public void validateRun (String configurationName,String projectName,String filepath,boolean printUnvisited,boolean verbose,String startElement,String generator) { SWTBotShell shell = openExistingRun (configurationName); SWTBotText projectText =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TEXT_ID_PROJECT); assertEquals("Wrong project name",projectName,projectText.getText()); SWTBotText modelText =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TEXT_ID_MODEL); assertEquals("Wrong model name",filepath,modelText.getText()); SWTBotCheckBox verboseButton =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_BUTTON_ID_VERBOSE); assertEquals("Wrong verbose value",verbose,verboseButton.isChecked()); SWTBotCheckBox unvisitedButton =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_BUTTON_ID_PRINT_UNVISITED); assertEquals("Wrong verbose value",verbose,unvisitedButton.isChecked()); SWTBotText startElementText =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TEXT_ID_START_ELEMENT); assertEquals("Wrong start element",startElement,startElementText.getText()); SWTBotCombo generatorCombo =,GW4ELaunchConfigurationTab.GW4E_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_COMBO_PATH_GENERATOR_ID_MODEL); assertEquals("Wrong generator value",generator,generatorCombo.getText()); SWTBotButton closeButton = bot.button("Close");; bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell)); }
private void closeDialog(CloseAction closeAction) { switch (closeAction) { case PRESS_OK: Button okButton = CompositeUtil.findButton(dialog.getShell(), "Share"); assertNotNull(okButton); new SWTBotButton(okButton).click(); break; case PRESS_CANCEL: Button cancelButton = CompositeUtil.findButton(dialog.getShell(), "Do Not Share"); assertNotNull(cancelButton); new SWTBotButton(cancelButton).click(); break; case CLOSE_SHELL: dialog.getShell().close(); break; case DISPOSE_SHELL: dialog.getShell().dispose(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("bug"); } }
private ESPathQuery createTag() throws ESException { ESPrimaryVersionSpec baseVersion = localProject.getBaseVersion(); createPlayerAndCommit(); ESPathQuery pathQuery = ESHistoryQuery.FACTORY .pathQuery(baseVersion, localProject.getBaseVersion(), true, true); List<ESHistoryInfo> historyInfos = localProject.getHistoryInfos(pathQuery, new NullProgressMonitor()); assertEquals(2, historyInfos.size()); final ESHistoryInfo historyInfo = historyInfos.get(1); assertEquals(2, historyInfo.getTagSpecs().size()); UIThreadRunnable.asyncExec( new VoidResult() { public void run() { UIAddTagController addTagController = new UIAddTagController(bot.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), localProject, historyInfo); addTagController.execute(); } }); bot.table(0).select(0); SWTBotButton button = bot.button("OK");; return pathQuery; }
public boolean prepareconvertTo(String project, String packageRootFragment, String pkg, String targetFilename, String targetFormat, String checkTestBox,String annotationStartElement, String targetvertex,String startElement,String [] contexts, String... nodes) { ConvertDialog cd = prepareConvertTo(project, packageRootFragment, pkg, targetFilename, targetFormat, nodes); boolean ret = cd.create(project, packageRootFragment, pkg, targetFilename, targetFormat, checkTestBox, false); if (!ret) { SWTBotShell shell ="GW4E Conversion File");"Cancel").click(); bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell)); return false; } SWTBotButton fbutton = bot.button("Next >");; GraphWalkerTestUIPageTest gwid = new GraphWalkerTestUIPageTest(cd.getShell()); gwid.completeFullPage("random(edge_coverage(100))", "GROUP1;GROUP2", annotationStartElement); gwid.nextPage(); JUnitGraphWalkerTestUIPageTest jugw = new JUnitGraphWalkerTestUIPageTest(cd.getShell()); jugw.completeFullPage(targetvertex, startElement, contexts); jugw.nextPage(); GraphWalkerTestHookPageTest gwth = new GraphWalkerTestHookPageTest(cd.getShell()); gwth.completeFullPage(); gwth.finish(); bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(cd.getShell()), 6 * SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT); return true; }
public void assertNextStepPage(SWTBotShell page, String description, String result) { SWTBotButton nextButton = bot.button("&Next >");; String defaultResult = MessageUtil.getString("enter_a_result_if_verification_failed"); if (result != null && result.trim().length() > 0 && !result.equals(defaultResult)) { new StepPage().setResult(page, result).setFailed(page); } new StepPage().assertActionAndResult(page, description, result); }
public void feed(boolean exportAsTest, String workbookfile, String workbooktitle, String caseid, boolean updatemode, String componentname, String priority, String dateformat) { SWTBotButton nextButton = bot.button("&Next >");; SavePage page = new SavePage(); page.feed(exportAsTest, workbookfile, workbooktitle, caseid, updatemode, componentname, priority, dateformat); }
