void initializeColors() { Display display = Display.getDefault(); colors = new Color[] { new Color(display, new RGB(0, 0, 0)), // black new Color(display, new RGB(128, 0, 0)), // red new Color(display, new RGB(0, 128, 0)), // green new Color(display, new RGB(0, 0, 128)) // blue }; tokenColors = new int[MAXIMUM_TOKEN]; tokenColors[OTHER] = 0; tokenColors[NUMBER] = 0; tokenColors[WORD] = 0; tokenColors[WHITE] = 0; tokenColors[COMMENT] = 1; tokenColors[STRING] = 2; tokenColors[KEY] = 3; }
/** * Create instance. */ public TestProgressBar(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); // damn you, SWT color management // Color sample is form: http://www.colorpicker.com/c6f2b1 colorSkipped = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 230, 232, 235); colorPassed = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 198, 242, 177); colorFailed = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 242, 188, 177); colorError = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 242, 188, 177); colorFixme = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 177, 231, 242); addPaintListener((ev) -> { onPaint(ev.gc); }); addDisposeListener((ev) -> { onDispose(); }); }
/** * Returns the color this widget will use for the given status. This allows {@link TestResultsView} to reuse these * colors. */ /* package */final Color getColorForStatus(TestStatus status) { if (status != null) { switch (status) { case SKIPPED_IGNORE: //$FALL-THROUGH$ case SKIPPED_PRECONDITION: //$FALL-THROUGH$ case SKIPPED_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: //$FALL-THROUGH$ case SKIPPED: return colorSkipped; case PASSED: return colorPassed; case SKIPPED_FIXME: return colorFixme; case FAILED: return colorFailed; case ERROR: return colorError; default: break; } } return getCurrent().getSystemColor(COLOR_WHITE); }
@Override public void update(ViewerCell cell) { AvroNode node = nodeConverter.convertToAvroNode(cell.getElement()); String text = labelProvider.getText(node); Image image = labelProvider.getImage(node); StyleRange[] styleRanges = labelProvider.getStyleRanges(node); cell.setText(text); cell.setImage(image); cell.setStyleRanges(styleRanges); Color backgroundColor = labelProvider.getBackgroundColor(node); if (backgroundColor != null) { cell.setBackground(backgroundColor); } super.update(cell); }
private String displayMessage(String msg, Color color) { String formattedDate = dateFormatter.format(System.currentTimeMillis()); String timeMsg = formattedDate + msg; Message m = null; synchronized (msgStack) { if (!msgStack.isEmpty()) { // merge messages for better performance Message lastM = msgStack.lastElement(); if (lastM != null && lastM.color == color) { msgStack.remove(msgStack.size() - 1); m = new Message(lastM.msg + "\n" + timeMsg, color); } } if (m == null) { m = new Message(timeMsg, color); } msgStack.push(m); } Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { asyncDisplayMessages(); } }); return msg; }
public AbstractNodeFigure(AbstractNodeElement node,Image icon){ this.node=node; BorderLayout layout=new BorderLayout(); this.setLayoutManager(layout); ImageFigure iconFigure=new ImageFigure(icon); this.add(iconFigure,BorderLayout.LEFT); this.label=new Label(this.node.getLabel()); this.label.setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.black); this.add(this.label,BorderLayout.CENTER); this.setAntialias(SWT.ON); RGB rgb=Activator.getPreference().getBorderColor(); this.setForegroundColor(new Color(null,rgb.red,rgb.green,rgb.blue)); rgb=Activator.getPreference().getBackgroundColor(); this.setBackgroundColor(new Color(null,rgb.red,rgb.green,rgb.blue)); this.setLineWidth(2); }
/** * The function will change selected text background color. * @param styledText * @param text * @param foreground * @param background */ public void allButtonListener(StyledText styledText, String text, Color foreground, Color background, Label label){ logger.debug("StyledText All button selected"); int index = 0; int recordCount = 0; if(styledText == null){return;} for(;index < styledText.getText().length();){ int lastIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(StringUtils.lowerCase(styledText.getText()), StringUtils.lowerCase(text), index); if(lastIndex < 0){return;} else{ setStyledRange(styledText, lastIndex, text.length(), null, background); index = lastIndex + 1; recordCount++ ; label.setVisible(true); label.setText("Matching count - " + recordCount); } } }
private void setStyledText(ViewerCell cell, TreeObject obj) { /* Calcul du texte. */ String mainText = obj.getMainText(); if (mainText == null) { return; } String subText = obj.getSubText(); String subTextFinal = subText == null ? "" : (" : " + subText); String fullText = mainText + subTextFinal; cell.setText(fullText); /* Calcul du style. */ List<StyleRange> styles = new ArrayList<>(); StyleRange styleMainText = new StyleRange(0, mainText.length(), null, null); styles.add(styleMainText); if (!subTextFinal.isEmpty()) { Display display = Display.getCurrent(); Color blue = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_YELLOW); StyleRange styleSubText = new StyleRange(mainText.length(), subTextFinal.length(), blue, null); styles.add(styleSubText); } cell.setStyleRanges(styles.toArray(new StyleRange[0])); }
/** * This method initializes composite * */ private void createComposite() { GridData gridData7 = new org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData(); gridData7.horizontalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL; gridData7.verticalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.CENTER; GridData gridData4 = new org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData(); gridData4.horizontalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL; gridData4.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = false; gridData4.verticalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.CENTER; GridLayout gridLayout4 = new GridLayout(); gridLayout4.numColumns = 2; compositeOutputFooter = new Composite(compositeOutput, SWT.NONE); compositeOutputFooter.setBackground(new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 162, 194, 250)); compositeOutputFooter.setLayout(gridLayout4); compositeOutputFooter.setLayoutData(gridData4); }
private ValueSourceImpl( String _name, int _index, Color[] _colours, boolean _is_up, boolean _trimmable, boolean _is_dotted ) { name = _name; index = _index; colours = _colours; is_up = _is_up; trimmable = _trimmable; is_dotted = _is_dotted; }
public static void updateColor(TableCell cell, DownloadManager dm, boolean show_errors ) { if (dm == null || cell == null) return; if ( show_errors ){ if ( dm.isTrackerError()){ cell.setForegroundToErrorColor(); return; } } TRTrackerScraperResponse response = dm.getTrackerScrapeResponse(); if (response instanceof TRTrackerBTScraperResponseImpl && response.getStatus() == TRTrackerScraperResponse.ST_ONLINE) { boolean bMultiHashScrapes = ((TRTrackerBTScraperResponseImpl) response).getTrackerStatus().getSupportsMultipeHashScrapes(); Color color = (bMultiHashScrapes) ? null : Colors.grey; cell.setForeground(Utils.colorToIntArray(color)); }else{ cell.setForeground(Utils.colorToIntArray(null)); } }
/** * Dispose of all the cached {@link Color}'s. */ public static void disposeColors() { for (Color color : m_colorMap.values()) { color.dispose(); } m_colorMap.clear(); }
private Color toColor(OutputStreamType type) { switch (type) { case STD_OUT: return getDisplay().getSystemColor(COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND); case STD_ERR: return getDisplay().getSystemColor(COLOR_RED); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected output stream type."); } }
protected void initialize() { GridData gridData = new org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData(); gridData.horizontalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL; gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true; gridData.verticalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL; cicsData = new Text(this, SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL); cicsData.setEditable(false); cicsData.setBackground(new Color(null,253,253,244)); cicsData.setFont(new Font(null,"Courier New",10,1)); cicsData.setLayoutData(gridData); cicsData.setText(""); this.setLayout(new GridLayout()); setSize(new Point(300, 200)); }
/** * Delegating to the <code>TwistieLabel</code> * @param color */ public void setTwistieForeground(Color color) { if (null != label && !label.isDisposed()) { label.setTwistieForeground(color); } }
@Override public Color getBackground(Object element, int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex == 1) { final ResultNode node = (ResultNode) element; if (node.isLeaf()) { // show actual status return progressBar.getColorForStatus(node.getStatus()); } else { // show aggregated status of children return progressBar.getColorForStatus(node.getChildrenStatus().getAggregatedStatus()); } } return null; }
public static void drawPie(GC gc,int x, int y,int width,int height,int percent) { Color background = gc.getBackground(); gc.setForeground(Colors.blue); int angle = (percent * 360) / 100; if(angle<4) angle = 0; // workaround fillArc rendering bug gc.setBackground(Colors.white); gc.fillArc(x,y,width,height,0,360); gc.setBackground(background); gc.fillArc(x,y,width,height,90,angle*-1); gc.drawOval(x , y , width-1, height-1); }
/** * This test checks that the 'energy' scannable changed the default * bounds to its bounds (35000) * @throws Exception */ @Test public void checkRedWhenOutOfBounds() throws Exception { try { model.addRange(35000.1, 45000, 100); synchExec(()->controller.beanToUI()); Color red = new Color(bot.getDisplay(), 255, 0, 0, 255); assertEquals(red, bot.styledText(0).foregroundColor()); assertEquals(red, bot.styledText(1).foregroundColor()); } finally { model.clear(); } }
public static Color getColor(RGB rgb) { if (!colors.containsKey(rgb)) { RGB rgbKey = new RGB(rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue); Color rgbColor = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue); colors.put(rgbKey, rgbColor); } return colors.get(rgb); }
@Override public void setForeground(Color color) { if (null != label && !label.isDisposed()) { label.setForeground(color); } if (null != content && !content.isDisposed()) { content.setForeground(color); } super.setForeground(color); }
/** Sets the color of the {@link GC} depending on the edge type. */ void setColor(GC gc) { Display displ = Display.getCurrent(); Color color = GraphUtils.getColor(50, 50, 50); if (isDead || cfTypes.contains(ControlFlowType.DeadCode)) { color = displ.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GRAY); } else { for (ControlFlowType cfType : cfTypes) { switch (cfType) { case LoopEnter: case LoopReenter: case LoopInfinite: case Break: case Continue: case Return: color = displ.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE); break; case Throw: color = displ.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_RED); break; default: break; } } } gc.setForeground(color); }
/** Constructor */ public Node(Object element, String title, String description, Color color, float x, float y, float width, float height) { this.element = element; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.color = color; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; }
private ValueSourceImpl( TagFeatureRateLimit _tag, String _name, int _index, Color[] _colours, boolean _is_up ) { tag = _tag; name = _name; index = _index; colours = _colours; is_up = _is_up; }
/** returns {@link Color} based on the provided {@link RGB} color. */ public static Color getColor(RGB rgb) { if (!colors.containsKey(rgb)) { colors.put( new RGB(rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue), new Color(Display.getCurrent(), rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue)); } return colors.get(rgb); }
@Override public void setBackgroundColor(Color background) { super.setBackgroundColor(background); if (isBrowserNotDisposed()) { browser.setBackground(background); } }
/** * This method initializes compositeOutputHeader * */ private void createCompositeOutputHeader() { final Color background = getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND); GridLayout gridLayout3 = new GridLayout(); gridLayout3.numColumns = 2; GridData gridData1 = new org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData(); gridData1.horizontalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.FILL; gridData1.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gridData1.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false; gridData1.verticalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.BEGINNING; compositeOutputHeader = new Composite(compositeOutput, SWT.NONE); compositeOutputHeader.setBackground(background); compositeOutputHeader.setLayoutData(gridData1); compositeOutputHeader.setLayout(gridLayout3); createToolBar(); GridData gridData6 = new org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData(); gridData6.horizontalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.END; gridData6.heightHint = 16; gridData6.widthHint = 104; gridData6.verticalAlignment = org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData.BEGINNING; canvas = new Canvas(compositeOutputHeader, SWT.NONE); canvas.setLayoutData(gridData6); canvas.setVisible(true); }
public PluginDialog(Shell shell) { super(shell); this.display = Display.getDefault(); fontName = display.getSystemFont().getFontData()[0].getName(); backColor = new Color(display, 244, 244, 244); rowColorSelection = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE); titleFont = new Font(display, fontName, getTitleFontSize(), SWT.NORMAL); topFont = new Font(display, fontName, getTopFontSize(), SWT.NORMAL); }
@Override public Color getForeground(Object element) { final Color res; if (colorProvider == null) { res = null; } else { res = colorProvider.getForeground(element); } return res; }
/** * Construct the DiskMapTab. */ public DiskMapTab(CTabFolder tabFolder, FormattedDisk disk) { this.disk = disk; // these items are reused; need to dispose of them when done! freeFill = new Color(tabFolder.getDisplay(), 100,200,100); usedFill = new Color(tabFolder.getDisplay(), 200,100,100); black = new Color(tabFolder.getDisplay(), 0,0,0); gray = new Color(tabFolder.getDisplay(), 50,50,50); createDiskMapTab(tabFolder); }
