@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { try { CppStyleMessageConsole console = (CppStyleMessageConsole) event.getSource(); String line = console.getDocument().get(event.getOffset(), event.getLength()); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String ln = m.group(lineNumGroup); int lineno = Integer.parseInt(ln); FileLink link = new FileLink(file, null, -1, -1, lineno == 0 ? 1 : lineno); console.addFileLink(link, event.getOffset(), event.getLength()); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { CppStyle.log("Failed to add link", e); } }
@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { int offset = event.getOffset(); int length = event.getLength(); int prefix = 0; try { String text = fConsole.getDocument().get(offset, length); IHyperlink link = new EclecticTraceHyperLink(fConsole); fConsole.addHyperlink(link, offset, length); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); // IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclectic.debug.ui", 0, "Cannot set link for " + event, e); // throw new CoreException(status); } }
@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { // remove the brackets int offset = event.getOffset() + 1; int length = event.getLength() - 2; try { String name = console.getDocument().get(offset, length); EObject ref = findBestReference(name); if (ref != null) { IHyperlink hyperlink = new AgreeConsoleHyperLink(ref); console.addHyperlink(hyperlink, offset, length); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { if (event.getSource() instanceof TextConsole) { try { final TextConsole console = (TextConsole) event.getSource(); final int start = event.getOffset(); final int length = event.getLength(); IHyperlink link = new BrowserSupportBasedHyperlink(console.getDocument().get(start, length)); console.addHyperlink(link, start, length); } catch (BadLocationException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot create hyperlink", e); } } }
@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { try { String fileReferenceText = console.getDocument().get(event.getOffset(), event.getLength()); int separatorIndex = fileReferenceText.lastIndexOf(":"); String absoluteFilePath = fileReferenceText.substring(0, separatorIndex); //String workspacePath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString(); //if (absoluteFilePath.startsWith(workspacePath)) { //String relativeFilePath = absoluteFilePath.substring(workspacePath.length()); //IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(relativeFilePath)); // this way can work, but only for files in the workspace :( int lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(fileReferenceText.substring(separatorIndex + 1)); //FileLink hyperlink = new FileLink(file, null, -1, -1, lineNumber); // a link to a file in the workspace IHyperlink hyperlink = makeHyperlink(absoluteFilePath, lineNumber); // a link to any file console.addHyperlink(hyperlink, event.getOffset(), event.getLength()); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new RuntimeException(exception); } }
public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { if (Logger.INFO) { Logger.println(Logger.INFO_LEVEL, this, "matchFound", "Application start detected: " + appName); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } appState = IServer.STATE_STARTED; }
public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { if(fConsole!=null){ int eventOffset= event.getOffset(); int eventLength= event.getLength(); IDocument document= fConsole.getDocument(); String matchedText= null; try { matchedText= document.get(eventOffset, eventLength); String filename = matchedText.split(":")[0]; //ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember("/test/src/"); String filepath = ""; IFile file = null; for(IProject p: ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects()) { for(java.io.File f: new java.io.File(p.getLocationURI().getPath()).listFiles()) { if(f.isDirectory()) { file = search(p.getFolder(f.getName()),filename); if(file!=null) { break; } } else { if(f.getName().equals(filename)) { file = p.getFile(filename); break; } } } if(file!=null) { break; } } FileLink fileLink = new FileLink(file, null, -1, -1, Integer.parseInt(matchedText.split(":")[1])); (fConsole).addHyperlink(fileLink, eventOffset, eventLength); } catch (BadLocationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }