private static void rewriteIdentifiers(N4JSGrammarAccess ga, ImmutableMap.Builder<AbstractElement, Integer> builder) { ImmutableSet<AbstractRule> identifierRules = ImmutableSet.of( ga.getBindingIdentifierRule(), ga.getIdentifierNameRule(), ga.getIDENTIFIERRule()); for (ParserRule rule : GrammarUtil.allParserRules(ga.getGrammar())) { for (EObject obj : EcoreUtil2.eAllContents(rule.getAlternatives())) { if (obj instanceof Assignment) { Assignment assignment = (Assignment) obj; AbstractElement terminal = assignment.getTerminal(); int type = InternalN4JSParser.RULE_IDENTIFIER; if (terminal instanceof CrossReference) { terminal = ((CrossReference) terminal).getTerminal(); type = IDENTIFIER_REF_TOKEN; } if (terminal instanceof RuleCall) { AbstractRule calledRule = ((RuleCall) terminal).getRule(); if (identifierRules.contains(calledRule)) { builder.put(assignment, type); } } } } } }
@Override public String serializeCrossRef(EObject semanticObject, CrossReference crossref, EObject target, INode node, Acceptor errors) { if (((InternalEObject) target).eProxyURI() != null) { if (((InternalEObject) target).eProxyURI().toString().startsWith("#")) { return super.serializeCrossRef(semanticObject, crossref, getEObjectfromEProxy(semanticObject, target), node, errors); } } return super.serializeCrossRef(semanticObject, crossref, target, node, errors); }
@Override protected EObject resolveCrossReferencedElement(INode node) { EObject referenceOwner = NodeModelUtils.findActualSemanticObjectFor(node); if (referenceOwner != null) { EReference crossReference = GrammarUtil.getReference((CrossReference) node.getGrammarElement(), referenceOwner.eClass()); if (!crossReference.isMany()) { EObject resultOrProxy = (EObject) referenceOwner.eGet(crossReference); if (resultOrProxy != null && resultOrProxy.eIsProxy() && crossReference == XbasePackage.Literals.XCONSTRUCTOR_CALL__CONSTRUCTOR) { if (referenceOwner instanceof XConstructorCall) { JvmIdentifiableElement linkedType = batchTypeResolver.resolveTypes(referenceOwner).getLinkedFeature((XConstructorCall)referenceOwner); if (linkedType != null) return linkedType; } } return resultOrProxy; } else { return super.resolveCrossReferencedElement(node); } } return null; }
protected ILocationData getLocationWithoutTypeArguments(XAbstractFeatureCall call) { final ICompositeNode startNode = NodeModelUtils.getNode(call); if (startNode != null) { List<INode> resultNodes = Lists.newArrayList(); if (call instanceof XFeatureCall || call instanceof XMemberFeatureCall) { boolean featureReferenceSeen = false; for (INode child : startNode.getChildren()) { if (featureReferenceSeen) { resultNodes.add(child); } else { EObject grammarElement = child.getGrammarElement(); if (grammarElement instanceof CrossReference) { Assignment assignment = GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(grammarElement); if (assignment != null && "feature".equals(assignment.getFeature())) { featureReferenceSeen = true; resultNodes.add(child); } } } } } return toLocationData(resultNodes); } return null; }
protected void createReceiverProposals(final XExpression receiver, final CrossReference crossReference, final ContentAssistContext context, final IIdeContentProposalAcceptor acceptor) { final IResolvedTypes resolvedTypes = this.typeResolver.resolveTypes(receiver); final LightweightTypeReference receiverType = resolvedTypes.getActualType(receiver); if (((receiverType == null) || receiverType.isPrimitiveVoid())) { return; } final IExpressionScope expressionScope = resolvedTypes.getExpressionScope(receiver, IExpressionScope.Anchor.RECEIVER); IScope scope = null; final EObject currentModel = context.getCurrentModel(); if ((currentModel != receiver)) { if (((currentModel instanceof XMemberFeatureCall) && (((XMemberFeatureCall) currentModel).getMemberCallTarget() == receiver))) { scope = this.syntaxFilteredScopes.create(expressionScope.getFeatureScope(((XAbstractFeatureCall) currentModel)), crossReference); } else { scope = this.syntaxFilteredScopes.create(expressionScope.getFeatureScope(), crossReference); } } else { scope = this.syntaxFilteredScopes.create(expressionScope.getFeatureScope(), crossReference); } this.getCrossrefProposalProvider().lookupCrossReference(scope, crossReference, context, acceptor, this.featureDescriptionPredicate); }
public void createProposals(final AbstractElement assignment, final ContentAssistContext context, final IIdeContentProposalAcceptor acceptor) { if (assignment instanceof Assignment) { _createProposals((Assignment)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof CrossReference) { _createProposals((CrossReference)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof Keyword) { _createProposals((Keyword)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof RuleCall) { _createProposals((RuleCall)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment != null) { _createProposals(assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(assignment, context, acceptor).toString()); } }
