@Override public void setupTest(BackendListenerContext context) throws Exception { try { this.index = context.getParameter(ES_INDEX); this.bulkSize = Integer.parseInt(context.getParameter(ES_BULK_SIZE)); this.timeoutMs = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault(ES_TIMEOUT_MS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS); this.buildNumber = (JMeterUtils.getProperty(ElasticsearchBackend.BUILD_NUMBER) != null && JMeterUtils.getProperty(ElasticsearchBackend.BUILD_NUMBER).trim() != "") ? Integer.parseInt(JMeterUtils.getProperty(ElasticsearchBackend.BUILD_NUMBER)) : 0; String host = context.getParameter(ES_HOST); int port = Integer.parseInt(context.getParameter(ES_PORT)); this.client = new RestHighLevelClient( RestClient.builder( new HttpHost(host, port, context.getParameter(ES_SCHEME, "http"))) .setRequestConfigCallback(requestConfigBuilder -> requestConfigBuilder .setConnectTimeout(5000) .setSocketTimeout((int)timeoutMs)) .setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(60000)); this.bulkRequest = new BulkRequest().timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(timeoutMs)); super.setupTest(context); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to setup connectivity to ES", e); } }
private void bulkIndexMember(List<?> memList) throws Exception { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); for (Object mem : memList) { buf.append("{\"index\": {}}"); buf.append("\n"); buf.append(Gson.toJson(mem)); buf.append("\n"); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); RestClient client = Plugin.client; HttpEntity entity = new NStringEntity(buf.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); Response indexResponse = client.performRequest("POST", "/weike/member/_bulk", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("indexMember {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); LOG.debug("indexResponse {}", indexResponse.toString()); } }
public void testBuildRestClient() throws Exception { RemoteInfo remoteInfo = new RemoteInfo("https", "localhost", 9200, new BytesArray("ignored"), null, null, emptyMap(), RemoteInfo.DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, RemoteInfo.DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); long taskId = randomLong(); List<Thread> threads = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); RestClient client = TransportReindexAction.buildRestClient(remoteInfo, taskId, threads); try { assertBusy(() -> assertThat(threads, hasSize(2))); int i = 0; for (Thread thread : threads) { assertEquals("es-client-" + taskId + "-" + i, thread.getName()); i++; } } finally { client.close(); } }
private RemoteScrollableHitSource sourceWithMockedClient(boolean mockRemoteVersion, CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpClient) throws Exception { HttpAsyncClientBuilder clientBuilder = mock(HttpAsyncClientBuilder.class); when(clientBuilder.build()).thenReturn(httpClient); RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost", 9200)) .setHttpClientConfigCallback(httpClientBuilder -> clientBuilder).build(); TestRemoteScrollableHitSource hitSource = new TestRemoteScrollableHitSource(restClient) { @Override void lookupRemoteVersion(Consumer<Version> onVersion) { if (mockRemoteVersion) { onVersion.accept(Version.CURRENT); } else { super.lookupRemoteVersion(onVersion); } } }; if (mockRemoteVersion) { hitSource.remoteVersion = Version.CURRENT; } return hitSource; }
private List<Shard> buildShards(Nodes nodes, RestClient client) throws IOException { Response response = client.performRequest("GET", "test/_stats", singletonMap("level", "shards")); List<Object> shardStats = ObjectPath.createFromResponse(response).evaluate("indices.test.shards.0"); ArrayList<Shard> shards = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object shard : shardStats) { final String nodeId = ObjectPath.evaluate(shard, "routing.node"); final Boolean primary = ObjectPath.evaluate(shard, "routing.primary"); final Node node = nodes.getSafe(nodeId); final SeqNoStats seqNoStats; if (node.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_alpha1_UNRELEASED)) { Integer maxSeqNo = ObjectPath.evaluate(shard, "seq_no.max_seq_no"); Integer localCheckpoint = ObjectPath.evaluate(shard, "seq_no.local_checkpoint"); Integer globalCheckpoint = ObjectPath.evaluate(shard, "seq_no.global_checkpoint"); seqNoStats = new SeqNoStats(maxSeqNo, localCheckpoint, globalCheckpoint); } else { seqNoStats = null; } shards.add(new Shard(node, primary, seqNoStats)); } return shards; }
private static Tuple<Version, Version> readVersionsFromCatNodes(RestClient restClient) throws IOException { // we simply go to the _cat/nodes API and parse all versions in the cluster Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", "/_cat/nodes", Collections.singletonMap("h", "version,master")); ClientYamlTestResponse restTestResponse = new ClientYamlTestResponse(response); String nodesCatResponse = restTestResponse.getBodyAsString(); String[] split = nodesCatResponse.split("\n"); Version version = null; Version masterVersion = null; for (String perNode : split) { final String[] versionAndMaster = perNode.split("\\s+"); assert versionAndMaster.length == 2 : "invalid line: " + perNode + " length: " + versionAndMaster.length; final Version currentVersion = Version.fromString(versionAndMaster[0]); final boolean master = versionAndMaster[1].trim().equals("*"); if (master) { assert masterVersion == null; masterVersion = currentVersion; } if (version == null) { version = currentVersion; } else if (version.onOrAfter(currentVersion)) { version = currentVersion; } } return new Tuple<>(version, masterVersion); }
