worldName, List<Location> spawns, Location specSpawn) { list.add(this); = list.size(); this.title = title; this.worldName = worldName; this.spawns = spawns; this.specSpawn = specSpawn; File file = new File(SurvivalGames.getInstance().getDataFolder() + File.separator + "maps", worldName + ".yml"); if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); }
public void add(String server, Location location) { final BungeeCordSignInfo info = new BungeeCordSignInfo.Container(location, server); this.signs.add(info); final BungeeCordSignInfo[] signInfos = this.signs.toArray(new BungeeCordSignInfo[this.signs.size()]); this.plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this.plugin, () -> { try { final FileConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); final File file = new File(BungeeCordController.this.plugin.getDataFolder(), "bungeecord_signs.yml"); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "File cannot get deleted."); } } for (int i = 0; i < signInfos.length; i++) { configuration.set("signs." + i, signInfos[i].serialize()); }; } catch (final IOException e) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Save sign location.", e); } }); }
public static void CheckAndDownloadPlugin() { if (ConfigMain.AutoUpdate == true) { try { // 整体获取 File NetworkerFile = new File(EscapeLag.MainThis.getDataFolder(), "networkerlog"); DowloadFile("", NetworkerFile); YamlConfiguration URLLog = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(NetworkerFile); // 检查插件并下载新版本 EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("正在检查新版本插件,请稍等..."); int NewVersion = URLLog.getInt("UpdateVersion"); int NowVersion = Integer.valueOf("%BUILD_NUMBER%"); if (NewVersion > NowVersion) { EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("插件检测到新版本 " + NewVersion + ",正在自动下载新版本插件..."); DowloadFile("", EscapeLag.getPluginsFile()); EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("插件更新版本下载完成!正在重启服务器!"); Bukkit.shutdown(); } else { EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("EscapeLag插件工作良好,暂无新版本检测更新。"); } // 完成提示 EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("全部网络工作都读取完毕了..."); } catch (IOException ex) { } } }
private static Plugin mockPlugin() { final YamlConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); configuration.set("sql.enabled", false); configuration.set("", "localhost"); configuration.set("sql.port", 3306); configuration.set("sql.database", "db"); configuration.set("sql.username", "root"); configuration.set("sql.password", ""); final Plugin plugin = mock(Plugin.class); if (Bukkit.getServer() == null) { final Server server = mock(Server.class); when(server.getLogger()).thenReturn(Logger.getGlobal()); Bukkit.setServer(server); } new File("PetBlocks.db").delete(); when(plugin.getDataFolder()).thenReturn(new File("PetBlocks")); when(plugin.getConfig()).thenReturn(configuration); when(plugin.getResource(any(String.class))).thenAnswer(invocationOnMock -> { final String file = invocationOnMock.getArgument(0); return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file); }); return plugin; }
/**Static method to get a modules config alone, returns null if failed. * The loading is tested during the initial yml test and should therefore work during DunGen runtime. * @param parent The parent plugin * @param name The modules name for witch the config should be loaded (file 'name'.yml) * @return The config object. Returns null if errors occured and sets plugin state to ERROR. */ public static YamlConfiguration getConfig(DunGen parent, String name) { File confFile = new File(parent.getDataFolder(),name+".yml"); if (!confFile.exists()) { parent.setStateAndNotify(State.ERROR, "Config file for module " + name + " could not be found!"); return null; } YamlConfiguration conf = new YamlConfiguration(); try { conf.load(confFile); }catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { parent.setStateAndNotify(State.ERROR, "Loading of config file for module " + name + " failed:"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // everything ok, if code reached here. parent.getLogger().info("YML file for module " + name + " loaded."); return conf; }
public boolean save(){ YamlConfiguration recipe; File f=new File(rs.getDataFolder()+File.separator+"SyntheticFormula"+File.separator+"FireCraftTable"+File.separator+name+".yml"); if(!f.exists())try {f.createNewFile();} catch (IOException e1) {return false;} recipe=YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f); recipe.set(name+".name", name); recipe.set(name+".time", time); recipe.set(name+".temperature", temperature); recipe.set(name+".maxTime", maxTime); recipe.set(name+".shape", shape); for(Character c:materials.keySet()) recipe.set(name+".material."+c,materials.get(c) ); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) recipe.set(name+".product."+i, product[i]); try {;} catch (IOException e) {return false;} return true; }
public void removeCraft(int nb) { try { //replacing in the file File craftfile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "crafts.yml"); craftfile.createNewFile(); FileConfiguration craftconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(craftfile); int count = 0; for(String craftuuid : craftconfig.getConfigurationSection("Crafts").getKeys(false)) { if(nb == count) { craftconfig.set("Crafts." + craftuuid, null); } count++; }; } catch (Exception e) { // } }