/** * Returns the source text assigned to the given feature of the given object. Does not work for multi-valued features. Optionally also converts the source * text using the corresponding value converter. Conversion is only performed for keywords, rule call or cross reference grammar rules. * <p> * This method does not perform a check to make sure the feature matches the given object. * * @param object * the semantic object * @param feature * the feature to be considered when parsing the parse tree model * @param convert * {@code true} if the parsed string needs conversion using its value converter * @return the parsed string from the node model */ public static String getParsedStringUnchecked(final EObject object, final EStructuralFeature feature, final boolean convert) { INode node = Iterables.getFirst(NodeModelUtils.findNodesForFeature(object, feature), null); if (node != null) { if (convert) { final LazyLinkingResource res = (LazyLinkingResource) object.eResource(); EObject grammarElement = node.getGrammarElement(); if (res != null && (grammarElement instanceof Keyword || grammarElement instanceof RuleCall || grammarElement instanceof CrossReference)) { final DefaultLinkingService linkingService = (DefaultLinkingService) res.getLinkingService(); return linkingService.getCrossRefNodeAsString(node); } } // result may contain escape sequences or quotes return NodeModelUtils.getTokenText(node); } return null; }
protected void acceptRuleCall(RuleCall rc, Object value, String token, int index, INode node) { CrossReference crossRef = GrammarUtil.containingCrossReference(rc); if (crossRef != null) { if (rc.getRule() instanceof ParserRule) sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedCrossRefDatatype(rc, token, (EObject) value, index, getCompositeNode(node)); else if (rc.getRule() instanceof TerminalRule) sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedCrossRefTerminal(rc, token, (EObject) value, index, getLeafNode(node)); else if (rc.getRule() instanceof EnumRule) sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedCrossRefEnum(rc, token, (EObject) value, index, getCompositeNode(node)); } else { if (rc.getRule() instanceof ParserRule) { AbstractRule rule = rc.getRule(); if (rule.getType() != null && rule.getType().getClassifier() instanceof EClass) acceptEObjectRuleCall(rc, (EObject) value, getCompositeNode(node)); else sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedDatatype(rc, token, value, index, getCompositeNode(node)); } else if (rc.getRule() instanceof TerminalRule) sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedTerminal(rc, token, value, index, getLeafNode(node)); else if (rc.getRule() instanceof EnumRule) sequenceAcceptor.acceptAssignedEnum(rc, token, value, index, getCompositeNode(node)); } }
public void lookupCrossReference(final IScope scope, final CrossReference crossReference, final ContentAssistContext context, final IIdeContentProposalAcceptor acceptor, final Predicate<IEObjectDescription> filter) { try { Iterable<IEObjectDescription> _queryScope = this.queryScope(scope, crossReference, context); for (final IEObjectDescription candidate : _queryScope) { { boolean _canAcceptMoreProposals = acceptor.canAcceptMoreProposals(); boolean _not = (!_canAcceptMoreProposals); if (_not) { return; } boolean _apply = filter.apply(candidate); if (_apply) { final ContentAssistEntry entry = this.createProposal(candidate, crossReference, context); acceptor.accept(entry, this.proposalPriorities.getCrossRefPriority(candidate, entry)); } } } } catch (final Throwable _t) { if (_t instanceof UnsupportedOperationException) { final UnsupportedOperationException uoe = (UnsupportedOperationException)_t; IdeCrossrefProposalProvider.LOG.error("Failed to create content assist proposals for cross-reference.", uoe); } else { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_t); } } }
protected void createProposals(final AbstractElement assignment, final ContentAssistContext context, final IIdeContentProposalAcceptor acceptor) { if (assignment instanceof Assignment) { _createProposals((Assignment)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof CrossReference) { _createProposals((CrossReference)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof Keyword) { _createProposals((Keyword)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment instanceof RuleCall) { _createProposals((RuleCall)assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else if (assignment != null) { _createProposals(assignment, context, acceptor); return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(assignment, context, acceptor).toString()); } }
