private void fireCannon(Location cannon, Location target) { FallingBlock entity = cannon.getWorld().spawnFallingBlock(cannon, new MaterialData(Material.COAL_BLOCK)); this.playParticles(entity.getLocation()); entity.setGravity(true); entity.setDropItem(false); entity.setHurtEntities(false); entity.setInvulnerable(true); this.moveToward(entity, target, 2D); new BukkitRunnable() { public void run() { if(entity.isDead()) { this.cancel(); } else { entity.setTicksLived(1); } } }.runTaskTimer(this.getAPI().getPlugin(), 0, 20L); totalCannonShots++; }
public void shuffleColors() { for (int x = 0; x < squaresPerSide; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < squaresPerSide; z++) { colors[x][z] = fetchRandomColor(); } } for (int x = 0; x < squaresPerSide * squareSizes; x++) { int offsetX = location.getBlockX() + x; int squareX = x / 3; for (int z = 0; z < squaresPerSide * squareSizes; z++) { int offsetZ = location.getBlockZ() + z; int squareZ = z / 3; MaterialData materialData = colors[squareX][squareZ]; Block block = new Location(location.getWorld(), offsetX, location.getY(), offsetZ).getBlock(); block.setType(materialData.getItemType()); block.setData(materialData.getData()); } } }
public CoreFactoryImpl(String name, @Nullable Boolean required, boolean visible, TeamFactory owner, ProximityMetric proximityMetric, Region region, MaterialData material, int leakLevel, boolean modeChanges) { super(name, required, visible, Optional.of(owner), proximityMetric); this.region = region; this.material = material; this.leakLevel = leakLevel; this.modeChanges = modeChanges; }
@Test public void testBlockState() { MaterialData data = new MaterialData(Material.DIAMOND, (byte) 12); byte lightLevel = 5; Location loc = TestLocation.LOC_ZERO; BlockState blockState = new TestBlockState(data, lightLevel, loc); String out = OutputFormatter.getOutput(blockState); assertNotNull(out); assertTrue(out.contains(data.toString())); assertTrue(out.contains(String.valueOf(data.getItemTypeId()))); assertTrue(out.contains(String.valueOf(lightLevel))); assertTrue(out.contains(loc.toString())); }
/** * Drops the Enderman's block when he dies if he has one * * @param e */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onEndermanDeath(final EntityDeathEvent e) { if (DEBUG) { plugin.getLogger().info(e.getEventName()); } if (!Settings.endermanDeathDrop) return; if (!Util.inWorld(e.getEntity())) { return; } if (!(e.getEntity() instanceof Enderman)) { // plugin.getLogger().info("Not an Enderman!"); return; } // Get the block the enderman is holding Enderman ender = (Enderman) e.getEntity(); MaterialData m = ender.getCarriedMaterial(); if (m != null && !m.getItemType().equals(Material.AIR)) { // Drop the item // plugin.getLogger().info("Dropping item " + m.toString()); e.getEntity().getWorld().dropItemNaturally(e.getEntity().getLocation(), m.toItemStack(1)); } }
protected void constructMenu(BlockMenuPreset preset) { int ai[]; int k = (ai = border).length; for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) { int i = ai[j]; preset.addItem(i, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (byte)10), " ", new String[0]), new me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.ChestMenu.MenuClickHandler() { final XPCollector this$0; public boolean onClick(Player arg0, int arg1, ItemStack arg2, ClickAction clickaction) { return false; } { this$0 = XPCollector.this; super(); } } ); } }
protected void constructMenu(BlockMenuPreset preset) { int ai[]; int k = (ai = border).length; for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) { int i = ai[j]; preset.addItem(i, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (byte)9), " ", new String[0]), new me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.ChestMenu.MenuClickHandler() { final CropGrowthAccelerator this$0; public boolean onClick(Player arg0, int arg1, ItemStack arg2, ClickAction clickaction) { return false; } { this$0 = CropGrowthAccelerator.this; super(); } } ); } }
