public static ItemMeta parse(Element xml, ItemMeta source) { if (source instanceof BannerMeta) { return parseBanner(xml, (BannerMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof BookMeta) { return parseBook(xml, (BookMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { return parseEnchantmentStorage(xml, (EnchantmentStorageMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof FireworkMeta) { return parseFirework(xml, (FireworkMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof FireworkEffectMeta) { return parseFireworkEffect(xml, (FireworkEffectMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) { return parseLeatherArmor(xml, (LeatherArmorMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof MapMeta) { return parseMap(xml, (MapMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof PotionMeta) { return parsePotion(xml, (PotionMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof SkullMeta) { return parseSkull(xml, (SkullMeta) source); } else if (source instanceof SpawnEggMeta) { return parseSpawnEgg(xml, (SpawnEggMeta) source); } return source; }
/** * Gets a String representing all special meta of this ItemStack, if any. * * @param is the ItemStack * @param separators the separators * * @return a String representing this ItemStack's special meta or an empty String * * @throws InventoryUtilException if something goes wrong */ public static String getSpecialMetaString(final ItemStack is, final String[] separators) throws InventoryUtilException { final ItemMeta meta = is.getItemMeta(); if (meta instanceof BookMeta) { return getBookMetaString((BookMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { return getEnchantmentStorageMetaString((EnchantmentStorageMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkEffectMeta) { return getFireworkEffectMetaString((FireworkEffectMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkMeta) { return getFireworkMetaString((FireworkMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) { return getLeatherArmorMetaString((LeatherArmorMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof MapMeta) { return getMapMetaString((MapMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof PotionMeta) { return getPotionMetaString((PotionMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof SkullMeta) { return getSkullMetaString((SkullMeta)meta); } else { throw new InventoryUtilException("Unknown Meta type '" + meta.getClass().getName() + "', please report this to the author (Ribesg)!"); } }
@Override public void processMeta(Player player, ItemMeta m) { super.processMeta(player, m); MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) m; meta.setScaling(scaling); if(displayLocName != null) meta.setLocationName(displayLocName.resolve(player)); if(displayMapColor != null) meta.setColor(displayMapColor.resolve(player)); }
@Override public boolean apply(@Nullable ItemStack item1, @Nullable ItemStack item2) { Boolean b = precondition(item1, item2, true); if (b != null) { return b; } if (item1.getItemMeta() instanceof MapMeta && item2.getItemMeta() instanceof MapMeta) { return ((MapMeta) item1.getItemMeta()).isScaling() == ((MapMeta) item2.getItemMeta()).isScaling(); } return false; }
/** * Sets whether this map scales, assuming the item is a map. * <p /> * <b>UNSAFE</b> * * @param scale whether to scale * * @return this item builder instance, for chaining */ public ItemBuilder mapScale(boolean scale) { if (isMapMeta()) { try { ((MapMeta) this.itemMeta).setScaling(scale); } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.failSilently) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return this; }
private boolean isMapMeta() { if (!(this.itemMeta instanceof MapMeta)) { if (!this.failSilently) { throw new IllegalStateException("ItemMeta is not of MapMeta."); } return false; } return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public CardboardMetaMap(ItemStack map) { = map.getTypeId(); MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) map.getItemMeta(); if (meta.isScaling()) { this.scaling = true; } else { this.scaling = false; } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public ItemMeta unbox() { MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) new ItemStack(; if (this.scaling) { meta.setScaling(true); } return meta; }
public CardboardMetaMap(ItemStack map) { = map.getTypeId(); MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) map.getItemMeta(); if (meta.isScaling()) { this.scaling = true; } else { this.scaling = false; } }
public ItemMeta unbox() { MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) new ItemStack(; if (this.scaling) { meta.setScaling(true); } return meta; }
@Override public SerialItemData initialize(ItemStack stack) { ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta(); if(meta instanceof MapMeta) { valid = true; MapMeta mapMeta = (MapMeta)meta; if(mapMeta.hasLocationName()) location = mapMeta.getLocationName(); if(mapMeta.hasColor()) color = mapMeta.getColor(); scaling = mapMeta.isScaling(); } return this; }
@Override public ItemStack build(ItemStack stack) { if(valid) { MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) stack.getItemMeta(); if(location != null) meta.setLocationName(location); if(color != null) meta.setColor(color); meta.setScaling(scaling); stack.setItemMeta(meta); } return stack; }
/** * Parses 3 strings into an ItemMeta. * * @param meta the ItemMeta to complete * @param nameString the DisplayName String * @param loreString the Lore String representation * @param specialMetaString the Special Meta part String representation * * @return the same ItemMeta, completed */ public static ItemMeta fromString(final ItemMeta meta, final String nameString, final String loreString, final String specialMetaString, final String[] separators) throws InventoryUtilException { if (meta instanceof BookMeta) { parseBookMetaString(specialMetaString, (BookMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { parseEnchantmentStorageMetaString(specialMetaString, (EnchantmentStorageMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkEffectMeta) { parseFireworkEffectMetaString(specialMetaString, (FireworkEffectMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkMeta) { parseFireworkMetaString(specialMetaString, (FireworkMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) { parseLeatherArmorMetaString(specialMetaString, (LeatherArmorMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof MapMeta) { parseMapMetaString(specialMetaString, (MapMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof PotionMeta) { parsePotionMetaString(specialMetaString, (PotionMeta)meta, separators); } else if (meta instanceof SkullMeta) { parseSkullMetaString(specialMetaString, (SkullMeta)meta); } if (!nameString.isEmpty()) { meta.setDisplayName(nameString); } if (loreString.length() > 1) { final List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>(); final String separator = loreString.substring(0, 2); Collections.addAll(lore, StringUtil.splitKeepEmpty(loreString.substring(2), separator)); meta.setLore(lore); } return meta; }
