protected void cleanUpTmpFolder(File tempDir) { if (temporaryFolder == null || !temporaryFolder.isInitialized()) { try { tempDir.deleteOnExit(); // Classloader needs .class files to lazy load an anonymous non static classes Files.cleanFolder(tempDir, new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { boolean isClass = pathname.getName().endsWith(".class"); if(isClass) { pathname.deleteOnExit(); } return !isClass; } }, true, true); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // ignore } } }
/** * Generate the script to compile the JHipster application. * * @param jconf Configuration of JHipster * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated */ private void generateCompileScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; switch (jconf.prodDatabaseType){ case "mysql": script += getMysqlScript(); break; case "mongodb": script += getMongodbScript(); break; case "cassandra": script += getCassandraScript(); break; case "postgresql": script += getPostgreScript(); break; case "mariadb": script += getMysqlScript(); break; } if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script+= "mvn compile"; else script+="./gradlew compileJava"; script += ">> compile.log 2>&1"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Generate the script to build the application without the use of Docker. * * @param jconf JHipster configuration to build. * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated. */ private void generateBuildScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; // TODO See if we include dev profile for all variants if(jconf.devDatabaseType.startsWith("h2")){ if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw -Pdev "; else script += "./gradlew -Pdev "; } else{ if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw -Pprod "; else script += "./gradlew -Pprod "; } script += ">> build.log 2>&1"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory) + "", script); }
/** * Generate script used to run tests on the configuration and write it in * * @param jconf Configuration on which tests are run. * @param jDirectory Directory where to write the script. */ private void generateTestScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); for(String testFramework : jconf.testFrameworks){ switch(testFramework){ case "gatling": script += properties.getProperty("removeGatlingSimulations"); if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw gatling:execute"; else script += "printf 'empadlew gatlingRun -x cleanResources"; script += " >> testGatling.log 2>&1\n"; break; case "protractor": script += "xvfb-run gulp protractor >> testProtractor.log 2>&1\n"; break; case "cucumber": if (jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw test >> cucumber.log 2>&1\n"; else script += "./gradlew test >> cucumber.log 2>&1\n"; break; } } Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Generate script used to run tests on the configuration and write it in * * @param jconf Configuration on which tests are run. * @param jDirectory Directory where to write the script. */ private void generateTestDockerScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); for(String testFramework : jconf.testFrameworks){ switch(testFramework){ case "gatling": script += properties.getProperty("removeGatlingSimulations"); if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw gatling:execute"; else script += "printf 'empadlew gatlingRun -x cleanResources"; script += " >> testDockerGatling.log 2>&1\n"; break; case "protractor": script += "xvfb-run gulp protractor >> testDockerProtractor.log 2>&1\n"; break; case "cucumber": if (jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw test >> cucumberDocker.log 2>&1\n"; else script += "./gradlew test >> cucumberDocker.log 2>&1\n"; break; } } Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Returns all yo-rc.json templates related to the clientApp. * All these templates must be located in: yo-rc-templates/ and start with clientApp * * @return yo-rc.json Templates as JsonObject */ public JsonObject[] getClientAppJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if (clientAppJson == null){ clientAppJson = new JsonObject[2]; for(final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if(file.getName().startsWith("clientApp")){ JsonObject object = jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); clientAppJson[i] = object; i++; } } } return clientAppJson; }
/** * Returns all yo-rc.json templates related to the serverApp. * All these templates must be located in: yo-rc-templates/ and start with serverApp * * @return */ public JsonObject[] getServerAppJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if(serverAppJson == null){ serverAppJson = new JsonObject[4]; for(final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if(file.getName().startsWith("serverApp")){ JsonObject object= jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); serverAppJson[i] = object; i++; } } } return serverAppJson; }
/** * Check the App is generated successfully * * @param file Name to check * @return true if the app is well generated */ public boolean checkGenerateApp(String fileName){ try{ //extract log String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path +fileName); //CHECK IF Server app generated successfully. //OR Client app generated successfully. Matcher m = Pattern.compile("((.*?)Server app generated successfully.)").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)Client app generated successfully.)").matcher(text); while(m.find() | m2.find()) return true; return false; } catch (Exception e){ return false; } }
/** * Check the App is compiled successfully * * @param file Name to check * @return true if the app is well compiled */ public boolean checkCompileApp(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException{ try{ //extract log String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path + fileName); //CHECK IF BUILD FAILED THEN false Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)BUILD FAILED)").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)BUILD FAILURE)").matcher(text); while(m1.find() | m2.find()) return false; return true; } catch (Exception e){ return false; } }
/** * Check the App is build successfully * * @param jDirectory Name of the folder */ public boolean checkBuildApp(String fileName){ try{ String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+fileName); //CHECK IF BUILD FAILED THEN false Matcher m = Pattern.compile("((.*?)APPLICATION FAILED TO START)").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)BUILD FAILED)").matcher(text); Matcher m3 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)BUILD FAILURE)").matcher(text); while(m.find() | m2.find() | m3.find()) return false; return true; } catch (Exception e){ return false; } }
/** * Return coverageInstructions from Jacoco * * @param jDirectory Name of the folder * @return String coverage of instructions * */ public String extractCoverageIntstructions(String fileName){ String resultsTests = DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_VALUE; try{"ça passe !"); String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+JACOCOPATH+fileName); Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("Total</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?) %" + "</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?) %</td>").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("Total</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?)%" + "</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?)%</td>").matcher(text); while(m1.find()) return resultsTests =; while(m2.find()) return resultsTests =; } catch (Exception e){ _log.error("Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } return resultsTests; }
/** * Return coverageBranches from Jacoco * * @param jDirectory Name of the folder * @return String coverage of Branches * */ public String extractCoverageBranches(String fileName){ String resultsTests = DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_VALUE; try{ String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+JACOCOPATH+fileName); Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("Total</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?) %" + "</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?) %</td>").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("Total</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?)%" + "</td><td class=\"bar\">(.*?)</td><td class=\"ctr2\">(.*?)%</td>").matcher(text); while(m1.find()) return resultsTests =; while(m2.find()) return resultsTests =; } catch (Exception e){ _log.error("Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } return resultsTests; }
/** * Retrieves the percentage of Javascript Statements Coverage * * @param fileName File containing the percentage. * @return The percentage of Statement Coverage (Javascript) */ public String extractJSCoverageStatements(String fileName){ String result = DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_VALUE; try{ String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+fileName); Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("(.*?)<div class='fl pad1y space-right2'>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class=\"strong\">(.*?)</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class=\"quiet\">Statements</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class='fraction'>(.*?)</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)</div>").matcher(text); while(m1.find()) return; } catch(Exception e){ _log.error("Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } return result; }
/** * Retrieves the percentage of Javascript Branches Coverage * * @param fileName File containing the percentage. * @return The percentage of Branches Coverage (Javascript) */ public String extractJSCoverageBranches(String fileName){ String result = DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_VALUE; try{ String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+fileName); Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("(.*?)<div class='fl pad1y space-right2'>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class=\"strong\">(.*?)</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class=\"quiet\">Branches</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)<span class='fraction'>(.*?)</span>(\r*?)(\n*?)" + "(.*?)</div>").matcher(text); while(m1.find()) return; } catch(Exception e){ _log.error("Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } return result; }