private static Version readVersionsFromInfo(RestClient restClient, int numHosts) throws IOException { Version version = null; for (int i = 0; i < numHosts; i++) { //we don't really use the urls here, we rely on the client doing round-robin to touch all the nodes in the cluster Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", "/"); ClientYamlTestResponse restTestResponse = new ClientYamlTestResponse(response); Object latestVersion = restTestResponse.evaluate("version.number"); if (latestVersion == null) { throw new RuntimeException("elasticsearch version not found in the response"); } final Version currentVersion = Version.fromString(latestVersion.toString()); if (version == null) { version = currentVersion; } else if (version.onOrAfter(currentVersion)) { version = currentVersion; } } return version; }
public ElasticBulkSender(String user, String password, HttpHost... hosts) { this.user = user; this.password = password; this.hosts = hosts; this.restClient = RestClient.builder(hosts) .setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { @Override public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) { if (!Strings.isBlank(user)) { CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password)); return httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } else { return httpClientBuilder; } } }) .build(); }
private ReplicationResult doDeactivate(TransportContext ctx, ReplicationTransaction tx, RestClient restClient) throws ReplicationException, JSONException, IOException { ReplicationLog log = tx.getLog(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); IndexEntry content = mapper.readValue(tx.getContent().getInputStream(), IndexEntry.class); Response deleteResponse = restClient.performRequest( "DELETE", "/" + content.getIndex() + "/" + content.getType() + "/" + DigestUtils.md5Hex(content.getPath()), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); LOG.debug(deleteResponse.toString()); log.info(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Delete Call returned " + deleteResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + ": " + deleteResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); if (deleteResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED || deleteResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return ReplicationResult.OK; } LOG.error("Could not delete " + content.getType() + " at " + content.getPath()); return new ReplicationResult(false, 0, "Replication failed"); }
/** * Perform the replication. All logic is covered in {@link ElasticSearchIndexContentBuilder} so we only need to transmit the JSON to ElasticSearch * * @param ctx * @param tx * @param restClient * @return * @throws ReplicationException */ private ReplicationResult doActivate(TransportContext ctx, ReplicationTransaction tx, RestClient restClient) throws ReplicationException, JSONException, IOException { ReplicationLog log = tx.getLog(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); IndexEntry content = mapper.readValue(tx.getContent().getInputStream(), IndexEntry.class); if (content != null) { log.info(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Indexing " + content.getPath()); String contentString = mapper.writeValueAsString(content.getContent()); log.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Index-Content: " + contentString); LOG.debug("Index-Content: " + contentString); HttpEntity entity = new NStringEntity(contentString, "UTF-8"); Response indexResponse = restClient.performRequest( "PUT", "/" + content.getIndex() + "/" + content.getType() + "/" + DigestUtils.md5Hex(content.getPath()), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); LOG.debug(indexResponse.toString()); log.info(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + indexResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + ": " + indexResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); if (indexResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED || indexResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return ReplicationResult.OK; } } LOG.error("Could not replicate"); return new ReplicationResult(false, 0, "Replication failed"); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { /** * 如果es集群安装了x-pack插件则以此种方式连接集群 * 1. java客户端的方式是以tcp协议在9300端口上进行通信 * 2. http客户端的方式是以http协议在9200端口上进行通信 */ Settings settings = Settings.builder(). put("xpack.security.user", "elastic:changeme").build(); client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(settings) .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300)); elasticsearchTemplate = new ElasticsearchTemplate(client); final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("elastic", "changeme")); restClient = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost",9200,"http")) .setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { @Override public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) { return httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } }).build(); }