private Control createDialogArea(Composite shell) { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 1; shell.setLayout(layout); lblStep = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE); lblStep.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false)); lblStep.setText("Step 1 / 999"); lblMessage = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE); lblMessage.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false)); lblMessage.setText("Idle"); pbProg = new ProgressBar(shell, SWT.SMOOTH | SWT.INDETERMINATE); pbProg.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false)); pbProg.setMaximum(1000); pbProg.setSelection(0); pbProg.setSelection(256); final Label lblSeparator = new Label(shell, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL); lblSeparator.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false)); txtLog = new Text(shell, SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); txtLog.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, true)); txtLog.setEditable(false); txtLog.setBackground(new Color(shell.getDisplay(), 10,10,10)); txtLog.setForeground(new Color(shell.getDisplay(), 200,200,200)); shell.layout(); return shell; }
@Override public void setForeground ( final RGB color ) { if ( color != null ) { this.gc.setForeground ( (Color)this.resourceManager.get ( ColorDescriptor.createFrom ( color ) ) ); } else { this.gc.setForeground ( this.gc.getDevice ().getSystemColor ( SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND ) ); } }
@Override public Color getForeground(Object ofield) { Color ret = super.getForeground(ofield); if (ret!=null) return ret; if (ofield instanceof FieldValue && viewer.isValidationError((FieldValue)ofield)) { return Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_RED); } else { return null; } }
/** * Draw a box on the screen. The shadowed box is only drawn if there is * enough space within the box; otherwise, the box is just filled in with * the fill color. Additionally, drawBox ensures that a square is drawn. */ protected void drawBox(Rectangle box, GC gc, Color fill, Color outline, Color shadow) { if (box.width >= 10 && box.height >= 10) { // square the rectangle shape: int size = Math.min(box.height, box.width); box.height = size + ((box.height - size) / 2); box.width = size + ((box.width - size) / 2); // offset internal box: box.x+= 2; box.y+= 2; box.width-= 5; box.height-= 5; // draw! gc.setBackground(shadow); gc.fillRectangle(box); box.x-= 2; box.y-= 2; gc.setBackground(fill); gc.fillRectangle(box); gc.setForeground(outline); gc.drawRectangle(box); } else { // just fill: gc.setBackground(fill); gc.fillRectangle(box); } }
public static Color getSystemColor (Device d, int id) { if (Utils.isGTK3) { if (id == SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND) { return ColorCache.getColor(d, 0, 0,0 ); } if (id == SWT.COLOR_INFO_FOREGROUND) { return ColorCache.getColor(d, 255, 255,255 ); } } return d.getSystemColor(id); }
@Override public void setBackground(Color color) { if (null != label && !label.isDisposed()) { label.setBackground(color); } if (null != content && !content.isDisposed()) { content.setBackground(color); } super.setBackground(color); }
public Style ( final Image[] images, final Color[] foregroundColor, final Color[] backgroundColor, final Font[] font ) { this.images = images; this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.font = font; }
/** deal with not justified and large string * this is because large string may block Eclipse UI */ protected void safePrint(String message, final Color c, final int style, IProgressMonitor monitor){ try { String justifiedMsg = justifyMessage(message); if(justifiedMsg.length() > LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE){ // deal with large messages ... chunk the message int nbChunk = justifiedMsg.length()/LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE; monitor.beginTask("writing large string to the console", nbChunk+1); int start, end= 0; for(int i = 0; i< nbChunk; i++){ start = LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE*i; end = LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE*i + LARGE_MESSAGE_SIZE; changeStream(); safeChangeStyle(c, style); ((IOConsoleOutputStream)getOutputStream()).write(justifiedMsg.substring(start, end)); monitor.worked(1); } changeStream(); safeChangeStyle(c, style); ((IOConsoleOutputStream)getOutputStream()).write(justifiedMsg.substring(end, justifiedMsg.length())); monitor.done(); } else{ safeChangeStyle(c, style); ((IOConsoleOutputStream)getOutputStream()).write(justifiedMsg); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }