/** * Write in-memory changes of config to its file * * @param clazz The configuration class to sync. */ public static void sync(Class clazz) { Object config = configurations.get(clazz); if (config == null) return; String name = config.getClass().getDeclaredAnnotation(Configuration.class).value(); File file = new File(JavaPlugin.getProvidingPlugin(clazz).getDataFolder(), String.format("%s.yml", name)); FileConfiguration configFile = new YamlConfiguration(); buildToConfig(config, configFile); try { configFile.save(file); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.err("Couldn't sync config " + name + " to its file!"); } }
private void initiateArenas() { FileConfiguration config = ManagerHandler.getConfig().getArenasConfig().getConfig(); if (!config.contains("arenas")) return; for (String name : config.getConfigurationSection("arenas").getKeys(false)) { try { String displayName = config.getString("arenas." + name + ".display-name"); Integer displayOrder = config.getInt("arenas." + name + ".display-order"); Location location1 = LocationUtils.getLocation(config.getString("arenas." + name + ".location1")); Location location2 = LocationUtils.getLocation(config.getString("arenas." + name + ".location2")); Arena arena = new Arena(name, displayName, displayOrder, location1, location2); this.arenas.put(name, arena); } catch (Exception e) { PracticePlugin.getInstance().getLogger().severe("Failed to load arena '" + name + "', stack trace below:"); PracticePlugin.getInstance().getLogger().severe("------------------------------------------------------"); e.printStackTrace(); PracticePlugin.getInstance().getLogger().severe("------------------------------------------------------"); } } }
private static Object buildFromConfig(FileConfiguration config, Class clazz, Object instance) { for (String key : config.getKeys(false)) { try { Field field = clazz.getField(key); field.setAccessible(true); fieldSet(field, config, instance, key); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { Logger.log(Level.FINER, "A key in YAML was not found in the class it is being rebuilt to."); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.err("Couldn't access a field when rebuilding a config!"); } } return instance; }
public void loadUsers(){ allowedUsers.clear(); FileConfiguration config = getConfig(); for(String key : config.getKeys(false)){ allowedUsers.put(key.replace("_(dot)_", "."), (Date) config.get(key)); } ArrayList<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for(Entry<String, Date> ent : allowedUsers.entrySet()){ if(Calendar.getInstance().getTime().after(ent.getValue())){ try { Core.send(Core.skype.getOrLoadContact(ent.getKey()).getPrivateConversation(), "You DDoS-Attack permission is over"); } catch (ConnectionException | ChatNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } toRemove.add(ent.getKey()); } } for(String user : toRemove){ allowedUsers.remove(user); } }
/** * Loads all of the startup commands from the plugin's configuration file. * @param plugin the StartupCommands plugin instance */ public static void loadCommands(StartupCommands plugin) { FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig(); if (config.getConfigurationSection("commands") == null) { plugin.getLogger().info("There are no startup commands present."); } else { int delay = 0; for (String command : config.getConfigurationSection("commands").getKeys(false)) { delay = config.getInt("commands." + command + ".delay", 0); // Try to create the command try { plugin.getCommands().add(new Command(command, delay)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { plugin.getLogger().severe(e.getMessage()); } } } }
public void removeCraft(int nb) { try { //replacing in the file File craftfile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "crafts.yml"); craftfile.createNewFile(); FileConfiguration craftconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(craftfile); int count = 0; for(String craftuuid : craftconfig.getConfigurationSection("Crafts").getKeys(false)) { if(nb == count) { craftconfig.set("Crafts." + craftuuid, null); } count++; } craftconfig.save(craftfile); } catch (Exception e) { // } }
private static Object build(Class clazz) { Object object; try { object = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.err("Failed to build a configuration - couldn't access the class!"); return null; } String name = object.getClass().getDeclaredAnnotation(Configuration.class).value(); File file = new File(JavaPlugin.getProvidingPlugin(clazz).getDataFolder(), String.format("%s.yml", name)); FileConfiguration configFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); buildFromConfig(configFile, clazz, object); return object; }
@Override public void onEnable() { world = Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(OpenUHC.WORLD_DIR_PREFIX + "lobby")); // Read lobby yml if it exists File lobbyFile = new File(OpenUHC.WORLD_DIR_PREFIX + "lobby/lobby.yml"); if (lobbyFile.exists()) { FileConfiguration lobbyConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(lobbyFile); ConfigurationSection spawn = lobbyConfig.getConfigurationSection("spawn"); if (spawn != null) { double x = spawn.getDouble("x", 0); double y = spawn.getDouble("y", 64); double z = spawn.getDouble("z", 0); double r = spawn.getDouble("r", 1); this.spawn = new Vector(x, y, z); radius = (float) r; } } OpenUHC.registerEvents(this); }
