protected IRuntime createRuntime(IServerType st, IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query) throws CoreException { IRuntime runtime = ServerCore.findRuntime(runtimeName); if (runtime != null) { if (!query(query, NLS.bind(Messages.ServerHandler_QUERY_RUNTIME_EXISTS, runtimeName))) { monitor.worked(1); return runtime; } else { runtime.delete(); } } IRuntimeWorkingCopy wc = st.getRuntimeType().createRuntime(runtimeName, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); wc.setName(runtimeName); if (path != null) { wc.setLocation(path); } runtime =, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); return runtime; }
private IServer createServer(IServerType st, IRuntime runtime, IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query, ServerHandlerCallback callback) throws CoreException { IServer server = ServerCore.findServer(serverName); if (server != null) { if (!query(query, NLS.bind(Messages.ServerHandler_QUERY_SERVER_EXISTS, serverName))) { monitor.worked(1); return server; } else { IFolder serverConfiguration = server.getServerConfiguration(); server.delete(); if (serverConfiguration != null) { serverConfiguration.delete(true, true, monitor); } } } IServerWorkingCopy wc = st.createServer(serverName, null, runtime, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); wc.setName(serverName); if (callback != null) { callback.configureServer(wc); } server =, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); return server; }
/** * Queries the user whether the resource with the specified path should be overwritten by a file * system object that is being imported. * * @param resourcePath the workspace path of the resource that needs to be overwritten * @return <code>true</code> to overwrite, <code>false</code> to not overwrite * @exception OperationCanceledException if canceled */ boolean queryOverwrite(IPath resourcePath) throws OperationCanceledException { String overwriteAnswer = overwriteCallback.queryOverwrite(resourcePath.makeRelative().toString()); if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL)) { throw new OperationCanceledException("DataTransferMessages.DataTransfer_emptyString"); } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO)) { return false; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO_ALL)) { this.overwriteState = OVERWRITE_NONE; return false; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.ALL)) { this.overwriteState = OVERWRITE_ALL; } return true; }
/** * Queries the user whether the resource with the specified path should be * overwritten by a file system object that is being imported. * * @param resourcePath the workspace path of the resource that needs to be overwritten * @return <code>true</code> to overwrite, <code>false</code> to not overwrite * @exception OperationCanceledException if canceled */ boolean queryOverwrite(IPath resourcePath) throws OperationCanceledException { String overwriteAnswer = overwriteCallback.queryOverwrite(resourcePath .makeRelative().toString()); if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL)) { throw new OperationCanceledException(DataTransferMessages.DataTransfer_emptyString); } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO)) { return false; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO_ALL)) { this.overwriteState = OVERWRITE_NONE; return false; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.ALL)) { this.overwriteState = OVERWRITE_ALL; } return true; }
public static IProject unpackResourceProject(IProject project, Example.Resource resource) throws Exception { if (resource.getType() == Type.ENVIRONMENT) CloudScaleProjectSupport.addProjectNature(project); ZipFile file = new ZipFile(resource.getArchive().getFile()); ZipFileStructureProvider provider = new ZipFileStructureProvider(file); IPath containerPath = project.getFullPath(); Object source = provider.getRoot(); IOverwriteQuery query = new IOverwriteQuery() { @Override public String queryOverwrite(String path) { return IOverwriteQuery.ALL; }; }; ImportOperation operation = new ImportOperation(containerPath, source, provider, query);; return project; }
/** * extract zip file and import files into project * * @param srcZipFile * @param destPath * @param monitor * @param query * @throws CoreException */ private static void importFilesFromZip( ZipFile srcZipFile, IPath destPath, IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query ) throws CoreException { try { ZipFileStructureProvider structureProvider = new ZipFileStructureProvider( srcZipFile ); List list = prepareFileList( structureProvider, structureProvider .getRoot( ), null ); ImportOperation op = new ImportOperation( destPath, structureProvider.getRoot( ), structureProvider, query, list ); monitor ); } catch ( Exception e ) { String message = srcZipFile.getName( ) + ": " + e.getMessage( ); //$NON-NLS-1$ Logger.logException( e ); throw BirtCoreException.getException( message, e ); } }
private static IProject importProject(File probandsFolder, String projectName, boolean prepareDotProject) throws Exception { File projectSourceFolder = new File(probandsFolder, projectName); if (!projectSourceFolder.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("proband not found in " + projectSourceFolder); } if (prepareDotProject) { prepareDotProject(projectSourceFolder); } IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IProjectDescription newProjectDescription = workspace.newProjectDescription(projectName); IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(projectName); project.create(newProjectDescription, monitor);; if (!project.getLocation().toFile().exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("test project correctly created in " + project.getLocation()); } IOverwriteQuery overwriteQuery = new IOverwriteQuery() { @Override public String queryOverwrite(String file) { return ALL; } }; ImportOperation importOperation = new ImportOperation(project.getFullPath(), projectSourceFolder, FileSystemStructureProvider.INSTANCE, overwriteQuery); importOperation.setCreateContainerStructure(false);; return project; }
@Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { BundleImportStructureProvider bundleImportStructureProvider = new BundleImportStructureProvider(bundle); final IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); final IProject project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(projectName); IOverwriteQuery overwriteQuery = new IOverwriteQuery() { public String queryOverwrite(String file) { return ALL; } }; ImportOperation importOperation = new ImportOperation(project.getFullPath(), bundleProjectEntryPath, bundleImportStructureProvider, overwriteQuery); importOperation.setCreateContainerStructure(false);; }
public IServer createServer(IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query, ServerHandlerCallback callback) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask("Creating server configuration", 4); //$NON-NLS-1$ IServerType st = ServerCore.findServerType(serverType); if (st == null) { throw new CoreException(CloudFoundryPlugin.getErrorStatus("Could not find server type \"" + serverType //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\"")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } IRuntime runtime; if (serverPath != null) { runtime = createRuntime(st, new Path(serverPath), monitor, query); } else if (forceCreateRuntime) { runtime = createRuntime(st, null, monitor, query); } else { runtime = findRuntime(st, monitor); } if (serverName != null) { return createServer(st, runtime, monitor, query, callback); } else { return findServer(st, runtime, monitor); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
public IProject createProject(URL location, String sourceFolder) throws CoreException { IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(sourceFolder); try { project.create(new NullProgressMonitor()); NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException ex) { MessageDialog.openError(null, Messages.Error, NLS.bind(Messages.CreateProjectErrorFmt, project.getName(), ex.getMessage())); return null; } try { File templateRoot = new File(location.getPath(), sourceFolder); RelativeFileSystemStructureProvider structureProvider = new RelativeFileSystemStructureProvider(templateRoot); ImportOperation operation = new ImportOperation(project.getFullPath(), templateRoot, structureProvider, new IOverwriteQuery() { @Override public String queryOverwrite(String pathString) { return ALL; } }, structureProvider.getChildren(templateRoot)); operation.setContext(Display.getDefault().getActiveShell());; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, e.getLocalizedMessage())); } return project; }
/** * Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to recursively export a single resource */ public MomlExportOperation(IResource res, String destinationPath, IOverwriteQuery overwriteImplementor) { super(); resource = res; path = new Path(destinationPath); overwriteCallback = overwriteImplementor; }
public IServer createServer(IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query, ServerHandlerCallback callback) throws CoreException { try { monitor.beginTask("Creating server configuration", 4); //$NON-NLS-1$ IServerType st = ServerCore.findServerType(serverType); if (st == null) { throw new CoreException(DockerFoundryPlugin.getErrorStatus("Could not find server type \"" + serverType //$NON-NLS-1$ + "\"")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } IRuntime runtime; if (serverPath != null) { runtime = createRuntime(st, new Path(serverPath), monitor, query); } else if (forceCreateRuntime) { runtime = createRuntime(st, null, monitor, query); } else { runtime = findRuntime(st, monitor); } if (serverName != null) { return createServer(st, runtime, monitor, query, callback); } else { return findServer(st, runtime, monitor); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
/** * Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to * recursively export a single resource */ public EnsembleFileSystemExportOperation(IResource res, String destinationPath, IOverwriteQuery overwriteImplementor) { super(); resource = res; path = new Path(destinationPath); overwriteCallback = overwriteImplementor; cancelledOnce = false; exporter = getEnsembleFileSystemExporter(); }
/** * Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to * export specific resources with a common parent resource (affects container * directory creation) */ public EnsembleFileSystemExportOperation(IResource res, List resources, String destinationPath, IOverwriteQuery overwriteImplementor) { this(res, destinationPath, overwriteImplementor); resourcesToExport = resources; cancelledOnce = false; }
public NativeBinaryExportOperation( List<AbstractNativeBinaryBuildDelegate> delegates, File destination, IOverwriteQuery query) { this.delegates = delegates; this.overwriteQuery = query; this.destinationDir = destination; }
@Override protected void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { SubMonitor sm = SubMonitor.convert(monitor); sm.setWorkRemaining(delegates.size()*10); for (AbstractNativeBinaryBuildDelegate delegate : delegates) { if(monitor.isCanceled()){ break; } delegate.setRelease(true); delegate.buildNow(sm.newChild(10)); try { File buildArtifact = delegate.getBuildArtifact(); File destinationFile = new File(destinationDir, buildArtifact.getName()); if(destinationFile.exists()){ String callback = overwriteQuery.queryOverwrite(destinationFile.toString()); if(IOverwriteQuery.NO.equals(callback)){ continue; } if(IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equals(callback)){ break; } } File artifact = delegate.getBuildArtifact(); if(artifact.isDirectory()){ FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(artifact, destinationDir); }else{ FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(artifact, destinationDir); } sm.done(); } catch (IOException e) { HybridCore.log(IStatus.ERROR, "Error on NativeBinaryExportOperation", e); } } monitor.done(); }
public static IProject createExampleProject(IProject project, Example.Resource resource) { try { if (resource.getType() == Type.ENVIRONMENT) CloudScaleProjectSupport.addProjectNature(project); ZipFile file = new ZipFile(resource.getArchive().getFile()); ZipFileStructureProvider provider = new ZipFileStructureProvider(file); IPath containerPath = project.getFullPath(); Object source = provider.getRoot(); IOverwriteQuery query = new IOverwriteQuery() { @Override public String queryOverwrite(String path) { return IOverwriteQuery.ALL; }; }; ImportOperation operation = new ImportOperation(containerPath, source, provider, query); try {; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); project = null; } return project; }
/** * Configure the web application general descriptions * * @param webApp * @param project * @param query * @param monitor * @throws CoreException */ public static void configureWebApp( WebAppBean webAppBean, IProject project, IOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws CoreException { // cancel progress if ( monitor.isCanceled( ) ) return; if ( webAppBean == null || project == null ) { return; } // create WebArtifact WebArtifactEdit webEdit = WebArtifactEdit .getWebArtifactEditForWrite( project ); if ( webEdit == null ) return; try { WebApp webapp = (WebApp) webEdit.getDeploymentDescriptorRoot( ); webapp.setDescription( webAppBean.getDescription( ) ); webEdit.saveIfNecessary( monitor ); } finally { webEdit.dispose( ); } }
public void configureFilter(Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(map, project, monitor); if (webApp == null) return; // handle filter settings Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = DataUtil.getString(, false); FilterBean bean = (FilterBean) map.get(name); if (bean == null) continue; // if contained this filter Object obj = getFilterByName(webApp, name); if (obj != null) { String ret = query.queryOverwrite("Filter '" + name + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if (IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { continue; } if (IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return; } // remove old item webApp.getFilters().remove(obj); } String className = bean.getClassName(); String description = bean.getDescription(); // create filter object Filter filter = WebFactory.eINSTANCE.createFilter(); filter.setFilterName(name); filter.setFilterClass(className); Description descriptionObj = JavaeeFactory.eINSTANCE .createDescription(); descriptionObj.setValue(description); webApp.getFilters().add(filter); } }
@Override public void run(String[] params, ICheatSheetManager manager) { if (params == null || params[0] == null) { return; } IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); String projectName = params[0]; String zipName = params[1]; IProjectDescription newProjectDescription = workspace.newProjectDescription(projectName); IProject newProject = workspace.getRoot().getProject(projectName); try { newProject.create(newProjectDescription, null);; URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(zipName); File f = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(url).getPath()); IOverwriteQuery overwriteQuery = new IOverwriteQuery() { public String queryOverwrite(String file) { System.out.println(file); return ALL; } }; FileSystemStructureProvider provider = FileSystemStructureProvider.INSTANCE; File root = createTempDirectory(); unzip(f.getAbsolutePath(), root.getAbsolutePath()); List<File> files = readFiles(root.getAbsolutePath()); ImportOperation importOperation = new ImportOperation(newProject.getFullPath(), root, provider, overwriteQuery, files); importOperation.setCreateContainerStructure(false); NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public String queryOverwrite(String arg0) { return IOverwriteQuery.YES; }
public String queryOverwrite(String arg0) { return IOverwriteQuery.NO; }
public IServer createServer(IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query) throws CoreException { return createServer(monitor, query, null); }
/** * Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to export specific resources with a common parent resource (affects container directory * creation) */ public MomlExportOperation(IResource res, List<?> resources, String destinationPath, IOverwriteQuery overwriteImplementor) { this(res, destinationPath, overwriteImplementor); resourcesToExport = resources; }
/** * Export the passed file to the specified location * * @param file * org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile * @param location * org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath */ protected void exportFile(IFile file, IPath location) throws InterruptedException { IPath fullPath = location.append(file.getName()).removeFileExtension().addFileExtension("moml"); monitor.subTask(file.getFullPath().toString()); String properPathString = fullPath.toOSString(); File targetFile = new File(properPathString); if (targetFile.exists()) { if (!targetFile.canWrite()) { errorTable.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, NLS.bind("Cannot overwrite file: {0}", targetFile.getAbsolutePath()), null)); monitor.worked(1); return; } if (overwriteState == OVERWRITE_NONE) { return; } if (overwriteState != OVERWRITE_ALL) { String overwriteAnswer = overwriteCallback.queryOverwrite(properPathString); if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL)) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO)) { monitor.worked(1); return; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.NO_ALL)) { monitor.worked(1); overwriteState = OVERWRITE_NONE; return; } if (overwriteAnswer.equals(IOverwriteQuery.ALL)) { overwriteState = OVERWRITE_ALL; } } } try { // 1. obtain Diagram for the file Diagram diagram = GraphitiUiInternal.getEmfService().getDiagramFromFile(file, new ResourceSetImpl()); // 2. find root CompositeActor CompositeActor toplevel = (CompositeActor) Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement(diagram); // 3. push location info of diagram model elements to the Ptolemy II model elements pushLocations(diagram, toplevel); // 4. exportMOML to the destination file FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(fullPath.toOSString()), toplevel.getWrappedObject().exportMoML()); } catch (IOException e) { errorTable.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, NLS.bind("Error exporting {0}: {1}", fullPath, e.getMessage()), e)); } monitor.worked(1); ModalContext.checkCanceled(monitor); }
@Override public void importExample(ExampleData edata, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { IProjectDescription original = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .loadProjectDescription(new Path(edata.getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath()).append("/.project")); IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(edata.getProjectDir().getName()); IProjectDescription clone = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .newProjectDescription(original.getName()); clone.setBuildSpec(original.getBuildSpec()); clone.setComment(original.getComment()); clone.setDynamicReferences(original .getDynamicReferences()); clone.setNatureIds(original.getNatureIds()); clone.setReferencedProjects(original .getReferencedProjects()); if(project.exists()){ return; } project.create(clone, monitor);; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IFile> filesToImport = FileSystemStructureProvider.INSTANCE.getChildren(edata.getProjectDir()); ImportOperation io = new ImportOperation(project.getFullPath(), edata.getProjectDir(), FileSystemStructureProvider.INSTANCE, new IOverwriteQuery() { @Override public String queryOverwrite(String pathString) { return IOverwriteQuery.ALL; } }, filesToImport); io.setOverwriteResources(true); io.setCreateContainerStructure(false);; project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public String queryOverwrite(String pathString) { return IOverwriteQuery.ALL; }
/** * Do import zip file into current project * * @param project * @param source * @param dest * @param monitor * @param query * @throws CoreException */ public static void doImports( IProject project, String source, IPath destPath, IProgressMonitor monitor, IOverwriteQuery query ) throws CoreException { IConfigurationElement configElement = BirtWizardUtil.findConfigurationElementById( IBirtWizardConstants.EXAMPLE_WIZARD_EXTENSION_POINT, IBirtWizardConstants.BIRTEXAMPLE_WIZARD_ID ); // if source file is null, try to find it defined extension if ( source == null ) { if ( configElement != null ) { // get projectsetup fregment IConfigurationElement[] projects = configElement.getChildren( "projectsetup" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ IConfigurationElement[] imports = null; if ( projects != null && projects.length > 0 ) { imports = projects[0].getChildren( "import" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // get import fregment if ( imports != null && imports.length > 0 ) { // get defined zip file name source = imports[0].getAttribute( "src" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } // if source is null, throw exception if ( source == null ) { String message = BirtWTPMessages.BIRTErrors_miss_source; Logger.log( Logger.ERROR, message ); throw ChartIntegrationException.getException( message, null ); } // create zip entry from source file ZipFile zipFile = getZipFileFromPluginDir( source, getContributingPlugin( configElement ) ); // extract zip file and import files into project importFilesFromZip( zipFile, destPath, new SubProgressMonitor( monitor, 1 ), query ); }
/** * Configure the listener settings * * @param map * @param project * @param query * @param monitor * @throws CoreException */ public static void configureListener( Map map, IProject project, IOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor ) throws CoreException { // cancel progress if ( monitor.isCanceled( ) ) return; if ( map == null || project == null ) { return; } // create WebArtifact WebArtifactEdit webEdit = WebArtifactEdit .getWebArtifactEditForWrite( project ); if ( webEdit == null ) return; try { WebApp webapp = (WebApp) webEdit.getDeploymentDescriptorRoot( ); // handle listeners settings Iterator it = map.keySet( ).iterator( ); while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { String name = DataUtil.getString( ), false ); ListenerBean bean = (ListenerBean) map.get( name ); if ( bean == null ) continue; String className = bean.getClassName( ); String description = bean.getDescription( ); // if listener existed in web.xml, skip it Object obj = getListenerByClassName( webapp.getListeners( ), className ); if ( obj != null ) continue; // create Listener object Listener listener = CommonFactory.eINSTANCE.createListener( ); listener.setListenerClassName( className ); if ( description != null ) listener.setDescription( description ); webapp.getListeners( ).remove( listener ); webapp.getListeners( ).add( listener ); } webEdit.saveIfNecessary( monitor ); } finally { webEdit.dispose( ); } }
public void configureContextParam(Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(map, project, monitor); if (webApp == null) return; Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = DataUtil.getString(, false); ContextParamBean bean = (ContextParamBean) map.get(name); if (bean == null) continue; // if contained this param List list = webApp.getContextParams(); int index = getContextParamIndexByName(list, name); if (index >= 0) { String ret = query .queryOverwrite("Context-param '" + name + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if (IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { continue; } if (IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return; } // remove old item list.remove(index); } String value = bean.getValue(); String description = bean.getDescription(); ParamValue param = JavaeeFactory.eINSTANCE.createParamValue(); param.setParamName(name); param.setParamValue(value); if (description != null) { Description descriptionObj = JavaeeFactory.eINSTANCE .createDescription(); descriptionObj.setValue(description); param.getDescriptions().add(descriptionObj); } // add into list webApp.getContextParams().add(param); } }
public void configureFilterMapping(Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(map, project, monitor); if (webApp == null) return; // handle filter-mapping settings Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = DataUtil.getString(, false); FilterMappingBean bean = (FilterMappingBean) map.get(key); if (bean == null) continue; // if contained this filter-mapping Object obj = getFilterMappingByKey(webApp.getFilterMappings(), key); if (obj != null) { String ret = query .queryOverwrite("Filter-mapping '" + key + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if (IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { continue; } if (IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return; } // remove old item webApp.getFilterMappings().remove(obj); } // filter name String name = bean.getName(); // create FilterMapping object FilterMapping mapping = WebFactory.eINSTANCE.createFilterMapping(); // get filter by name Filter filter = (Filter) getFilterByName(webApp, name); if (filter != null) { mapping.setFilterName(filter.getFilterName()); if (bean.getUri() != null) { UrlPatternType urlPattern = JavaeeFactory.eINSTANCE .createUrlPatternType(); urlPattern.setValue(bean.getUri()); mapping.getUrlPatterns().add(urlPattern); } mapping.getServletNames().add(bean.getServletName()); // get Servlet object Servlet servlet = findServletByName(webApp, bean .getServletName()); // mapping.setServlet(servlet); if (servlet != null || bean.getUri() != null) webApp.getFilterMappings().add(mapping); } } }
