private static boolean locationNeedsParentheses(StructuralPropertyDescriptor locationInParent) { if (locationInParent instanceof ChildListPropertyDescriptor && locationInParent != InfixExpression.EXTENDED_OPERANDS_PROPERTY) { // e.g. argument lists of MethodInvocation, ClassInstanceCreation, dimensions of ArrayCreation ... return false; } if (locationInParent == VariableDeclarationFragment.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SingleVariableDeclaration.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ReturnStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == EnhancedForStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ForStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == WhileStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == DoStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == AssertStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == AssertStatement.MESSAGE_PROPERTY || locationInParent == IfStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SwitchStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SwitchCase.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ArrayAccess.INDEX_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ThrowStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SynchronizedStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ParenthesizedExpression.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY) { return false; } return true; }
private Object[] accessExpressions(ArrayAccess node) { Object[] exp = new Object[indexDepth(node)+1]; ArrayAccess a = node; int i = exp.length-1; do { Expression indexExp = a.getIndex(); if(!(indexExp instanceof SimpleName)) // TODO no modifiers return null; exp[i] = indexExp.toString(); Expression temp = a.getArray(); a = temp instanceof ArrayAccess ? (ArrayAccess) temp : null; i--; } while(i >= 0); return exp; }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { String arrayName = node.getArray().toString(); List<String> iterators = iteratorsByArray.get(arrayName); if(iterators == null) { iterators= new ArrayList<>(); } String iteratorName = node.getIndex().getNodeType() == ASTNode.INFIX_EXPRESSION ? filterIteratorName((InfixExpression) node.getIndex()) : node.getIndex().toString(); if(!iterators.contains(iteratorName)) { isArrayPrimitiveFigure = true; iterators.add(iteratorName); allIterators.add(iteratorName); iteratorsByArray.put(arrayName, iterators); System.out.println("A variavel " + iteratorName + " est� a iterar sobre a array: " + node.getArray().toString()); } return super.visit(node); }
@Override public OOGContext transfer(LoadArrayInstruction instr, OOGContext value) { // System.out.println("LoadArray: " + instr.getNode() + " O=" + // value.getO()); QualifiedClassName cthis = value.getO().getQCN(); Variable recv = instr.getSourceArray(); if (recv.resolveType().isArray()) { QualifiedClassName receiverClass = new QualifiedClassName(getRecvPreciseClass(recv, value.getO()), cthis); List<DomainP> receiverActualDomains = getReceiverActualDomains(recv, instr, value.getGamma(), cthis); if (receiverActualDomains != null) { ArrayAccess aa = (ArrayAccess) instr.getNode(); List<DomainP> formalTKDomains = getArrayAccessActualDomains(aa, cthis); if (formalTKDomains != null) { ITypeBinding fieldKClass = instr.getSourceArray().resolveType().getElementType(); value.getGamma().put(instr.getTarget(), formalTKDomains); QualifiedClassName labelClass = new QualifiedClassName(fieldKClass, cthis); Variable fk = instr.getArrayIndex(); Variable l = instr.getTarget(); addValueFlow(value, receiverClass, receiverActualDomains, labelClass, formalTKDomains, fk, formalTKDomains, l ); } } } return super.transfer(instr, value); }
private static boolean locationNeedsParentheses(StructuralPropertyDescriptor locationInParent) { if (locationInParent instanceof ChildListPropertyDescriptor && locationInParent != InfixExpression.EXTENDED_OPERANDS_PROPERTY) { // e.g. argument lists of MethodInvocation, ClassInstanceCreation, dimensions of ArrayCreation // ... return false; } if (locationInParent == VariableDeclarationFragment.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SingleVariableDeclaration.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ReturnStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == EnhancedForStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ForStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == WhileStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == DoStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == AssertStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == AssertStatement.MESSAGE_PROPERTY || locationInParent == IfStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SwitchStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SwitchCase.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ArrayAccess.INDEX_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ThrowStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == SynchronizedStatement.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY || locationInParent == ParenthesizedExpression.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Creates an {@link Assignment} as first expression appearing in a <code>for</code> loop's body. * This Assignment declares a local variable and initializes it using the array's current element * identified by the loop index. * * @param rewrite the current {@link ASTRewrite} instance * @param loopVariableName the name of the index variable in String representation * @return a completed {@link Assignment} containing the mentioned declaration and initialization */ private Assignment getForBodyAssignment(ASTRewrite rewrite, SimpleName loopVariableName) { AST ast = rewrite.getAST(); ITypeBinding loopOverType = extractElementType(ast); Assignment assignResolvedVariable = ast.newAssignment(); // left hand side SimpleName resolvedVariableName = resolveLinkedVariableNameWithProposals( rewrite, loopOverType.getName(), loopVariableName.getIdentifier(), false); VariableDeclarationFragment resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment = ast.newVariableDeclarationFragment(); resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment.setName(resolvedVariableName); VariableDeclarationExpression resolvedVariableDeclaration = ast.newVariableDeclarationExpression(resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment); resolvedVariableDeclaration.setType( getImportRewrite() .addImport( loopOverType, ast, new ContextSensitiveImportRewriteContext(fCurrentNode, getImportRewrite()))); assignResolvedVariable.setLeftHandSide(resolvedVariableDeclaration); // right hand side ArrayAccess access = ast.newArrayAccess(); access.setArray((Expression) rewrite.createCopyTarget(fCurrentExpression)); SimpleName indexName = ast.newSimpleName(loopVariableName.getIdentifier()); addLinkedPosition( rewrite.track(indexName), LinkedPositionGroup.NO_STOP, indexName.getIdentifier()); access.setIndex(indexName); assignResolvedVariable.setRightHandSide(access); assignResolvedVariable.setOperator(Assignment.Operator.ASSIGN); return assignResolvedVariable; }
private VariableReference retrieveVariableReference(ArrayAccess arrayAccess) { Expression expr = arrayAccess.getArray(); List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // TODO This is a shortcut // we need a variable reference for the index value indices.add(getArrayIndex(arrayAccess.getIndex())); while (expr instanceof ArrayAccess) { ArrayAccess current = (ArrayAccess) expr; expr = current.getArray(); indices.add(getArrayIndex(current.getIndex())); } Collections.reverse(indices); VariableReference varRef = retrieveVariableReference(expr, null); ArrayReference arrayReference = (ArrayReference) varRef; assert indices.size() == arrayReference.getArrayDimensions(); ArrayIndex arrayIndex = new ArrayIndex(testCase.getReference(), arrayReference, indices); return arrayIndex; }
@Override public void createArrayInitStmt(final CaptureLog log, final int logRecNo) { final int oid = log.objectIds.get(logRecNo); final Object[] params = log.params.get(logRecNo); final String arrTypeName = log.oidClassNames.get(log.oidRecMapping.get(oid)); final Class<?> arrType = getClassForName(arrTypeName); // --- create array instance creation e.g. int[] var = new int[10]; final ArrayType arrAstType = (ArrayType) createAstArrayType(arrTypeName, ast); final ArrayCreation arrCreationExpr = ast.newArrayCreation(); arrCreationExpr.setType(arrAstType); arrCreationExpr.dimensions().add(ast.newNumberLiteral(String.valueOf(params.length))); final String arrVarName = this.createNewVarName(oid, arrTypeName); final VariableDeclarationFragment vd = ast.newVariableDeclarationFragment(); final SimpleName arrVarNameExpr = ast.newSimpleName(arrVarName); vd.setName(arrVarNameExpr); vd.setInitializer(arrCreationExpr); final VariableDeclarationStatement varDeclStmt = ast.newVariableDeclarationStatement(vd); varDeclStmt.setType(this.createAstType(arrTypeName, ast)); methodBlock.statements().add(varDeclStmt); // create array access statements var[0] = var1; Integer paramOID; Assignment assign; ArrayAccess arrAccessExpr; for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { assign = ast.newAssignment(); arrAccessExpr = ast.newArrayAccess(); arrAccessExpr.setIndex(ast.newNumberLiteral(String.valueOf(i))); arrAccessExpr.setArray(arrVarNameExpr); assign.setLeftHandSide(arrAccessExpr); paramOID = (Integer) params[i]; if(paramOID == null) { assign.setRightHandSide(ast.newNullLiteral()); } else { assign.setRightHandSide(ast.newSimpleName(this.oidToVarMapping.get(paramOID))); } methodBlock.statements().add(assign); } }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { Expression indexExp = node.getIndex(); if(indexExp instanceof SimpleName) { SimpleName varName = (SimpleName) indexExp; System.out.println(node + " : " + varName.getIdentifier()); } return super.visit(node); }
@Override public void endVisit(ArrayAccess node) { if (skipNode(node)) { return; } processSequential(node, node.getArray(), node.getIndex()); }
/** * Returns the precedence of the expression. Expression * with higher precedence are executed before expressions * with lower precedence. * i.e. in: * <br><code> int a= ++3--;</code></br> * * the precedence order is * <ul> * <li>3</li> * <li>++</li> * <li>--</li> * <li>=</li> * </ul> * 1. 3 -(++)-> 4<br> * 2. 4 -(--)-> 3<br> * 3. 3 -(=)-> a<br> * * @param expression the expression to determine the precedence for * @return the precedence the higher to stronger the binding to its operand(s) */ public static int getExpressionPrecedence(Expression expression) { if (expression instanceof InfixExpression) { return getOperatorPrecedence(((InfixExpression)expression).getOperator()); } else if (expression instanceof Assignment) { return ASSIGNMENT; } else if (expression instanceof ConditionalExpression) { return CONDITIONAL; } else if (expression instanceof InstanceofExpression) { return RELATIONAL; } else if (expression instanceof CastExpression) { return TYPEGENERATION; } else if (expression instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof PrefixExpression) { return PREFIX; } else if (expression instanceof FieldAccess) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof ArrayAccess) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof PostfixExpression) { return POSTFIX; } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
protected List<DomainP> getArrayAccessActualDomains(ArrayAccess aa, QualifiedClassName cthis) { List<DomainP> listP = new ArrayList<DomainP>(); IVariableBinding arrVarBinding = Utils.getArrayAccessVarBinding(aa); if (arrVarBinding==null){ System.err.println("WARNING: could not handle complex array expression"); return listP; } AnnotationInfo info = VariableDeclAnnotationInfo.getInfo(arrVarBinding); if (info == null) { List<ICrystalAnnotation> annots = pointsToAnalysis.getAnnoDB().getAnnosForVariable(arrVarBinding); for (ICrystalAnnotation iCrystalAnnotation : annots) { if (iCrystalAnnotation.getName().endsWith(Constants.DOMAIN)) { Object val = iCrystalAnnotation.getObject("value"); String annot = ""; // NOTE: IMemberValuePairBinding.getValue() sometimes returns a // String, sometimes an Object[]! if (val instanceof String) { annot = (String) val; } else if (val instanceof Object[]) { Object[] arrVal = (Object[]) val; annot = (String) arrVal[0]; } AnnotationInfo anInfo = AnnotationInfo.parseAnnotation(annot); VariableDeclAnnotationInfo.putInfo(arrVarBinding, anInfo); return Utils.getListDomainP(cthis, anInfo); } } } return Utils.getListDomainP(cthis, info); }
/** * @param varBinding * @param arrayAccess * @return */ public static IVariableBinding getArrayAccessVarBinding(ArrayAccess arrayAccess) { IVariableBinding varBinding = null; Expression array = arrayAccess.getArray(); if (array instanceof SimpleName) { IBinding bind = ((SimpleName) array).resolveBinding(); if (bind instanceof IVariableBinding) { varBinding = ((IVariableBinding) bind).getVariableDeclaration(); } } else if (array instanceof ArrayAccess) { return getArrayAccessVarBinding((ArrayAccess) array); } return varBinding; }
@Override public void endVisit(ArrayAccess node) { if (node.resolveBoxing()) { ImmutableTypeVariable2 boxed = fTCModel.makeImmutableTypeVariable(node.resolveTypeBinding(), node); setConstraintVariable(node, boxed); return; } ConstraintVariable2 arrayCv = getConstraintVariable(node.getArray()); if (arrayCv == null) return; ArrayElementVariable2 arrayElementCv = fTCModel.getArrayElementVariable(arrayCv); setConstraintVariable(node, arrayElementCv); }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { Expression array = node.getArray(); if (array instanceof SimpleName && fParameter.isEqualTo(((SimpleName) array).resolveBinding())) { fArrayAccess = true; } return true; }
/** * Returns the precedence of the expression. Expression with higher precedence are executed before * expressions with lower precedence. i.e. in: <br> * <code> int a= ++3--;</code></br> * * <p>the precedence order is * * <ul> * <li>3 * <li>++ * <li>-- * <li>= * </ul> * * 1. 3 -(++)-> 4<br> * 2. 4 -(--)-> 3<br> * 3. 3 -(=)-> a<br> * * @param expression the expression to determine the precedence for * @return the precedence the higher to stronger the binding to its operand(s) */ public static int getExpressionPrecedence(Expression expression) { if (expression instanceof InfixExpression) { return getOperatorPrecedence(((InfixExpression) expression).getOperator()); } else if (expression instanceof Assignment) { return ASSIGNMENT; } else if (expression instanceof ConditionalExpression) { return CONDITIONAL; } else if (expression instanceof InstanceofExpression) { return RELATIONAL; } else if (expression instanceof CastExpression) { return TYPEGENERATION; } else if (expression instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof PrefixExpression) { return PREFIX; } else if (expression instanceof FieldAccess) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof ArrayAccess) { return POSTFIX; } else if (expression instanceof PostfixExpression) { return POSTFIX; } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
@Override public void endVisit(ArrayAccess node) { if (node.resolveBoxing()) { ImmutableTypeVariable2 boxed= fTCModel.makeImmutableTypeVariable(node.resolveTypeBinding(), node); setConstraintVariable(node, boxed); return; } ConstraintVariable2 arrayCv= getConstraintVariable(node.getArray()); if (arrayCv == null) return; ArrayElementVariable2 arrayElementCv= fTCModel.getArrayElementVariable(arrayCv); setConstraintVariable(node, arrayElementCv); }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { Expression array= node.getArray(); if (array instanceof SimpleName && fParameter.isEqualTo(((SimpleName)array).resolveBinding())) { fArrayAccess= true; } return true; }
/** * Creates an {@link Assignment} as first expression appearing in a <code>for</code> loop's * body. This Assignment declares a local variable and initializes it using the array's current * element identified by the loop index. * * @param rewrite the current {@link ASTRewrite} instance * @param loopVariableName the name of the index variable in String representation * @return a completed {@link Assignment} containing the mentioned declaration and * initialization */ private Assignment getForBodyAssignment(ASTRewrite rewrite, SimpleName loopVariableName) { AST ast= rewrite.getAST(); ITypeBinding loopOverType= extractElementType(ast); Assignment assignResolvedVariable= ast.newAssignment(); // left hand side SimpleName resolvedVariableName= resolveLinkedVariableNameWithProposals(rewrite, loopOverType.getName(), loopVariableName.getIdentifier(), false); VariableDeclarationFragment resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment= ast.newVariableDeclarationFragment(); resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment.setName(resolvedVariableName); VariableDeclarationExpression resolvedVariableDeclaration= ast.newVariableDeclarationExpression(resolvedVariableDeclarationFragment); resolvedVariableDeclaration.setType(getImportRewrite().addImport(loopOverType, ast, new ContextSensitiveImportRewriteContext(fCurrentNode, getImportRewrite()))); assignResolvedVariable.setLeftHandSide(resolvedVariableDeclaration); // right hand side ArrayAccess access= ast.newArrayAccess(); access.setArray((Expression) rewrite.createCopyTarget(fCurrentExpression)); SimpleName indexName= ast.newSimpleName(loopVariableName.getIdentifier()); addLinkedPosition(rewrite.track(indexName), LinkedPositionGroup.NO_STOP, indexName.getIdentifier()); access.setIndex(indexName); assignResolvedVariable.setRightHandSide(access); assignResolvedVariable.setOperator(Assignment.Operator.ASSIGN); return assignResolvedVariable; }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { node.getArray().accept(this); this.fBuffer.append("[");//$NON-NLS-1$ node.getIndex().accept(this); this.fBuffer.append("]");//$NON-NLS-1$ return false; }
