public void undoDocumentChanges() { final ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getInternalSourceViewer(); try { editor.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().run(false, true, new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) { IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) viewer).getUndoManager(); if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) { IUndoManagerExtension undoManagerExtension = (IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager; IUndoContext undoContext = undoManagerExtension.getUndoContext(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); while (undoManager.undoable()) { if (startingUndoOperation != null && startingUndoOperation.equals(operationHistory.getUndoOperation(undoContext))) return; undoManager.undo(); } } } } }); syncUtil.waitForReconciler(editor); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { entry = unwrap(HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event)); if (entry == null) return null; SetValueCommand setCommand = new SetValueCommand(new SetRequest(entry, SGraphPackage.Literals.ENTRY__KIND, getEntryKind())); IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory .getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(setCommand, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { view = unwrap(HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event)); TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil .getEditingDomain(view); ToggleCommand toggleCommand = new ToggleCommand(editingDomain, view); try { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute( toggleCommand, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Execute the given operation in the supplied undo context * Tests that the operation can be executed, * that the execute result isOK() and that no ExecutionException is thrown. * @param operation * @param undoContext */ public static final void executeOperation(IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext) { operation.addContext(undoContext); TestCase.assertTrue("Operation can't execute.", operation.canExecute()); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IStatus result = history.execute(operation, null, null); TestCase.assertTrue("failed to execute: " + operation.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException ee) {"failed to execute"); } TestCase.assertFalse(operation.canExecute()); IUndoContext[] contexts = operation.getContexts(); if ((contexts != null) && (contexts.length > 0)) { // Operations that don't accept contexts don't need to be undoable. // An example such operation is ClipboardCopyOperation, // or any other AbstractEnsembleDoableOperation TestCase.assertTrue("Operation is not undoable.", operation.canUndo()); } }
public static void toggleScheduledness(EPlanElement element) { IPlanEditApprover registry = PlanEditApproverRegistry.getInstance(); if (!registry.canModify(element)) { return; } TriState oldValue = SpifePlanUtils.getScheduled(element); boolean value = (oldValue == TriState.FALSE); ScheduledOperation op = new ScheduledOperation(element, value); IUndoContext undoContext = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(element); op.addContext(undoContext); try { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute(op, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // should never occur LogUtil.error(e); } }
private void createAddOperation(PlanEditorModel model, final EPlanElement parent, final EPlanElement child) { IStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; PlanTransferable transferable = new PlanTransferable(); transferable.setPlanElements(Collections.singletonList(child)); IStructureLocation location = modifier.getInsertionLocation(transferable, new StructuredSelection(parent), InsertionSemantics.ON); AddOperation operation = new PlanAddOperation(transferable, modifier, location); IUndoContext undoContext = model.getUndoContext(); operation.addContext(undoContext); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IStatus status = history.execute(operation, null, null); if (status instanceof JobOperationStatus) { ((JobOperationStatus) status).getJob().join(); } } catch (Exception e) { trace.error("OneOfEachAction.createAddGroupOperation:operation", e); } }
@Override public void modify(DataPoint oldDataPoint, Object value, IUndoContext undoContext) { if (value instanceof Date) { DataPoint newDataPoint = JScienceFactory.eINSTANCE.createEDataPoint((Date) value, oldDataPoint.getValue()); SwapProfileDataPointOperation op = new SwapProfileDataPointOperation(profile, oldDataPoint, newDataPoint); if (undoContext != null) { op.addContext(undoContext); } IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LogUtil.error(e); } } }
private void setCalculatedVariable(TemporalMember target, CalculatedVariable calculatedVariable) { Object oldValue = target.eGet(CALCULATED_VARIABLE_FEATURE); if (oldValue == calculatedVariable) { if (oldValue != CalculatedVariable.END) { calculatedVariable = CalculatedVariable.END; } else if (TemporalMemberUtils.hasDurationFormula(target)) { calculatedVariable = CalculatedVariable.START; } else { calculatedVariable = CalculatedVariable.DURATION; } } IUndoableOperation operation = new FeatureTransactionChangeOperation("Set calculated variable", target, CALCULATED_VARIABLE_FEATURE, oldValue, calculatedVariable); operation.addContext(EMFUtils.getUndoContext(target)); IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(operation, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LogUtil.error("failed to set calculated variable", e); } }
private void addVisibleLabel(IFigure figure) { visibleLabel = new Label(); visibleLabel.setBorder(new SimpleRaisedBorder()); visibleLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseListener.Stub() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { EPlanElement node = getModel(); TriState oldValue = SpifePlanUtils.getVisible(node); if (!PlanEditApproverRegistry.getInstance().canModify(node)) { return; } try { VisibleOperation op = new VisibleOperation(node, oldValue == TriState.FALSE); op.addContext(TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(node)); IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { trace.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); updateVisibleVisual(); figure.add(visibleLabel); }
protected void runImpl(MultiPagePlanEditor editor, EPlan plan) { EPlanElement parent = getSelection(editor); if (parent==null){ parent=plan; } List<EPlanChild> childList = new ArrayList<EPlanChild>(); for (EPlanChild child : parent.getChildren()) { childList.add(child); } Collections.sort(childList, new ScheduledActivtyComparator()); IStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; PlanTransferable transferable = new PlanTransferable(); transferable.setPlanElements(childList); IStructureLocation location = modifier.getInsertionLocation(transferable, new StructuredSelection(parent), InsertionSemantics.ON); PlanEditorModel model = editor.getPlanEditorModel(); MoveOperation operation = new PlanMoveOperation(transferable, modifier, location); IUndoContext undoContext = model.getUndoContext(); operation.addContext(undoContext); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(operation, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error(OrderEventsAscendingHandler.class.getName(), e); } }
@Override protected void doSetValue(final Object value) { Object oldValue = doGetValue(); if (CommonUtils.equals(value, oldValue)) { return; // nothing to do } EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature) pd.getFeature(target); String name = EMFUtils.getDisplayName(target, feature); IUndoableOperation operation = new ChangeObservableOperation("Edit " + name, value); EObject observed = (EObject) getObserved(); operation = EMFUtils.addContributorOperations(operation, observed, feature, oldValue, value); IUndoContext context = gov.nasa.ensemble.emf.transaction.TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(observed); IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IUndoableOperation previous = history.getUndoOperation(context); if (previous instanceof TextModifyUndoableObservableValue.TextModifyObservableOperation) { // Reset the TextModifyObservableOperation to clear the dirty flag on its TextModifyUndoableObservableValue ((TextModifyUndoableObservableValue.TextModifyObservableOperation) previous).reset(); // Remove the TextModifyObservableOperation operation from the operation history as it should be replaced by the new operation history.replaceOperation(previous, new IUndoableOperation[0]); } CommonUtils.execute(operation, context); }
/** * Execute the operation in the undo context, in a job. * * If the operation is an IDisplayOperation, and both the widget and site are provided, * then the job will be created as a DisplayOperationJob. * * If the operation can not be executed, it will be disposed. * * @param operation * @param undoContext * @param widget * @param site */ public static void execute(final IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext, final Widget widget, final IWorkbenchSite site) { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IAdaptable adaptable = null; if ((operation instanceof IDisplayOperation) && (widget != null) && (site != null)) { IDisplayOperation displayOperation = (IDisplayOperation) operation; adaptable = new IDisplayOperation.Adaptable(displayOperation, widget, site); } if (undoContext != null) { operation.addContext(undoContext); } try { history.execute(operation, null, adaptable); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // should never occur LogUtil.error(e); } }
/** * @param plan * @param selectedElements * @param targetElements * @param assertPostconditions */ private void cutPasteElements(final OperationTestPlanRecord plan, final EPlanElement[] selectedElements, final EPlanElement[] targetElements, Runnable assertPostconditions) { final IStructuredSelection selection = new StructuredSelection(selectedElements); final IStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; ITransferable transferable = modifier.getTransferable(selection); IUndoableOperation cut = new PlanClipboardCutOperation(transferable, modifier); cut.addContext(TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(plan.plan)); // cut try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IStatus result = history.execute(cut, null, null); assertTrue("failed to execute: " + cut.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { fail("failed to execute"); } final IStructuredSelection targetSelection = new StructuredSelection(targetElements); IUndoableOperation paste = new PlanClipboardPasteOperation(targetSelection, modifier); testUndoableOperation(plan.plan, paste, assertPostconditions); }