protected List<AbstractElement> getAbstractElements(EObject obj) { if (obj instanceof AbstractElement) return Collections.singletonList((AbstractElement) obj); if (obj instanceof AbstractRule) { AbstractRule rule = (AbstractRule) obj; if (rule.getType().getClassifier() instanceof EClass) return Collections.singletonList(rule.getAlternatives()); List<AbstractElement> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RuleCall rc : grammarAccess.findRuleCalls(rule)) { CrossReference cr = GrammarUtil.containingCrossReference(rc); result.add(cr == null ? rc : cr); } return result; } return null; }
protected String _crossrefEbnf(final RuleCall it, final CrossReference ref, final boolean supportActions) { String _xblockexpression = null; { final AbstractRule rule = it.getRule(); if ((rule instanceof ParserRule)) { ParserRule _originalElement = AntlrGrammarGenUtil.<ParserRule>getOriginalElement(((ParserRule)rule)); boolean _isDatatypeRule = GrammarUtil.isDatatypeRule(((AbstractRule) _originalElement)); boolean _not = (!_isDatatypeRule); if (_not) { throw new IllegalStateException("crossrefEbnf is not supported for ParserRule that is not a datatype rule"); } } _xblockexpression = this.crossrefEbnf(rule, it, ref, supportActions); } return _xblockexpression; }
@Override protected String getCrossReferenceNameFromScope(EObject semanticObject, CrossReference crossref, EObject target, IScope scope, Acceptor errors) { if (target instanceof AbstractRule) { return ((AbstractRule) target).getName(); } if (target instanceof ENamedElement) { return ((ENamedElement) target).getName(); } return super.getCrossReferenceNameFromScope(semanticObject, crossref, target, scope, errors); }
/** * Installs proxies for all non containment references and only if the node representing the EObject that contains * the cross reference has got leaf nodes (as a leaf node represents the cross reference). * * @param resource * the N4JSResource * @param obj * the EObject containing the cross reference * @param producer * the error/warning producer * @param parentNode * the node representing obj inside the node model */ private void installProxies(N4JSResource resource, EObject obj, IDiagnosticProducer producer, ICompositeNode parentNode, boolean dontCheckParent) { final EClass eClass = obj.eClass(); if (eClass.getEAllReferences().size() - eClass.getEAllContainments().size() == 0) return; for (INode node = parentNode.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { EObject grammarElement = node.getGrammarElement(); if (grammarElement instanceof CrossReference && hasLeafNodes(node)) { producer.setNode(node); CrossReference crossReference = (CrossReference) grammarElement; final EReference eRef = GrammarUtil.getReference(crossReference, eClass); if (eRef == null) { ParserRule parserRule = GrammarUtil.containingParserRule(crossReference); final String feature = GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(crossReference).getFeature(); throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find EReference for crossreference '" + eClass.getName() + "::" + feature + "' in parser rule '" + parserRule.getName() + "'."); } createAndSetProxy(resource, obj, node, eRef, crossReference, producer); afterCreateAndSetProxy(obj, node, eRef, crossReference, producer); } else if (grammarElement instanceof RuleCall && node instanceof ICompositeNode) { RuleCall ruleCall = (RuleCall) grammarElement; AbstractRule calledRule = ruleCall.getRule(); if (calledRule instanceof ParserRule && ((ParserRule) calledRule).isFragment()) { installProxies(resource, obj, producer, (ICompositeNode) node, true); } } } if (!dontCheckParent && shouldCheckParentNode(parentNode)) { installProxies(resource, obj, producer, parentNode.getParent(), dontCheckParent); } }
/** * Creates a proxy instance that will later on allow to lazily resolve the semantically referenced instance for the * given {@link CrossReference xref}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void createAndSetProxy(N4JSResource resource, EObject obj, INode node, EReference eRef, CrossReference xref, IDiagnosticProducer diagnosticProducer) { final EObject proxy = createProxy(resource, obj, node, eRef, xref, diagnosticProducer); proxy.eSetDeliver(false); if (eRef.isMany()) { ((InternalEList<EObject>) obj.eGet(eRef, false)).addUnique(proxy); } else { obj.eSet(eRef, proxy); } }