public boolean create (String project,String packageRootFragment, String pkg,String targetFilename,String targetFormat,String checkTestBox,boolean finish) { try { prepare (project,packageRootFragment,pkg,targetFilename,targetFormat, checkTestBox); if (!finish) return true; SWTBotButton fbutton = bot.button("Finish");; bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(, 10 * SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT); return true; } catch (TimeoutException e) { return false; } }
public void ok ( ) { String name="OK"; if (GW4EPlatform.isEclipse47()) { name = "Apply and Close"; } SWTBotButton button =;; parentBot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell)); }
public static void importProjectFromZip(SWTWorkbenchBot bot, String path) { int timeout = 10000;"File").menu("Import...").click(); bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellIsActive("Import")); SWTBotShell shell ="Import").activate();"General").select("Existing Projects into Workspace");"Next >").click();"Select archive file:").click();;, SWT.LF); SWTBotButton finishButton ="Finish"); ICondition buttonEnabled = new DefaultCondition() { @Override public boolean test() throws Exception { return finishButton.isEnabled(); } @Override public String getFailureMessage() { return "Finish button not enabled"; } };, timeout);; bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell), timeout); }
void addRowValue(final String stringtoadd) { SWTBotTable table = getTable(); bot.waitUntil(waitForTable()); int currentCount = table.rowCount(); SWTBotButton addButton = getAddButton();; waitForRowAdded(table, currentCount + 1); int row = 0; editRowWithValue (table,MessageUtil.getString("enteranewvalue"), stringtoadd); leaveEditingCellClickingOnAnotherCell(table, row + 1); waitForExpectedValueAtRowCol(table,stringtoadd); }
void removeRow( String stringtoremove) { SWTBotTable table = getTable(); bot.waitUntil(waitForTable()); selectRowWithValue(table,stringtoremove); waitForExpectedValueAtRowCol(table,stringtoremove); int currentCount = table.rowCount(); SWTBotButton removeButton = getRemoveButton();; waitForRowAdded(table, currentCount - 1); waitForNotExpectedValueAtRowCol(table,stringtoremove); }
/** Click the button, wait for the window change. */ public static void clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(SWTBot bot, final SWTBotButton button) { performAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); }
/** Click the button, wait for the window close. */ public static void clickButtonAndWaitForWindowClose(SWTBot bot, final SWTBotButton button) { performAndWaitForWindowClose(bot, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); }
/** * Click the given button as soon as it is enabled. * * @param button * the {@link SWTBotButton} to be clicked * @param timeout * the timeout to wait for. When timeout is reached, a WrappedException is thrown. */ public void clickButton(final SWTBotButton button, final long timeout) { final long endTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (!button.isEnabled() && System.currentTimeMillis() < endTimeMillis) { sleep(SWTBotPreferences.DEFAULT_POLL_DELAY); } if (button.isEnabled()) { new SwtBotButton(button).click(); } else { throw new WrappedException(NLS.bind(TIMEOUT_MSG, timeout, button.getText()), null); } }
/** * Test to make sure the "Add Spec" wizard does not accept invalid spec names */ @Test public void doNotAcceptInvalidSpecNames() { // Open specA SWTBotMenu fileMenu ="File"); SWTBotMenu openSpecMenu ="Open Spec"); SWTBotMenu addNewSpecMenu ="Add New Spec...");; // get a handle for the button before invoking the UI (widget not found exception otherwise) SWTBotButton button = bot.button("Finish"); // create a valid path String path = System.getProperty(""); path += File.separator + "Invalid-Name.tla"; // set an invalid spec name bot.textWithLabel("Root-module file:").setText(path); // check if the wizard can finish Assert.assertTrue( "Finish button must not be enabled with invalid spec name", !button.isEnabled()); //TODO could change the wizard marker/error area for the correct string too }
/** * Checks the default appearance for */ @Test public void checkDefaults() { // Create a basic, default dialog. dialog = new ComboDialog(getShell(), false); // Open the dialog and get an SWTBot for it. openDialog(); // Get the widgets. SWTBotLabel label = getInfoLabel(); SWTBotCombo combo = getCombo(); SWTBotButton okButton = getOKButton(); SWTBotButton cancelButton = getCancelButton(); // Check the default appearance. assertEquals("", getBot().activeShell().getText()); // Check the title. assertEquals("Please select a value.", label.getText()); assertEnabled(combo); assertEquals("", getCombo().getText()); assertEquals(0, getCombo().itemCount()); assertNotEnabled(okButton); assertEnabled(cancelButton); // Check the default value. assertNull(dialog.getValue()); // Close the dialog. closeDialog(); return; }
public static void clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(SWTBot bot, final SWTBotButton button) { performAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); }
private static void setupSdk(final SWTWorkbenchBot bot, String treeItemText, String sdkDirEnvVariableName, String sdkDisplayName) { SwtBotWorkbenchActions.openPreferencesDialog(bot); SWTBotTreeItem prefGwtTreeItem = SwtBotTreeActions.getUniqueTreeItem(bot, bot.tree(), SwtBotProjectActions.GWT_MENU_LABELS, "GWT Settings").expand(); SwtBotTreeActions.selectTreeItem(bot, prefGwtTreeItem, treeItemText); SwtBotUtils.clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, bot.button("Add...")); // Remove, use the included sdks bot.textWithLabel("Installation directory:").setText(System.getenv(sdkDirEnvVariableName)); bot.textWithLabel("Display name:").setText(sdkDisplayName); SWTBotButton okButton = bot.button("OK"); if (okButton.isEnabled()) { // Close add SDK dialog SwtBotUtils.clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, okButton); } else { // Already setup, in the case of running multiple tests together SwtBotUtils.clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, bot.button("Cancel")); } // Close Preferences dialog SwtBotUtils.clickButtonAndWaitForWindowChange(bot, bot.button("OK")); }
@Test public void testThatCheckingAddToWorkingSetSelectButtonIsEnabled() { openImportProjectWizardPage(); final SWTBotButton workingSetSelectButton = bot.button("Select..."); final SWTBotCheckBox addToWorkingSetCheckBox = bot.checkBox(0);; Assert.assertTrue(workingSetSelectButton.isEnabled()); }
private void shareProject() { final ESShareObserver observer = createShareObserver(); ESWorkspaceProviderImpl.getInstance(); ESWorkspaceProviderImpl.getObserverBus().register(observer); UIThreadRunnable.asyncExec(new VoidResult() { public void run() { final UIShareProjectController shareProjectController = new UIShareProjectController( bot.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), localProject); shareProjectController.execute(); } }); bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() { // BEGIN SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public boolean test() throws Exception { return didShare; } // END SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public String getFailureMessage() { return "Share did not succeed."; } }, timeout()); final SWTBotButton confirmButton = bot.button("OK");; ESWorkspaceProviderImpl.getInstance(); ESWorkspaceProviderImpl.getObserverBus().unregister(observer); }
private void createLocalProject() { final int localProjectsSize = ESWorkspaceProvider.INSTANCE.getWorkspace().getLocalProjects().size(); UIThreadRunnable.asyncExec(new VoidResult() { public void run() { final UICreateLocalProjectController localProjectController = new UICreateLocalProjectController( bot.getDisplay().getActiveShell()); localProject = localProjectController.execute(); } }); final SWTBotText text = bot.text(0); text.setText("quux"); final SWTBotButton button = bot.button("OK");; bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() { // BEGIN SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public boolean test() throws Exception { return localProjectsSize + 1 == ESWorkspaceProvider.INSTANCE.getWorkspace().getLocalProjects().size(); } // END SURPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public String getFailureMessage() { return "Create local project did not succeed."; } }); }
@Override @Test public void testController() throws ESException { final int remoteProjectsSize = server.getRemoteProjects(usersession).size(); UIThreadRunnable.asyncExec(new VoidResult() { public void run() { createRemoteProjectController = new UICreateRemoteProjectController( bot.getDisplay().getActiveShell(), usersession); createRemoteProjectController.execute(); } }); final SWTBotText text = bot.text(0); text.setText("foo"); final SWTBotButton okButton = bot.button("OK");; bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() { // BEGIN SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public boolean test() throws Exception { return server.getRemoteProjects(usersession).size() == remoteProjectsSize + 1; } // END SUPRESS CATCH EXCEPTION public String getFailureMessage() { return "Create remote project did not succeed."; } }, timeout()); assertEquals(remoteProjectsSize + 1, server.getRemoteProjects(usersession).size()); }
public void executeQuickFixForErrorMessage(String expectedErrorMessageInProblemView, String quickfixmessage, ICondition[] conditions) throws CoreException { print (); bot.waitUntil(new ErrorIsInProblemView(this, expectedErrorMessageInProblemView)); SWTBotTreeItem item = findErrorItemWithText(expectedErrorMessageInProblemView); item.setFocus();; bot.waitUntil(new IsItemSelectedInErrors(this, item)); ICondition condition = new DefaultCondition () { @Override public boolean test() throws Exception { item.contextMenu().menu("Quick Fix").click(); try { bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellIsActive("Quick Fix"), 2 * 1000 ); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String getFailureMessage() { return "Unable to open the Quick fix"; } }; bot.waitUntil(condition, 15 * 1000); SWTBotShell shell ="Quick Fix"); SWTBotTable table ="Select a fix:"); SWTBotTableItem thequickFixItem = table.getTableItem(quickfixmessage);;; SWTBotButton button ="Finish");; bot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell),TIMEOUT); bot.saveAllEditors(); GW4EProject.fullBuild(); if (conditions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { bot.waitUntil(conditions[i], TIMEOUT); } } }
public void assertSummaryExecution(SWTBotShell page, SummaryExecutionRow[] rows) { SWTBotButton nextButton = bot.button("&Next >");; new SummaryExecutionPage().assertContext(page, rows); }
public void finish() { SWTBotButton finishButton = bot.button("&Finish");; }
public void finish () { SWTBotButton button = bot.button("Finish");; }
public void apply ( ) { SWTBotButton button ="Apply");; }
public void cancel ( ) { SWTBotButton button ="Cancel");; parentBot.waitUntil(Conditions.shellCloses(shell)); }
public void apply() { SWTBotButton applyButton = getApplyButton();; }
public void restoreDefaults () { SWTBotButton button = getRestoreDefaultsButton();; }
private SWTBotButton getAddButton() { SWTBotButton addButton = bot.buttonWithId("id.button.add",; return addButton; }
private SWTBotButton getRemoveButton() { SWTBotButton removeButton = bot.buttonWithId("id.button.remove",; return removeButton; }
private SWTBotButton getApplyButton() { SWTBotButton applyButton = bot.button("Apply"); return applyButton; }
private SWTBotButton getRestoreDefaultsButton() { SWTBotButton button = bot.button("Restore &Defaults"); return button; }
private void cancelGW4EPreference (String title) { SWTBotButton cancelButton = bot.button("Cancel");; bot.waitWhile(Conditions.shellIsActive(title)); }
public SwtBotButton(final SWTBotButton button) { this(button.widget, null); }
/** * Checks that, when any of the time widgets are updated, the active play * action is cancelled. */ @Test public void checkPauseOnNewSelectionByWidget() { SWTBotButton playButton = getPlayPauseButton(); SWTBotText text = getTimeText(); String firstTime = text.getText(); // Set the framerate to 1 frame every 10 seconds. getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { timeComposite.setFPS(0.1); } }); // Pause by clicking the play button.; assertTrue(isPlaying());; assertFalse(isPlaying()); // Pause by clicking the time scale.; assertTrue(isPlaying()); getTimeScale().setValue(1); assertFalse(isPlaying()); // Pause by typing text.; assertTrue(isPlaying()); text.selectAll(); text.typeText(firstTime + SWT.CR + SWT.LF); assertFalse(isPlaying()); // Pause by clicking the next button.; assertTrue(isPlaying()); getNextButton().click(); assertFalse(isPlaying()); // Pause by clicking the previous button.; assertTrue(isPlaying()); getPrevButton().click(); assertFalse(isPlaying()); return; }
/** * Checks that listeners are periodically updated when the play button is * clicked, and that notifications stop when the same (pause) button is * clicked. * <p> * The times should also loop from last to first when the play button is * clicked. * </p> */ @Test public void checkPlayWidgetNotifiesSelectionListeners() { // Get the specific widget that will be used to set the time. SWTBotButton widget = getPlayPauseButton(); // Set the time to the last timestep. This will ensure the play action // hits the last timestep, then loops back around to the first. getTimeScale().setValue(orderedTimes.size() - 2); // Set the FPS to 20. getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { timeComposite.setFPS(20); } }); // Play.; // The listener should have been notified at least three times, which // means the play button looped back around. assertTrue(fakeListener1.wasNotified(3)); // Pause to stop notifications.; // Check the notification count and the times sent with each // notification. Queue<Double> times = fakeListener1.notificationTimes; assertTrue(times.size() >= 3); // Ignore the first value, as it is the second to last value which was // sent out when setting the time with the scale widget. times.poll(); assertEquals(orderedTimes.last(), times.poll(), epsilon); assertEquals(orderedTimes.first(), times.poll(), epsilon); return; }