protected OperationHistoryListener installUndoRedoSupport(SourceViewer viewer, IDocument document, final EmbeddedEditorActions actions) { IDocumentUndoManager undoManager = DocumentUndoManagerRegistry.getDocumentUndoManager(document); final IUndoContext context = undoManager.getUndoContext(); // XXX cp uncommented // IOperationHistory operationHistory = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getOperationHistory(); OperationHistoryListener operationHistoryListener = new OperationHistoryListener(context, new IUpdate() { public void update() { actions.updateAction(ITextEditorActionConstants.REDO); actions.updateAction(ITextEditorActionConstants.UNDO); } }); viewer.addTextListener(new ITextListener() { public void textChanged(TextEvent event) { actions.updateAction(ITextEditorActionConstants.REDO); actions.updateAction(ITextEditorActionConstants.UNDO); } }); // // operationHistory.addOperationHistoryListener(operationHistoryListener); return operationHistoryListener; }
public void undoDocumentChanges() { final ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getInternalSourceViewer(); try { editor.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().run(false, true, new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) { IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) viewer).getUndoManager(); if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) { IUndoManagerExtension undoManagerExtension = (IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager; IUndoContext undoContext = undoManagerExtension.getUndoContext(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); while (undoManager.undoable()) { if (startingUndoOperation != null && startingUndoOperation.equals(operationHistory.getUndoOperation(undoContext))) return; undoManager.undo(); } } } } }); syncUtil.waitForReconciler(editor); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { if (fRefactoringUndoContext != null) { IUndoContext workspaceContext = (IUndoContext) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getAdapter(IUndoContext.class); if (workspaceContext instanceof ObjectUndoContext) { ((ObjectUndoContext) workspaceContext).removeMatch(fRefactoringUndoContext); } } if (fgUndoManager != null) fgUndoManager.shutdown(); final RefactoringHistoryService service = RefactoringHistoryService.getInstance(); service.disconnect(); if (fRefactoringHistoryListener != null) service.removeHistoryListener(fRefactoringHistoryListener); RefactoringContributionManager.getInstance().disconnect(); super.stop(context); }
/** * Execute the given operation in the supplied undo context * Tests that the operation can be executed, * that the execute result isOK() and that no ExecutionException is thrown. * @param operation * @param undoContext */ public static final void executeOperation(IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext) { operation.addContext(undoContext); TestCase.assertTrue("Operation can't execute.", operation.canExecute()); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IStatus result = history.execute(operation, null, null); TestCase.assertTrue("failed to execute: " + operation.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException ee) {"failed to execute"); } TestCase.assertFalse(operation.canExecute()); IUndoContext[] contexts = operation.getContexts(); if ((contexts != null) && (contexts.length > 0)) { // Operations that don't accept contexts don't need to be undoable. // An example such operation is ClipboardCopyOperation, // or any other AbstractEnsembleDoableOperation TestCase.assertTrue("Operation is not undoable.", operation.canUndo()); } }
public static void toggleScheduledness(EPlanElement element) { IPlanEditApprover registry = PlanEditApproverRegistry.getInstance(); if (!registry.canModify(element)) { return; } TriState oldValue = SpifePlanUtils.getScheduled(element); boolean value = (oldValue == TriState.FALSE); ScheduledOperation op = new ScheduledOperation(element, value); IUndoContext undoContext = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(element); op.addContext(undoContext); try { OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute(op, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // should never occur LogUtil.error(e); } }
@Override public void modify(ParameterFacet<Date> parameter, Object date, IUndoContext undoContext) { Date newStart = (Date)date; EPlanElement planElement = parameter.getElement(); EPlan plan = EPlanUtils.getPlan(planElement); TemporalMember temporal = planElement.getMember(TemporalMember.class); Date startTime = temporal.getStartTime(); IPlanModifier modifier = PlanModifierMember.get(plan).getModifier(); if (modifier == null) { ParameterFacet<Date> facet = new ParameterFacet<Date>(parameter.getObject(), START_TIME_FEATURE, startTime); super.modify(facet, newStart, undoContext); return; } TemporalExtentsCache cache = new TemporalExtentsCache(plan); Map<EPlanElement, TemporalExtent> changedTimes = modifier.moveToStart(planElement, newStart, cache); IUndoableOperation operation = new SetExtentsOperation("set start times", plan, changedTimes, cache); operation = EMFUtils.addContributorOperations(operation, temporal, START_TIME_FEATURE, startTime, newStart); CommonUtils.execute(operation, undoContext); }
@Override public void doExecute() { TemporalMember member = (TemporalMember)getOwner(); if ((member.getStartTime() == null) && (member.getEndTime() == null)) { operation = new FeatureTransactionChangeOperation("update duration", member, getFeature(), value); } else { operation = TemporalModifier.getInstance().set(member, getFeature(), value); } IUndoContext undoContext = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(member); if (undoContext != null) { operation.addContext(undoContext); } try { operation.execute(MONITOR, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LogUtil.error(e); } }
@Override public IStatus undo(IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info) throws ExecutionException { Assert.isNotNull(context); IUndoableOperation operation = getUndoOperation(context); // info if there is no operation if (operation == null) { return IOperationHistory.NOTHING_TO_UNDO_STATUS; } // error if operation is invalid if (!operation.canUndo()) { if (DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_UNEXPECTED) { Tracing.printTrace("OPERATIONHISTORY", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Undo operation not valid - " + operation); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return IOperationHistory.OPERATION_INVALID_STATUS; } return doUndo(monitor, info, operation); }
@Override public boolean editOnActivate(T facet, IUndoContext undoContext, TreeItem item, int index) { Object feature = itemPropertyDescriptor.getFeature(facet); if (feature instanceof EAttribute) { EDataType eDataType = ((EAttribute)feature).getEAttributeType(); if (eDataType != null && (eDataType.getInstanceClass() == Boolean.class || eDataType.getInstanceClass() == Boolean.TYPE)) { Boolean value = (Boolean) getValue(facet); boolean newValue = (value == null ? true : !value); modify(facet, newValue, undoContext); return true; } } return false; }
@Override public void modify(T facet, Object value, IUndoContext undoContext) { IUndoableOperation operation = new PropertyDescriptorUpdateOperation("Set value", facet, itemPropertyDescriptor, value); operation = EMFDetailUtils.addContributorOperations(operation, facet, itemPropertyDescriptor, value); operation.addContext(undoContext); IWorkbenchOperationSupport operationSupport = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = operationSupport.getOperationHistory(); try { IStatus execute = operationHistory.execute(operation, null, null); if(execute.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) { throw new ExecutionException(execute.getMessage()); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { LogUtil.error(e); } }
/** * Create a constraint dialog that will create a new constraint between the two plan elements. * The dialog is set up so that it is possible to constrain A to be before, but not vice versa. * * @param parent * @param undoContext * @param elementA * @param elementB */ public ConstraintDialog(Shell parent, IUndoContext undoContext, EPlanElement elementA, EPlanElement elementB) { super(parent); setShellStyle(SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | getDefaultOrientation()); setBlockOnOpen(false); if (undoContext == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null undo context"); } if (elementA == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null elementA"); } if (elementB == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null elementB"); } this.undoContext = undoContext; this.elementA = elementA; this.elementB = elementB; this.oldConstraint = null; }
/** * Create a constraint dialog that will edit an existing constraint. (remove it and add a new one) * The constraint should be ordered as if it were constructed by this dialog, or the results * may be odd. For example, if the constraint is "the start of A must occur after the end of B", * then this constraint will probably be displayed as a weird-looking 'between' option in dialog. * * @param parent * @param undoContext * @param oldConstraint */ public ConstraintDialog(Shell parent, IUndoContext undoContext, BinaryTemporalConstraint oldConstraint) { super(parent); setShellStyle(SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | getDefaultOrientation()); setBlockOnOpen(false); if (undoContext == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null undo context"); } if (oldConstraint.getPointA().getElement() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null elementA on oldConstraint"); } if (oldConstraint.getPointB().getElement() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null elementB on oldConstraint"); } this.undoContext = undoContext; this.elementA = oldConstraint.getPointA().getElement(); this.elementB = oldConstraint.getPointB().getElement(); this.oldConstraint = oldConstraint; }
@Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) { ISelection selection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event); EList<EPlanElement> elements = getSelectedTemporalElements(selection); ECollections.sort(elements, TemporalChainUtils.CHAIN_ORDER); EPlan plan = EPlanUtils.getPlan(elements.get(0)); Map<EPlanElement, Date> startTimes = getChangedTimes(elements); // create moves for children IPlanModifier modifier = PlanModifierMember.get(plan).getModifier(); TemporalExtentsCache cache = new TemporalExtentsCache(plan); Map<EPlanElement, TemporalExtent> changedTimes = new LinkedHashMap<EPlanElement, TemporalExtent>(); for (EPlanElement element: startTimes.keySet()) { Date start = startTimes.get(element); Map<EPlanElement, TemporalExtent> extents = modifier.moveToStart(element, start, cache); changedTimes.putAll(extents); if (!extents.containsKey(element)) { TemporalMember member = element.getMember(TemporalMember.class); TemporalExtent extent = member.getExtent(); changedTimes.put(element, extent.moveToStart(start)); } } IUndoableOperation op = new SetExtentsOperation(actionVerb, plan, changedTimes, cache); IUndoContext undoContext = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(plan); CommonUtils.execute(op, undoContext); return null; }
private TemporalBoundEditOperation createPeriodicTemporalConstraintOperation(EPlanElement planElement, Amount<Duration> offset, IUndoContext undoContext) { ConstraintsMember facet = planElement.getMember(ConstraintsMember.class, true); Set<PeriodicTemporalConstraint> oldConstraints = getRelevantConstraints(facet); PeriodicTemporalConstraint newConstraint = null; for (PeriodicTemporalConstraint oldConstraint : oldConstraints) { Amount<Duration> time = getRelevantPartOfConstraint(oldConstraint); if (time.compareTo(offset) == 0) { return null; // same as an existing pin } } newConstraint = createPeriodicTemporalConstraint(planElement, offset); TemporalBoundEditOperation operation = new TemporalBoundEditOperation(getEarliestOrLatestName(), planElement, oldConstraints, newConstraint); if (undoContext != null) { operation.addContext(undoContext); } operation.addContext(undoContext); return operation; }
public static <T> void execute(String label, EcoreEList<T> list, List<T> objects) { boolean containsOne = false; for (T item : list) { if (objects.contains(item)) { containsOne = true; break; } } if (!containsOne) { return; } IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionRemoveAllOperation<T>(label, list, objects); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(list); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
@Override public void setLimit(IUndoContext context, int limit) { Assert.isTrue(limit >= 0); /* * The limit checking methods interpret a null context as a global limit * to be enforced. We do not wish to support a global limit in this * implementation, so we throw an exception for a null context. The rest * of the implementation can handle a null context, so subclasses can * override this if a global limit is desired. */ Assert.isNotNull(context); limits.put(context, new Integer(limit)); synchronized (undoRedoHistoryLock) { forceUndoLimit(context, limit); forceRedoLimit(context, limit); } }
public static void execute(EObject object, EStructuralFeature feature, Object newValue) { Object oldValue = object.eGet(feature); if (CommonUtils.equals(oldValue, newValue)) { return; } String featureName = EMFUtils.getDisplayName(object, feature); String label = "Edit " + featureName; IUndoableOperation op = new FeatureTransactionChangeOperation(label, object, feature, oldValue, newValue); op = EMFUtils.addContributorOperations(op, object, feature, oldValue, newValue); IUndoContext context = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(object); if (context != null) { op.addContext(context); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("execute", e); } } }