public void removeSignJoinGame(String gameNumber) { File signJoinFile = new File(SkyWarsReloaded.get().getDataFolder(), "signJoinGames.yml"); FileConfiguration storage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(signJoinFile); storage.set("games." + gameNumber, null); try { storage.save(signJoinFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } signJoinGames.remove(Integer.valueOf(gameNumber)); Game game = getGame(Integer.valueOf(gameNumber)); if (game != null) { if (game.getState() != GameState.PLAYING) { game.endGame(); } } }
/** * Get the data from config file. * * @param config the configuration file. */ public void read(FileConfiguration config) { // read type and time. banType = BanList.Type.valueOf(config.getString("ban-type")); banTime = config.getInt("ban-time", banTime); // convert the days into a date. String days = config.getString("ban-days"); if (Objects.isNull(days) || Objects.equals(days, "0")) { banDate = null; } else { GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); c.add(GregorianCalendar.DATE, Integer.parseInt(days)); banDate = c.getTime(); } tpsLimit = config.getInt("tps-limit", tpsLimit); broadcastBan = config.getBoolean("broadcast-ban"); if (broadcastBan) { String message = config.getString("broadcast-message"); broadcastMessage = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', message); } }
public boolean reload() { ConfigAPI api = new ConfigAPI(getConfig()); FileConfiguration config = api.getConfig(); String title = config.getString("info.title"); String worldName = config.getString("info.worldName"); List<Location> spawns = new ArrayList<Location>(); for (String s : config.getConfigurationSection("spawns").getKeys(false)) { Location l = api.getLocation("spawns." + s); spawns.add(l); } Location specSpawn = api.getLocation("spawns.spec"); this.title = title; this.worldName = worldName; this.specSpawn = specSpawn; this.spawns = spawns; return true; }
public void add(String server, Location location) { final BungeeCordSignInfo info = new BungeeCordSignInfo.Container(location, server); this.signs.add(info); final BungeeCordSignInfo[] signInfos = this.signs.toArray(new BungeeCordSignInfo[this.signs.size()]); this.plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this.plugin, () -> { try { final FileConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); final File file = new File(BungeeCordController.this.plugin.getDataFolder(), "bungeecord_signs.yml"); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "File cannot get deleted."); } } for (int i = 0; i < signInfos.length; i++) { configuration.set("signs." + i, signInfos[i].serialize()); } configuration.save(file); } catch (final IOException e) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Save sign location.", e); } }); }
private void load(JavaPlugin plugin) { try { final FileConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); final File file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "bungeecord_signs.yml"); if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.createNewFile()) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "File cannot get created."); } } configuration.load(file); if (configuration.getConfigurationSection("signs") != null) { final Map<String, Object> data = configuration.getConfigurationSection("signs").getValues(false); for (final String s : data.keySet()) { this.signs.add(new BungeeCordSignInfo.Container(((ConfigurationSection) data.get(s)).getValues(true))); } } } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Save load location.", e); } }
void save(Arena item) { if (item != null && item.getName() != null) { try { final FileConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); final File file = new File(this.getFolder(), "arena_" + item.getName() + ".yml"); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot delete file!"); } if (!file.createNewFile()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create file!"); configuration.load(file); final Map<String, Object> data = item.serialize(); for (final String key : data.keySet()) { configuration.set("arena." + key, data.get(key)); } configuration.save(file); } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING,"Cannot save arena." ,ex.getMessage()); } } }
Arena[] load() { final List<Arena> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; (this.getFolder() != null) && (i < this.getFolder().list().length); i++) { final String s = this.getFolder().list()[i]; try { if (s.contains("arena_")) { final FileConfiguration configuration = new YamlConfiguration(); final File file = new File(this.getFolder(), s); configuration.load(file); final Map<String, Object> data = configuration.getConfigurationSection("arena").getValues(true); final Arena arenaEntity = new ArenaEntity(data, configuration.getStringList("arena.properties.wall-bouncing")); items.add(arenaEntity); } } catch (final Exception ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot read arena file " + s + '.', ex); } } return items.toArray(new Arena[items.size()]); }