protected String getToken(RuleCall rc, Object value, INode node) { CrossReference crossRef = GrammarUtil.containingCrossReference(rc); Assignment assignment = GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(rc); if (crossRef != null) return provider.crossRefSerializer.serializeCrossRef(semanticObject, crossRef, (EObject) value, node, errorAcceptor); else if (GrammarUtil.isEObjectRuleCall(rc) || GrammarUtil.isBooleanAssignment(assignment)) return null; else if (GrammarUtil.isEnumRuleCall(rc)) return provider.enumLiteralSerializer.serializeAssignedEnumLiteral(semanticObject, rc, value, node, errorAcceptor); else return provider.valueSerializer.serializeAssignedValue(semanticObject, rc, value, node, errorAcceptor); }
private StringConcatenationClient assignmentTerminal(final AbstractElement alternatives, final StringConcatenationClient accessor) { if (alternatives instanceof Alternatives) { return _assignmentTerminal((Alternatives)alternatives, accessor); } else if (alternatives instanceof CrossReference) { return _assignmentTerminal((CrossReference)alternatives, accessor); } else if (alternatives instanceof RuleCall) { return _assignmentTerminal((RuleCall)alternatives, accessor); } else if (alternatives != null) { return _assignmentTerminal(alternatives, accessor); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(alternatives, accessor).toString()); } }
@Override public boolean filter(AbstractElement grammarElement) { if (grammarElement instanceof CrossReference) return false; if (isContainedInCrossReference(grammarElement)) return true; if (grammarElement instanceof Keyword) return false; if (grammarElement instanceof RuleCall) return false; return true; }
protected boolean hasIdRule(final CrossReference crossRef) { AbstractElement _terminal = crossRef.getTerminal(); if ((_terminal instanceof RuleCall)) { AbstractElement _terminal_1 = crossRef.getTerminal(); final String ruleName = ((RuleCall) _terminal_1).getRule().getName(); return ((Objects.equal(ruleName, "IdOrSuper") || Objects.equal(ruleName, "ValidID")) || Objects.equal(ruleName, "FeatureCallID")); } return false; }
/** * Returns the referenced {@link EObject} pointed to by the cross reference. * <p> * <em>Note</em>: For implicit item traversal to work, a custom implementation must be provided by overriding this method. * </p> * * @param sourceTag * the source tag * @param traverseImplicitItems * If target of a reference is an implicit item and this parameter is set to true, the test will get and compare the original object from which this * implicit item was created. * @param crossReference * Cross reference to be resolved, must not be {@code null} * @return the referenced {@link EObject}, must not be {@code null} */ protected EObject getCrossReferencedObject(final int sourceTag, final boolean traverseImplicitItems, final CrossReference crossReference) { EObject context = getObjectForTag(sourceTag); if (crossReference == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind("Cross reference on object ''{0}'' could not be resolved.", context.toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // We only handle references in assignments Assignment assignment = EObjectUtil.eContainer(crossReference, Assignment.class); EObject sourceObject = null; String featureName = assignment.getFeature(); EReference reference = (EReference) context.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(featureName); if (reference.isMany()) { Object featureValue = context.eGet(reference, false); assertTrue("List must be of type EObjectResolvingEList", featureValue instanceof EObjectResolvingEList); //$NON-NLS-1$ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EObjectResolvingEList<? extends EObject> objects = (EObjectResolvingEList<? extends EObject>) context.eGet(reference, false); if (objects.size() == 1) { sourceObject = EcoreUtil.resolve(objects.get(0), context); } else { // TODO DSL-166: Handle this case when needed for tests. fail("Multiple references not supported yet"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { sourceObject = (EObject) context.eGet(reference, true); } assertNotNull("Bad test. Referenced object is null.", sourceObject); //$NON-NLS-1$ return sourceObject; }