public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { node.getArray().accept(this); this.buffer.append("[");//$NON-NLS-1$ node.getIndex().accept(this); this.buffer.append("]");//$NON-NLS-1$ return false; }
private boolean isNamedDataMember(final Expression exp) { if (exp instanceof FieldAccess) { // always has a name return true; } if (exp instanceof SuperFieldAccess) { // always has a name return true; } if (exp instanceof ArrayAccess) { // true only if the array expression is a named data member return isNamedDataMember(((ArrayAccess) exp).getArray()); } if (exp instanceof QualifiedName) { // is a name return true; } if (exp instanceof SimpleName) { // is a name return true; } // does not have a name return false; }
/** * An expression like "foo.this" can only be represented as a this expression (ThisExpression) * containing a simple name. "this" is a keyword, and therefore invalid as an identifier. * * An expression like "" can only be represented as a field access expression * (FieldAccess) containing a this expression and a simple name. Again, this is because "this" is * a keyword, and therefore invalid as an identifier. * * An expression with "super" can only be represented as a super field access expression * (SuperFieldAccess). "super" is a also keyword, and therefore invalid as an identifier. * * An expression like "" can be represented either as a qualified name (QualifiedName) or * as a field access expression (FieldAccess) containing simple names. Either is acceptable, and * there is no way to choose between them without information about what the names resolve to * (ASTParser may return either). * * Other expressions ending in an identifier, such as "foo().bar" can only be represented as field * access expressions (FieldAccess). */ private Expression lhsDef(final Expression lhs) { if (lhs instanceof FieldAccess) { return ((FieldAccess) lhs).getName(); } if (lhs instanceof SuperFieldAccess) { return ((SuperFieldAccess) lhs).getName(); } if (lhs instanceof QualifiedName) { return ((QualifiedName) lhs).getName(); } if (lhs instanceof SimpleName) { return lhs; } // multi-dimensional array access if (lhs instanceof ArrayAccess) { return lhsDef(((ArrayAccess) lhs).getArray()); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected LHS expression node: " + lhs.getClass().getName() + " --> " + lhs.toString()); }
private boolean expressionContainsTaintedVariable(Expression node) { if(node instanceof SimpleName) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((SimpleName) node); } else if (node instanceof ArrayAccess) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((ArrayAccess)node); } else if (node instanceof ArrayCreation) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((ArrayCreation)node); } else if (node instanceof CastExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((CastExpression) node); } else if (node instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((ClassInstanceCreation)node); } else if (node instanceof ConditionalExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((ConditionalExpression)node); } else if(node instanceof FieldAccess) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((FieldAccess)node); } else if(node instanceof InfixExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((InfixExpression) node); } else if(node instanceof MethodInvocation) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((MethodInvocation) node); } else if(node instanceof ParenthesizedExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((ParenthesizedExpression) node); } else if(node instanceof PostfixExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((PostfixExpression) node); } else if(node instanceof PrefixExpression) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((PrefixExpression) node); } else if(node instanceof SuperMethodInvocation) { return expressionContainsTaintedVariable((SuperMethodInvocation) node); } return false; }
protected Collection<String> expressionToString(Expression expression) { Collection<String> result = new Vector<String>(1); // Will 1 be most common case? if(expression == null) { return result; } if(expression instanceof ArrayAccess) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((ArrayAccess) expression).getArray())); } else if(expression instanceof Assignment) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((Assignment) expression).getLeftHandSide())); } else if(expression instanceof CastExpression) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((CastExpression) expression).getExpression())); }else if(expression instanceof ClassInstanceCreation) { // TODO determine if .getExpression() needs to be analysed.can't tell looking at docs result.addAll(expressionToSimpleName(CastUtils.castList(Expression.class, ((ClassInstanceCreation) expression).arguments()))); } else if(expression instanceof ConditionalExpression) { // TODO what can I put in an if statement? assignment? result.addAll(expressionToString(((ConditionalExpression) expression).getThenExpression())); result.addAll(expressionToString(((ConditionalExpression) expression).getElseExpression())); } else if(expression instanceof MethodInvocation) { result.addAll(expressionToSimpleName(CastUtils.castList(Expression.class, ((MethodInvocation) expression).arguments()))); result.addAll(expressionToString(((MethodInvocation) expression).getExpression())); } else if(expression instanceof QualifiedName) { result.add(((QualifiedName) expression).getName().getIdentifier()); } else if(expression instanceof SimpleName) { result.add(((SimpleName)expression).getIdentifier()); } else if(expression instanceof ParenthesizedExpression) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((ParenthesizedExpression) expression).getExpression())); } else if(expression instanceof PostfixExpression) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((PostfixExpression) expression).getOperand())); } else if(expression instanceof PrefixExpression) { result.addAll(expressionToString(((PrefixExpression) expression).getOperand())); } else if (expression instanceof SuperMethodInvocation) { result.addAll(expressionToSimpleName(CastUtils.castList(Expression.class, ((SuperMethodInvocation) expression).arguments()))); } return result; }
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { //System.out.println("Found: " + node.getClass() + " " + node); node.getArray().accept(this); print("["); node.getIndex().accept(this); print("]"); return false; }
/** * Resolve the binding (<em>not</em> the type binding) for the expression or a nested expression * (e.g. nested in parentheses, cast, ...). * * @param expression an expression node * @param goIntoCast iff <code>true</code>, go into a CastExpression's expression to resolve * @return the expression binding, or <code>null</code> if the expression has no binding or the * binding could not be resolved * * @since 3.5 */ public static IBinding resolveExpressionBinding(Expression expression, boolean goIntoCast) { //TODO: search for callers of resolve*Binding() methods and replace with call to this method // similar to StubUtility#getVariableNameSuggestions(int, IJavaProject, ITypeBinding, Expression, Collection) switch (expression.getNodeType()) { case ASTNode.SIMPLE_NAME: case ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME: return ((Name) expression).resolveBinding(); case ASTNode.FIELD_ACCESS: return ((FieldAccess) expression).resolveFieldBinding(); case ASTNode.SUPER_FIELD_ACCESS: return ((SuperFieldAccess) expression).resolveFieldBinding(); case ASTNode.METHOD_INVOCATION: return ((MethodInvocation) expression).resolveMethodBinding(); case ASTNode.SUPER_METHOD_INVOCATION: return ((SuperMethodInvocation) expression).resolveMethodBinding(); case ASTNode.CLASS_INSTANCE_CREATION: return ((ClassInstanceCreation) expression).resolveConstructorBinding(); case ASTNode.MARKER_ANNOTATION: case ASTNode.SINGLE_MEMBER_ANNOTATION: case ASTNode.NORMAL_ANNOTATION: return ((Annotation) expression).resolveAnnotationBinding(); case ASTNode.ARRAY_ACCESS: return resolveExpressionBinding(((ArrayAccess) expression).getArray(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.CAST_EXPRESSION: if (goIntoCast) { return resolveExpressionBinding(((CastExpression) expression).getExpression(), true); } else { return null; } case ASTNode.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding(((ParenthesizedExpression) expression).getExpression(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.PREFIX_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding(((PrefixExpression) expression).getOperand(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.POSTFIX_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding(((PostfixExpression) expression).getOperand(), goIntoCast); default: return null; } }
/** * Does the <code>expression</code> need parentheses when inserted into <code>parent</code> at * <code>locationInParent</code> ? * * @param expression the expression * @param parent the parent node * @param locationInParent location of expression in the parent * @param leftOperandType the type of the left operand in <code>parent</code> if * <code>parent</code> is an infix expression with no bindings and * <code>expression</code> is the right operand in it, <code>null</code> otherwise * @return <code>true</code> if <code>expression</code> needs parentheses, <code>false</code> * otherwise. * * @since 3.9 */ private static boolean needsParentheses(Expression expression, ASTNode parent, StructuralPropertyDescriptor locationInParent, ITypeBinding leftOperandType) { if (!expressionTypeNeedsParentheses(expression)) { return false; } if (!locationNeedsParentheses(locationInParent)) { return false; } if (parent instanceof Expression) { Expression parentExpression= (Expression)parent; if (expression instanceof PrefixExpression) { // see bug 405096 return needsParenthesesForPrefixExpression(parentExpression, ((PrefixExpression) expression).getOperator()); } if (expression instanceof ArrayCreation) { // see bug 394721 return parentExpression instanceof ArrayAccess && ((ArrayCreation) expression).getInitializer() == null; } int expressionPrecedence= OperatorPrecedence.getExpressionPrecedence(expression); int parentPrecedence= OperatorPrecedence.getExpressionPrecedence(parentExpression); if (expressionPrecedence > parentPrecedence) { //(opEx) opParent and opEx binds more -> parentheses not needed return false; } if (expressionPrecedence < parentPrecedence) { //(opEx) opParent and opEx binds less -> parentheses needed return true; } //(opEx) opParent binds equal if (parentExpression instanceof InfixExpression) { return needsParenthesesInInfixExpression(expression, (InfixExpression) parentExpression, locationInParent, leftOperandType); } if (parentExpression instanceof ConditionalExpression && locationInParent == ConditionalExpression.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY) { return true; } return false; } return true; }
public static Type guessTypeForReference(AST ast, ASTNode node) { ASTNode parent= node.getParent(); while (parent != null) { switch (parent.getNodeType()) { case ASTNode.VARIABLE_DECLARATION_FRAGMENT: if (((VariableDeclarationFragment) parent).getInitializer() == node) { return ASTNodeFactory.newType(ast, (VariableDeclaration) parent); } return null; case ASTNode.SINGLE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION: if (((VariableDeclarationFragment) parent).getInitializer() == node) { return ASTNodeFactory.newType(ast, (VariableDeclaration) parent); } return null; case ASTNode.ARRAY_ACCESS: if (!((ArrayAccess) parent).getIndex().equals(node)) { Type type= guessTypeForReference(ast, parent); if (type != null) { return ASTNodeFactory.newArrayType(type); } } return null; case ASTNode.FIELD_ACCESS: if (node.equals(((FieldAccess) parent).getName())) { node= parent; parent= parent.getParent(); } else { return null; } break; case ASTNode.SUPER_FIELD_ACCESS: case ASTNode.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION: node= parent; parent= parent.getParent(); break; case ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME: if (node.equals(((QualifiedName) parent).getName())) { node= parent; parent= parent.getParent(); } else { return null; } break; default: return null; } } return null; }