public void storeNewData(Learn learn, KnownCheating knownCheating) { final FileConfiguration fc = getConfig(); // Generate a UUID for this check (its identifier). UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); while (fc.isConfigurationSection(uuid.toString())) { uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); } // The path to put the data in the file. String cheatPath = getCheatPath(knownCheating); // Get general values. final double currentMean = fc.getDouble(cheatPath + "CurrentMean"); final double currentLowRange = fc.getDouble(cheatPath + "CurrentLowRange"); final double currentHighRange = fc.getDouble(cheatPath + "CurrentHighRange"); final long totalSamples = fc.getLong(cheatPath + "TotalSamples"); if (currentLowRange == 0.0 || learn.getValue() < currentLowRange) { fc.set(cheatPath + "CurrentLowRange", learn.getValue()); } else if (learn.getValue() > currentHighRange) { fc.set(cheatPath + "CurrentHighRange", learn.getValue()); } // Calculate the new average. double updateMean = (currentMean + learn.getValue()) / 2.0; fc.set(cheatPath + "CurrentMean", updateMean); fc.set(cheatPath + "TotalSamples", totalSamples + 1); // Save the file. save(fc); }
public CropControlDatabaseHandler(FileConfiguration config) { if (!configureData(config.getConfigurationSection("database"))) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to configure Database for CropControl!"); } CropControlDatabaseHandler.instance = this; this.dataAccessObject = new DAO(this); }
public void reloadConfig(File configFile) { extensionsToEngineName = new HashMap<>(); FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile); ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("engines"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> obj : section.getValues(false).entrySet()) extensionsToEngineName.put(obj.getKey(), obj.getValue().toString()); }
public void saveUsers(){ File userFile = new File(mainFolder, "AllowedUsers.yml"); FileConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); for(Entry<String, Date> ent : allowedUsers.entrySet()){ config.set(ent.getKey().replace(".", "_(dot)_"), ent.getValue()); } try { config.save(userFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void createFile(Player p) { File pFileDir = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players"); if (!pFileDir.exists()) { pFileDir.mkdir(); } File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.getName().toLowerCase() + ".yml"); if (!pFile.exists()) try { pFile.createNewFile(); List<String> combo = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> guilds = new ArrayList<String>(); combo.add(0, "???"); combo.add(1, "???"); combo.add(2, "???"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("User", p.getName()); pConfig.set("Class", Default); pConfig.set("Race", Default); pConfig.set("Guilds", guilds); pConfig.set("Kills", Integer.valueOf(0)); pConfig.set("Deaths", Integer.valueOf(0)); pConfig.set("Counter", Integer.valueOf(1)); pConfig.set("Combo", combo); // pConfig.set("Reader", Boolean[].class); /* * pConfig.set("ObservationHakiLevel", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ObservationHakiXP", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorsHaki", Boolean.valueOf(false)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorHakiLevel", Integer.valueOf(0)); * pConfig.set("ConquerorHakiXP", Integer.valueOf(0)); */ pConfig.save(pFile); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void addKill(String p) { File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.toLowerCase() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("Kills", Integer.valueOf(pConfig.getInt("Kills") + 1)); try { pConfig.save(pFile); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void writeToConfig() { FileConfiguration c = Main.getInstance().getConfig(); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".timeOpened", timeOpened); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".timeClosed", timeClosed); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".openerUUID", openerUUID); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".closerUUID", closerUUID); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".timeOpenedFormatted", timeOpenedFormatted); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".timeClosedFormatted", timeClosedFormatted); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".closed", closed); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".accepted", accepted); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".denied", denied); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".banReason", banReason); c.set("ban_requests." + id + ".playerToBanUUID", playerToBanUUID); Main.getInstance().saveConfig(); }
public void addPoints(String p, int amountAdded) { File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.toLowerCase() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("Points", Integer.valueOf(pConfig.getInt("Points") + amountAdded)); try { pConfig.save(pFile); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void incrementCounter(String p) { File pFile = new File(Main.getInstance().getDataFolder(), "Players/" + p.toLowerCase() + ".yml"); FileConfiguration pConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pFile); pConfig.set("counter", Integer.valueOf(pConfig.getInt("counter") + 1)); try { pConfig.save(pFile); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static FileConfiguration loadOrCreateFile(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); }
/** * Static method for removing a command from the configuration. * @param plugin The StartupCommands instance. * @param removeStr The String of the command to remove. If it is an Integer * the command will be removed by index, otherwise, the method looks for a matching * command String. * @return removeStr The command String of the removed command. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the command doesn't exist, if the index provided * is less than zero or greater than commands.size() - 1, or if the configuration file * cannot be saved. */ public static String removeCommand(StartupCommands plugin, String removeStr) { FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig(); // Find the command String if removeStr is an Integer if (StartupCommands.isInteger(removeStr)) { List<Command> commands = plugin.getCommands(); int index = Integer.parseInt(removeStr) - 1; // Ensure index is valid if (index < 0 || index > commands.size() - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be greater than 0 and less than the number of startup commands."); } removeStr = plugin.getCommands().remove(index).getCommand(); } if (config.contains("commands." + removeStr)) { config.set("commands." + removeStr, null); // Try to save configuration try { config.save(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "config.yml"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not save configuration file."); } return removeStr; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not identify command to remove by " + removeStr + "."); } }
public MapLibrary(FileConfiguration fileConfiguration, MapLoader mapLoader) { for (String s : fileConfiguration.getConfigurationSection("map").getStringList("sources")) { sources.add(new File(s)); Bukkit.getLogger().info("Added map source: " + s); } this.mapLoader = mapLoader; }
private static void fieldSet(Field f, FileConfiguration config, Object instance, String key) throws IllegalAccessException { if (config.get(key) instanceof Boolean) { f.set(instance, config.getBoolean(key)); } else if (config.get(key) instanceof Integer) { f.set(instance, config.getInt(key)); } else if (config.get(key) instanceof ConfigurationSection) { f.set(instance, f.getType().cast(((ConfigurationSection) config.get(key)).getValues(false))); } else { f.set(instance, f.getType().cast(config.get(key))); } }
@EventHandler public void WorldSeterLimitor(WorldInitEvent event) { World world = event.getWorld(); FileConfiguration config = EscapeLag.configOptimize.getValue(); if (config.getBoolean("WorldSpawnLimitor." + world.getName() + ".enable")) { world.setMonsterSpawnLimit(config.getInt("WorldSpawnLimitor." + world.getName() + ".PerChunkMonsters")); world.setAnimalSpawnLimit(config.getInt("WorldSpawnLimitor." + world.getName() + ".PerChunkAnimals")); world.setAmbientSpawnLimit(config.getInt("WorldSpawnLimitor." + world.getName() + ".PerChunkAmbient")); EscapeLag.MainThis.getLogger().info("已为世界 " + world.getName() + " 设定了生物刷新速率~"); } }
/** * Loads the disabled emojis from the config. * * @param config The config to load disabled emojis from. * @param plugin The EmojiChat main class instance. */ private void loadDisabledEmojis(FileConfiguration config, EmojiChat plugin) { if (config.getBoolean("disable-emojis")) { for (String disabledEmoji : config.getStringList("disabled-emojis")) { if (disabledEmoji == null || !emojis.containsKey(disabledEmoji)) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Invalid emoji specified in 'disabled-emojis': '" + disabledEmoji + "'. Skipping..."); continue; } disabledCharacters.add(emojis.remove(disabledEmoji)); // Remove disabled emojis from the emoji list } } }
public void save(FileConfiguration config, File file) { try { config.save(file); } catch (IOException e) { Bukkit.getLogger().throwing("Config","save",e); } }
public void setLanguage(String loc) { try { File locfile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config_locale.yml"); locfile.createNewFile(); FileConfiguration locconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(locfile); locconfig.set("lang", loc); locconfig.save(locfile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Loads the emoji shortcuts from the config. * * @param config The config to load emoji shortcuts from. */ private void loadShortcuts(FileConfiguration config) { for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection("shortcuts").getKeys(false)) { // Gets all of the headers/keys in the shortcuts section for (String shortcutListItem : config.getStringList("shortcuts." + key)) { // Gets all of the shortcuts for the key shortcuts.put(shortcutListItem, ":" + key + ":"); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayList<CraftArray> getCrafts(){ ArrayList<CraftArray> craftlist = new ArrayList<CraftArray>(); try { File craftfile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "crafts.yml"); craftfile.createNewFile(); FileConfiguration craftconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(craftfile); if(craftconfig.isSet("Crafts")) { for(String craftpath : craftconfig.getConfigurationSection("Crafts").getKeys(false)) { craftpath = "Crafts." + craftpath; ArrayList<ItemStack> config_craft = (ArrayList<ItemStack>) craftconfig.getList(craftpath + ".craft"); ArrayList<ItemStack> config_resultitems = (ArrayList<ItemStack>) craftconfig.getList(craftpath + ".result.items"); ArrayList<Integer> config_resultprobs = (ArrayList<Integer>) craftconfig.getIntegerList(craftpath + ".result.probs"); HashMap<ItemStack,Integer> config_result = new HashMap<ItemStack, Integer>(); for(ItemStack resultitem : config_resultitems) { config_result.put(resultitem, config_resultprobs.get(config_resultitems.indexOf(resultitem))); } ArrayList<String> config_cmds = (ArrayList<String>) craftconfig.getStringList(craftpath + ".cmds"); boolean config_redstonepower = craftconfig.getBoolean(craftpath + ".redstonepower"); int config_experience = craftconfig.getInt(craftpath + ".experience"); CraftArray specraft = new CraftArray(config_craft, config_result, config_cmds, config_redstonepower, config_experience); craftlist.add(specraft); } return craftlist; } else { return craftlist; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return craftlist; } }
/** * Validates the config. * * @param config The config to validate. * @return True if the config is valid, false otherwise. */ private boolean validateConfig(FileConfiguration config) { try { return config.get("shortcuts") != null && config.get("disabled-emojis") != null && config.get("fix-emoji-coloring") != null && config.get("disable-emojis") != null && config.get("pack-variant") != null; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
public static boolean init(RPGInventory instance) { if (!isEnabled()) { return false; } try { Path petsFile = RPGInventory.getInstance().getDataPath().resolve("backpacks.yml"); if (Files.notExists(petsFile)) { RPGInventory.getInstance().saveResource("backpacks.yml", false); } FileConfiguration petsConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(petsFile.toFile()); BACKPACK_TYPES.clear(); for (String key : petsConfig.getConfigurationSection("backpacks").getKeys(false)) { tryToAddBackpack(key, petsConfig.getConfigurationSection("backpacks." + key)); } BackpackManager.loadBackpacks(); RPGInventory.getPluginLogger().info(BACKPACK_TYPES.size() + " backpack type(s) has been loaded"); RPGInventory.getPluginLogger().info(BACKPACKS.size() + " backpack(s) has been loaded"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } if (BACKPACK_TYPES.size() == 0) { return false; } BACKPACK_LIMIT = Config.getConfig().getInt("backpacks.limit", 0); // Register events instance.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new BackpackListener(), instance); return true; }
private void loadLangFiles() { languages = new HashMap<>(); for(String lang : langFiles) { FileConfiguration data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "languages" + File.separator + lang + ".yml")); TreeElement<String> langTree = new TreeElement<String>(lang, data); langTree.print(); languages.put(lang, langTree); } }
public void onEnable() /* */ { /* 12 */ System.out.println("Plugin enabled"); /* */ /* 14 */ FileConfiguration config = getConfig(); /* 15 */ saveDefaultConfig(); /* 16 */ config.addDefault("incorrect-usage", "&8[&3FlyCheck&8] &7Incorrect usage: &f/flycheck [player]"); /* 17 */ config.addDefault("not-online", "&8[&3FlyCheck&8] &7That player needs to be online to be checked!"); /* 18 */ config.addDefault("yes-access", "&8[&3FlyCheck&8] &f%player% &7has access to /fly!"); /* 19 */ config.addDefault("no-access", "&8[&3FlyCheck&8] &f%player% &7does not have access to /fly!"); /* 20 */ saveDefaultConfig(); /* */ }
private DataProvider() { FileConfiguration config = Main.config(); this.protection = config.getBoolean(Main.PROTECTION_KEY); this.kickMessage = config.getString(Main.PLAYER_KICK_KEY); String root = config.getString(Main.VERIFICATION_ROOT_KEY); if (!root.endsWith("/")) root += '/'; root = root.replace('\\', '/'); this.verificationRoot = root; this.wipeKey = config.getString(Main.WIPE_KEY); this.whitelist = config.getStringList(Main.WHITELIST_KEY); this.formattedMessage = String.format(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getKickMessage()), root); }
@Override public void onEnable() { FileConfiguration config = this.getConfig(); config.options().copyDefaults(true); this.saveConfig(); String pluginName = config.getString("debug.pluginName"); int port = config.getInt("debug.socketPort"); socketThread = new Thread(new SocketRunnable(port, pluginName, this.getDataFolder().getParentFile())); socketThread.start(); this.getLogger().info("Enabled MCPluginDebugger(target: " + pluginName + ", port: " + port + ")"); }