public static BlockIgniteEvent callBlockIgniteEvent( world, int x, int y, int z, int igniterX, int igniterY, int igniterZ) { org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld = world.getWorld(); Block igniter = bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(igniterX, igniterY, igniterZ); IgniteCause cause; switch (igniter.getType()) { case LAVA: case STATIONARY_LAVA: cause = IgniteCause.LAVA; break; case DISPENSER: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; break; case FIRE: // Fire or any other unknown block counts as SPREAD. default: cause = IgniteCause.SPREAD; } BlockIgniteEvent event = new BlockIgniteEvent(bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(x, y, z), cause, igniter); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
public static BlockIgniteEvent callBlockIgniteEvent( world, int x, int y, int z, net.minecraft.entity.Entity igniter) { org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld = world.getWorld(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity bukkitIgniter = igniter.getBukkitEntity(); IgniteCause cause; switch (bukkitIgniter.getType()) { case ENDER_CRYSTAL: cause = IgniteCause.ENDER_CRYSTAL; break; case LIGHTNING: cause = IgniteCause.LIGHTNING; break; case SMALL_FIREBALL: case FIREBALL: cause = IgniteCause.FIREBALL; break; default: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; } BlockIgniteEvent event = new BlockIgniteEvent(bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(x, y, z), cause, bukkitIgniter); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
@EventHandler public void FireSpread(BlockIgniteEvent e) { if (ConfigGServerEvent.getConfig().getBoolean("Server.Disable.BlockIgnite-FireSpread.Enable")) { if (!ConfigGServerEvent.getConfig().getBoolean("Server.Disable.BlockIgnite-FireSpread.World.All_World")) { if (WorldUtils.getWFS().contains(e.getBlock().getWorld().getName())) { if (e.getCause() == IgniteCause.SPREAD) { e.setCancelled(true); } } } else { if (e.getCause() == IgniteCause.SPREAD) { e.setCancelled(true); } } } }
public static BlockIgniteEvent callBlockIgniteEvent(World world, int x, int y, int z, int igniterX, int igniterY, int igniterZ) { org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld = world.getWorld(); Block igniter = bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(igniterX, igniterY, igniterZ); IgniteCause cause; switch (igniter.getType()) { case LAVA: case STATIONARY_LAVA: cause = IgniteCause.LAVA; break; case DISPENSER: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; break; case FIRE: // Fire or any other unknown block counts as SPREAD. default: cause = IgniteCause.SPREAD; } BlockIgniteEvent event = new BlockIgniteEvent(bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(x, y, z), cause, igniter); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
public static BlockIgniteEvent callBlockIgniteEvent(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity igniter) { org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld = world.getWorld(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity bukkitIgniter = igniter.getBukkitEntity(); IgniteCause cause; switch (bukkitIgniter.getType()) { case ENDER_CRYSTAL: cause = IgniteCause.ENDER_CRYSTAL; break; case LIGHTNING: cause = IgniteCause.LIGHTNING; break; case SMALL_FIREBALL: case FIREBALL: cause = IgniteCause.FIREBALL; break; default: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; } BlockIgniteEvent event = new BlockIgniteEvent(bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(x, y, z), cause, bukkitIgniter); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
public static BlockIgniteEvent callBlockIgniteEvent( world, int x, int y, int z, explosion) { org.bukkit.World bukkitWorld = world.getWorld(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity igniter = explosion.exploder == null ? null : explosion.exploder.getBukkitEntity(); BlockIgniteEvent event = new BlockIgniteEvent(bukkitWorld.getBlockAt(x, y, z), IgniteCause.EXPLOSION, igniter); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
@EventHandler public void WhenFireLimitor(BlockIgniteEvent event) { if (ConfigOptimize.FireLimitorenable == true) { if (event.getCause() == IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL) { return; } Block block = event.getBlock(); if (CheckFast(block.getChunk())) { event.setCancelled(true); } else { ChunkChecked.put(block.getChunk(), System.currentTimeMillis()); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean ignite(Player igniter, Location loc, IgniteCause cause) { Random rand = new Random(); loc.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); BlockIgniteEvent igniteEvent = new BlockIgniteEvent(loc.getBlock(), cause, (org.bukkit.entity.Entity) igniter); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(igniteEvent); if (igniteEvent.isCancelled()) { return false; } BlockState blockState = loc.getBlock().getState(); BlockPlaceEvent placeEvent = new BlockPlaceEvent(loc.getBlock(), blockState, loc.getBlock(), igniter.getItemInHand(), igniter, true); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(placeEvent); if (placeEvent.isCancelled() || !placeEvent.canBuild()) { placeEvent.getBlockPlaced().setTypeIdAndData(0, (byte) 0, false); return false; } loc.getWorld().playSound(loc, Sound.ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE, 1.0F, rand.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F); loc.getBlock().setType(Material.FIRE); return true; }
@EventHandler public void onBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent event) { IgniteCause ic = event.getCause(); if(ic != IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL) event.setCancelled(true); }
/** * Prevents exiled players from breaking blocks * @param e The event */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent e) { if (e.getCause() == IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL) { checkAndCancelRule(ExileRule.IGNITE, e, e.getPlayer()); } }
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = false) public void onBlockIgnite(cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent event) { if (canIgnore(BlockIgniteEvent.getHandlerList())) { return; } cn.nukkit.block.Block ignited = event.getBlock(); IgniteCause cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; switch (event.getCause()) { case EXPLOSION: cause = IgniteCause.EXPLOSION; break; case FIREBALL: cause = IgniteCause.FIREBALL; break; case FLINT_AND_STEEL: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; break; case LAVA: cause = IgniteCause.LAVA; break; case LIGHTNING: cause = IgniteCause.LIGHTNING; break; case SPREAD: cause = IgniteCause.SPREAD; break; default: cause = IgniteCause.FLINT_AND_STEEL; // Default to Flint and Steel break; } BlockIgniteEvent bukkitEvent = new BlockIgniteEvent(PokkitBlock.toBukkit(ignited), cause, PokkitEntity.toBukkit(event.getEntity())); callCancellable(event, bukkitEvent); }