/** * Return stacktraces * * @param jDirectory Name of the folder * @return String of stacktraces * */ public String extractStacktraces(String fileName){ String stacktraces = ""; try{ String text = Files.readFileIntoString(path+fileName); Matcher m1 = Pattern.compile("(Exception(.*?)\\n)").matcher(text); Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("(Caused by(.*?)\\n)").matcher(text); Matcher m3 = Pattern.compile("((.*?)\\[ERROR\\](.*))").matcher(text); Matcher m4 = Pattern.compile("(ERROR:(.*?)\\n)").matcher(text); Matcher m5 = Pattern.compile("(error:(.*?)^)").matcher(text); Matcher m6 = Pattern.compile("(Error parsing reference:(.*?) is not a valid repository/tag)").matcher(text); while(m1.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; while(m2.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; while(m3.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; while(m4.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; while(m5.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; while(m6.find()) stacktraces = stacktraces + + "\n"; } catch (Exception e){ _log.error("Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } return stacktraces; }
protected File getRoot(final String path) { try { File _xblockexpression = null; { final File root = new File(path); boolean _mkdirs = root.mkdirs(); boolean _not = (!_mkdirs); if (_not) { Files.cleanFolder(root, null, true, false); } root.deleteOnExit(); _xblockexpression = root; } return _xblockexpression; } catch (Throwable _e) { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e); } }
@Before public void setup() { try { ServerModule _serverModule = new ServerModule(); final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(_serverModule); injector.injectMembers(this); File _file = new File("./test-data/test-project"); this.root = _file; boolean _mkdirs = this.root.mkdirs(); boolean _not = (!_mkdirs); if (_not) { Files.cleanFolder(this.root, null, true, false); } this.root.deleteOnExit(); final Procedure2<URI, Iterable<Issue>> _function = (URI $0, Iterable<Issue> $1) -> { this.diagnostics.put($0, IterableExtensions.<Issue>toList($1)); }; this.workspaceManger.initialize(this.uriExtensions.withEmptyAuthority(URI.createFileURI(this.root.getAbsolutePath())), _function, null); } catch (Throwable _e) { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e); } }
@Before public void setup() { try { final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(this.getServerModule()); injector.injectMembers(this); final Object resourceServiceProvider = this.resourceServerProviderRegistry.getExtensionToFactoryMap().get(this.fileExtension); if ((resourceServiceProvider instanceof IResourceServiceProvider)) { this.languageInfo = ((IResourceServiceProvider)resourceServiceProvider).<LanguageInfo>get(LanguageInfo.class); } this.languageServer.connect(ServiceEndpoints.<LanguageClientExtensions>toServiceObject(this, LanguageClientExtensions.class)); this.languageServer.supportedMethods(); File _absoluteFile = new File("").getAbsoluteFile(); File _file = new File(_absoluteFile, "/test-data/test-project"); this.root = _file; boolean _mkdirs = this.root.mkdirs(); boolean _not = (!_mkdirs); if (_not) { Files.cleanFolder(this.root, null, true, false); } this.root.deleteOnExit(); } catch (Throwable _e) { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e); } }
/** * Use this main method to update the expectations to whatever the wizard currently generates */ public static void main(final String[] args) { final CliProjectsCreator creator = CliWizardIntegrationTest.newProjectCreator(); final Consumer<WizardConfiguration> _function = (WizardConfiguration config) -> { try { String _baseName = config.getBaseName(); final File targetLocation = new File("testdata/wizard-expectations", _baseName); targetLocation.mkdirs(); Files.sweepFolder(targetLocation); config.setRootLocation(targetLocation.getPath()); creator.createProjects(config); String _baseName_1 = config.getBaseName(); String _plus = ("Updating expectations for " + _baseName_1); InputOutput.<String>println(_plus); } catch (Throwable _e) { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e); } }; CliWizardIntegrationTest.projectConfigs.forEach(_function); }
