public static String createAuthLinkResponse(){ JsonNodeFactory f = JsonNodeFactory.instance ; ObjectNode loginResponse = f.objectNode(); loginResponse.put("text","Authorization for SkyGiraffe to use Slack details is required."); ArrayNode attachments = loginResponse.putArray("attachments"); ObjectNode att = f.objectNode(); att.put("fallback", "Please authorize SkyGiraffe to access to your Slack details ..."); att.put("pretext", ""); att.put("title", "Please authorize.."); att.put("title_link", Config.getPropertyValue("SLACK_AUTH_URL_DEV")); att.put("text","Once authorized and logged into SkyGiraffe try '/sg help' to see all commands"); att.put("color", "#7CD197"); attachments.add(att); return loginResponse.toString(); }
public static Criteria getCriteria(ObjectNode rudeCriteria) throws Exception { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (rudeCriteria.has("criterions")) { ArrayNode criterions = (ArrayNode) rudeCriteria.get("criterions"); if (criterions != null) { for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = criterions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { criteria.addCriterion(parseCriterion((ObjectNode); } } } if (rudeCriteria.has("orders")) { ArrayNode orders = (ArrayNode) rudeCriteria.get("orders"); if (orders != null) { for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = orders.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ObjectNode rudeCriterion = (ObjectNode); Order order = new Order(JsonUtils.getString(rudeCriterion, "property"), JsonUtils.getBoolean(rudeCriterion, "desc")); criteria.addOrder(order); } } } return criteria; }
/** * Extracts the crosspost blogs from an autosave and creates a JSON array. * * @param item * the item that holds the note data * @return the array */ private ArrayNode extractCrosspostBlogs(AutosaveNoteData item) { ArrayNode result = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createArrayNode(); if (item.getCrosspostBlogs() != null) { for (BlogData b : item.getCrosspostBlogs()) { String title = b.getTitle(); ObjectNode blog = BlogSearchHelper.createBlogSearchJSONResult(b.getId(), b.getNameIdentifier(), title, false); result.add(blog); } } if (result.size() == 0) { return null; } return result; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void extractUserData(ObjectNode jsonUser, ExternalUserVO userVO) throws AuthenticationServiceException { assertFieldsExist(jsonUser, JSON_PARAM_LOGIN, JSON_PARAM_EMAIL, JSON_PARAM_LAST_NAME, JSON_PARAM_FIRST_NAME); userVO.setExternalUserName(jsonUser.get(JSON_PARAM_LOGIN).asText()); userVO.setEmail(jsonUser.get(JSON_PARAM_EMAIL).asText()); userVO.setLastName(jsonUser.get(JSON_PARAM_LAST_NAME).asText()); userVO.setFirstName(jsonUser.get(JSON_PARAM_FIRST_NAME).asText()); if (jsonUser.has(JSON_PARAM_LANG)) { String lang = jsonUser.get(JSON_PARAM_LANG).asText(); Locale locale = new Locale(lang); userVO.setDefaultLanguage(locale); } }
/** * { "attachments": [ { "fallback": "Please login into SkyGiraffe to continue ...", "pretext": "SkyGiraffe Login", "title": "Please login into SkyGiraffe to continue ...", "title_link": "", "text": "Once logged in try '/sg help' to see all commands", "color": "#7CD197" } ] } * @return */ public static String createLoginLinkResponse(String slackUserId, String email, String teamId){ JsonNodeFactory f = JsonNodeFactory.instance ; ObjectNode loginResponse = f.objectNode(); loginResponse.put("text","Login to SkyGiraffe is required."); ArrayNode attachments = loginResponse.putArray("attachments"); ObjectNode att = f.objectNode(); att.put("fallback", "Please login into SkyGiraffe to continue ..."); att.put("pretext", ""); att.put("title", "Please login.."); att.put("title_link", Config.getPropertyValue("SGDS_LOGIN_URL_DEV")+slackUserId+"&EMAIL="+email+"&TEAMID="+teamId); att.put("text","Once logged in try '/sg help' to see all commands"); att.put("color", "#7CD197"); attachments.add(att); return loginResponse.toString(); }
public static String authenticate(String userName, String password) throws IOException { if (userName == null || userName.isEmpty()) userName = SGSlackConstants.DEFAULT_USER; if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) password = SGSlackConstants.PASSWORD; ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode o = m.createObjectNode(); o.put("UserName",userName); o.put("Password",password); o.put("OS","webapp"); o.put("Version","4006000"); StringEntity input = new StringEntity(o.toString()); SGDSAuthRes ss = new SGDSAuthRes(); ss = m.readValue(postSGDS("Authenticate",input), ss.getClass()); logger.debug("Session id on authentication="+ss.getSessionID()); return ss.getSessionID(); }
@Override public Directive deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException { ObjectReader reader = ObjectMapperUtil.instance().getObjectReader(); ObjectNode obj = (ObjectNode) reader.readTree(jp); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> elementsIterator = obj.getFields(); String rawMessage = obj.toString(); DialogRequestIdHeader header = null; JsonNode payloadNode = null; ObjectReader headerReader = ObjectMapperUtil.instance().getObjectReader(DialogRequestIdHeader.class); while (elementsIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> element =; if (element.getKey().equals("header")) { header = headerReader.readValue(element.getValue()); } if (element.getKey().equals("payload")) { payloadNode = element.getValue(); } } if (header == null) { throw ctx.mappingException("Missing header"); } if (payloadNode == null) { throw ctx.mappingException("Missing payload"); } return createDirective(header, payloadNode, rawMessage); }
@PUT @Path("/validate") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response userValidation(User userData) { try { int flag = 0; String emailRcvd = ""; final ObjectNode node = new ObjectMapper().readValue(userData.toString(), ObjectNode.class); if (node.has("email")) { emailRcvd = node.get("email").toString().replace("\"", "").trim(); } ResultSet rs = dbobj.openConnection("select email from user"); while ( { String userEmail = rs.getString("email"); if (emailRcvd.equals(userEmail)) { flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 1) { resp.put("response", "false"); return Response.ok(resp.toJSONString()).build(); } dbobj.closeConnection(rs); } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } resp.put("response", "true"); return Response.ok(resp.toJSONString()).build(); }
@Private public JsonNode countersToJSON(Counters counters) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode nodes = mapper.createArrayNode(); if (counters != null) { for (CounterGroup counterGroup : counters) { ObjectNode groupNode = nodes.addObject(); groupNode.put("NAME", counterGroup.getName()); groupNode.put("DISPLAY_NAME", counterGroup.getDisplayName()); ArrayNode countersNode = groupNode.putArray("COUNTERS"); for (Counter counter : counterGroup) { ObjectNode counterNode = countersNode.addObject(); counterNode.put("NAME", counter.getName()); counterNode.put("DISPLAY_NAME", counter.getDisplayName()); counterNode.put("VALUE", counter.getValue()); } } } return nodes; }
@Override public StatePair deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) parser.getCodec(); // set the state-pair object tree ObjectNode statePairObject = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(parser); Class<?> stateClass = null; try { stateClass = Class.forName(statePairObject.get("className").getTextValue().trim()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid classname!", cnfe); } String stateJsonString = statePairObject.get("state").toString(); State state = (State) mapper.readValue(stateJsonString, stateClass); return new StatePair(state); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode root = mapper.getNodeFactory().objectNode(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); int orderId = (int)session.getAttribute("currentOrder"); int userId = -1; if(orderId != -1){ boolean success = (boolean)session.getAttribute("success"); if(success){ userId = (int)session.getAttribute("id_user"); } OrderDBManager orderDBManager = new OrderDBManager(); root.put("orderProperties",orderCollection(orderDBManager.get(orderId))); } root.put("currentUser",userId); root.put("order",orderId); out.append(mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(root)); out.flush(); }
public ArrayNode orderCollection(Collection<Order> collection) { ArrayNode array = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); for(Order param : collection){ ObjectNode obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); obj.put("orderId", param.getId() ); obj.put("mile", param.getMilesage() ); obj.put("price", param.getPrice() ); obj.put("sold", param.getSold() ); obj.put("carName", param.getCar().getName() ); obj.put("carId", param.getCar().getId() ); obj.put("modelId", param.getCar().getModel().getId() ); obj.put("bodyId", param.getCar().getBody().getId() ); obj.put("drivetype", param.getCar().getDriveType().getId()); obj.put("engineId", param.getCar().getEngine().getId() ); obj.put("transsmId", param.getCar().getTransmission().getId() ); obj.put("data", param.getRelease().getTime()); obj.put("userId", param.getUser().getId() ); array.add(obj); } return array; }
@Path("backup-config") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getBackupConfig() throws Exception { ArrayNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); if ( context.getExhibitor().getBackupManager().isActive() ) { EncodedConfigParser parser = context.getExhibitor().getBackupManager().getBackupConfigParser(); List<BackupConfigSpec> configs = context.getExhibitor().getBackupManager().getConfigSpecs(); for ( BackupConfigSpec c : configs ) { ObjectNode n = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); String value = parser.getValue(c.getKey()); n.put("key", c.getKey()); n.put("name", c.getDisplayName()); n.put("help", c.getHelpText()); n.put("value", (value != null) ? value : ""); n.put("type", c.getType().name().toLowerCase().substring(0, 1)); node.add(n); } } return JsonUtil.writeValueAsString(node); }
public static String getAppList(String sessionId) throws IOException { if (sessionId == null || sessionId.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Session Id is empty. Please login."); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode o = m.createObjectNode(); o.put("SessionID",sessionId); StringEntity inputApps = new StringEntity(o.toString()); return postSGDS("GetAppsList", inputApps); }
@Path("dataTable/{index-name}/{search-handle}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getDataTableData ( @PathParam("index-name") String indexName, @PathParam("search-handle") String searchHandle, @QueryParam("iDisplayStart") int iDisplayStart, @QueryParam("iDisplayLength") int iDisplayLength, @QueryParam("sEcho") String sEcho ) throws Exception { LogSearch logSearch = getLogSearch(indexName); if ( logSearch == null ) { return "{}"; } ObjectNode node; try { CachedSearch cachedSearch = logSearch.getCachedSearch(searchHandle); DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR); ArrayNode dataTab = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); for ( int i = iDisplayStart; i < (iDisplayStart + iDisplayLength); ++i ) { if ( i < cachedSearch.getTotalHits() ) { ObjectNode data = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); int docId = cachedSearch.getNthDocId(i); SearchItem item = logSearch.toResult(docId); data.put("DT_RowId", "index-query-result-" + docId); data.put("0", getTypeName(EntryTypes.getFromId(item.getType()))); data.put("1", dateFormatter.format(item.getDate())); data.put("2", trimPath(item.getPath())); dataTab.add(data); } } node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); node.put("sEcho", sEcho); node.put("iTotalRecords", logSearch.getDocQty()); node.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", cachedSearch.getTotalHits()); node.put("aaData", dataTab); } finally { context.getExhibitor().getIndexCache().releaseLogSearch(logSearch.getFile()); } return node.toString(); }
public ObjectNode loadLib(String libId) throws IOException, RpcException { RpcRequest call = newCall("com.vmware.content.library", "get"); bindToSession(call, this.sessionId); call.params.input = newNode(); call.params.input .putObject(K_STRUCTURE) .putObject(K_OPERATION_INPUT) .put("library_id", libId); RpcResponse resp = rpc(call); throwIfError("Cannot load library " + libId, resp); ObjectNode result = resp.result; if (result == null) { return null; } return (ObjectNode) result .get(K_OUTPUT) .get(K_STRUCTURE) .get("com.vmware.content.library_model"); }
private ObjectNode makeSpec(ManagedObjectReference datastore, VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec pbmSpec, String vmName, Map<String, String> networkMappings, VirtualDiskType diskType) { ObjectNode res = newNode(); ObjectNode t = res.putObject(K_STRUCTURE) .putObject("com.vmware.vcenter.ovf.library_item.resource_pool_deployment_spec"); t.put("accept_all_EULA", true); // Only one of datastore / policy can be set. Not both. If datastore is present that will // be given preference if (datastore != null) { t.putObject("default_datastore_id").put(K_OPTIONAL, datastore.getValue()); } else if (pbmSpec != null) { t.putObject("storage_profile_id").put(K_OPTIONAL, pbmSpec.getProfileId()); } if (diskType != null) { t.putObject("storage_provisioning").put(K_OPTIONAL, diskType.value()); } t.putObject("name").put(K_OPTIONAL, vmName); return res; }
public ObjectNode getTagModel(String tagId) throws IOException, RpcException { RpcRequest call = newCall("com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag", "get"); bindToSession(call, this.sessionId); call.params.input = newNode(); call.params.input .putObject(K_STRUCTURE) .putObject(K_OPERATION_INPUT) .put("tag_id", tagId); RpcResponse resp = rpc(call); throwIfError("Cannot get model for tag " + tagId, resp); return (ObjectNode) resp.result .get(K_OUTPUT) .get(K_STRUCTURE) .get("com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_model"); }
private ImageState makeImageFromItem(ObjectNode lib, ObjectNode item) { ImageState res = new ImageState(); String itemName = VapiClient.getString(item, "name", VapiClient.K_OPTIONAL); String libraryName = VapiClient.getString(lib, "name", VapiClient.K_OPTIONAL); = libraryName + " / " + itemName; res.description = VapiClient.getString(item, "description", VapiClient.K_OPTIONAL); = VapiClient.getString(item, "id", VapiClient.K_OPTIONAL); CustomProperties.of(res) .put(CustomProperties.IMAGE_LIBRARY_ID, VapiClient.getString(item, "library_id", VapiClient.K_OPTIONAL)); return res; }
@GET @Path("node-data") @Produces("application/json") public String getNodeData(@QueryParam("key") String key) throws Exception { ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); try { Stat stat = context.getExhibitor().getLocalConnection().checkExists().forPath(key); byte[] bytes = context.getExhibitor().getLocalConnection().getData().storingStatIn(stat).forPath(key); if (bytes != null) { node.put("bytes", bytesToString(bytes)); node.put("str", new String(bytes, "UTF-8")); } else { node.put("bytes", ""); node.put("str", ""); } node.put("stat", reflectToString(stat)); } catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException dummy ) { node.put("bytes", ""); node.put("str", ""); node.put("stat", "* not found * "); } catch ( Throwable e ) { node.put("bytes", ""); node.put("str", "Exception"); node.put("stat", e.getMessage()); } return node.toString(); }
public static boolean postRealTimeData(HttpClient client, String url, String deviceToken) throws ParseException, IOException { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.addHeader("Cookie", Constants.X_SMS_AUTH_TOKEN + "=" + deviceToken); long MINS_AHEAD = 1000 * 60 * 30; // Pretend we have 30 minutes of print time left int jobsInQueue = 6; // and 6 jobs left in the queue String status = "DS_PRINTING"; // and we're currently printing Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Timestamp printCompleteTime = new Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime() + MINS_AHEAD); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); String date = format.format(printCompleteTime.getTime()); ObjectMapper mapper = new; ObjectNode jsonNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); jsonNode.put("deviceStatus", status); jsonNode.put("totalJobs", jobsInQueue); jsonNode.put("printTimeComplete", date); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(jsonNode.toString()); post.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = HttpClientWrapper.executeHttpCommand(client, post); if (response != null) { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 204) { HttpClientWrapper.logErrorResponse(response, "Failed To post data"); return false; } else { EntityUtils.consumeQuietly(response.getEntity());"Sucessfully posted data"); System.out.println("Successfully posted data."); return false; } } else { log.error("No response returned from post data"); return false; } }
public static String loginAndGetToken(HttpClient client, String url, String login, String password) throws ParseException, IOException { String token = null; HttpPost loginPost = new HttpPost(url); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode jsonNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); jsonNode.put("login", login); jsonNode.put("password", password); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(jsonNode.toString()); loginPost.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = HttpClientWrapper.executeHttpCommand(client, loginPost); if (response != null) { if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { token = HttpClientWrapper.getTokenFromResponse(response); EntityUtils.consumeQuietly(response.getEntity()); } else { HttpClientWrapper.logErrorResponse(response, "Failed To login"); } }else { log.error("No response returned from login call"); } return token; }
/** * Creates a model and view to transport the error message * * @param request * the current HTTP request * @param response * the current HTTP response * @param view * the name of the view to use, can be null if the request should be handled as Ajax * upload or there is no mapping for the request and the default non-ajax upload view * should be used * @return the created model and view or null if the response was written as JSON */ private ModelAndView prepareAjaxModelAndView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String errorMessage) { ObjectNode jsonResponse = JsonRequestHelper.createJsonErrorResponse(errorMessage); try { // Note: the JSON cannot be written directly to the response since this is not supported // by exception resolvers. Main problem is that some headers like encoding won't be set // correctly and response is written twice return ControllerHelper.prepareModelAndViewForJsonResponse(request, response, jsonResponse, false); } catch (IOException e) { // should not occur because response is not written directly LOGGER.error("Unexpected exception handling MaxUploadSizeExceededException", e); return null; } }
/** * Deletion of the current user account. * * @param request * the servlet request * @param response * the servlet response * * @throws IOException * in case of a IO error */ public void deleteAccount(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { ObjectNode jsonResponse = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createObjectNode(); String errorMessage = null; String mode = getDeleteMode(request); if (mode == null) { errorMessage = MessageHelper.getText(request, "user.delete.account.failed"); } else { errorMessage = doDeleteAccount(request, mode); } if (errorMessage != null) { jsonResponse.put("message", errorMessage); jsonResponse.put("status",; } else { // log user out AuthenticationHelper.removeAuthentication(); jsonResponse.put("status",; } JsonHelper.writeJsonTree(response.getWriter(), jsonResponse); }
/** * Upload an image using AJAX. The response will be returned as JSON object. * * @param request * the servlet request * @param userId * the ID of the user whose image will be updated * @return the JSON response object */ private ObjectNode doUploadImageAjax(HttpServletRequest request, Long userId) { MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; CommonsMultipartFile cFile = (CommonsMultipartFile) multipartRequest.getFile("file"); String errorMessage = null; if (cFile != null && cFile.getSize() > 0) { if (cFile.getSize() < getMaxUploadSize()) { errorMessage = storeImage(request, cFile, userId); } else { errorMessage = MessageHelper.getText(request, "user.profile.upload.filesize.error", new Object[] { FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(getMaxUploadSize()) }); } } else { errorMessage = MessageHelper.getText(request, "user.profile.upload.empty.image"); } if (errorMessage != null) { return JsonRequestHelper.createJsonErrorResponse(errorMessage); } return JsonRequestHelper.createJsonSuccessResponse(null, createSuccessResult(userId)); }
/** * handles the upload process of the user image. * * @param request * the servlet request * @param response * the servlet response * @return The model and view. * @throws IOException * in case sending the response failed */ public ModelAndView imageUpload(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { String action = ParameterHelper.getParameterAsString(request.getParameterMap(), PARAM_FORM_ACTION); Long userId = SecurityHelper.getCurrentUserId(); ObjectNode jsonResponse = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createObjectNode(); if (action.equals(FormAction.UPLOAD_IMAGE_FILE_AJAX)) { jsonResponse = doUploadImageAjax(request, userId); } else if (action.equals(FormAction.RESET_USER_IMAGE_AJAX)) { jsonResponse = doRemoveImageAjax(request, userId); } else if (action.equals(FormAction.REFRESH_EXTERNAL_USER_IMAGE_AJAX)) { jsonResponse = doRefreshExternalImageAjax(request, userId); } else { jsonResponse = JsonRequestHelper.createJsonErrorResponse("Unsupported operation"); } return ControllerHelper.prepareModelAndViewForJsonResponse(request, response, jsonResponse, true); }
