public Ref execute() { try { final Ref value = repo.getRefDatabase().getRef(name); if (value != null) { return value; } final ObjectId treeRef = repo.resolve(name + "^{tree}"); if (treeRef != null) { final ObjectLoader loader = repo.getObjectDatabase().newReader().open(treeRef); if (loader.getType() == OBJ_TREE) { return new ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag(Ref.Storage.NEW, name, ObjectId.fromString(name), treeRef); } } } catch (final Exception ignored) { } return null; }
private void symRef(final Git git, final String name, final String dst) throws { commit(git.getRepository(), null, (reader, tree) -> { Ref old = tree.exactRef(reader, name); Ref newx = tree.exactRef(reader, dst); final Command n; if (newx != null) { n = new Command(old, new SymbolicRef(name, newx)); } else { n = new Command(old, new SymbolicRef(name, new ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled(Ref.Storage.NEW, dst, null))); } return tree.apply(Collections.singleton(n)); }); }
/** * Parses a Cassandra refs table row and converts it to a Ref * * @param row a single Cassandra row to parse * @return a ref, or null if the "row" parameter is null * @throws IOException if an exception occurs when communicating to the * database * @throws IllegalStateException if the "type" field read back from the * database is not one of the four handled * types (@see RefType). */ private Ref rowToRef(Row row) throws IOException { if (row == null) { return null; } final String name = row.getString("name"); final String value = row.getString("value"); final int refType = row.getInt("type"); if (refType == RefType.PEELED_NONTAG.getValue()) { return new ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag(Ref.Storage.NETWORK, name, ObjectId.fromString(value)); } else if (refType == RefType.PEELED_TAG.getValue()) { final String auxValue = row.getString("aux_value"); return new ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag(Ref.Storage.NETWORK, name, ObjectId.fromString(value), ObjectId.fromString(auxValue)); } else if (refType == RefType.UNPEELED.getValue()) { return new ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled(Ref.Storage.NETWORK, name, ObjectId.fromString(value)); } else if (refType == RefType.SYMBOLIC.getValue()) { return new SymbolicRef(name, get(value)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled ref type: " + refType); } }
/** * Inserts a single ref into the database * * @throws IllegalStateException if the reference concrete type is not * one of the four handled classes * (@see RefType). */ private void putRef(String name, Ref r) throws IOException { if (r instanceof SymbolicRef) { putRow(name, RefType.SYMBOLIC, r.getTarget().getName(), ""); } else if (r instanceof ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag) { putRow(name, RefType.PEELED_NONTAG, r.getObjectId().name(), ""); } else if (r instanceof ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag) { putRow(name, RefType.PEELED_TAG, r.getObjectId().name(), r.getPeeledObjectId().toString()); } else if (r instanceof ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled) { putRow(name, RefType.UNPEELED, r.getObjectId().name(), ""); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled ref type: " + r); } }
private static Ref toRef(final RevWalk rw, final ObjectId id, final String name, final boolean mustExist) throws IOException { if (ObjectId.zeroId().equals(id)) { return null; } try { RevObject o = rw.parseAny(id); if (o instanceof RevTag) { RevObject p = rw.peel(o); return new ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag(NETWORK, name, id, p.copy()); } return new ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag(NETWORK, name, id); } catch (MissingObjectException e) { if (mustExist) { throw e; } return new ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled(NETWORK, name, id); } }
public BranchTest() { this.branchSHA1 = "fa71f704f9b90fa1f857d1623f3fe33fa2277ca9"; this.branchName = "origin/master"; this.branchHead = ObjectId.fromString(branchSHA1); this.refPrefix = "refs/remotes/"; this.branchRef = new ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag(Ref.Storage.NEW, refPrefix + branchName, branchHead); this.branch = new Branch(branchName, branchHead); this.branchFromRef = new Branch(branchRef); }
@Test public void constructorRefArgStripped() { Ref ref = new ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag(Ref.Storage.LOOSE, refPrefix + branchName, branchHead); Branch strippedBranch = new Branch(ref); assertThat(strippedBranch.getName(), is(branchName)); }