/** * Saves an ItemMeta to a ConfigurationSection * * @param itemSection the parent section of the to-be-created meta section * @param is the ItemStack */ public static void saveToConfigSection(final ConfigurationSection itemSection, final ItemStack is) { final ItemMeta meta = is.getItemMeta(); if (meta instanceof BookMeta) { saveBookMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (BookMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { saveEnchantmentStorageMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (EnchantmentStorageMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkEffectMeta) { saveFireworkEffectMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (FireworkEffectMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkMeta) { saveFireworkMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (FireworkMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) { saveLeatherArmorMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (LeatherArmorMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof MapMeta) { saveMapMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (MapMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof PotionMeta) { savePotionMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (PotionMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof SkullMeta) { saveSkullMetaToConfigSection(createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta"), (SkullMeta)meta); } if (meta.hasDisplayName()) { createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta").set("name", ColorUtil.decolorize(meta.getDisplayName())); } if (meta.hasLore()) { createAndGetSection(itemSection, "meta").set("lore", ColorUtil.decolorize(meta.getLore())); } }
/** * Loads an ItemMeta from a ConfigurationSection. * * @param itemSection the parent section of the meta section * @param is the ItemStack to complete * * @throws InventoryUtilException if something goes wrong */ public static void loadFromConfigSection(final ConfigurationSection itemSection, final ItemStack is) throws InventoryUtilException { if (itemSection.isConfigurationSection("meta")) { final ItemMeta meta = is.getItemMeta(); final ConfigurationSection metaSection = itemSection.getConfigurationSection("meta"); if (meta instanceof BookMeta) { loadBookMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (BookMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { loadEnchantmentStorageMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (EnchantmentStorageMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkEffectMeta) { loadFireworkEffectMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (FireworkEffectMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof FireworkMeta) { loadFireworkMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (FireworkMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) { loadLeatherArmorMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (LeatherArmorMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof MapMeta) { loadMapMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (MapMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof PotionMeta) { loadPotionMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (PotionMeta)meta); } else if (meta instanceof SkullMeta) { loadSkullMetaFromConfigSection(metaSection, (SkullMeta)meta); } final String displayName = metaSection.getString("name", ""); if (!displayName.isEmpty()) { meta.setDisplayName(ColorUtil.colorize(displayName)); } final List<String> lore = metaSection.getStringList("lore"); if (!lore.isEmpty()) { meta.setLore(ColorUtil.colorize(lore)); } is.setItemMeta(meta); } }
public static ExchangeRule parseItemStack(ItemStack itemStack, RuleType ruleType) throws ExchangeRuleCreateException { Map<Enchantment, Integer> requiredEnchantments = new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>(); for (Enchantment enchantment : itemStack.getEnchantments().keySet()) { requiredEnchantments.put(enchantment, itemStack.getEnchantments().get(enchantment)); } String displayName = ""; String[] lore = new String[0]; AdditionalMetadata additional = null; if (itemStack.hasItemMeta()) { ItemMeta itemMeta = itemStack.getItemMeta(); if (itemMeta.hasDisplayName()) { displayName = itemMeta.getDisplayName(); } if (itemMeta.hasLore()) { lore = itemMeta.getLore().toArray(new String[itemMeta.getLore().size()]); } if(itemMeta instanceof BookMeta) { additional = new BookMetadata((BookMeta) itemMeta); } else if(itemMeta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) { additional = new EnchantmentStorageMetadata((EnchantmentStorageMeta) itemMeta); } else if(itemMeta instanceof PotionMeta) { additional = new PotionMetadata((PotionMeta) itemMeta); } //I've removed the PotionMeta block since it is not required if only vanilla potions are used, PotionMeta support should be added in the future if(itemMeta instanceof FireworkEffectMeta || itemMeta instanceof FireworkMeta || itemMeta instanceof LeatherArmorMeta || itemMeta instanceof MapMeta || itemMeta instanceof SkullMeta) { throw new ExchangeRuleCreateException("This item is not yet supported by ItemExchange."); } } ExchangeRule exchangeRule = new ExchangeRule(itemStack.getType(), itemStack.getAmount(), itemStack.getDurability(), requiredEnchantments, new ArrayList<Enchantment>(), false, displayName, lore, ruleType); exchangeRule.setAdditionalMetadata(additional); return exchangeRule; }
public MapMetaStorage(MapMeta meta) { super(meta); }
public static MapMeta parseMap(Element xml, MapMeta source) { return source; }
@Override public MapMeta clone() { throw new NotImplementedException("TODO"); }
private static void appendItemMap(final StringBuilder builder, final MapMeta meta) { // TODO }
private static String getMapMetaString(final MapMeta meta) { return Boolean.toString(meta.isScaling()); }
private static void parseMapMetaString(final String string, final MapMeta meta) { meta.setScaling(Boolean.parseBoolean(string)); }
private static void saveMapMetaToConfigSection(final ConfigurationSection metaSection, final MapMeta meta) { metaSection.set("isMapScaling", meta.isScaling()); }
private static void loadMapMetaFromConfigSection(final ConfigurationSection metaSection, final MapMeta meta) { meta.setScaling(metaSection.getBoolean("isMapScaling")); }
MapMeta clone();