@Override public RestClient createInstance() throws Exception { if (this.restClient != null) { return this.restClient; } HttpHost[] addresses = new HttpHost[hosts.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { addresses[i] = HttpHost.create(hosts.get(i)); } this.restClient = RestClient .builder(addresses) .setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(ESConstants.RESTCLIENT_TIMEOUT) .build(); // this.sniffer = Sniffer.builder(this.restClient) // .setSniffIntervalMillis(60000).build(); return this.restClient; }
static int getBackendVersion(ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration) { try (RestClient restClient = connectionConfiguration.createClient()) { Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", ""); JsonNode jsonNode = parseResponse(response); int backendVersion = Integer .parseInt(jsonNode.path("version").path("number").asText().substring(0, 1)); checkArgument((backendVersion == 2 || backendVersion == 5), "The Elasticsearch version to connect to is %s.x. " + "This version of the ElasticsearchIO is only compatible with " + "Elasticsearch v5.x and v2.x", backendVersion); return backendVersion; } catch (IOException e){ throw (new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get Elasticsearch version")); } }
/** Inserts the given number of test documents into Elasticsearch. */ static void insertTestDocuments(ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration, long numDocs, RestClient restClient) throws IOException { List<String> data = ElasticSearchIOTestUtils.createDocuments( numDocs, ElasticSearchIOTestUtils.InjectionMode.DO_NOT_INJECT_INVALID_DOCS); StringBuilder bulkRequest = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (String document : data) { bulkRequest.append(String.format( "{ \"index\" : { \"_index\" : \"%s\", \"_type\" : \"%s\", \"_id\" : \"%s\" } }%n%s%n", connectionConfiguration.getIndex(), connectionConfiguration.getType(), i++, document)); } String endPoint = String.format("/%s/%s/_bulk", connectionConfiguration.getIndex(), connectionConfiguration.getType()); HttpEntity requestBody = new NStringEntity(bulkRequest.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); Response response = restClient.performRequest("POST", endPoint, Collections.singletonMap("refresh", "true"), requestBody); ElasticsearchIO .checkForErrors(response, ElasticsearchIO.getBackendVersion(connectionConfiguration)); }
/** * Forces a refresh of the given index to make recently inserted documents available for search. * * @return The number of docs in the index */ static long refreshIndexAndGetCurrentNumDocs( ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration, RestClient restClient) throws IOException { long result = 0; try { String endPoint = String.format("/%s/_refresh", connectionConfiguration.getIndex()); restClient.performRequest("POST", endPoint); endPoint = String.format("/%s/%s/_search", connectionConfiguration.getIndex(), connectionConfiguration.getType()); Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", endPoint); JsonNode searchResult = ElasticsearchIO.parseResponse(response); result = searchResult.path("hits").path("total").asLong(); } catch (IOException e) { // it is fine to ignore bellow exceptions because in testWriteWithBatchSize* sometimes, // we call upgrade before any doc have been written // (when there are fewer docs processed than batchSize). // In that cases index/type has not been created (created upon first doc insertion) if (!e.getMessage().contains("index_not_found_exception")){ throw e; } } return result; }
@Override protected RestClient createInstance() throws Exception { HttpHost[] hosts = new HttpHost[hostnames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { hosts[i] = HttpHost.create(hostnames[i]); } Header[] defaultHeaders = new Header[]{new BasicHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_KEY, DEFAULT_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE)}; RestClient restClient = RestClient .builder(hosts) .setDefaultHeaders(defaultHeaders) .setFailureListener(loggingFailureListener) .build(); if (enableSniffer) { this.sniffer = Sniffer.builder(restClient).build(); } return restClient; }
/** * Create an alias if needed * @param alias Alias name * @param index Index name * @throws Exception When alias can not be set */ public static void createAlias(RestClient client, String alias, String index) throws Exception { logger.trace("createAlias({},{})", alias, index); assert client != null; assert alias != null; assert index != null; String json = "{\"actions\":[{\"add\":{\"index\":\"" + index +"\",\"alias\":\"" + alias +"\"}}]}"; Response response = client.performRequest("POST", "/_aliases/", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { logger.warn("Could not create alias [{}] on index [{}]", alias, index); throw new Exception("Could not create alias ["+alias+"] on index ["+index+"]."); } logger.trace("/createAlias({},{})", alias, index); }
/** * Create a new index in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param index Index name * @param settings Settings if any, null if no specific settings * @throws Exception */ private static void createIndexWithSettingsInElasticsearch(RestClient client, String index, String settings) throws Exception { logger.trace("createIndex([{}])", index); assert client != null; assert index != null; StringEntity entity = null; // If there are settings for this index, we use it. If not, using Elasticsearch defaults. if (settings != null) { logger.trace("Found settings for index [{}]: [{}]", index, settings); entity = new StringEntity(settings, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); } Response response = client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { logger.warn("Could not create index [{}]", index); throw new Exception("Could not create index ["+index+"]."); } logger.trace("/createIndex([{}])", index); }
/** * Update settings in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param index Index name * @param settings Settings if any, null if no update settings * @throws Exception */ private static void updateIndexWithSettingsInElasticsearch(RestClient client, String index, String settings) throws Exception { logger.trace("updateIndex([{}])", index); assert client != null; assert index != null; if (settings != null) { logger.trace("Found update settings for index [{}]: [{}]", index, settings); logger.debug("updating settings for index [{}]", index); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(settings, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_settings", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); } logger.trace("/updateIndex([{}])", index); }
/** * Create a new template in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param template Template name * @param json JSon content for the template * @param force set it to true if you want to force cleaning template before adding it * @throws Exception */ public static void createTemplateWithJson(RestClient client, String template, String json, boolean force) throws Exception { if (isTemplateExist(client, template)) { if (force) { logger.debug("Template [{}] already exists. Force is set. Removing it.", template); removeTemplate(client, template); } else { logger.debug("Template [{}] already exists.", template); } } if (!isTemplateExist(client, template)) { logger.debug("Template [{}] doesn't exist. Creating it.", template); createTemplateWithJsonInElasticsearch(client, template, json); } }
/** * Create a new index in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param template Template name * @param json JSon content for the template * @throws Exception */ private static void createTemplateWithJsonInElasticsearch(RestClient client, String template, String json) throws Exception { logger.trace("createTemplate([{}])", template); assert client != null; assert template != null; Response response = client.performRequest("PUT", "/_template/" + template, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { logger.warn("Could not create template [{}]", template); throw new Exception("Could not create template ["+template+"]."); } logger.trace("/createTemplate([{}])", template); }
/** * Create a new type in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param index Index name * @param type Type name * @param mapping Mapping if any, null if no specific mapping * @param merge Try to merge mapping if type already exists * @throws Exception */ public static void createMappingWithJson(RestClient client, String index, String type, String mapping, boolean merge) throws Exception { boolean mappingExist = isTypeExist(client, index, type); if (merge || !mappingExist) { if (mappingExist) { logger.debug("Updating type [{}]/[{}].", index, type); } else { logger.debug("Type [{}]/[{}] doesn't exist. Creating it.", index, type); } createTypeWithMappingInElasticsearch(client, index, type, mapping); } else { logger.debug("Type [{}/{}] already exists and merge is not set.", index, type); } if (mappingExist) { logger.debug("Type definition for [{}]/[{}] succesfully merged.", index, type); } else { logger.debug("Type definition for [{}]/[{}] succesfully created.", index, type); } }
/** * Create a new type in Elasticsearch * @param client Elasticsearch client * @param index Index name * @param type Type name * @param mapping Mapping if any, null if no specific mapping * @throws Exception */ private static void createTypeWithMappingInElasticsearch(RestClient client, String index, String type, String mapping) throws Exception { logger.trace("createType([{}/{}])", index, type); assert client != null; assert index != null; assert type != null; if (mapping != null) { // Create type and mapping StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(mapping, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); Response response = client.performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_mapping/" + type, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { logger.warn("Could not create type [{}/{}]", index, type); throw new Exception("Could not create type ["+index+"/"+type+"]."); } } else { logger.trace("no content given for mapping. Ignoring type [{}/{}] creation.", index, type); } logger.trace("/createType([{}/{}])", index, type); }