public void configureServlet(Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(map, project, monitor); if (webApp == null) return; Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = DataUtil.getString(, false); ServletBean bean = (ServletBean) map.get(name); if (bean == null) continue; // if contained this servlet Object obj = findServletByName(webApp, name); // webapp.getServletNamed(name); if (obj != null) { String ret = query.queryOverwrite("Servlet '" + name + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if (IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { continue; } if (IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return; } // remove old item webApp.getServlets().remove(obj); } String className = bean.getClassName(); String description = bean.getDescription(); // create Servlet Type object Servlet servlet = WebFactory.eINSTANCE.createServlet(); servlet.setServletName(name); servlet.setServletClass(className); // FIXME // servlet.setDescription(description); servlet.setLoadOnStartup(Integer.valueOf(1)); // Add the servlet to the web application model webApp.getServlets().add(servlet); // FIXME // servlet.setWebApp(webapp); } }
public void configureServletMapping(Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(map, project, monitor); if (webApp == null) return; Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String uri = DataUtil.getString(, false); ServletMappingBean bean = (ServletMappingBean) map.get(uri); if (bean == null) continue; // if contained this servlet-mapping Object obj = getServletMappingByUri(webApp.getServletMappings(), uri); if (obj != null) { String ret = query .queryOverwrite("Servlet-mapping '" + uri + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if (IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { continue; } if (IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(ret)) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return; } // remove old item webApp.getServletMappings().remove(obj); } // servlet name String name = bean.getName(); // create ServletMapping object ServletMapping mapping = WebFactory.eINSTANCE .createServletMapping(); // get servlet by name Servlet servlet = findServletByName(webApp, name); if (servlet != null) { mapping.setServletName(servlet.getServletName()); UrlPatternType urlPattern = JavaeeFactory.eINSTANCE .createUrlPatternType(); urlPattern.setValue(uri); mapping.getUrlPatterns().add(urlPattern); webApp.getServletMappings().add(mapping); // mapping.setUrlPattern(uri); // mapping.setWebApp( webapp ); } } }
public void configureFilter( Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor ) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp( map, project, monitor ); if ( webApp == null ) return; // handle filter settings Iterator it = map.keySet( ).iterator( ); while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { String name = DataUtil.getString( ), false ); FilterBean bean = (FilterBean) map.get( name ); if ( bean == null ) continue; // if contained this filter Object obj = webApp.getFilterNamed( name ); if ( obj != null ) { String ret = query.queryOverwrite( "Filter '" + name + "'" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if ( IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase( ret ) ) { continue; } if ( IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase( ret ) ) { monitor.setCanceled( true ); return; } // remove old item webApp.getFilters( ).remove( obj ); } String className = bean.getClassName( ); String description = bean.getDescription( ); // create filter object Filter filter = WebapplicationFactory.eINSTANCE.createFilter( ); filter.setName( name ); filter.setFilterClassName( className ); filter.setDescription( description ); webApp.getFilters( ).add( filter ); } }
public void configureFilterMapping( Map map, IProject project, SimpleImportOverwriteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor ) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp( map, project, monitor ); if ( webApp == null ) return; // handle filter-mapping settings Iterator it = map.keySet( ).iterator( ); while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { String key = DataUtil.getString( ), false ); FilterMappingBean bean = (FilterMappingBean) map.get( key ); if ( bean == null ) continue; // if contained this filter-mapping Object obj = getFilterMappingByKey( webApp.getFilterMappings( ), key ); if ( obj != null ) { String ret = query .queryOverwrite( "Filter-mapping '" + key + "'" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // check overwrite query result if ( IOverwriteQuery.NO.equalsIgnoreCase( ret ) ) { continue; } if ( IOverwriteQuery.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase( ret ) ) { monitor.setCanceled( true ); return; } // remove old item webApp.getFilterMappings( ).remove( obj ); } // filter name String name = bean.getName( ); // create FilterMapping object FilterMapping mapping = WebapplicationFactory.eINSTANCE .createFilterMapping( ); // get filter by name Filter filter = webApp.getFilterNamed( name ); if ( filter != null ) { mapping.setFilter( filter ); mapping.setUrlPattern( bean.getUri( ) ); mapping.setServletName( bean.getServletName( ) ); // get Servlet object Servlet servlet = webApp .getServletNamed( bean.getServletName( ) ); mapping.setServlet( servlet ); if ( bean.getUri( ) != null || servlet != null ) webApp.getFilterMappings( ).add( mapping ); } } }