@Path("list") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getClusterAsJson() throws Exception { InstanceConfig config = context.getExhibitor().getConfigManager().getConfig(); ObjectNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); ArrayNode serversNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); ServerList serverList = new ServerList(config.getString(StringConfigs.SERVERS_SPEC)); for ( ServerSpec spec : serverList.getSpecs() ) { serversNode.add(spec.getHostname()); } node.put("servers", serversNode); node.put("port", config.getInt(IntConfigs.CLIENT_PORT)); return JsonUtil.writeValueAsString(node); }
/** * Creates an array of JSON objects which hold details about the found users or groups. * * @param list * the search result to process * @param addSummary * if true a summary JSON object will be added to the top of the array. The JSON * object will be created with {@link #createSearchSummaryStatement(PageableList)} . * @param imageSize * the size of the user logo to include in the image path, can be null to not include * the image path into the JSON object. For groups no image will be included. * @return the JSON array with the details about the users */ public static ArrayNode createEntitySearchJSONResult( PageableList<CommunoteEntityData> list, boolean addSummary, ImageSizeType imageSize) { JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper() .getNodeFactory(); ArrayNode result = nodeFactory.arrayNode(); if (addSummary) { result.add(UserSearchHelper.createSearchSummaryStatement(list)); } for (CommunoteEntityData item : list) { String imagePath = null; boolean isGroup = (item instanceof EntityGroupListItem); if (!isGroup && imageSize != null) { imagePath = ImageUrlHelper.buildUserImageUrl(item.getEntityId(), imageSize); } ObjectNode entry = createUserSearchJSONResult(item.getEntityId(), item.getShortDisplayName(), item.getDisplayName(), imagePath, item.getAlias()); entry.put("isGroup", isGroup); result.add(entry); } return result; }
/** * Creates a JSON Object with key value pairs from the parameters passed to this method. Only * the values (and keys) which are not null will be added. * * @param userId * the ID of the user, if null this information is not added to the JSON object * @param shortName * a short version of the user name, if null this information is not added to the * JSON object * @param longName * a long version of the user name, if null this information is not added to the JSON * object * @param imagePath * the path to the user image, if null this information is not added to the JSON * object * @param alias * the alias of the user, if null this information is not added to the JSON object * @return the JSON object */ public static ObjectNode createUserSearchJSONResult(Long userId, String shortName, String longName, String imagePath, String alias) { ObjectNode resultObj = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper() .createObjectNode(); if (imagePath != null) { resultObj.put(JSON_KEY_USER_IMAGE_PATH, imagePath); } if (longName != null) { resultObj.put(JSON_KEY_USER_LONG_NAME, longName); } if (shortName != null) { resultObj.put(JSON_KEY_USER_SHORT_NAME, shortName); } if (alias != null) { resultObj.put(JSON_KEY_USER_ALIAS, alias); } if (userId != null) { resultObj.put(JSON_KEY_ID, userId); } return resultObj; }
/** * Add the JSON objects of the blogs to the JSON response. * * @param jsonResponse * the response object to write to * @param list * list to process * @param includeDescription * whether to include the description * @param includeImagePath * whether to include the path to the image */ private static void addBlogsToJsonResponse(ArrayNode jsonResponse, Collection<BlogData> list, boolean includeDescription, boolean includeImagePath) { for (BlogData item : list) { ObjectNode entry; if (includeDescription) { entry = BlogSearchHelper.createBlogSearchJSONResult(item.getId(), item.getNameIdentifier(), item.getTitle(), item.getDescription(), includeImagePath); } else { entry = BlogSearchHelper.createBlogSearchJSONResult(item.getId(), item.getNameIdentifier(), item.getTitle(), includeImagePath); } jsonResponse.add(entry); } }
/** * Ajax method to initialize the application after completing the installation. * * @param request * the current request * @param response * the response to write to * @throws IOException * in case writing the response failed */ public void completeInstallation(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // only support POST if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod(), METHOD_POST)) { return; } ObjectNode jsonResponse = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createObjectNode(); try { CommunoteRuntime.getInstance().getInstaller().initializeApplicationAfterInstallation(); jsonResponse.put(JSON_RESPONSE_FIELD_STATUS, JSON_RESPONSE_STATUS_TYPE_OK); } catch (ApplicationInitializationException e) { LOGGER.error("Completing the installation failed", e); jsonResponse.put(JSON_RESPONSE_FIELD_STATUS, JSON_RESPONSE_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR); } JsonHelper.writeJsonTree(response.getWriter(), jsonResponse); }
/** * Createsa JSON object with note data for reply case. * * @param parentNoteId * the id of the parent note for the reply * @param locale * the locale of the current user * @param plaintextOnly * true if the client expects the content in plaintext and not HTML * @param authorNotification * true if the notification syntax to inform the author of the reply should be added * @param inheritTags * true if the reply should inherit all the tags of the parent note * @throws NoteNotFoundException * in case the note to edit cannot be found * @throws AuthorizationException * in case the user has no read access to the note * @return the note with initial data for a reply */ private ObjectNode createJsonNoteObjectForReply(long parentNoteId, Locale locale, boolean plaintextOnly, boolean authorNotification, boolean inheritTags) throws NoteNotFoundException, AuthorizationException { if (parentNoteId <= 0) { throw new NoteNotFoundException("Parent note does not exist"); } NoteData parentNoteItem = getNoteManagement().getNote(parentNoteId, new NoteRenderContext(null, locale)); NoteData newNoteItem = new NoteData(); getRequest().setAttribute("isDirectReply", parentNoteItem.isDirect()); newNoteItem.setBlog(parentNoteItem.getBlog()); String notifier = getNotifier(authorNotification, parentNoteItem); newNoteItem.setContent(notifier); newNoteItem.setDirect(parentNoteItem.isDirect()); if (inheritTags) { newNoteItem.setTags(parentNoteItem.getTags()); } return this.createJsonNoteObject(newNoteItem, false, plaintextOnly); }
/** * Creates a JSON object with autosave data. * * @param noteId * ID of the note * @param parentNoteId * the ID of the parent note * @param repostNoteId * Id of a possible repost note. * @param locale * the locale of the current user * @param plaintextOnly * true if the client expects the content in plaintext and not HTML * @return Response as JSON */ private ObjectNode createJsonNoteObjectFromAutosave(long noteId, long parentNoteId, long repostNoteId, Locale locale, boolean plaintextOnly) { Long nId = noteId < 0 ? null : noteId; Long parentId = parentNoteId < 0 ? null : parentNoteId; ArrayList<StringPropertyTO> properties = null; // add repost property if the repostNoteId is set if (repostNoteId >= 0) { properties = new ArrayList<>(); properties.add(new StringPropertyTO(String.valueOf(repostNoteId), PropertyManagement.KEY_GROUP, RepostNoteStoringPreProcessor.KEY_ORIGIN_NOTE_ID, null)); } AutosaveNoteData autosave = getNoteManagement().getAutosave(nId, parentId, properties, locale); if (autosave != null) { ObjectNode jsonObject = createJsonNoteObject(autosave, true, plaintextOnly); jsonObject.put("autosaveNoteId", autosave.getId()); jsonObject.put("autosaveVersion", autosave.getVersion()); jsonObject.put("crosspostBlogs", extractCrosspostBlogs(autosave)); return jsonObject; } return null; }
/** * Extracts the tags from a note and creates a JSON array. * * @param item * the item that holds the note data * @return the array */ private ArrayNode extractTags(NoteData item) { ArrayNode result = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createArrayNode(); // create items manually because TagData POJO is incompatible to REST API TagResource if (item.getTags() != null) { for (TagData tagItem : item.getTags()) { ObjectNode tag = result.addObject(); tag.put("tagId", tagItem.getId()); tag.put("tagStoreAlias", tagItem.getTagStoreAlias()); tag.put("tagStoreTagId", tagItem.getTagStoreTagId()); String languageCode = null; if (tagItem.getLocale() != null) { languageCode = tagItem.getLocale().toString().toLowerCase(); } tag.put("languageCode", languageCode); tag.put("name", tagItem.getName()); tag.put("description", tagItem.getDescription()); tag.put("defaultName", tagItem.getDefaultName()); } } return result; }
/** * Extracts the users to notify from a note and creates a JSON array. * * @param item * the item that holds the note data * @return the array */ private ArrayNode extractUsersToNotify(NoteData item) { ArrayNode result = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().createArrayNode(); if (item.getNotifiedUsers() != null) { for (DetailedUserData ul : item.getNotifiedUsers()) { ObjectNode user = UserSearchHelper.createUserSearchJSONResult(ul, ImageSizeType.MEDIUM); result.add(user); } } // add @@ mentions by building fake users if (item.isMentionDiscussionAuthors()) { result.add(UserSearchHelper.createUserSearchJSONResult(null, null, MessageHelper.getText(getRequest(), "autosuggest.atat.discussion"), null, NoteManagement.CONSTANT_MENTION_DISCUSSION_PARTICIPANTS)); } if (item.isMentionTopicAuthors()) { result.add(UserSearchHelper.createUserSearchJSONResult(null, null, MessageHelper.getText(getRequest(), "autosuggest.atat.authors"), null, NoteManagement.CONSTANT_MENTION_TOPIC_AUTHORS)); } if (item.isMentionTopicReaders()) { result.add(UserSearchHelper.createUserSearchJSONResult(null, null, MessageHelper.getText(getRequest(), "autosuggest.atat.all"), null, NoteManagement.CONSTANT_MENTION_TOPIC_READERS)); } if (item.isMentionTopicManagers()) { result.add(UserSearchHelper.createUserSearchJSONResult(null, null, MessageHelper.getText(getRequest(), "autosuggest.atat.managers"), null, NoteManagement.CONSTANT_MENTION_TOPIC_MANAGERS)); } if (result.size() == 0) { return null; } return result; }
/** * Adds the data of the default blog if it is activated * * @param noteData * the data to modify * @return the ID of the default blog if enabled, null otherwise * */ private Long putDefaultBlogInfo(ObjectNode noteData) { Long defaultBlogId = null; Blog defaultBlog = null; JsonNode defaultBlogTitle; JsonNode defaultBlogAlias; defaultBlog = getDefaultBlog(); JsonNodeFactory factory = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper().getNodeFactory(); if (defaultBlog != null) { defaultBlogId = defaultBlog.getId(); defaultBlogTitle = factory.textNode(defaultBlog.getTitle()); defaultBlogAlias = factory.textNode(defaultBlog.getNameIdentifier()); } else { defaultBlogTitle = factory.nullNode(); defaultBlogAlias = factory.nullNode(); } noteData.put("defaultBlogId", defaultBlogId == null ? factory.nullNode() : factory.numberNode(defaultBlogId)); noteData.put("defaultBlogTitle", defaultBlogTitle); noteData.put("defaultBlogAlias", defaultBlogAlias); return defaultBlogId; }
/** * Method to reset the image of the given entity to the default type. * * @param request * The send request. * @param response * The response. * @param entityId * Id of the entity to change. * @param imageType * Type of the image. * @throws IOException * Thrown, when the output can't be written. */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json", params = "widgetAction=reset_default") public void setDefault(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "entityId", required = true) String entityId, @RequestParam(value = "imageType", required = true) String imageType) throws IOException { ObjectNode jsonResponse; try { ServiceLocator.findService(EntityImageManagement.class).setDefault(entityId, EntityImageManagement.ImageType.getType(imageType)); jsonResponse = JsonRequestHelper.createJsonSuccessResponse( ResourceBundleManager.instance().getText( "widget.globalid-upload-image.reset.success", SessionHandler.instance().getCurrentLocale(request)), createResult(request, entityId, imageType)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Setting default image for entity with ID {} and type {} failed", entityId, imageType, e); Status status = ServiceLocator.findService(ExceptionMapperManagement.class) .mapException(e); jsonResponse = JsonRequestHelper.createJsonErrorResponse(status.getMessage().toString( SessionHandler.instance().getCurrentLocale(request))); } JsonHelper.writeJsonTree(response.getWriter(), jsonResponse); }
/** * Create a JSON with blog details. * * @param blog * the blog to process * @param xmlEncode * whether characters that are reserved in XML should be encoded in the returned * string * @return the JSON object as string */ public String blogAsJson(MinimalBlogData blog, boolean xmlEncode) { // TODO should we handle the DELETED/REGISTERED status? ObjectMapper mapper = JsonHelper.getSharedObjectMapper(); ObjectNode rootNode = mapper.getNodeFactory().objectNode(); if (blog != null) { // the attributes are the same as in REST API rootNode.put("alias", blog.getAlias()); rootNode.put("title", blog.getTitle()); rootNode.put("topicId", blog.getId()); // TODO add anything else? } String jsonString = JsonHelper.writeJsonTreeAsString(rootNode); if (xmlEncode) { jsonString = StringEscapeHelper.escapeXml(jsonString); } return jsonString; }