protected void constructMenu(BlockMenuPreset preset) { int ai[]; int k = (ai = border).length; for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) { int i = ai[j]; preset.addItem(i, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (byte)9), " ", new String[0]), new me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.ChestMenu.MenuClickHandler() { final AutoBreeder this$0; public boolean onClick(Player arg0, int arg1, ItemStack arg2, ClickAction clickaction) { return false; } { this$0 = AutoBreeder.this; super(); } } ); } }
private void constructMenu(BlockMenuPreset preset) { int ai[]; int k = (ai = border).length; for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) { int i = ai[j]; preset.addItem(i, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (byte)14), " ", new String[0]), new me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.ChestMenu.MenuClickHandler() { final TrashCan this$0; public boolean onClick(Player arg0, int arg1, ItemStack arg2, ClickAction clickaction) { return false; } { this$0 = TrashCan.this; super(); } } ); } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onBlockPunch(BlockPunchEvent event) { final MatchPlayer player = getMatch().getPlayer(event.getPlayer()); if(player == null) return; RayBlockIntersection hit = event.getIntersection(); BlockDrops drops = getRuleSet().getDrops(event, hit.getBlock().getState(), player.getParticipantState()); if(drops == null) return; MaterialData oldMaterial = hit.getBlock().getState().getData(); replaceBlock(drops, hit.getBlock(), player); // Play a fake punching effect if the block is punchable. Use raw particles instead of // playBlockBreakEffect so the position is precise rather than in the block center. Object packet = NMSHacks.blockCrackParticlesPacket(oldMaterial, false, hit.getPosition(), new Vector(), 0, 5); for(MatchPlayer viewer : getMatch().getPlayers()) { if(viewer.getBukkit().getEyeLocation().toVector().distanceSquared(hit.getPosition()) < 16 * 16) { NMSHacks.sendPacket(viewer.getBukkit(), packet); } } NMSHacks.playBlockPlaceSound(hit.getBlock().getWorld(), hit.getPosition(), oldMaterial.getItemType(), 1); dropObjects(drops, player, hit.getPosition().toLocation(hit.getBlock().getWorld()), 1d, false); }
public Iterable<MaterialData> materials() { return new Iterable<MaterialData>() { @Override public Iterator<MaterialData> iterator() { return new Iterator<MaterialData>() { final TIntIterator iter = counts.keySet().iterator(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return iter.hasNext(); } @Override public MaterialData next() { return decodeMaterial(; } @Override public void remove() { iter.remove(); } }; } }; }
boolean renew(BlockVector pos) { MaterialData material; if(isOriginalShuffleable(pos)) { // If position is shuffled, first try to find a nearby shuffleable block to swap with. // This helps to make shuffling less predictable when the material deficit is small or // out of proportion to the original distribution of materials. material = sampleShuffledMaterial(pos); // If that fails, choose a random material, weighted by the current material deficits. if(material == null) material = chooseShuffledMaterial(); } else { material = snapshot().getOriginalMaterial(pos); } if(material != null) { return renew(pos, material); } return false; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void processBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent event) { if(this.match.getWorld() != event.getBlock().getWorld()) return; Block block = event.getBlock(); MaterialData material = block.getState().getData(); MatchPlayer player = this.match.getPlayer(event.getPlayer()); for(Destroyable destroyable : this.destroyables) { if(player != null && player.getParty() == destroyable.getOwner() && !destroyable.isDestroyed() && destroyable.getBlockRegion().contains(block) && destroyable.hasMaterial(material)) { event.setCancelled(true); player.sendWarning(new TranslatableComponent("match.destroyable.damageOwn"), true); } } }
protected boolean isAffectedByBlockReplacementRules() { if (this.blockDropsRuleSet.getRules().isEmpty()) { return false; } for(Block block : this.blockRegion.getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { for(MaterialData material : this.materials) { BlockDrops drops = this.blockDropsRuleSet.getDrops(block.getState(), material); if(drops != null && drops.replacement != null && this.hasMaterial(drops.replacement)) { return true; } } } return false; }