private static List<String> getSingleElementDescription(AbstractElement ele) { if (ele instanceof Keyword) return Collections.singletonList(((Keyword) ele).getValue()); else if (ele instanceof Assignment) return Collections.singletonList(((Assignment) ele).getFeature()); else if (ele instanceof RuleCall) return Collections.singletonList(((RuleCall) ele).getRule() .getName()); else if (ele instanceof Action) { Action a = (Action) ele; ArrayList<String> r = new ArrayList<String>(); if (a.getType() != null && a.getType().getClassifier() != null) r.add(a.getType().getClassifier().getName()); if (a.getFeature() != null && !"".equals(a.getFeature())) r.add(a.getFeature()); return r; } else if (ele instanceof CrossReference) { CrossReference cr = (CrossReference) ele; if (cr.getType() != null && cr.getType().getClassifier() != null) return Collections.singletonList(cr.getType().getClassifier() .getName()); } else if (ele instanceof EnumLiteralDeclaration) { EnumLiteralDeclaration decl = (EnumLiteralDeclaration) ele; return Collections.singletonList(decl.getEnumLiteral().getName()); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
@Override public EObject getGrammarElement() { EObject element = super.getGrammarElement(); if (element instanceof CrossReference) return ((CrossReference) element).getTerminal(); return element; }
protected boolean include(INode node) { if (node instanceof ILeafNode) { return true; } else if (node instanceof ICompositeNode) { EObject element = node.getGrammarElement(); return GrammarUtil.isDatatypeRuleCall(element) || element instanceof CrossReference || GrammarUtil.isEnumRuleCall(element); } return false; }
protected String _crossrefEbnf(final AbstractRule it, final RuleCall call, final CrossReference ref, final boolean supportActions) { boolean _isDatatypeRule = GrammarUtil.isDatatypeRule(AntlrGrammarGenUtil.<AbstractRule>getOriginalElement(it)); if (_isDatatypeRule) { return this._grammarAccessExtensions.ruleName(it); } String _name = it.getName(); String _plus = (_name + " is not a datatype rule"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(_plus); }
@Override public String serializeCrossRef(EObject semanticObject, CrossReference crossref, EObject target, INode node, Acceptor errors) { if ((target == null || target.eIsProxy()) && node != null) return tokenUtil.serializeNode(node); final EReference ref = GrammarUtil.getReference(crossref, semanticObject.eClass()); final IScope scope = scopeProvider.getScope(semanticObject, ref); if (scope == null) { if (errors != null) errors.accept(diagnostics.getNoScopeFoundDiagnostic(semanticObject, crossref, target)); return null; } if (target != null && target.eIsProxy()) { target = handleProxy(target, semanticObject, ref); } if (target != null && node != null) { String text = linkingHelper.getCrossRefNodeAsString(node, true); QualifiedName qn = qualifiedNameConverter.toQualifiedName(text); URI targetURI = EcoreUtil2.getPlatformResourceOrNormalizedURI(target); for (IEObjectDescription desc : scope.getElements(qn)) { if (targetURI.equals(desc.getEObjectURI())) return tokenUtil.serializeNode(node); } } return getCrossReferenceNameFromScope(semanticObject, crossref, target, scope, errors); }
private void installProxies(EObject obj, IDiagnosticProducer producer, Multimap<EStructuralFeature.Setting, INode> settingsToLink, ICompositeNode parentNode, boolean dontCheckParent) { final EClass eClass = obj.eClass(); if (eClass.getEAllReferences().size() - eClass.getEAllContainments().size() == 0) return; for (INode node = parentNode.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { EObject grammarElement = node.getGrammarElement(); if (grammarElement instanceof CrossReference && hasLeafNodes(node)) { producer.setNode(node); CrossReference crossReference = (CrossReference) grammarElement; final EReference eRef = GrammarUtil.getReference(crossReference, eClass); if (eRef == null) { ParserRule parserRule = GrammarUtil.containingParserRule(crossReference); final String feature = GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(crossReference).getFeature(); throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find EReference for crossreference '"+eClass.getName()+"::"+feature+"' in parser rule '"+parserRule.getName()+"'."); } if (!eRef.isResolveProxies() /*|| eRef.getEOpposite() != null see*/) { final EStructuralFeature.Setting setting = ((InternalEObject) obj).eSetting(eRef); settingsToLink.put(new SettingDelegate(setting), node); } else { createAndSetProxy(obj, node, eRef); afterCreateAndSetProxy(obj, node, eRef, crossReference, producer); } } else if (grammarElement instanceof RuleCall && node instanceof ICompositeNode) { RuleCall ruleCall = (RuleCall) grammarElement; AbstractRule calledRule = ruleCall.getRule(); if (calledRule instanceof ParserRule && ((ParserRule) calledRule).isFragment()) { installProxies(obj, producer, settingsToLink, (ICompositeNode) node, true); } } } if (!dontCheckParent && shouldCheckParentNode(parentNode)) { installProxies(obj, producer, settingsToLink, parentNode.getParent(), dontCheckParent); } }
