public AvroFileInputStream(FileStatus status) throws IOException { pos = 0; buffer = new byte[0]; GenericDatumReader<Object> reader = new GenericDatumReader<Object>(); FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(new Configuration()); fileReader = DataFileReader.openReader(new AvroFSInput(fc, status.getPath()),reader); Schema schema = fileReader.getSchema(); writer = new GenericDatumWriter<Object>(schema); output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JsonGenerator generator = new JsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(output, JsonEncoding.UTF8); MinimalPrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new MinimalPrettyPrinter(); prettyPrinter.setRootValueSeparator(System.getProperty("line.separator")); generator.setPrettyPrinter(prettyPrinter); encoder = EncoderFactory.get().jsonEncoder(schema, generator); }
private void configureFeature(Object feature, boolean enabled) { if (feature instanceof JsonParser.Feature) { this.objectMapper.configure((JsonParser.Feature) feature, enabled); } else if (feature instanceof JsonGenerator.Feature) { this.objectMapper.configure((JsonGenerator.Feature) feature, enabled); } else if (feature instanceof SerializationConfig.Feature) { this.objectMapper.configure((SerializationConfig.Feature) feature, enabled); } else if (feature instanceof DeserializationConfig.Feature) { this.objectMapper.configure((DeserializationConfig.Feature) feature, enabled); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown feature class: " + feature.getClass().getName()); } }
@Override protected void writeInternal(Object object, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException { JsonEncoding encoding = getJsonEncoding(outputMessage.getHeaders().getContentType()); JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = this.objectMapper.getJsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(outputMessage.getBody(), encoding); // A workaround for JsonGenerators not applying serialization features // if (this.objectMapper.getSerializationConfig().isEnabled(SerializationConfig.Feature.INDENT_OUTPUT)) { jsonGenerator.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); } try { if (this.jsonPrefix != null) { jsonGenerator.writeRaw(this.jsonPrefix); } this.objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, object); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
private void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { // This is just a JSON experiment System.out.println("Dumping the StatePool's in JSON format."); ObjectMapper outMapper = new ObjectMapper(); outMapper.configure( SerializationConfig.Feature.CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS, true); // define a module SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("State Serializer", new Version(0, 1, 1, "FINAL")); // add the state serializer //module.addSerializer(State.class, new StateSerializer()); // register the module with the object-mapper outMapper.registerModule(module); JsonFactory outFactory = outMapper.getJsonFactory(); JsonGenerator jGen = outFactory.createJsonGenerator((DataOutputStream)out, JsonEncoding.UTF8); jGen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); jGen.writeObject(this); jGen.close(); }
private JsonGenerator createJsonGenerator(Configuration conf, Path path) throws IOException { FileSystem outFS = path.getFileSystem(conf); CompressionCodec codec = new CompressionCodecFactory(conf).getCodec(path); OutputStream output; Compressor compressor = null; if (codec != null) { compressor = CodecPool.getCompressor(codec); output = codec.createOutputStream(outFS.create(path), compressor); } else { output = outFS.create(path); } JsonGenerator outGen = outFactory.createJsonGenerator(output, JsonEncoding.UTF8); outGen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); return outGen; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); final FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); for (String arg : args) { Path filePath = new Path(arg).makeQualified(lfs); String fileName = filePath.getName(); if (fileName.startsWith("input")) { LoggedDiscreteCDF newResult = histogramFileToCDF(filePath, lfs); String testName = fileName.substring("input".length()); Path goldFilePath = new Path(filePath.getParent(), "gold"+testName); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory factory = mapper.getJsonFactory(); FSDataOutputStream ostream = lfs.create(goldFilePath, true); JsonGenerator gen = factory.createJsonGenerator(ostream, JsonEncoding.UTF8); gen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); gen.writeObject(newResult); gen.close(); } else { System.err.println("Input file not started with \"input\". File "+fileName+" skipped."); } } }
@Override public String next() { CSVRecord record =; StringWriter json = new StringWriter(); try { JsonGenerator gen = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(json); gen.writeStartObject(); for (CSVHeaderMap.Entry entry : headerMap.entries()) { String name = entry.getName(); String value = record.get(entry.getIndex()); gen.writeFieldName(name); entry.getWriter().write(gen, value); } gen.writeEndObject(); gen.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return json.toString(); }
private static void writeAttribute(JsonGenerator jg, String attName, final String descriptionStr, Object value) throws IOException { boolean description = false; if (descriptionStr != null && descriptionStr.length() > 0 && !attName.equals(descriptionStr)) { description = true; jg.writeFieldName(attName); jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeFieldName("description"); jg.writeString(descriptionStr); jg.writeFieldName("value"); writeObject(jg, description, value); jg.writeEndObject(); } else { jg.writeFieldName(attName); writeObject(jg, description, value); } }
/** * Populate transaction meta data into the record if requested. * * @param jg the handle to the JsonGenerator * @param op the database operation we are processing. * @throws IOException if a JSON encoding error occurs */ private void setBeforeInfo(JsonGenerator jg, DownstreamOperation op) throws IOException { LOG.debug("setBeforeInfo()"); jg.writeFieldName("priorValues"); jg.writeStartObject(); // loop through operatons with calls to appropriate jg.write() methods for (DownstreamColumnData col : op.getBefores()) { if (textOnly == true) { jg.writeStringField(col.getBDName(), col.asString()); } else { // Encode the data appropriately: handle numbers as numbers, etc. int jdbcType; jdbcType = op.getTableMeta().getColumn(col.getOrigName()).getJdbcType(); encodeColumn(col, jdbcType, jg); } } jg.writeEndObject(); }
/** * Writes the records schema in JSON format * * @param writer JSON writer * @param names list of named schemas already written * @param encSpace enclosing namespace of the record schema */ @Override protected void writeJsonFields(JsonGenerator writer, SchemaNames names, String encSpace) throws IOException { super.writeJsonFields(writer, names, encSpace); // we allow reading for empty fields, so writing of records with empty fields are allowed as well if (_request) { writer.writeFieldName("request"); } else { writer.writeFieldName("fields"); } writer.writeStartArray(); if (_fields != null && !_fields.isEmpty()) { for (Field field : this) { field.writeJson(writer, names, getNamespace()); // use the namespace of the record for the fields } } writer.writeEndArray(); }
public JsonStreamCodec(Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends StringCodec<?>>> codecs) { JacksonObjectMapperProvider jomp = new JacksonObjectMapperProvider(); if (codecs != null) { for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Class<? extends StringCodec<?>>> entry: codecs.entrySet()) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final StringCodec<Object> codec = (StringCodec<Object>)entry.getValue().newInstance(); jomp.addSerializer(new SerializerBase(entry.getKey()) { @Override public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { jgen.writeString(codec.toString(value)); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Caught exception when instantiating codec for class {}", entry.getKey().getName(), ex); } } } mapper = jomp.getContext(null); }
@Override public void serialize(Map<String, Object> fields, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { jgen.writeStartObject(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) { Object objectValue = entry.getValue(); if (objectValue instanceof Date) { Date date = (Date) objectValue; SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Pacific/Auckland")); String formattedDate = simpleDateFormat.format(date); jgen.writeObjectField(entry.getKey().toString(), formattedDate); } else { jgen.writeObjectField(entry.getKey().toString(), objectValue); } } jgen.writeEndObject(); }