/** * Tries to obtain repository name from the provided directory by reading git config in * {@code currendDir/.git/config} * * @return string with repo name or {@code null} */ private static String getRepoName(File currentDir) { File gitFolder = new File(currentDir, ".git"); if (!gitFolder.isDirectory()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No '.git' folder at " + currentDir.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } File config = new File(gitFolder, "config"); if (!config.isFile()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No 'config' file at " + gitFolder.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } try { String configStr = Files.readFileIntoString(config.getAbsolutePath()); Config cfg = new Config(); cfg.fromText(configStr); String originURL = cfg.getString("remote", "origin", "url"); if (originURL != null && !originURL.isEmpty()) { int lastSlash = originURL.lastIndexOf('/'); String repoName = null; if (lastSlash >= 0) { repoName = originURL.substring(lastSlash + 1); } else { repoName = originURL; } if (repoName.endsWith(".git")) { repoName = repoName.substring(0, repoName.length() - 4); } return repoName; } } catch (ConfigInvalidException e) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot read git config at " + config.getAbsolutePath(), e); } return null; }
protected File createTempDir() { if (temporaryFolder != null && temporaryFolder.isInitialized()) { try { return temporaryFolder.newFolder(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } return; }
/** * Physically copies the given files to the currently used workspace root (a temporary folder). * @param workspacefilePath the workspace relative path * @param contents the file contents */ public URI copyToWorkspace(String workspacefilePath, CharSequence contents) { File fullPath = new File(workspaceRoot.getAbsolutePath()+"/"+workspacefilePath); if (fullPath.exists()) { fullPath.delete(); } else { mkDir(fullPath.getParentFile()); } URI uri = URI.createFileURI(fullPath.getAbsolutePath()); Files.writeStringIntoFile(uri.toFileString(), contents.toString()); return uri; }
@After public void cleanup() throws IOException { deleteFolder("src-gen"); deleteFolder("src2-gen"); if (TMP_DIR.exists()) { Files.sweepFolder(TMP_DIR); TMP_DIR.delete(); } }
private void deleteFolder(String projectRelativePath) throws FileNotFoundException { File folder = getFile(projectRelativePath); if (folder.exists()) { Files.sweepFolder(folder); folder.delete(); } }
@After public void tearDown() throws FileNotFoundException { if (outputClassDirectory != null && outputClassDirectory.exists()) { assertTrue("Unable to delete test directory: " + outputClassDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), Files.sweepFolder(outputClassDirectory)); } }
public static void cleanFolder(String srcGenPath) throws FileNotFoundException { File f = new File(srcGenPath); if (!f.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException(srcGenPath + " " + f.getAbsolutePath());"Cleaning folder " + f.getPath()); Files.cleanFolder(f, new FileFilter() { private final Collection<String> excludes = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(defaultExcludes)); @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return !excludes.contains(pathname.getName()); } }, false, false); }
/** * Generate the script to stop all databases services. * * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated. */ public void generateStopDatabaseScript(String jDirectory){ Properties property = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n" + property.getProperty("mysqlStop") + property.getProperty("cassandraStop") + property.getProperty("mongodbStop") + property.getProperty("postgreStop"); Files.writeStringIntoFile(jDirectory+"/", script); }
/** * Generates the script to generate the JHipster application.\n * This script varies depending on the application type (see JHipster's Sub-Generators) * * @param jconf JHipster Configuration to generate; * @param jDirectory Name of the directory (jhipster+id) in which the script will be placed. */ private void generateYoJhipsterScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; if(jconf.applicationType.equals("clientApp")) script += "yo jhipster:client --auth session "; else if (jconf.applicationType.equals("serverApp")) script += "yo jhipster:server "; else script += "yo jhipster "; script += ">> generate.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory) + "", script); }
/** * Generate the script to run the unit test(s) of the application. * * @param jconf JHipster configuration to test * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated */ private void generateUnitTestScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; if (jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += "./mvnw test >> test.log 2>&1\n"; else script += "./gradlew test >> test.log 2>&1\n"; // KarmaJS is provided by default script += "gulp test >> testKarmaJS.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Generate the script used to package and deploy an application via Docker. * * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated. * @param maven True if the application uses Maven; False otherwise. */ private void generateDockerStartScript(String jDirectory, JhipsterConfiguration jconf){ Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; if(jconf.databaseType.equals("cassandra")) script += properties.getProperty("cassandraMigration")+" >> cassandraMigration.log 2>&1"; // Packaging if(jconf.buildTool.equals("maven")) script += properties.getProperty("mavenDockerPackage"); else script += properties.getProperty("gradleDockerPackage"); script+= " >> buildDocker.log 2>&1\n"; // Docker-compose script += properties.getProperty("dockerStart") + " >> buildDocker.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
