private Response wrap(SearchResponse response) { List<SearchFailure> failures; if (response.getShardFailures() == null) { failures = emptyList(); } else { failures = new ArrayList<>(response.getShardFailures().length); for (ShardSearchFailure failure: response.getShardFailures()) { String nodeId = failure.shard() == null ? null : failure.shard().getNodeId(); failures.add(new SearchFailure(failure.getCause(), failure.index(), failure.shardId(), nodeId)); } } List<Hit> hits; if (response.getHits().getHits() == null || response.getHits().getHits().length == 0) { hits = emptyList(); } else { hits = new ArrayList<>(response.getHits().getHits().length); for (SearchHit hit: response.getHits().getHits()) { hits.add(new ClientHit(hit)); } hits = unmodifiableList(hits); } return new Response(response.isTimedOut(), failures, response.getHits().getTotalHits(), hits, response.getScrollId()); }
private void checkExceptions(Script script) { try { SearchResponse sr = client().prepareSearch("test").setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()).addScriptField("tvtest", script) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat(sr.getHits().getHits().length, equalTo(0)); ShardSearchFailure[] shardFails = sr.getShardFailures(); for (ShardSearchFailure fail : shardFails) { assertThat(fail.reason().indexOf("Cannot iterate twice! If you want to iterate more that once, add _CACHE explicitly."), Matchers.greaterThan(-1)); } } catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException ex) { assertThat( "got " + ex.toString(), ex.toString().indexOf("Cannot iterate twice! If you want to iterate more that once, add _CACHE explicitly."), Matchers.greaterThan(-1)); } }
public void testSearchPhaseExecutionException() throws IOException { ShardSearchFailure[] empty = new ShardSearchFailure[0]; SearchPhaseExecutionException ex = serialize(new SearchPhaseExecutionException("boom", "baam", new NullPointerException(), empty)); assertEquals("boom", ex.getPhaseName()); assertEquals("baam", ex.getMessage()); assertTrue(ex.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); assertEquals(empty.length, ex.shardFailures().length); ShardSearchFailure[] one = new ShardSearchFailure[]{ new ShardSearchFailure(new IllegalArgumentException("nono!")) }; ex = serialize(new SearchPhaseExecutionException("boom", "baam", new NullPointerException(), one)); assertEquals("boom", ex.getPhaseName()); assertEquals("baam", ex.getMessage()); assertTrue(ex.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); assertEquals(one.length, ex.shardFailures().length); assertTrue(ex.shardFailures()[0].getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException); }
/** * Perform a test search request to validate the element prior to storing it. * * @param validation validation info * @param element the element stored * @param task the parent task * @param listener the action listener to write to * @param onSuccess action ro run when the validation is successfull */ private void validate(FeatureValidation validation, StorableElement element, Task task, ActionListener<FeatureStoreResponse> listener, Runnable onSuccess) { ValidatingLtrQueryBuilder ltrBuilder = new ValidatingLtrQueryBuilder(element, validation, factory); SearchRequestBuilder builder = SearchAction.INSTANCE.newRequestBuilder(client); builder.setIndices(validation.getIndex()); builder.setQuery(ltrBuilder); builder.setFrom(0); builder.setSize(20); // Bail out early and don't score the whole index. builder.setTerminateAfter(1000); builder.request().setParentTask(clusterService.localNode().getId(), task.getId()); builder.execute(wrap((r) -> { if (r.getFailedShards() > 0) { ShardSearchFailure failure = r.getShardFailures()[0]; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validating the element caused " + r.getFailedShards() + " shard failures, see root cause: " + failure.reason(), failure.getCause()); }; }, (e) -> listener.onFailure(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot store element, validation failed.", e)))); }
protected void validateRespose(final SearchResponse response) { final int totalShards = response.getTotalShards(); final int successfulShards = response.getSuccessfulShards(); if (totalShards != successfulShards) { throw new MissingShardsException(totalShards - successfulShards + " shards are failed."); } final ShardSearchFailure[] failures = response.getShardFailures(); if (failures.length > 0) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (final ShardOperationFailedException failure : failures) { buf.append('\n').append(failure.toString()); } throw new OperationFailedException("Search Operation Failed: " + buf.toString()); } }
@Override protected void doExecute(SearchRequest request, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { listener.onResponse(new SearchResponse(new InternalSearchResponse( new SearchHits( new SearchHit[0], 0L, 0.0f), new InternalAggregations(Collections.emptyList()), new Suggest(Collections.emptyList()), new SearchProfileShardResults(Collections.emptyMap()), false, false, 1), "", 1, 1, 0, new ShardSearchFailure[0])); }
public static String formatShardStatus(SearchResponse response) { String msg = " Total shards: " + response.getTotalShards() + " Successful shards: " + response.getSuccessfulShards() + " & " + response.getFailedShards() + " shard failures:"; for (ShardSearchFailure failure : response.getShardFailures()) { msg += "\n " + failure.toString(); } return msg; }
/** * Finalizes the shard in repository and then removes it from cluster state * <p> * This is non-blocking method that runs on a thread from SNAPSHOT thread pool * * @param entry snapshot * @param failure failure reason or null if snapshot was successful */ private void endSnapshot(final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry, final String failure) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Snapshot snapshot = entry.snapshot(); try { final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshot.getRepository()); logger.trace("[{}] finalizing snapshot in repository, state: [{}], failure[{}]", snapshot, entry.state(), failure); ArrayList<ShardSearchFailure> failures = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<SnapshotShardFailure> shardFailures = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectObjectCursor<ShardId, ShardSnapshotStatus> shardStatus : entry.shards()) { ShardId shardId = shardStatus.key; ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardStatus.value; if (status.state().failed()) { failures.add(new ShardSearchFailure(status.reason(), new SearchShardTarget(status.nodeId(), shardId))); shardFailures.add(new SnapshotShardFailure(status.nodeId(), shardId, status.reason())); } } SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = repository.finalizeSnapshot( snapshot.getSnapshotId(), entry.indices(), entry.startTime(), failure, entry.shards().size(), Collections.unmodifiableList(shardFailures), entry.getRepositoryStateId()); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot, snapshotInfo, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn((Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to finalize snapshot", snapshot), e); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshot, null, e); } } }); }
private void assertShardExecutionState(SearchResponse response, int expectedFailures) throws Exception { ShardSearchFailure[] failures = response.getShardFailures(); if (failures.length != expectedFailures) { for (ShardSearchFailure failure : failures) { logger.error((Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("Shard Failure: {}", failure), failure.getCause()); } fail("Unexpected shard failures!"); } assertThat("Not all shards are initialized", response.getSuccessfulShards(), equalTo(response.getTotalShards())); }
public void testIgnoreUnmapped() throws Exception { createIndex("test"); client().prepareIndex("test", "type1", "1").setSource(jsonBuilder().startObject() .field("id", "1") .field("i_value", -1) .field("d_value", -1.1) .endObject()).execute().actionGet();"--> sort with an unmapped field, verify it fails"); try { SearchResponse result = client().prepareSearch() .setQuery(matchAllQuery()) .addSort(SortBuilders.fieldSort("kkk")) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat("Expected exception but returned with", result, nullValue()); } catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException e) { //we check that it's a parse failure rather than a different shard failure for (ShardSearchFailure shardSearchFailure : e.shardFailures()) { assertThat(shardSearchFailure.toString(), containsString("[No mapping found for [kkk] in order to sort on]")); } } SearchResponse searchResponse = client().prepareSearch() .setQuery(matchAllQuery()) .addSort(SortBuilders.fieldSort("kkk").unmappedType("keyword")) .execute().actionGet(); assertNoFailures(searchResponse); }
public void testConvert() throws IOException { RestRequest request = new FakeRestRequest(); RestChannel channel = new DetailedExceptionRestChannel(request); ShardSearchFailure failure = new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null), new SearchShardTarget("node_1", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 1)); ShardSearchFailure failure1 = new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null), new SearchShardTarget("node_1", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 2)); SearchPhaseExecutionException ex = new SearchPhaseExecutionException("search", "all shards failed", new ShardSearchFailure[] {failure, failure1}); BytesRestResponse response = new BytesRestResponse(channel, new RemoteTransportException("foo", ex)); String text = response.content().utf8ToString(); String expected = "{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"parsing_exception\",\"reason\":\"foobar\",\"line\":1,\"col\":2}],\"type\":\"search_phase_execution_exception\",\"reason\":\"all shards failed\",\"phase\":\"search\",\"grouped\":true,\"failed_shards\":[{\"shard\":1,\"index\":\"foo\",\"node\":\"node_1\",\"reason\":{\"type\":\"parsing_exception\",\"reason\":\"foobar\",\"line\":1,\"col\":2}}]},\"status\":400}"; assertEquals(expected.trim(), text.trim()); String stackTrace = ExceptionsHelper.stackTrace(ex); assertTrue(stackTrace.contains("Caused by: ParsingException[foobar]")); }
/** * Finalizes the shard in repository and then removes it from cluster state * <p> * This is non-blocking method that runs on a thread from SNAPSHOT thread pool * * @param entry snapshot * @param failure failure reason or null if snapshot was successful */ private void endSnapshot(final SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry, final String failure) { threadPool.executor(ThreadPool.Names.SNAPSHOT).execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SnapshotId snapshotId = entry.snapshotId(); try { final Repository repository = repositoriesService.repository(snapshotId.getRepository()); logger.trace("[{}] finalizing snapshot in repository, state: [{}], failure[{}]", snapshotId, entry.state(), failure); ArrayList<ShardSearchFailure> failures = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<SnapshotShardFailure> shardFailures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<ShardId, ShardSnapshotStatus> shardStatus : entry.shards().entrySet()) { ShardId shardId = shardStatus.getKey(); ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardStatus.getValue(); if (status.state().failed()) { failures.add(new ShardSearchFailure(status.reason(), new SearchShardTarget(status.nodeId(), shardId.getIndex(),; shardFailures.add(new SnapshotShardFailure(status.nodeId(), shardId.getIndex(),, status.reason())); } } Snapshot snapshot = repository.finalizeSnapshot(snapshotId, entry.indices(), entry.startTime(), failure, entry.shards().size(), Collections.unmodifiableList(shardFailures)); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshotId, new SnapshotInfo(snapshot), null); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("[{}] failed to finalize snapshot", t, snapshotId); removeSnapshotFromClusterState(snapshotId, null, t); } } }); }
@Override public SearchResponse search(String searchTerms, List<String> references, List<String> siteIds, int start, int end, Map<String,String> additionalSearchInfromation) { return new SearchResponse( new InternalSearchResponse(new InternalSearchHits(new InternalSearchHit[0], 0, 0.0f), new InternalFacets(Collections.EMPTY_LIST), new InternalAggregations(Collections.EMPTY_LIST), new Suggest(), false, false), "no-op", 1, 1, 1, new ShardSearchFailure[0] ); }
/** * Handle individual shard failures that can occur even when the response is OK. These * can indicate misconfiguration of the search indices. * @param request The search request. * @param response The search response. */ private void handleShardFailures( request, response) { /* * shard failures are only logged. the search itself is not failed. this approach * assumes that a user is interested in partial search results, even if the * entire search result set cannot be produced. * * for example, assume the user adds an additional sensor and the telemetry * is indexed into a new search index. if that search index is misconfigured, * it can result in partial shard failures. rather than failing the entire search, * we log the error and allow the results to be returned from shards that * are correctly configured. */ int errors = ArrayUtils.getLength(response.getShardFailures()); LOG.error("Search resulted in {}/{} shards failing; errors={}, search={}", response.getFailedShards(), response.getTotalShards(), errors, ElasticsearchUtils.toJSON(request).orElse("???")); // log each reported failure int failureCount=1; for(ShardSearchFailure fail: response.getShardFailures()) { String msg = String.format( "Shard search failure [%s/%s]; reason=%s, index=%s, shard=%s, status=%s, nodeId=%s", failureCount, errors, ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(fail.getCause()), fail.index(), fail.shardId(), fail.status(), fail.shard().getNodeId()); LOG.error(msg, fail.getCause()); } }
@Test public void searchShouldHandleShardFailure() throws InvalidSearchException { // mocks SearchResponse response = mock(SearchResponse.class); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(); ShardSearchFailure fail = mock(ShardSearchFailure.class); SearchShardTarget target = new SearchShardTarget("node1", mock(Index.class), 1, "metron"); // response will have status of OK when(response.status()).thenReturn(RestStatus.OK); // the response will report shard failures when(response.getFailedShards()).thenReturn(1); when(response.getTotalShards()).thenReturn(2); // the response will return the failures ShardSearchFailure[] failures = { fail }; when(response.getShardFailures()).thenReturn(failures); // shard failure needs to report the node when(fail.shard()).thenReturn(target); // shard failure needs to report details of failure when(fail.index()).thenReturn("bro_index_2017-10-11"); when(fail.shardId()).thenReturn(1); // search should succeed, even with failed shards ElasticsearchRequestSubmitter submitter = setup(response); SearchResponse actual = submitter.submitSearch(request); assertNotNull(actual); }