/** * Used to write the state of the SessionManager instance to disk, when we * are persisting the state of the ClusterManager * @param jsonGenerator The JsonGenerator instance being used to write JSON * to disk * @throws IOException */ public void write(JsonGenerator jsonGenerator) throws IOException { jsonGenerator.writeStartObject(); // retiredSessions and numRetiredSessions need not be persisted // sessionCounter can be set to 0, when the SessionManager is instantiated // sessions begins jsonGenerator.writeFieldName("sessions"); jsonGenerator.writeStartObject(); for (String sessionId : sessions.keySet()) { jsonGenerator.writeFieldName(sessionId); sessions.get(sessionId).write(jsonGenerator); } jsonGenerator.writeEndObject(); // sessions ends jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("sessionCounter", sessionCounter.longValue()); jsonGenerator.writeEndObject(); // We can rebuild runnableSessions // No need to write startTime and numRetiredSessions }
/** * Writes the response values back to the http response. This allows the calling code to * parse the response values for display to the user. * * @param responseMap the response params to write to the http response * @param response the http response * @throws IOException */ private static void writeToResponse(Map<String, String> responseMap, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Note: setting the content-type to text/html because otherwise IE prompt the user to download // the result rather than handing it off to the GWT form response handler. // See JIRA issue response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory(); JsonGenerator g = f.createJsonGenerator(response.getOutputStream(), JsonEncoding.UTF8); g.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); g.writeStartObject(); for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, String> entry : responseMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String val = entry.getValue(); g.writeStringField(key, val); } g.writeEndObject(); g.flush(); g.close(); }
/** * Performs the serialization of a OneComponentTime object */ @Override public void serialize(CumulativeTimeBucket ctb, JsonGenerator jGen, SerializerProvider serializer) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { jGen.writeStartObject(); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(ctb.getStartTimeNs()/1000000); jGen.writeStringField("start-time", ts.toString()); jGen.writeStringField("current-time", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString()); jGen.writeNumberField("total-packets", ctb.getTotalPktCnt()); jGen.writeNumberField("average", ctb.getAverageProcTimeNs()); jGen.writeNumberField("min", ctb.getMinTotalProcTimeNs()); jGen.writeNumberField("max", ctb.getMaxTotalProcTimeNs()); jGen.writeNumberField("std-dev", ctb.getTotalSigmaProcTimeNs()); jGen.writeArrayFieldStart("modules"); for (OneComponentTime oct : ctb.getModules()) { serializer.defaultSerializeValue(oct, jGen); } jGen.writeEndArray(); jGen.writeEndObject(); }
/** * Writes named schema in JSON format * * @param gen JSON generator * @param names list of named schemas already written * @param encSpace enclosing namespace of the schema */ @Override protected void writeJsonFields(JsonGenerator gen, SchemaNames names, String encSpace) throws IOException { _schemaName.writeJson(gen, names); if (_doc != null && !_doc.isEmpty()) { gen.writeFieldName("doc"); gen.writeString(_doc); } if (_aliases != null) { gen.writeFieldName("aliases"); gen.writeStartArray(); for (SchemaName name : _aliases) { String fullname = name.getSpace() != null ? name.getSpace() + "." + name.getName() : name.getName(); gen.writeString(fullname); } gen.writeEndArray(); } }
/** * Render this as <a href="">JSON</a>. * * @param pretty if true, pretty-print JSON. */ public String toString(boolean pretty) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator gen = FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(writer); if (pretty) gen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); if (this instanceof PrimitiveSchema || this instanceof UnionSchema) { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeFieldName("type"); } writeJson(gen, new SchemaNames(), null); if (this instanceof PrimitiveSchema || this instanceof UnionSchema) { gen.writeEndObject(); } gen.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaijiRuntimeException(e); } }
@Override public JsonNode callUrl(String u) throws IOException { String url = u; HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url);"Opening url: "+url); CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.getEntity().writeTo(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET, false); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(bais); response.close(); return node; }
/** * The only public write interface * @param schema the object schema * @param obj the object * @param os the final output stream */ public void write(Schema schema, T obj, OutputStream os) { if (schema instanceof RecordSchema) { if (os != null) { try { RecordSchema recordSchema = (RecordSchema) schema; JsonGenerator g = FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); writeRecord(recordSchema, obj, g); g.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaijiRuntimeException("Serialize process failed.", e); } } else { throw new BaijiRuntimeException("Output stream can't be null"); } } else { throw new BaijiRuntimeException("schema must be RecordSchema"); } }
public String toString(boolean pretty) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator gen = FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(writer); if (pretty) gen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); if (this instanceof PrimitiveSchema || this instanceof UnionSchema) { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeFieldName("type"); } writeJSON(gen, new SchemaNames()); if (this instanceof PrimitiveSchema || this instanceof UnionSchema) { gen.writeEndObject(); } gen.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaijiRuntimeException(e); } }
@Override public void serialize(VirtualNetwork vNet, JsonGenerator jGen, SerializerProvider serializer) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { jGen.writeStartObject(); jGen.writeStringField("name",; jGen.writeStringField("guid", vNet.guid); jGen.writeStringField("gateway", vNet.gateway); jGen.writeArrayFieldStart("mac"); Iterator<MACAddress> hit = vNet.hosts.iterator(); while (hit.hasNext()) jGen.writeString(; jGen.writeEndArray(); jGen.writeEndObject(); }
private void writeObject(JsonGenerator jg, Object value) throws IOException { if(value == null) { jg.writeNull(); } else { Class<?> c = value.getClass(); if (c.isArray()) { jg.writeStartArray(); int len = Array.getLength(value); for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { Object item = Array.get(value, j); writeObject(jg, item); } jg.writeEndArray(); } else if(value instanceof Number) { Number n = (Number)value; jg.writeNumber(n.toString()); } else if(value instanceof Boolean) { Boolean b = (Boolean)value; jg.writeBoolean(b); } else if(value instanceof CompositeData) { CompositeData cds = (CompositeData)value; CompositeType comp = cds.getCompositeType(); Set<String> keys = comp.keySet(); jg.writeStartObject(); for(String key: keys) { writeAttribute(jg, key, cds.get(key)); } jg.writeEndObject(); } else if(value instanceof TabularData) { TabularData tds = (TabularData)value; jg.writeStartArray(); for(Object entry : tds.values()) { writeObject(jg, entry); } jg.writeEndArray(); } else { jg.writeString(value.toString()); } } }
/** * Build a JSON entry from the parameters. This is public for testing. * * @param writer destination * @param loggerName logger name * @param timeStamp time_t value * @param level level string * @param threadName name of the thread * @param message rendered message * @param ti nullable thrown information * @return the writer * @throws IOException on any problem */ public Writer toJson(final Writer writer, final String loggerName, final long timeStamp, final String level, final String threadName, final String message, final ThrowableInformation ti) throws IOException { JsonGenerator json = factory.createJsonGenerator(writer); json.writeStartObject(); json.writeStringField(NAME, loggerName); json.writeNumberField(TIME, timeStamp); Date date = new Date(timeStamp); json.writeStringField(DATE, dateFormat.format(date)); json.writeStringField(LEVEL, level); json.writeStringField(THREAD, threadName); json.writeStringField(MESSAGE, message); if (ti != null) { //there is some throwable info, but if the log event has been sent over the wire, //there may not be a throwable inside it, just a summary. Throwable thrown = ti.getThrowable(); String eclass = (thrown != null) ? thrown.getClass().getName() : ""; json.writeStringField(EXCEPTION_CLASS, eclass); String[] stackTrace = ti.getThrowableStrRep(); json.writeArrayFieldStart(STACK); for (String row : stackTrace) { json.writeString(row); } json.writeEndArray(); } json.writeEndObject(); json.flush(); json.close(); return writer; }
/** * Writes out all the parameters and their properties (final and resource) to * the given {@link Writer} * The format of the output would be * { "properties" : [ {key1,value1,key1.isFinal,key1.resource}, {key2,value2, * key2.isFinal,key2.resource}... ] } * It does not output the parameters of the configuration object which is * loaded from an input stream. * @param out the Writer to write to * @throws IOException */ public static void dumpConfiguration(Configuration config, Writer out) throws IOException { JsonFactory dumpFactory = new JsonFactory(); JsonGenerator dumpGenerator = dumpFactory.createJsonGenerator(out); dumpGenerator.writeStartObject(); dumpGenerator.writeFieldName("properties"); dumpGenerator.writeStartArray(); dumpGenerator.flush(); synchronized (config) { for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> item: config.getProps().entrySet()) { dumpGenerator.writeStartObject(); dumpGenerator.writeStringField("key", (String) item.getKey()); dumpGenerator.writeStringField("value", config.get((String) item.getKey())); dumpGenerator.writeBooleanField("isFinal", config.finalParameters.contains(item.getKey())); String[] resources = config.updatingResource.get(item.getKey()); String resource = UNKNOWN_RESOURCE; if(resources != null && resources.length > 0) { resource = resources[0]; } dumpGenerator.writeStringField("resource", resource); dumpGenerator.writeEndObject(); } } dumpGenerator.writeEndArray(); dumpGenerator.writeEndObject(); dumpGenerator.flush(); }
private static JsonGenerator getJsonGenerator(OutputStream out) throws IOException { if (null == out) { throw new NullPointerException("OutputStream cannot be null"); } JsonGenerator g = new JsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(out, JsonEncoding.UTF8); MinimalPrettyPrinter pp = new MinimalPrettyPrinter(); pp.setRootValueSeparator(System.getProperty("line.separator")); g.setPrettyPrinter(pp); return g; }
public static String beanToJson(Object bean) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { JsonGenerator jsongenerator = objmapper.getJsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(sw); objmapper.writeValue(jsongenerator, bean); jsongenerator.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("", e); return ""; } return sw.toString(); }
/*** * Dumps the configuration of hierarchy of queues with * the xml file path given. It is to be used directly ONLY FOR TESTING. * @param out the writer object to which dump is written to. * @param configFile the filename of xml file * @throws IOException */ static void dumpConfiguration(Writer out, String configFile, Configuration conf) throws IOException { if (conf != null && conf.get(DeprecatedQueueConfigurationParser. MAPRED_QUEUE_NAMES_KEY) != null) { return; } JsonFactory dumpFactory = new JsonFactory(); JsonGenerator dumpGenerator = dumpFactory.createJsonGenerator(out); QueueConfigurationParser parser; boolean aclsEnabled = false; if (conf != null) { aclsEnabled = conf.getBoolean(MRConfig.MR_ACLS_ENABLED, false); } if (configFile != null && !"".equals(configFile)) { parser = new QueueConfigurationParser(configFile, aclsEnabled); } else { parser = getQueueConfigurationParser(null, false, aclsEnabled); } dumpGenerator.writeStartObject(); dumpGenerator.writeFieldName("queues"); dumpGenerator.writeStartArray(); dumpConfiguration(dumpGenerator,parser.getRoot().getChildren()); dumpGenerator.writeEndArray(); dumpGenerator.writeEndObject(); dumpGenerator.flush(); }
private void anonymizeTrace() throws Exception { if (anonymizeTrace) { System.out.println("Anonymizing trace file: " + inputTracePath); JobTraceReader reader = null; JsonGenerator outGen = null; Configuration conf = getConf(); try { // create a generator outGen = createJsonGenerator(conf, outputTracePath); // define the input trace reader reader = new JobTraceReader(inputTracePath, conf); // read the plain unanonymized logged job LoggedJob job = reader.getNext(); while (job != null) { // write it via an anonymizing channel outGen.writeObject(job); // read the next job job = reader.getNext(); } System.out.println("Anonymized trace file: " + outputTracePath); } finally { if (outGen != null) { outGen.close(); } if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } }
private void anonymizeTopology() throws Exception { if (anonymizeTopology) { System.out.println("Anonymizing topology file: " + inputTopologyPath); ClusterTopologyReader reader = null; JsonGenerator outGen = null; Configuration conf = getConf(); try { // create a generator outGen = createJsonGenerator(conf, outputTopologyPath); // define the input cluster topology reader reader = new ClusterTopologyReader(inputTopologyPath, conf); // read the plain unanonymized logged job LoggedNetworkTopology job = reader.get(); // write it via an anonymizing channel outGen.writeObject(job); System.out.println("Anonymized topology file: " + outputTopologyPath); } finally { if (outGen != null) { outGen.close(); } } } }