@Override public void runWithEvent(Event event) { MenuItem item = (MenuItem) event.widget; boolean selected = item.getSelection(); String label = "Edit " + getDisplayName(); CompositeOperation op = new CompositeOperation(label); for (EObject object : getObjects()) { if (object instanceof EPlanElement) { IItemPropertySource source = EMFUtils.adapt(object, IItemPropertySource.class); if (source != null) { IItemPropertyDescriptor pd = source.getPropertyDescriptor(object, getFeature()); op.add(getOperation(object, pd, selected, !selected)); } } } IUndoContext undoContext = getUndoContext(); CommonUtils.execute(op, undoContext); }
private IUndoContext getUndoContext() { if (getSourceViewer() instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) { IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) getSourceViewer()).getUndoManager(); if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) return ((IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager).getUndoContext(); } return null; }
public void startRecording(XtextEditor editor) { this.editor = editor; ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getInternalSourceViewer(); if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) { IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) viewer).getUndoManager(); if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) { IUndoManagerExtension undoManagerExtension = (IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager; IUndoContext undoContext = undoManagerExtension.getUndoContext(); IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); startingUndoOperation = operationHistory.getUndoOperation(undoContext); } } }
/** * closes the shell and adds new constraint to the feature model if possible * * @param featureModel * @param constraint */ private void addConstraint() { final NodeReader nodeReader = new NodeReader(); final String input = constraintText.getText().trim(); final FeatureModel featureModel = featureController.getFeatureModel(); final Node propNode = nodeReader.stringToNode(input, featureModel.getFeatureNames()); AbstractOperation op = null; if (constraint != null && featureModel.getConstraints().contains(constraint)) { int index = 0; for (Constraint c : featureModel.getConstraints()) { if (c == constraint) { op = new ConstraintEditOperation(propNode, featureModel, index); break; } index++; } } if (op == null) { op = new ConstraintCreateOperation(propNode, featureModel); } op.addContext((IUndoContext) featureModel.getUndoContext()); featureController.addFeatureExpression(input); }
@Override public Object getAdapter(Class aClass) { if (aClass == IUndoContext.class) { return undoContext; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public boolean matches(IUndoContext context) { if (this == context) return true; IUndoContext workspaceContext = (IUndoContext) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getAdapter(IUndoContext.class); if (workspaceContext == null) return false; return workspaceContext.matches(context); }
public static IUndoContext getUndoContext() { if (fRefactoringUndoContext == null) { fRefactoringUndoContext = new RefactoringUndoContext(); IUndoContext workspaceContext = (IUndoContext) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getAdapter(IUndoContext.class); if (workspaceContext instanceof ObjectUndoContext) { ((ObjectUndoContext) workspaceContext).addMatch(fRefactoringUndoContext); } IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); operationHistory.setLimit(fRefactoringUndoContext, 5); } return fRefactoringUndoContext; }
public boolean hasContext(IUndoContext context) { if (context == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < fContexts.size(); i++) { IUndoContext otherContext = (IUndoContext) fContexts.get(i); // have to check both ways because one context may be more general in // its matching rules than another. if (context.matches(otherContext) || otherContext.matches(context)) return true; } return false; }
/** * @param plan * @param operation */ public static void testUndoableOperation(EPlan plan, IUndoableOperation operation, Runnable assertPostconditions) { String initialPlanState = EMFUtils.convertToXML(plan); IUndoContext undoContext = TransactionUtils.getUndoContext(plan); // perform the operation executeOperation(operation, undoContext);; String operationExecutedState = EMFUtils.convertToXML(plan); TestCase.assertFalse("Should be different:\nState 1:\n" + initialPlanState + "State 2:\n" + operationExecutedState, initialPlanState.equals(operationExecutedState)); // undo the operation undoOperation(operation, undoContext, false); String operationUndoneState = EMFUtils.convertToXML(plan); TestCase.assertEquals("undo didn't", initialPlanState, operationUndoneState); // redo the operation redoOperation(operation, undoContext);; String operationRedoneState = EMFUtils.convertToXML(plan); TestCase.assertEquals("redo didn't", operationExecutedState, operationRedoneState); // undo the redo undoOperation(operation, undoContext, true); String redoUndoneState = EMFUtils.convertToXML(plan); TestCase.assertEquals("undo of redo didn't", initialPlanState, redoUndoneState); }
/** * Undo the given operation, which should be the next operation in the undo context. * Tests that the operation can be undone, that it is the next in the undo context, * that the undo result isOK() and that no ExecutionException is thrown. * @param operation * @param undoContext * @param undoingRedo supply true if undoing a redo, to get a different error string during failure */ public static final void undoOperation(IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext, boolean undoingRedo) { TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canUndo()); String string = "failed to undo" + (undoingRedo ? " the redo" : ""); try { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); TestCase.assertSame("the supplied operation should be next on the undo stack", operation, history.getUndoOperation(undoContext)); IStatus result = history.undo(undoContext, null, null); TestCase.assertTrue(string + ": " + operation.getLabel(), result.isOK()); } catch (ExecutionException e) {; } TestCase.assertFalse(operation.canUndo()); TestCase.assertTrue(operation.canRedo()); }
/** * Check the undo limit before adding an operation. Return a boolean * indicating whether the undo should proceed. */ private boolean checkUndoLimit(IUndoableOperation operation) { IUndoContext[] contexts = operation.getContexts(); for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { int limit = getLimit(contexts[i]); if (limit > 0) { forceUndoLimit(contexts[i], limit - 1); } else { // this context has a 0 limit operation.removeContext(contexts[i]); } } return operation.getContexts().length > 0; }
/** * Perform this suggestion * * @param undoContext * @param widget * @param site */ public void execute(IUndoContext undoContext, Widget widget, IWorkbenchPartSite site) { if (operation instanceof ISuggestionOperation) { ISuggestionOperation suggestionOperation = (ISuggestionOperation) operation; if (!suggestionOperation.preExecute()) { return; } } WidgetUtils.execute(operation, undoContext, widget, site); }
/** * Check the redo limit before adding an operation. In theory the redo limit * should never be reached, because the redo items are transferred from the * undo history, which has the same limit. The redo history is cleared * whenever a new operation is added. We check for completeness since * implementations may change over time. * * Return a boolean indicating whether the redo should proceed. */ private boolean checkRedoLimit(IUndoableOperation operation) { IUndoContext[] contexts = operation.getContexts(); for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { int limit = getLimit(contexts[i]); if (limit > 0) { forceRedoLimit(contexts[i], limit - 1); } else { // this context has a 0 limit operation.removeContext(contexts[i]); } } return operation.getContexts().length > 0; }
/** * This rule ensures the operation will run exclusively with the undo contexts it uses. * * @param operation * @return */ protected final static ISchedulingRule getSchedulingRule(IUndoableOperation operation) { IUndoContext[] contexts = operation.getContexts(); ISchedulingRule[] rules = new ISchedulingRule[contexts.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < contexts.length ; i++) { IUndoContext context = contexts[i]; rules[i] = new UndoContextRule(context); } ISchedulingRule rule = MultiRule.combine(rules); return rule; }
public UpdateDataOperation(NatTable table, DataLayer dataLayer, UpdateDataAndAutoResizeCommand command) { super("Typing"); IUndoContext undoContext = (IUndoContext) table.getData(IUndoContext.class.getName()); addContext(undoContext); Object currentValue = dataLayer.getDataProvider().getDataValue(command.getColumnPosition(), command.getRowPosition()); // Object currentValue = dataLayer.getDataValueByPosition(command2.getColumnPosition(), command2.getRowPosition()); oldValue = currentValue == null ? new UpdateDataBean() : new UpdateDataBean((String) currentValue, null, null); this.dataLayer = dataLayer; this.command = command; this.table = table; viewportLayer = LayerUtil.getLayer(table, ViewportLayer.class); }
public static IUndoContext getUndoContext(Object object) { EditingDomain d = EMFUtils.getAnyDomain(object); if (d instanceof FixedTransactionEditingDomain) { FixedTransactionEditingDomain domain = (FixedTransactionEditingDomain) d; return domain.getUndoContext(); } if (object instanceof EObject) { return EMFUtils.getUndoContext((EObject) object, d); } return null; }
/** * Update the state. */ public void updateEnabledState() { IOperationHistory opHisotry = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IUndoContext context = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getUndoContext(); if (opHisotry.canUndo(context)) { setEnabled(true); return; } if (viewer != null && !viewer.getTextWidget().isDisposed()) { setEnabled(viewer.canDoOperation(ITextOperationTarget.UNDO)); return; } setEnabled(false); }
/** * Execute the operation in the undo context, in a job. * * If the operation can not be executed, it will be disposed. * * @param operation * @param undoContext */ public static void execute(final IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext undoContext) { IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); if (undoContext != null) { operation.addContext(undoContext); } try { history.execute(operation, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // should never occur LogUtil.error(e); } }
public UpdateDataOperation(NatTable table, DataLayer dataLayer, UpdateDataCommand command) { super("Typing"); IUndoContext undoContext = (IUndoContext) table.getData(IUndoContext.class.getName()); addContext(undoContext); Object currentValue = dataLayer.getDataValueByPosition(command.getColumnPosition(), command.getRowPosition()); oldValue = currentValue == null ? new UpdateDataBean() : new UpdateDataBean((String) currentValue, null, null); this.dataLayer = dataLayer; this.command = command; this.table = table; viewportLayer = LayerUtil.getLayer(table, ViewportLayer.class); }
/** * * @param label * @param natTable * @param rowIdList * @param handler * @param lock */ public LockOperation(String label, NatTable natTable, List<String> rowIdList, XLFHandler handler, boolean lock) { super(label); IUndoContext context = (IUndoContext) natTable.getData(IUndoContext.class.getName()); addContext(context); this.table = natTable; this.rowIdList = rowIdList; this.handler = handler; this.lock = lock; }
private UpdateSegmentsOperation(XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable xliffEditor, XLFHandler handler, List<String> rowIds, int column, boolean approved, String matchType, String quality) { super("Update Segments"); this.xliffEditor = xliffEditor; this.table = xliffEditor.getTable(); IUndoContext undoContext = (IUndoContext) table.getData(IUndoContext.class.getName()); addContext(undoContext); // 绑定上下文 this.handler = handler; this.rowIds = rowIds; this.approved = approved; segmentCache = handler.getTuNodes(rowIds); // 缓存未修改前的文本段 this.matchType = matchType; this.quality = quality; }
@Override public void runWithEvent(Event event) { if (viewer != null && !viewer.getTextWidget().isDisposed()) { XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable xliffEditor = XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable.getCurrent(); // 先保存在撤销,除非以后取消两种模式,否则不要删除此判断 if (viewer.canDoOperation(ITextOperationTarget.UNDO)) { HsMultiActiveCellEditor.commit(true); } IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); IUndoContext undoContext = (IUndoContext) xliffEditor.getTable().getData(IUndoContext.class.getName()); if (history.canUndo(undoContext)) { try { history.undo(undoContext, null, null); undoBean.setCrosseStep(undoBean.getCrosseStep() + 1); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } XLIFFEditorImplWithNatTable.getCurrent().redraw(); updateActionsEnableState(); return; } if (undoAction != null) { undoAction.runWithEvent(event); return; } }
@Override public void modify(DataPoint oldDataPoint, Object value, IUndoContext undoContext) { DataPoint newDataPoint = JScienceFactory.eINSTANCE.createEDataPoint(oldDataPoint.getDate(), value); SwapProfileDataPointOperation op = new SwapProfileDataPointOperation(profile, oldDataPoint, newDataPoint); if (undoContext != null) { op.addContext(undoContext); } IOperationHistory history = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); try { history.execute(op, null, null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { LogUtil.error(e); } }