@Test public void testParseCrossRef() throws Exception { Grammar model = (Grammar) getModel("grammar foo with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals " + "generate foo 'bar' as boo " + "Model returns boo::Model : 'a' stuff+=Stuff*; " + "Stuff returns boo::Stuff : 'stuff' name=ID refersTo=[boo::Stuff];"); AbstractRule rule = model.getRules().get(1); Group group = (Group) rule.getAlternatives(); Assignment assignment = (Assignment) group.getElements().get(2); CrossReference reference = (CrossReference) assignment.getTerminal(); assertEquals("boo", reference.getType().getMetamodel().getAlias()); // assertWithXtend("'boo'", "eAllContents.typeSelect(xtext::CrossReference).first().type.metamodel.alias", model); assertEquals("Stuff", reference.getType().getClassifier().getName()); // assertWithXtend("'Stuff'", "eAllContents.typeSelect(xtext::CrossReference).first()", model); }
protected String crossrefEbnf(final AbstractElement it, final CrossReference ref, final boolean supportActions) { if (it instanceof Alternatives) { return _crossrefEbnf((Alternatives)it, ref, supportActions); } else if (it instanceof RuleCall) { return _crossrefEbnf((RuleCall)it, ref, supportActions); } else if (it != null) { return _crossrefEbnf(it, ref, supportActions); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(it, ref, supportActions).toString()); } }
protected boolean isContainedInCrossReference(EObject obj) { EObject cnt = obj.eContainer(); if (cnt == null) return false; if (cnt instanceof CrossReference) return true; if (cnt instanceof Group) return false; return isContainedInCrossReference(cnt); }
@Check public void checkCrossReferenceNotInAlternatives(Alternatives alternatives) { int numOfCrossRefs = IterableExtensions.size(IterableExtensions.filter(alternatives.getElements(), CrossReference.class)); if (numOfCrossRefs > 1) { String errorMessage = "Cross references using the pattern 'feature=([SomeClass|ID] | [SomeClass|STRING])' are not allowed." + " Use the pattern '(feature=[SomeClass|ID] | feature=[SomeClass|STRING])' instead."; error(errorMessage, alternatives, null, ValidationMessageAcceptor.INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX, CROSS_REFERENCE_IN_ALTERNATIVES); } }
@Override public Boolean caseCrossReference(CrossReference object) { if (!checkFurther(object)) return result; if (doSwitch(object.getTerminal())) return true; if (GrammarUtil.isMultipleCardinality(object)) { if (!checkFurther(object)) return result; if (doSwitch(object.getTerminal())) return true; } return Boolean.FALSE; }
@Override protected String serializeInternal(INode node) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case CROSS_REFERENCE: String ref = crossRefSerializer.serializeCrossRef(eObjectConsumer.getEObject(), (CrossReference) element, (EObject) value, node); if (ref == null) { Assignment ass = GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(element); throw new XtextSerializationException("Could not serialize cross reference from " + EmfFormatter.objPath(eObjectConsumer.getEObject()) + "." + ass.getFeature() + " to " + EmfFormatter.objPath((EObject) value)); } return ref; case KEYWORD: return keywordSerializer.serializeAssignedKeyword(eObjectConsumer.getEObject(), ((Keyword) element), value, node); case TERMINAL_RULE_CALL: return valueSerializer.serializeAssignedValue(eObjectConsumer.getEObject(), (RuleCall) element, value, node); case ENUM_RULE_CALL: return enumLitSerializer.serializeAssignedEnumLiteral(eObjectConsumer.getEObject(), (RuleCall) element, value, node); case PARSER_RULE_CALL: return null; case DATATYPE_RULE_CALL: return valueSerializer.serializeAssignedValue(eObjectConsumer.getEObject(), (RuleCall) element, value, node); default: return null; } }
public AbstractRule getTokenRule(INode node) { if (node == null) return null; EObject element = node.getGrammarElement(); if (element instanceof AbstractRule) return (AbstractRule) element; if (element instanceof CrossReference) element = ((CrossReference) element).getTerminal(); if (element instanceof RuleCall) return ((RuleCall) element).getRule(); return null; }
public void completeExportFromClause_ReexportedFrom(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeImportDeclarationImpl_Module(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeNamedImportSpecifier_ImportedElement(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeDefaultImportSpecifier_ImportedElement(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeLetIdentifierRef_Id(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeContinueStatement_Label(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }
public void completeBreakStatement_Label(EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { lookupCrossReference(((CrossReference)assignment.getTerminal()), context, acceptor); }