@Override public void onEnable() { world = Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(OpenUHC.WORLD_DIR_PREFIX + "lobby")); // Read lobby yml if it exists File lobbyFile = new File(OpenUHC.WORLD_DIR_PREFIX + "lobby/lobby.yml"); if (lobbyFile.exists()) { FileConfiguration lobbyConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(lobbyFile); ConfigurationSection spawn = lobbyConfig.getConfigurationSection("spawn"); if (spawn != null) { double x = spawn.getDouble("x", 0); double y = spawn.getDouble("y", 64); double z = spawn.getDouble("z", 0); double r = spawn.getDouble("r", 1); this.spawn = new Vector(x, y, z); radius = (float) r; } } OpenUHC.registerEvents(this); }
public void loadFile() { file = new PluginFile(main, "generators", FileType.YAML); for (World w : Bukkit.getWorlds()) { powerable.put(w.getName(), new ManyMap<>()); generators.put(w.getName(), new ManyMap<>()); } YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); for (String locString : config.getStringList("gens")) { Location loc = StringUtilities.stringToLocation(locString); ManyMap<String, Location> mm = generators.get(loc.getWorld().getName()); mm.addValue(loc.getChunk().getX() + ";" + loc.getChunk().getZ(), loc); generators.put(loc.getWorld().getName(), mm); for (Block bloc : getNearbyBlocks(loc.getBlock(), 15)) { Location ploc = bloc.getLocation(); ManyMap<String, Location> pmm = powerable.get(ploc.getWorld().getName()); pmm.addValue(ploc.getChunk().getX() + ";" + ploc.getChunk().getZ(), ploc); powerable.put(ploc.getWorld().getName(), pmm); } } }
@Override public void onEnable() { saveResource("lang.yml", false); saveResource("config.yml", false); Lang.lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new, "lang.yml")); config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new, "config.yml")); waitTimer.init(); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new StaticWorldListener(this), this); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerListener(this), this); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(waitTimer, this); waitTimer.startTiming(); }
public void signJoinLoad() { File signJoinFile = new File(SkyWarsReloaded.get().getDataFolder(), "signJoinGames.yml"); if (!signJoinFile.exists()) { SkyWarsReloaded.get().saveResource("signJoinGames.yml", false); } if (signJoinFile.exists()) { FileConfiguration storage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(signJoinFile); try { for (String gameNumber : storage.getConfigurationSection("games.").getKeys(false)) { String mapName = storage.getString("games." + gameNumber + ".map"); String world = storage.getString("games." + gameNumber + ".world"); if (mapName != null && world != null) { GameSign gs = new GameSign(storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".x"), storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".y"), storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".z"), world, mapName); signJoinGames.put(Integer.valueOf(gameNumber), gs); createGame(Integer.valueOf(gameNumber), gs); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } }
public void savePlayersToDisk() { YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); for (PlayerObject p : players.values()) { String uuid = p.getUuid().toString(); config.set(uuid + ".current-cellphone-recipient", p.getCurrentCellPhoneRecipient()); // config.set(uuid + ".walkie-talkie.current-channel", p.getCurrentWalkieTalkieFrequency().getChannel()); // config.set(uuid + ".walkie-talkie.current-frequency", p.getCurrentWalkieTalkieFrequency().getFrequency()); config.set(uuid + ".notification-sound", p.receiveNotificationSound()); config.set(uuid + ".contacts", p.getContacts()); } players.clear();; }
public void saveMessagessToDisk() { YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); List<String> messageStrings = new ArrayList<>(); for (TextMessage m : textMessages) { messageStrings.add(m.getConfigFormat()); } config.set("messages", messageStrings);; }
public static void load() { list.clear(); File maps = new File(SurvivalGames.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "maps"); for (File yml : Files.getFiles(maps)) { if (!yml.getName().endsWith(".yml")) continue; ConfigAPI api = new ConfigAPI(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(yml)); FileConfiguration config = api.getConfig(); String title = config.getString("info.title"); String worldName = config.getString("info.worldName"); if (title == null || worldName == null) { Chat.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error with map file: " + yml.getName() + " (no title and/or world name)"); continue; } List<Location> spawns = new ArrayList<Location>(); for (String s : config.getConfigurationSection("spawns").getKeys(false)) { if (api.getString("spawns." + s + ".team") != null && api.getString("spawns." + s + ".team").equals("spec")) continue; Location l = api.getLocation("spawns." + s); spawns.add(l); } Location specSpawn = api.getLocation("spawns.spec"); new Map(title, worldName, spawns, specSpawn); } Comparator<Map> comp = new Comparator<Map>() { public int compare(Map m1, Map m2) { return m1.getTitle().compareTo(m2.getTitle()); } }; Collections.sort(list, comp); Chat.log("Loaded a total of " + Map.getList().size() + " maps!"); }
public static void loadConfig(Plugin plugin) { pl = plugin; file = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "Config/Server.yml"); Config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); if (!pl.getDataFolder().exists()) { pl.getDataFolder().mkdir(); } create(); }
public FileConfiguration getConfig(){ FileConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); File userFile = new File(mainFolder, "AllowedUsers.yml"); if(userFile.exists()){ try { config.load(userFile); } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); config.set("Data", allowedUsers); } } return config; }
public void loadMessagesFromDisk() { file = new PluginFile("textMessages", FileType.YAML); YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); for (String s : config.getStringList("messages")) { String[] split = s.split("-"); textMessages.add(new TextMessage(split[0], split[1], split[2])); } }
@EventHandler public void signRemoved(BlockBreakEvent event) { Location blockLocation = event.getBlock().getLocation(); World w = blockLocation.getWorld(); Block b = w.getBlockAt(blockLocation); if(b.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN || b.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST){ Sign sign = (Sign) b.getState(); String line1 = ChatColor.stripColor(sign.getLine(0)); if (line1.equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.stripColor(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', new Messaging.MessageFormatter().format("signJoinSigns.line1"))))) { String world = blockLocation.getWorld().getName().toString(); int x = blockLocation.getBlockX(); int y = blockLocation.getBlockY(); int z = blockLocation.getBlockZ(); File signJoinFile = new File(SkyWarsReloaded.get().getDataFolder(), "signJoinGames.yml"); if (signJoinFile.exists()) { FileConfiguration storage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(signJoinFile); for (String gameNumber : storage.getConfigurationSection("games.").getKeys(false)) { String world1 = storage.getString("games." + gameNumber + ".world"); int x1 = storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".x"); int y1 = storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".y"); int z1 = storage.getInt("games." + gameNumber + ".z"); if (x1 == x && y1 == y && z1 == z && world.equalsIgnoreCase(world1)) { if (event.getPlayer().hasPermission("swr.signs")) { SkyWarsReloaded.getGC().removeSignJoinGame(gameNumber); } else { event.setCancelled(true); event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DESTROY SWR SIGNS"); } } } } } } }
public void reloadConfig(File configFile) { extensionsToEngineName = new HashMap<>(); FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile); ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("engines"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> obj : section.getValues(false).entrySet()) extensionsToEngineName.put(obj.getKey(), obj.getValue().toString()); }
public void load() { particleMap.clear(); File particleFile = new File(SkyWarsReloaded.get().getDataFolder(), "particleeffects.yml"); if (!particleFile.exists()) { SkyWarsReloaded.get().saveResource("particleeffects.yml", false); } if (particleFile.exists()) { FileConfiguration storage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(particleFile); if (storage.contains("effects")) { for (String item : storage.getStringList("effects")) { List<String> itemData = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(item.split(" "))); int cost = Integer.parseInt(itemData.get(1)); String effect = itemData.get(0).toLowerCase(); String name = null; if (effects.contains(effect)) { name = new Messaging.MessageFormatter().format("effects." + effect); } if (name != null) { particleMap.put(ChatColor.stripColor(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name)), new ParticleItem(effect, name, cost)); } } } } }
/** * @param source original {@link YamlConfiguration} file. * @throws NullPointerException if source is null. */ public FriendlyConfiguration(YamlConfiguration source) { if (source == null) { throw new NullPointerException("yaml cannot be null!"); } this.source = source; }
public UtilFile(String dataFolder, String fileName) { this.dataFolder = dataFolder; = fileName; file = new File(dataFolder, fileName+".yml"); data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); }
static public Boolean isPlayerNovice(String player){ YamlConfiguration PlayerData = onLoadData(player); if(PlayerData ==null) return false; int protectionValue = Integer.valueOf(onLoadData(player).getString("cumulativeOnlineTime")); int noviceProtectionTimes = Integer.valueOf(Config.getConfig("playerNoviceProtection.times").replace("min", "").replace("m","")); if(noviceProtectionTimes > protectionValue){ if(InventoryManager.PVPList.contains(player))return false; return true; } return false; }
public ConfigAPI(File file, JavaPlugin plugin) { if (!file.exists()) { try { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); }
@Subcommand("DeluxeTags") @CommandCompletion("deluxetags") public void onCommand(CommandSender sender){ if(!sender.hasPermission("dogtags.convert")) {sender.sendMessage(TagLang.NO_PERMISSION.get()); return; } File f = new File(DogTags.getInstance().getDataFolder().getParentFile().getPath() + File.separator + "DeluxeTags", "config.yml"); if(!f.exists()) return; FileConfiguration fc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f); FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(DogTags.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "config.yml")); for(String tags : fc.getConfigurationSection("deluxetags").getKeys(false)){ String prefix = fc.getString("deluxetags."+tags+".tag"); String description = fc.getString("deluxetags."+tags+".description"); if (DogTags.getStorage() == StorageEnum.FLATFILE) { config.set("dogtags."+tags+".prefix", prefix); config.set("dogtags."+tags+".description", description); config.set("dogtags."+tags+".permission", true); }else{ DogTags.getConnection().insertTag(tags, prefix, description, true); } LogUtil.outputMsg("Converted "+tags+" with prefix "+prefix + " and description "+description); } // File(DogTags.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "config.yml")); DogTags.getInstance().handleReload(); if(sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage("§6[§eDogTags§6] §fCheck Console for Information."); }
@PlayerCommand(cmd="setPoint",arg = " <player> <value>") public void onSetPoint(CommandSender sender,String args[]){ if(sender instanceof Player){ if(!sender.hasPermission("pvpaswantedmanager." + args[0])) { sender.sendMessage(Message.getMsg("player.noPermissionMessage")); return; } } if(args.length <3){ sender.sendMessage(Message.getMsg("admin.wrongFormatMessage")); return; } YamlConfiguration PlayerData = onLoadData(args[1]); if(PlayerData == null){ sender.sendMessage(Message.getMsg("admin.playerNullMessage")); return; } if(!Pattern.compile("[0-9]*").matcher(args[2]).matches()){ sender.sendMessage(Message.getMsg("admin.wrongFormatMessage")); return; } int value = Integer.valueOf(args[2]); if(PlayerData.getInt("wanted.points")==0&& value > 0){ PVPAsWantedManager.onCreateList(args[1], "WantedList"); }else if(PlayerData.getInt("wanted.points")>0 && value ==0){ PVPAsWantedManager.onDeleteList(args[1], "WantedList"); } PlayerData.set("wanted.points", value); PVPAsWantedManager.onSaveData(args[1], PlayerData); sender.sendMessage(Message.getMsg("admin.EditPlayerDataMessage")); }
public ConfigManager() { try { config=new YamlConfiguration(); f=new File(plugin.getDataFolder(),"config.yml"); if(!f.exists()) { plugin.saveResource("config.yml",false); } config.load(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), Charsets.UTF_8))); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } instance=this; }
public void createFile(Player p) { File pFileDir = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players"); if (!pFileDir.exists()) { pFileDir.mkdir(); } File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.getName().toLowerCase() + ".yml"); if (!pFile.exists()) try { pFile.createNewFile(); List<String> combo = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> guilds = new ArrayList<String>(); combo.add(0, "???"); combo.add(1, "???"); combo.add(2, "???"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("User", p.getName()); pConfig.set("Class", Default); pConfig.set("Race", Default); pConfig.set("Guilds", guilds); pConfig.set("Kills", Integer.valueOf(0)); pConfig.set("Deaths", Integer.valueOf(0)); pConfig.set("Counter", Integer.valueOf(1)); pConfig.set("Combo", combo); // pConfig.set("Reader", Boolean[].class); /* * pConfig.set("ObservationHakiLevel", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ObservationHakiXP", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorsHaki", Boolean.valueOf(false)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorHakiLevel", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorHakiXP", Integer.valueOf(0)); */; } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void loadPlayersFromDisk() { file = new PluginFile(main, "players", FileType.YAML); YamlConfiguration config = file.returnYaml(); for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection("").getKeys(false)) { // Only convert online players to PlayerObject and add to Map. // for (Player online : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(key); // if (!online.getUniqueId().equals(uuid)) // continue; PlayerObject p = new PlayerObject(uuid); PKStates state = PKStates.getStateByString(config.getString(key + ".pk-state")); boolean inGeckRange = config.getBoolean(key + ".in-geck-range"); long lastPlayerKill = config.getLong(key + ".last-player-kill"); int playerKills = config.getInt(key + ".kills"); p.setPkState(state); p.setPlayerKills(playerKills); p.setPlayerInRangeOfGeck(inGeckRange); p.setLastPlayerKillTime(lastPlayerKill); mtPlayers.put(uuid, p); // } } }
public static void addDeath(String p) { File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.toLowerCase() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("Deaths", Integer.valueOf(pConfig.getInt("Deaths") + 1)); try {; } catch (Exception e) { } }
public Config(InputStream configStream, File configFile, int comments, JavaPlugin plugin) { this.comments = comments; this.manager = new ConfigManager(plugin); this.file = configFile; Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(configStream); this.config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(reader); }