private SearchResponse readFromCache(final BytesReference value) throws IOException { final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); final StreamInput in = value.streamInput(); Map<String, Object> headers = null; if (in.readBoolean()) { headers = in.readMap(); } final InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = new InternalSearchResponse( null, null, null, null, false, null); internalResponse.readFrom(in); final int totalShards = in.readVInt(); final int successfulShards = in.readVInt(); final int size = in.readVInt(); ShardSearchFailure[] shardFailures; if (size == 0) { shardFailures = ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { shardFailures = new ShardSearchFailure[size]; for (int i = 0; i < shardFailures.length; i++) { shardFailures[i] = readShardSearchFailure(in); } } final String scrollId = in.readOptionalString(); final long tookInMillis = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000; final SearchResponse response = new SearchResponse(internalResponse, scrollId, totalShards, successfulShards, tookInMillis, shardFailures); if (headers != null) { for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : headers.entrySet()) { response.putHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return response; }
private SearchResponse checkResponseForErrors(String query, SearchResponse response) { for (ShardSearchFailure failure : response.getShardFailures()) { LOG.error("Shard failure with query {}: {}", query, failure.reason()); } // Possibly throw an exception here. return response; }
@Override public ShardSearchFailure[] getShardFailures() { return searchResponse.getShardFailures(); }
private SearchResponse createSearchResponseWithScrollId(String scrollId) { return new SearchResponse(InternalSearchResponse.empty(), scrollId, 1, 1, 1, new ShardSearchFailure[0]); }
/** * Write ES search statistics record about successful search. * * @param type of search performed * @param responseUuid UUID of response (also returned over search REST API) * @param resp response from search attempt * @param dateInMillis timestamp when search was performed * @param querySettings performed */ public void writeStatisticsRecord(StatsRecordType type, String responseUuid, SearchResponse resp, long dateInMillis, QuerySettings querySettings) { if (!statsConfiguration.enabled()) { return; } if (resp == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> source = new HashMap<String, Object>(); source.put(FIELD_RESPONSE_UUID, responseUuid); source.put("took", resp.getTookInMillis()); source.put("timed_out", resp.isTimedOut()); source.put("total_hits", resp.getHits().totalHits()); source.put("max_score", resp.getHits().maxScore()); source.put("shards_successful", resp.getSuccessfulShards()); source.put("shards_failed", resp.getFailedShards()); source.put(FIELD_STATUS, resp.status().name()); if (resp.getFailedShards() > 0) { for (ShardSearchFailure ssf : resp.getShardFailures()) { source.put("shard_failure", ssf.reason()); } } addQuery(source, querySettings); if (resp.getHits().totalHits() > 0) { List<String> hitIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SearchHit hit : resp.getHits().getHits()) { hitIds.add(hit.getId()); } source.put("returned_hits", hitIds.size()); source.put(FIELD_HITS_ID, hitIds); } writeStatisticsRecord(type, dateInMillis, source); }
/** * Write ES search statistics record about successful search. * * @param type of search performed * @param responseUuid UUID of response (also returned over search REST API) * @param resp response from search attempt * @param dateInMillis timestamp when search was performed * @param querySettings performed */ public void writeStatisticsRecord(StatsRecordType type, String responseUuid, SearchResponse resp, long dateInMillis, QuerySettings querySettings) { if (!statsConfiguration.enabled()) { return; } if (resp == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> source = new HashMap<>(); source.put(FIELD_RESPONSE_UUID, responseUuid); source.put("took", resp.getTookInMillis()); source.put("timed_out", resp.isTimedOut()); source.put("total_hits", resp.getHits().totalHits()); source.put("max_score", resp.getHits().maxScore()); source.put("shards_successful", resp.getSuccessfulShards()); source.put("shards_failed", resp.getFailedShards()); source.put(FIELD_STATUS, resp.status().name()); if (resp.getFailedShards() > 0) { for (ShardSearchFailure ssf : resp.getShardFailures()) { source.put("shard_failure", ssf.reason()); } } addQuery(source, querySettings); if (resp.getHits().totalHits() > 0) { List<String> hitIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (SearchHit hit : resp.getHits().getHits()) { hitIds.add(hit.getId()); } source.put("returned_hits", hitIds.size()); source.put(FIELD_HITS_ID, hitIds); } writeStatisticsRecord(type, dateInMillis, source); }