@Override public void onPreStart() { Location spawnLocation = Utils.parseLocation((String) this.getGameMap().fetchSetting("startPosition")); for(Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if(!this.getAPI().getGameManager().isAlive(player)) continue; player.teleport(spawnLocation); player.setGameMode(GameMode.ADVENTURE); } List<MaterialData> floorData = new ArrayList<MaterialData>(); for(String temp : ((String) this.getGameMap().fetchSetting("blocks")).split(",")) { floorData.add(Utils.parseMaterialData(temp)); } this.floorOrder = new FloorOrder(floorData); }
private void updateBlock(Player player, Block block) { if(this.getAPI().getGameManager().isAlive(player)) { if(block.getType() == Material.AIR && block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType() != Material.AIR) { block = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN); } MaterialData currentData = floorOrder.currentData(block); if(floorOrder.match(block, floorOrder.last())) { this.getAPI().getGameManager().setAlive(player, false); } else { if(floorOrder.contains(block)) { if(!changePending.contains(block)) { final Block finalBlock = block; final MaterialData next = floorOrder.nextData(block); changePending.add(block); new BukkitRunnable() { public void run() { if(changePending.contains(finalBlock)) { finalBlock.setTypeIdAndData(next.getItemTypeId(), next.getData(), false); changePending.remove(finalBlock); } } }.runTaskLater(this.getAPI().getPlugin(), 10L); } } } } }
/** * Test if the given tool is capable of "efficiently" mining the given block. * * Derived from CraftBlock.itemCausesDrops() */ public static boolean canMineBlock(MaterialData blockMaterial, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack tool) { if(!blockMaterial.getItemType().isBlock()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Material '" + blockMaterial + "' is not a block"); } net.minecraft.server.Block nmsBlock = CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(blockMaterial.getItemType()); net.minecraft.server.Item nmsTool = tool == null ? null : CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(tool.getType()); return nmsBlock != null && (nmsBlock.getBlockData().getMaterial().isAlwaysDestroyable() || (nmsTool != null && nmsTool.canDestroySpecialBlock(nmsBlock.getBlockData()))); }
@Override Entry<BlockVector, MaterialData> castEntry(Object obj) { if(!(obj instanceof Entry)) return null; Entry entry = (Entry) obj; if(entry.getKey() instanceof BlockVector && entry.getValue() instanceof MaterialData) { return (Entry<BlockVector, MaterialData>) entry; } else { return null; } }
public MaterialData nextData(Block block) { if(current.containsKey(block)) { if((current.get(block)+1) < materialData.size()) { current.put(block, (current.get(block)+1)); } } else { current.put(block, 1); } return materialData.get(current.get(block)); }
public static TIntSet encodeMaterialSet(Collection<?> materials) { TIntSet set = new TIntHashSet(materials.size()); for(Object material : materials) { if(material instanceof MaterialData) { set.add(encodeMaterial((MaterialData) material)); } } return set; }
@EventHandler public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) { ArcadiaAPI api = Arcadia.getPlugin(Arcadia.class).getAPI(); if(!api.getGameManager().isAlive(event.getPlayer())) event.setCancelled(true); if(api.getGameManager().getCurrentGame() != null) { MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(event.getBlock().getType(), event.getBlock().getData()); if(!api.getGameManager().getCurrentGame().breakableBlocks.contains(materialData)) { event.setCancelled(true); } } }
public static MaterialData parseMaterialData(String data) { if(data.split(":").length > 1) { return new MaterialData(Material.getMaterial(data.split(":")[0]), Integer.valueOf(data.split(":")[1]).byteValue()); } else { return new MaterialData(Material.getMaterial(data.split(":")[0])); } }
