Java 类org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.MessageConsumer 实例源码

项目:lsp4j    文件   
@Test public void testNullResponse() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    Endpoint endpoint = ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(this);
    Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> methods = ServiceEndpoints.getSupportedMethods(LanguageServer.class);
    MessageJsonHandler handler = new MessageJsonHandler(methods);
    List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<>();
    MessageConsumer consumer = (message) -> {
    RemoteEndpoint re = new RemoteEndpoint(consumer, endpoint);

    RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
    Assert.assertEquals("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"1\",\"result\":null}", handler.serialize(msgs.get(0)));
    shutdownReturn = new Object();
    Assert.assertEquals("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"1\",\"result\":{}}", handler.serialize(msgs.get(0)));
项目:dsp4e    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote interface and an input and output stream.
 * Threads are started with the given executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * The {@code configureGson} function can be used to register additional type adapters in the {@link GsonBuilder}
 * in order to support protocol classes that cannot be handled by Gson's reflective capabilities.
 * @param localService - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
 * @param configureGson - a function for Gson configuration
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
        ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper, Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson) {
    Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> supportedMethods = new LinkedHashMap<String, JsonRpcMethod>();

    if (localService instanceof JsonRpcMethodProvider) {
        JsonRpcMethodProvider rpcMethodProvider = (JsonRpcMethodProvider) localService;
    } else {

    MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler = new DebugMessageJsonHandler(supportedMethods, configureGson);
    MessageConsumer outGoingMessageStream = new StreamMessageConsumer(out, jsonHandler);
    outGoingMessageStream = wrapper.apply(outGoingMessageStream);
    RemoteEndpoint serverEndpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(outGoingMessageStream, ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(localService));
    // wrap incoming message stream
    MessageConsumer messageConsumer = wrapper.apply(serverEndpoint);
    StreamMessageProducer reader = new StreamMessageProducer(in, jsonHandler);

    T remoteProxy = ServiceEndpoints.toServiceObject(serverEndpoint, remoteInterface);

    return new DebugLauncher<T> () {

        public Future<?> startListening() {
            return ConcurrentMessageProcessor.startProcessing(reader, messageConsumer, executorService);

        public T getRemoteProxy() {
            return remoteProxy;

项目:SOMns-vscode    文件   
public static Future<?> startProcessing(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer,
        ExecutorService executorService) {
    ConcurrentMessageProcessor reader = new ConcurrentMessageProcessor(messageProducer, messageConsumer);
    final Future<?> result = executorService.submit(reader);
    return new Future<Object>() {

    public Object get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        return result.get();

    public Object get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        return result.get(timeout, unit);

    public boolean isDone() {
        return result.isDone();

    public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
        if (mayInterruptIfRunning && messageProducer instanceof Closeable) {
            try {
                ((Closeable) messageProducer).close();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return result.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);

    public boolean isCancelled() {
        return result.isCancelled();
项目:xtext-languageserver-example    文件   
static <T> Launcher<T> createSocketLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, SocketAddress socketAddress, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) throws IOException {
    AsynchronousServerSocketChannel serverSocket =;
    AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel;
    try {
        socketChannel = serverSocket.accept().get();
        return Launcher.createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, Channels.newInputStream(socketChannel), Channels.newOutputStream(socketChannel), executorService, wrapper);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
    return null;
项目:xtext-languageserver-example    文件   
static <T> Launcher<T> createSocketLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface,
        SocketAddress socketAddress, ExecutorService executorService,
        Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper, InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
        throws IOException {
    return Launcher.createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, inputStream, outputStream, executorService,
项目    文件   
public MessageConsumer apply(final MessageConsumer consumer) {
    //inject our own consumer to refresh the timestamp
    return message -> {
项目:lsp4j    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote
 * interface and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation
 * and tracing can be included. The {@code configureGson} function can be used
 * to register additional type adapters in the {@link GsonBuilder} in order to
 * support protocol classes that cannot be handled by Gson's reflective
 * capabilities.
 * @param localService
 *            - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface
 *            - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in
 *            - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out
 *            - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService
 *            - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper
 *            - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
 * @param configureGson
 *            - a function for Gson configuration
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in,
        OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper,
        Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson) {
    Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> supportedMethods = new LinkedHashMap<String, JsonRpcMethod>();

    if (localService instanceof JsonRpcMethodProvider) {
        JsonRpcMethodProvider rpcMethodProvider = (JsonRpcMethodProvider) localService;
    } else {

    MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler = new DebugMessageJsonHandler(supportedMethods, configureGson);
    MessageConsumer outGoingMessageStream = new StreamMessageConsumer(out, jsonHandler);
    outGoingMessageStream = wrapper.apply(outGoingMessageStream);
    RemoteEndpoint serverEndpoint = new DebugRemoteEndpoint(outGoingMessageStream,
    // wrap incoming message stream
    MessageConsumer messageConsumer = wrapper.apply(serverEndpoint);
    StreamMessageProducer reader = new StreamMessageProducer(in, jsonHandler);

    T remoteProxy = ServiceEndpoints.toServiceObject(serverEndpoint, remoteInterface);

    return new DebugLauncher<T>() {

        public Future<?> startListening() {
            return ConcurrentMessageProcessor.startProcessing(reader, messageConsumer, executorService);

        public T getRemoteProxy() {
            return remoteProxy;

项目:lsp4j    文件   
public static Future<?> startProcessing(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer,
        ExecutorService executorService) {
    ConcurrentMessageProcessor reader = new ConcurrentMessageProcessor(messageProducer, messageConsumer);
    final Future<?> result = executorService.submit(reader);
    return new Future<Object>() {

    public Object get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        return result.get();

    public Object get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        return result.get(timeout, unit);

    public boolean isDone() {
        return result.isDone();

    public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
        if (mayInterruptIfRunning && messageProducer instanceof Closeable) {
            try {
                ((Closeable) messageProducer).close();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return result.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);

    public boolean isCancelled() {
        return result.isCancelled();
项目:SOMns-vscode    文件   
public static Launcher<LanguageClient> createServerLauncher(LanguageServer server, InputStream in, OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return Launcher.createLauncher(server, LanguageClient.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:SOMns-vscode    文件   
public static Launcher<LanguageServer> createClientLauncher(LanguageClient client, InputStream in, OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return Launcher.createLauncher(client, LanguageServer.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:SOMns-vscode    文件   
public ReflectiveMessageValidator(final MessageConsumer delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;
项目:SOMns-vscode    文件   
public ConcurrentMessageProcessor(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer) {
    this.messageProducer = messageProducer;
    this.messageConsumer = messageConsumer;
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public static Launcher<LanguageClient> createServerLauncher(LanguageServer server, InputStream in, OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return Launcher.createLauncher(server, LanguageClient.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public static Launcher<LanguageServer> createClientLauncher(LanguageClient client, InputStream in, OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return Launcher.createLauncher(client, LanguageServer.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public DebugRemoteEndpoint(MessageConsumer out, Endpoint localEndpoint) {
    super(out, localEndpoint);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public DebugRemoteEndpoint(MessageConsumer out, Endpoint localEndpoint,
        Function<Throwable, ResponseError> exceptionHandler) {
    super(out, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public static Launcher<IDebugProtocolClient> createServerLauncher(IDebugProtocolServer server, InputStream in,
        OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return DebugLauncher.createLauncher(server, IDebugProtocolClient.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public static Launcher<IDebugProtocolServer> createClientLauncher(IDebugProtocolClient client, InputStream in,
        OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return DebugLauncher.createLauncher(client, IDebugProtocolServer.class, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public ReflectiveMessageValidator(final MessageConsumer delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;
项目:lsp4j    文件   
public ConcurrentMessageProcessor(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer) {
    this.messageProducer = messageProducer;
    this.messageConsumer = messageConsumer;
项目:lsp4j    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote
 * interface and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation
 * and tracing can be included.
 * @param localService
 *            - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface
 *            - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in
 *            - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out
 *            - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService
 *            - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper
 *            - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in,
        OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson = gsonBuilder -> {
    return createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, in, out, executorService, wrapper, configureGson);
项目:dsp4e    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote interface and an input and output stream.
 * Threads are started with the given executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * @param localService - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
        ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, in, out, executorService, wrapper);
项目:dsp4e    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote interface and an input and output stream.
 * Threads are started with the given executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * @param localService - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
        ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson = gsonBuilder -> {};
    return createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, in, out, executorService, wrapper, configureGson);
项目:lsp4j    文件   
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote
 * interface and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation
 * and tracing can be included.
 * @param localService
 *            - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface
 *            - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in
 *            - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out
 *            - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService
 *            - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper
 *            - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
static <T> DebugLauncher<T> createLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in,
        OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
    return createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, in, out, executorService, wrapper);