/** * @param plan * @param selectedElements * @param targetElements * @param assertPostconditions */ private void copyPasteElements(final OperationTestPlanRecord plan, final EPlanElement[] selectedElements, final EPlanElement[] targetElements, final PasteOperationRunnable assertPostconditions) { final IStructuredSelection selection = new StructuredSelection(selectedElements); final IStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; ITransferable transferable = modifier.getTransferable(selection); IUndoableOperation copy = new ClipboardCopyOperation(transferable, modifier); // copy try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(copy, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { fail("failed to execute"); } final IStructuredSelection targetSelection = new StructuredSelection(targetElements); final PlanClipboardPasteOperation paste = new PlanClipboardPasteOperation(targetSelection, modifier); testUndoableOperation(plan.plan, paste, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); }
public static <T> void execute(String label, EcoreEList<T> list, T object) { if (list.getEStructuralFeature().isUnique() && list.contains(object)) { return; } IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionAddOperation<T>(label, list, object); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(list); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
public static <T> void execute(String label, EcoreEList<T> list, List<T> objects) { boolean containsOne = false; for (T item : list) { if (objects.contains(item)) { containsOne = true; break; } } if (!containsOne) { return; } IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionRemoveAllOperation<T>(label, list, objects); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(list); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
public static <T> void execute(String label, EcoreEList<T> list, List<T> objects) { if (list.getEStructuralFeature().isUnique() && list.containsAll(objects)) { return; } IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionAddAllOperation<T>(label, list, objects); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(list); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
public static void execute(EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature, Object newValue) { Object oldValue = object.eGet(feature); if (CommonUtils.equals(oldValue, newValue)) { return; } String featureName = EMFUtils.getDisplayName(object, feature); String label = "Edit " + featureName; IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionChangeOperation(label, object, feature, oldValue, newValue); op = EMFUtils.addContributorOperations(op, object, feature, oldValue, newValue); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(object); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
public static <T> void execute(String label, EcoreEList<T> list, T object) { if (!list.contains(object)) { return; } IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionRemoveOperation<T>(label, list, object); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(list); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
private void doAddOperation(PlanEditorModel model, final EPlanElement parent, final List<EActivity> activities) { IStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; PlanTransferable transferable = new PlanTransferable(); transferable.setPlanElements(activities); IStructureLocation location = modifier.getInsertionLocation(transferable, new StructuredSelection(parent), InsertionSemantics.ON); AddOperation operation = new PlanAddOperation(transferable, modifier, location); //IUndoContext undoContext = model.getUndoContext(); //operation.addContext(undoContext); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") IStatus status = history.execute(operation, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { trace.error("FixViolationsOperation.doAddOperation:operation", e); } }
/** * This method is called upon plug-in activation */ @Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { super.start(context); OperationHistoryFactory.setOperationHistory(JobOperationHistory.INSTANCE); // configure logging // TODO this may cease working once the EnsembleLoggingConfigurator is extended ensembleProperties = initializeEnsembleProperties(); // EnsemblePropertiesSurveyor.initialize(); EnsembleLoggingConfigurator construct = MissionExtender.construct(EnsembleLoggingConfigurator.class); if (construct != null) { construct.configureLogging(); } else { // logging not initialized System.err.println("EnsembleLoggingConfigurator == null"); } }
public void assertDeleteConstraint(PeriodicTemporalConstraint constraint, Timepoint timepoint) { TemporalBoundColumn column = new TemporalBoundColumn(TEST_PROVIDER, timepoint); EActivity a = constructBoundedActivity(constraint); ConstraintsMember originalFacet = column.getFacet(a); String originalText = column.getText(originalFacet); column.modify(originalFacet, "", undoContext); ConstraintsMember constraintsMember = a.getMember(ConstraintsMember.class, true); List<PeriodicTemporalConstraint> bounds = constraintsMember.getPeriodicTemporalConstraints(); assertEquals("Number mismatch in bounds count after editing", 0, bounds.size()); ConstraintsMember changedFacet = column.getFacet(a); assertEquals("Column text not equal", column.getText(changedFacet), ""); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.undo(undoContext, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } ConstraintsMember finalFacet = column.getFacet(a); assertEquals("Error in undo operation", originalText, column.getText(finalFacet)); }
@Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { TmxEditorViewer viewer = TmxEditorViewer.getInstance(); if(viewer == null){ return null; } TmxEditor editor = viewer.getTmxEditor(); if(editor == null){ return null; } String srcLang = editor.getSrcLang(); String tgtLang = editor.getTgtLang(); TmxTU tu = TmxEditorUtils.createTmxTu(srcLang, tgtLang); editor.addTu(tu); IOperationHistory histor = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); histor.dispose(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getUndoContext(), true, true, true); return null; }
@Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { TmxEditorViewer viewer = TmxEditorViewer.getInstance(); if (viewer == null) { return null; } TmxEditor editor = viewer.getTmxEditor(); if (editor == null) { return null; } if (editor.getTmxDataAccess().getDisplayTuCount() == 0 || editor.getTmxEditorImpWithNattable().getSelectedRows().length == 0) { OpenMessageUtils.openMessage(IStatus.INFO, Messages.getString("tmxeditor.deleteTuHandler.noSelectedMsg")); return null; } boolean confirm = MessageDialog.openConfirm(HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(event), Messages.getString("tmxeditor.deleteTuHandler.warn.msg"), Messages.getString("tmxeditor.deleteTuHandler.warn.desc")); if (!confirm) { return null; } editor.deleteSelectedTu(); IOperationHistory histor = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); histor.dispose(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getUndoContext(), true, true, true); return null; }
/** * 关闭TmxEditor,同时关闭AbstractDataAccess **/ public boolean closeTmx() { if (tmxEditor == null) { return true; } if (!tmxEditor.closeTmxEditor()) { return false; } tmxEditor = null; Control[] childs = container.getChildren(); for (Control c : childs) { if (c != null && !c.isDisposed()) { c.dispose(); } } fireCloseEvent(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); operationHistory.dispose(getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getUndoContext(), true, true, true); setFocus(); String title = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell().getText(); String[] s = title.split("-"); PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell().setText(s[0]); return true; }
/** * The <code>AbstractTextEditor</code> implementation of this * <code>IWorkbenchPart</code> method may be extended by subclasses. * Subclasses must call <code>super.dispose()</code>. * <p> * Note that many methods may return <code>null</code> after the editor is * disposed. * </p> */ @Override public void dispose() { if (fTitleImage != null) { fTitleImage.dispose(); fTitleImage = null; } disposeDocumentProvider(); if (fSourceViewer != null) { fSourceViewer = null; } if (fConfiguration != null) fConfiguration = null; final IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); if (history != null) { if (fNonLocalOperationApprover != null) history.removeOperationApprover(fNonLocalOperationApprover); if (fLinearUndoViolationApprover != null) history.removeOperationApprover(fLinearUndoViolationApprover); } fNonLocalOperationApprover = null; fLinearUndoViolationApprover = null; super.dispose(); }
/** * The <code>AbstractTextEditor</code> implementation of this * <code>IWorkbenchPart</code> method may be extended by subclasses. * Subclasses must call <code>super.dispose()</code>. * <p> * Note that many methods may return <code>null</code> after the editor is * disposed. * </p> */ @Override public void dispose() { if (fTitleImage != null) { fTitleImage.dispose(); fTitleImage = null; } disposeDocumentProvider(); if (fSourceViewer != null) { fSourceViewer = null; } if (fConfiguration != null) fConfiguration = null; IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory .getOperationHistory(); if (history != null) { if (fNonLocalOperationApprover != null) history.removeOperationApprover(fNonLocalOperationApprover); if (fLinearUndoViolationApprover != null) history.removeOperationApprover(fLinearUndoViolationApprover); } fNonLocalOperationApprover = null; fLinearUndoViolationApprover = null; super.dispose(); }
public void startRecording(XtextEditor editor) { this.editor = editor; ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getInternalSourceViewer(); if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) { IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) viewer).getUndoManager(); if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) { IUndoManagerExtension undoManagerExtension = (IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager; IUndoContext undoContext = undoManagerExtension.getUndoContext(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); startingUndoOperation = operationHistory.getUndoOperation(undoContext); } } }
protected void executeCommand(AbstractTransactionalCommand operation) { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(operation, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void executeCommand(ICommand cmd) { try { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute(cmd, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected void executeCommand(IUndoableOperation command, Resource resource) { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(command, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { RepositionEObjectCommand command = new RepositionEObjectCommand( TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(callback.getEObject()), "Reorder Elements", getListInput(), getSelectedObject(), displacement); try { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute(command, new NullProgressMonitor(), null); } catch (ExecutionException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } refreshInput(); }
public static IUndoContext getUndoContext() { if (fRefactoringUndoContext == null) { fRefactoringUndoContext = new RefactoringUndoContext(); IUndoContext workspaceContext = (IUndoContext) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getAdapter(IUndoContext.class); if (workspaceContext instanceof ObjectUndoContext) { ((ObjectUndoContext) workspaceContext).addMatch(fRefactoringUndoContext); } IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); operationHistory.setLimit(fRefactoringUndoContext, 5); } return fRefactoringUndoContext; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void disconnect() { if (fReferenceCount > 0) { fManagerCache.clear(); fReferenceCount--; } if (fReferenceCount == 0) { if (fOperationListener != null) OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory() .removeOperationHistoryListener(fOperationListener); if (fResourceListener != null) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().removeResourceChangeListener(fResourceListener); fOperationListener = null; } }
/** * Undo the given operation, which should be the next operation in the undo context. * Tests that the operation can be undone, that it is the next in the undo context, * that the undo result isOK() and that no ExecutionException is thrown. * @param operation * @param undoContext * @param undoingRedo supply true if undoing a redo, to get a different error string during failure */ public static final void undoOperation(IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext, boolean undoingRedo) { TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canUndo()); String string = "failed to undo" + (undoingRedo ? " the redo" : ""); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); TestCase.assertSame("the supplied operation should be next on the undo stack", operation, history.getUndoOperation(undoContext)); IStatus result = history.undo(undoContext, null, null); TestCase.assertTrue(string + ": " + operation.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException e) {; } TestCase.assertFalse(operation.canUndo()); TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canRedo()); }
/** * Redo the given operation, which should be the next operation to redo in the undo context. * Tests that the operation can be redone, that it is the next to redo in the undo context, * that the redo result isOK() and that no ExecutionException is thrown. * @param operation * @param undoContext */ public static final void redoOperation(IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext) { TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canRedo()); String string = "failed to redo"; try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); TestCase.assertSame("the supplied operation should be next on the redo stack", operation, history.getRedoOperation(undoContext)); IStatus result = history.redo(undoContext, null, null); TestCase.assertTrue(string + ": " + operation.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException e) {; } TestCase.assertFalse(operation.canRedo()); TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canUndo()); }
private void execute(IUndoableOperation operation, EPlan plan) { operation.addContext(TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(plan)); // perform the operation try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(operation, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { fail("failed to execute"); } }
private static void modifyStartTime(IPlanModifier modifier, EPlanElement element, Date newStart) throws ExecutionException { EPlan plan = EPlanUtils.getPlan(element); TemporalExtentsCache cache = new TemporalExtentsCache(plan); Map<EPlanElement, TemporalExtent> changedTimes = modifier.moveToStart(element, newStart, cache); SetExtentsOperation operation = new SetExtentsOperation("set start times", plan, changedTimes, cache); operation.addContext(TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(plan)); IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(operation, null, null); }
private void createChainOperation(PlanEditorModel model, final List<EPlanChild> links) { IUndoContext undoContext = model.getUndoContext(); PlanStructureModifier modifier = PlanStructureModifier.INSTANCE; ChainOperation operation = new ChainOperation(modifier, links, false); operation.addContext(undoContext); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IStatus status = history.execute(operation, null, null); if (status instanceof JobOperationStatus) { ((JobOperationStatus) status).getJob().join(); } } catch (Exception e) { trace.error("OneOfEachAction.createChainOperation:operation", e); } }
@Override public void dispose() { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().dispose(undoContext, true, true, true); EMFUtils.clearReachableObjectsOfType(getResourceSet()); super.dispose(); getResourceSet().getLoadOptions().clear(); // clear XMLResource.OPTION_USE_PARSER_POOL getResourceSet().getResources().clear(); // help limit memory leaks }