public static Set<MaterialData> getBlockStates(Material material) { ImmutableSet.Builder<MaterialData> materials = ImmutableSet.builder(); Block nmsBlock = CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(material); List<IBlockData> states = nmsBlock.s().a(); if(states != null) { for(IBlockData state : states) { int data = nmsBlock.toLegacyData(state); materials.add(material.getNewData((byte) data)); } } return; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void replaceBlocks(MaterialData newMaterial) { // Calling this method causes all non-destroyed blocks to be replaced, and the material // list to be replaced with one containing only the new block. If called on a multi-stage // destroyable, i.e. one which is affected by block replacement rules, it effectively ceases // to be multi-stage. Even if there are block replacement rules for the new block, the // replacements will not be in the material list, and so those blocks will be considered // destroyed the first time they are mined. This can have some strange effects on the health // of the destroyable: individual block health can only decrease, while the total health // percentage can only increase. double oldCompletion = getCompletion(); for (Block block : this.getBlockRegion().getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { BlockState oldState = block.getState(); int oldHealth = this.getBlockHealth(oldState); if (oldHealth > 0) { block.setTypeIdAndData(newMaterial.getItemTypeId(), newMaterial.getData(), true); } } // Update the materials list on switch this.materialPatterns.clear(); this.materials.clear(); addMaterials(new MaterialPattern(newMaterial)); // If there is a block health map, get rid of it, since there is now only one material in the list this.blockMaterialHealth = null; this.recalculateHealth(); if(oldCompletion != getCompletion()) { match.callEvent(new DestroyableHealthChangeEvent(match, this, null)); } }
public static ItemStack create(Material material, byte data, String displayName, String... lore) { ItemStack itemStack = new MaterialData(material, data).toItemStack(1); ItemMeta itemMeta = itemStack.getItemMeta(); itemMeta.setDisplayName(displayName); if (lore != null) { List<String> finalLore = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : lore) if (s != null) finalLore.add(ChatColor.GRAY + s.replace('&', ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR)); itemMeta.setLore(finalLore); } itemStack.setItemMeta(itemMeta); return itemStack; }
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) { if (e.isCancelled()) return; KingdomFactionsPlayer p = PlayerModule.getInstance().getPlayer(e.getPlayer()); if(p.getSettingsProfile().hasAdminMode()) return; if (e.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)) { if (e.getClickedBlock() == null) return; Block clickedBlock = e.getClickedBlock(); if (clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.CHEST) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.TRAPPED_CHEST) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.BEACON)) { e.setCancelled(!ProtectionModule.getInstance().tryInfluence(p, 500)); return; } if (clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.BURNING_FURNACE) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.FURNACE) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.DISPENSER) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.HOPPER) || clickedBlock.getType().equals(Material.DROPPER)) { e.setCancelled(!ProtectionModule.getInstance().tryInfluence(p, 150)); return; } MaterialData data = clickedBlock.getState() != null ? clickedBlock.getState().getData() : null; if (data instanceof Openable) { if (clickedBlock.getType() == Material.IRON_TRAPDOOR || clickedBlock.getType() == Material.IRON_DOOR) return; e.setCancelled(!ProtectionModule.getInstance().tryInfluence(p, 150)); return; } } }
public static MaterialData parseBlockMaterialData(Node node, String text) throws InvalidXMLException { if(node == null) return null; MaterialData material = parseMaterialData(node, text); if(!material.getItemType().isBlock()) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Material " + material.getItemType().name() + " is not a block", node); } return material; }
@Override public Optional<String> materialKey(MaterialData material) { return Optionals.first( Optional.ofNullable(substance(material.getItemType())) .map(Substance::key), Optional.ofNullable(NMSHacks.getTranslationKey(material)) ); }
private Block getAttachedBlock(Block block) { MaterialData data = block.getState().getData(); if (data instanceof Attachable) { return block.getRelative(((Attachable) data).getAttachedFace()); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void tick(Block b) { if (isProcessing(b)) { int timeleft = progress.get(b); if (timeleft > 0) { ItemStack item = getProgressBar().clone(); item.setDurability(MachineHelper.getDurability(item, timeleft, processing.get(b).getTicks())); ItemMeta im = item.getItemMeta(); im.setDisplayName(" "); List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>(); lore.add(MachineHelper.getProgress(timeleft, processing.get(b).getTicks())); lore.add(""); lore.add(MachineHelper.getTimeLeft(timeleft / 2)); im.setLore(lore); item.setItemMeta(im); BlockStorage.getInventory(b).replaceExistingItem(22, item); if (ChargableBlock.getCharge(b) < getEnergyConsumption()) return; ChargableBlock.addCharge(b, -getEnergyConsumption()); progress.put(b, timeleft - 1); } else { BlockStorage.getInventory(b).replaceExistingItem(22, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (byte) 15), " ")); pushItems(b, processing.get(b).getOutput()); progress.remove(b); processing.remove(b); } } else if (OreGenSystem.getSupplies(OreGenSystem.getResource("Milky Quartz"), b.getChunk(), false) > 0) { MachineRecipe r = new MachineRecipe(24, new ItemStack[0], new ItemStack[] {ChestTerminal.quartz}); if (!fits(b, r.getOutput())) return; processing.put(b, r); progress.put(b, r.getTicks()); OreGenSystem.setSupplies(OreGenSystem.getResource("Milky Quartz"), b.getChunk(), OreGenSystem.getSupplies(OreGenSystem.getResource("Milky Quartz"), b.getChunk(), false) - 1); } }
@Override public boolean matches(MaterialData materialData) { for(MaterialMatcher child : children) { if(child.matches(materialData)) return true; } return false; }
/** * Return the subset of rules that may act on any of the given materials */ public BlockDropsRuleSet subsetAffecting(Set<MaterialData> materials) { ImmutableList.Builder<BlockDropsRule> subset = ImmutableList.builder(); for(BlockDropsRule rule : this.rules) { for(MaterialData material : materials) { if(rule.filter == null || rule.filter.query(MaterialQuery.of(material)) != Filter.QueryResponse.DENY) { subset.add(rule); break; } } } return new BlockDropsRuleSet(; }
public BlockDrops(List<Pair<Double, ItemStack>> items, Kit kit, int experience, @Nullable MaterialData replacement, @Nullable Float fallChance, @Nullable Float landChance, @Nullable Double fallSpeed) { this.items = ImmutableList.copyOf(items); this.kit = kit; this.experience = experience; this.replacement = replacement; this.fallChance = fallChance; this.landChance = landChance; this.fallSpeed = fallSpeed; }
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) { if (plugin.getEotwHandler().isEndOfTheWorld()) return; Player player = event.getPlayer(); if (player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE && player.hasPermission(ProtectionListener.PROTECTION_BYPASS_PERMISSION)) { return; } Block block = event.getBlock(); BlockState state = block.getState(); Block subclaimObjectBlock = null; if (!(state instanceof Sign)) { subclaimObjectBlock = block; } else { Sign sign = (Sign) state; MaterialData signData = sign.getData(); if (signData instanceof org.bukkit.material.Sign) { org.bukkit.material.Sign materialSign = (org.bukkit.material.Sign) signData; subclaimObjectBlock = block.getRelative(materialSign.getAttachedFace()); } } if (subclaimObjectBlock != null && !this.checkSubclaimIntegrity(player, subclaimObjectBlock)) { event.setCancelled(true); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You cannot break this subclaimed " + subclaimObjectBlock.getType().toString() + '.'); } }
@Override protected MaterialData parseInternal(Node node, String text) throws FormatException, InvalidXMLException { final String[] pieces = text.split(":"); final Material material = materialParser.parse(node, pieces[0]); final byte data; if(pieces.length > 1) { data = byteParser.parse(node, pieces[1]); } else { data = 0; } return material.getNewData(data); }