private void generateDockerRetryScript(String jDirectory, JhipsterConfiguration jconf){ Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; // Docker-compose script += properties.getProperty("dockerStart") + " >> buildDocker2.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Generate the script used to stop the application via Docker and to remove all containers/images. * * @param jconf JHipster configuration * @param jDirectory Directory where the script must be generated. */ private void generateDockerStopScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); // Stop main container String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n" + properties.getProperty("dockerStop") + " >> dockerStop.log 2>&1\n"; // Stop database container switch (jconf.prodDatabaseType){ case "mysql": script += properties.getProperty("dockerStopMysql"); break; case "mongodb": script += properties.getProperty("dockerStopMongo"); break; case "cassandra": script += properties.getProperty("dockerStopCassandra"); break; case "postgresql": script += properties.getProperty("dockerStopPostgre"); break; case "mariadb": script += properties.getProperty("dockerStopMaria"); break; } script += " >> dockerStop.log 2>&1\n"; // Remove all Docker images script += properties.getProperty("dockerRemoveAll") + " >> dockerStop.log 2>&1\n"; script += properties.getProperty("dockerRemoveImages") + " >> dockerStop.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
/** * Generates a script to kill the server running on port 8080 into * * @param jDirectory Directory where to write the script. */ private void generateKillScript(String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); script += properties.getProperty("killApp")+"\n"; script += properties.getProperty("killRegistry")+"\n"; script += properties.getProperty("killUAA")+"\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
public void generatePublishScript(String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; script += "tar acf "+jDirectory+".tar.gz *.log\n"; script += "gdrive upload "+jDirectory+".tar.gz"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
private void generateEntitiesScript(String jDirectory, String database){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); if(database.equals("mysql") || database.equals("postgresql") || database.equals("mariadb")) script += properties.getProperty("importJDL")+"\n"; else if(database.equals("mongodb")) script += properties.getProperty("importJDLMongo")+"\n"; else script += properties.getProperty("importJDLCassandra")+"\n"; script += properties.getProperty("generateJDL")+" >> generateJDL.log 2>&1\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); }
private void generateOracleDatabaseScript(JhipsterConfiguration jconf, String jDirectory){ String script = "#!/bin/bash\n\n"; Properties properties = getProperties(PROPERTIES_FILE); if(jconf.prodDatabaseType.equals("oracle")|jconf.devDatabaseType.equals("oracle")) {script += properties.getProperty("oracleInitJar")+"\n"; Files.writeStringIntoFile(getjDirectory(jDirectory)+"", script); } }
public JsonObject[] getUaaJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if (uaa == null){ uaa = new JsonObject[2]; for (final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if(file.getName().startsWith("uaa")){ JsonObject object = jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); uaa[i] = object; i++; } } } return uaa; }
public JsonObject[] getMonolithJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if(monolith == null){ monolith = new JsonObject[4]; for(final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if (file.getName().startsWith("monolith")){ JsonObject object = jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); monolith[i] = object; i++; } } } return monolith; }
public JsonObject[] getGatewayJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if(gateway == null){ gateway = new JsonObject[4]; for(final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if(file.getName().startsWith("gateway")){ JsonObject object = jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); gateway[i] = object; i++; } } } return gateway; }
public JsonObject[] getMicroserviceJson(){ int i = 0; JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); if (microservice == null){ microservice = new JsonObject[4]; for(final File file:new File(YO_RC_DIRECTORY).listFiles()){ if (file.getName().startsWith("microservice")){ JsonObject object = jsonParser.parse(Files.readFileIntoString(YO_RC_DIRECTORY+file.getName())).getAsJsonObject(); microservice[i] = object; i++; } } } return microservice; }