@Override public OOGContext transfer(LoadArrayInstruction instr, OOGContext value) { // System.out.println("LoadArray: " + instr.getNode() + " O=" + // value.getO()); QualifiedClassName cthis = value.getO().getQCN(); Variable recv = instr.getSourceArray(); if (recv.resolveType().isArray()) { QualifiedClassName receiverClass = new QualifiedClassName(getRecvPreciseClass(recv, value.getO()), cthis); List<DomainP> receiverActualDomains = getReceiverActualDomains(recv, instr, value.getGamma(), cthis); if (receiverActualDomains!=null){ ArrayAccess aa = (ArrayAccess) instr.getNode(); List<DomainP> formalTKDomains = getArrayAccessActualDomains(aa, cthis); if (Utils.getArrayAccessVarBinding(aa)==null){ int debug = 0; debug++; Expression array = aa.getArray(); Variable accessedArrayOperand = instr.getAccessedArrayOperand(); List<DomainP> list = value.getGamma().get(accessedArrayOperand); } if (formalTKDomains != null) { ITypeBinding fieldKClass = instr.getSourceArray().resolveType().getElementType(); //value.getGamma().put(instr.getTarget(), formalTKDomains); TraceabilityEntry tLink = traceabilityFactory.createTraceability(instr, value.getO()); QualifiedClassName labelClass = new QualifiedClassName(fieldKClass, cthis); if (!auxImport(value, receiverClass, receiverActualDomains, labelClass, formalTKDomains, tLink)) this.pointsToAnalysis.addWarning(instr.getNode(), IMPORT_EDGE_NOT_ADDED); else{ //do nothing; } } else { // cannot find formal domains for the array throw new IllegalStateException("Domains not found for the array: " + instr.getNode()); } } else { // this should never happen } } else{ //cannot find actual domains for the receiver returnWarning(instr.getNode(),recv); } return super.transfer(instr, value); }
/** * Resolve the binding (<em>not</em> the type binding) for the expression or a nested expression * (e.g. nested in parentheses, cast, ...). * * @param expression an expression node * @param goIntoCast iff <code>true</code>, go into a CastExpression's expression to resolve * @return the expression binding, or <code>null</code> if the expression has no binding or the * binding could not be resolved * @see StubUtility#getVariableNameSuggestions(int, IJavaProject, ITypeBinding, Expression, * java.util.Collection) * @since 3.5 */ public static IBinding resolveExpressionBinding(Expression expression, boolean goIntoCast) { // TODO: search for callers of resolve*Binding() methods and replace with call to this method // similar to StubUtility#getVariableNameSuggestions(int, IJavaProject, ITypeBinding, // Expression, Collection) switch (expression.getNodeType()) { case ASTNode.SIMPLE_NAME: case ASTNode.QUALIFIED_NAME: return ((Name) expression).resolveBinding(); case ASTNode.FIELD_ACCESS: return ((FieldAccess) expression).resolveFieldBinding(); case ASTNode.SUPER_FIELD_ACCESS: return ((SuperFieldAccess) expression).resolveFieldBinding(); case ASTNode.METHOD_INVOCATION: return ((MethodInvocation) expression).resolveMethodBinding(); case ASTNode.SUPER_METHOD_INVOCATION: return ((SuperMethodInvocation) expression).resolveMethodBinding(); case ASTNode.CLASS_INSTANCE_CREATION: return ((ClassInstanceCreation) expression).resolveConstructorBinding(); case ASTNode.MARKER_ANNOTATION: case ASTNode.SINGLE_MEMBER_ANNOTATION: case ASTNode.NORMAL_ANNOTATION: return ((Annotation) expression).resolveAnnotationBinding(); case ASTNode.ARRAY_ACCESS: return resolveExpressionBinding(((ArrayAccess) expression).getArray(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.CAST_EXPRESSION: if (goIntoCast) { return resolveExpressionBinding(((CastExpression) expression).getExpression(), true); } else { return null; } case ASTNode.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding( ((ParenthesizedExpression) expression).getExpression(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.PREFIX_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding(((PrefixExpression) expression).getOperand(), goIntoCast); case ASTNode.POSTFIX_EXPRESSION: return resolveExpressionBinding(((PostfixExpression) expression).getOperand(), goIntoCast); default: return null; } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endVisit(ArrayAccess node) { logger.warn("Method endVisitArrayAccess for " + node + " for " + node + " not implemented!"); super.endVisit(node); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) { logger.warn("Method visitArrayAccess for " + node + " for " + node + " not implemented!"); return super.visit(node); }
@Override public boolean visit(final ArrayAccess node) { return false; }