@Override protected void configure() { NumberFactory.numberTypes().forEach(type -> bindNumber((Class) type)); bindPrimitiveParser(Boolean.class).to(BooleanParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(String.class).to(StringParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(Duration.class).to(DurationParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(ImVector.class).to(new TypeLiteral<VectorParser<Double>>(){}); bindPrimitiveParser(Vector.class).to((TypeLiteral) new TypeLiteral<PrimitiveParser<ImVector>>(){}); bindPrimitiveParser(Team.OptionStatus.class).to(TeamRelationParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(MessageTemplate.class).to(MessageTemplateParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(Material.class).to(MaterialParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(MaterialData.class).to(MaterialDataParser.class); bindPrimitiveParser(Attribute.class).to(AttributeParser.class); bind(PercentageParser.class); bind(PercentagePropertyFactory.class); install(new EnumPropertyManifest<ChatColor>(){}); install(new EnumPropertyManifest<EntityType>(){}); install(new EnumPropertyManifest<DyeColor>(){}); // etc... install(new PropertyManifest<>(Boolean.class)); install(new PropertyManifest<>(String.class)); install(new PropertyManifest<>(Duration.class, DurationProperty.class)); install(new PropertyManifest<>(ImVector.class)); install(new PropertyManifest<>(Vector.class)); install(new PropertyManifest<>(MessageTemplate.class, MessageTemplateProperty.class)); }
boolean isNew(BlockState currentState) { // If original block does not match renewable rule, block is new BlockVector pos = BlockUtils.position(currentState); if(!isOriginalRenewable(pos)) return true; // If original and current material are both shuffleable, block is new MaterialData currentMaterial = currentState.getMaterialData(); if(isOriginalShuffleable(pos) && definition.shuffleableBlocks.query(new BlockQuery(currentState)).isAllowed()) return true; // If current material matches original, block is new if(currentMaterial.equals(snapshot().getOriginalMaterial(pos))) return true; // Otherwise, block is not new (can be renewed) return false; }
MaterialData sampleShuffledMaterial(BlockVector pos) { Random random = match.getRandom(); int range = SHUFFLE_SAMPLE_RANGE; int diameter = range * 2 + 1; for(int i = 0; i < SHUFFLE_SAMPLE_ITERATIONS; i++) { BlockState block = snapshot().getOriginalBlock(pos.getBlockX() + random.nextInt(diameter) - range, pos.getBlockY() + random.nextInt(diameter) - range, pos.getBlockZ() + random.nextInt(diameter) - range); if(definition.shuffleableBlocks.query(new BlockQuery(block)).isAllowed()) return block.getMaterialData(); } return null; }
MaterialData chooseShuffledMaterial() { ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<Double, MaterialData> weightsBuilder = ImmutableRangeMap.builder(); double sum = 0d; for(MaterialData material : shuffleableMaterialDeficit.materials()) { double weight = shuffleableMaterialDeficit.get(material); if(weight > 0) { weightsBuilder.put(Range.closedOpen(sum, sum + weight), material); sum += weight; } } RangeMap<Double, MaterialData> weights =; return weights.get(match.getRandom().nextDouble() * sum); }
@Override public void register(boolean slimefun) { addItemHandler(new BlockTicker() { final ItemStack item = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.BARRIER), "�4No Cargo Net connected!"); final MenuClickHandler click = new MenuClickHandler() { @Override public boolean onClick(Player arg0, int arg1, ItemStack arg2, ClickAction arg3) { return false; } }; @Override public void tick(Block b, SlimefunItem sf, Config data) { if (!CargoNet.isConnected(b)) { BlockMenu menu = BlockStorage.getInventory(b); for (int slot: CargoNet.terminal_slots) { menu.replaceExistingItem(slot, item); menu.addMenuClickHandler(slot, click); } } } @Override public void uniqueTick() { } @Override public boolean isSynchronized() { return true; } }); super.register(slimefun); }