@Override public Iterable<ValidationResult> doHealthChecks(RuntimeContainer container) { ValidationResult validationResult; try (RestClient client = ElasticsearchConnection.createClient(properties)) { Response response = client.performRequest("GET", "/_cluster/health", new HashMap<String, String>(), new BasicHeader("", "")); ElasticsearchResponse esResponse = new ElasticsearchResponse(response); if (esResponse.isOk()) { JsonNode entity = esResponse.getEntity(); String status = entity.path("status").asText(); if (status != "red") { validationResult = ValidationResult.OK; } else { validationResult = new ValidationResult(TalendRuntimeException.createUnexpectedException( String.format("Cluster %s status is red", entity.path("cluster_name").asText()))); } } else { validationResult = new ValidationResult( TalendRuntimeException.createUnexpectedException(esResponse.getStatusLine().toString())); } } catch (IOException e) { validationResult = new ValidationResult(TalendRuntimeException.createUnexpectedException(e.getMessage())); } return Arrays.asList(validationResult); }
public static RestClient createClient(ElasticsearchDatastoreProperties datastore) throws MalformedURLException { String urlStr = datastore.nodes.getValue(); String[] urls = urlStr.split(","); HttpHost[] hosts = new HttpHost[urls.length]; int i = 0; for (String address : urls) { URL url = new URL("http://" + address); hosts[i] = new HttpHost(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getProtocol()); i++; } RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder = RestClient.builder(hosts); if (datastore.auth.useAuth.getValue()) { final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(datastore.auth.userId.getValue(), datastore.auth.password.getValue())); restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpAsyncClientBuilder) { return httpAsyncClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } }); } return restClientBuilder.build(); }
@Before public void init() throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { client = ElasticsearchTestUtils.createClient(ElasticsearchTestConstants.HOSTS.split(":")[0], ElasticsearchTestConstants.TRANSPORT_PORT, ElasticsearchTestConstants.CLUSTER_NAME); datastoreProperties = new ElasticsearchDatastoreProperties("datastore"); datastoreProperties.init(); datastoreProperties.nodes.setValue(ElasticsearchTestConstants.HOSTS); RestClient restClient = ElasticsearchConnection.createClient(datastoreProperties); BasicHeader emptyHeader = new BasicHeader("", ""); Map<String, String> emptyParams = new HashMap<>(); ElasticsearchTestUtils.deleteIndex(INDEX_NAME, client); Response checkExistsResponse = restClient.performRequest("HEAD", "/" + INDEX_NAME, emptyParams); ElasticsearchResponse checkExists = new ElasticsearchResponse(checkExistsResponse); if (!checkExists.isOk()) { // create index for test, name is 'beam' restClient.performRequest("PUT", "/" + INDEX_NAME, emptyHeader); } }
private void indexMember(String sellerId, Object mem) throws IOException { if (sellerId == null) sellerId = ""; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); RestClient client = Plugin.client; String json = Gson.toJson(mem); HttpEntity entity = new NStringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); String path = "/weike/member"; if (!"".equals(sellerId)) { path += "?routing=" + sellerId; } Response indexResponse = client.performRequest("POST", path, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), entity); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("indexMember {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); LOG.debug("indexResponse {}", indexResponse.toString()); } }
private void startRestClient() { try { HttpHost[] hosts = new HttpHost[] { // new HttpHost("", 30002, "http") new HttpHost("", 9200, "http") }; client = RestClient.builder(hosts).setRequestConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.RequestConfigCallback() { @Override public RequestConfig.Builder customizeRequestConfig(RequestConfig.Builder requestConfigBuilder) { return requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(2000).setSocketTimeout(10000); } }).setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(10000).setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { @Override public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) { return httpClientBuilder.setMaxConnPerRoute(100).setMaxConnTotal(200); // return httpClientBuilder // .setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(1).build()); } }).build(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e.fillInStackTrace()); } }
@Before public void init() { HttpHost host = new HttpHost("", 30002, "http"); // HttpHost host = new HttpHost("", 9002, "http"); client = RestClient.builder(host).setRequestConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.RequestConfigCallback() { @Override public RequestConfig.Builder customizeRequestConfig(RequestConfig.Builder requestConfigBuilder) { return requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(5000).setSocketTimeout(30000); } }) // .setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(30000) // .setHttpClientConfigCallback(new // RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { // @Override // public HttpAsyncClientBuilder // customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) // { // return httpClientBuilder // .setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(1).build()); // } // }) .build(); }
@Before public void init() { client = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("", 30002, "http"), new HttpHost("", 30002, "http")) .setRequestConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.RequestConfigCallback() { @Override public RequestConfig.Builder customizeRequestConfig(RequestConfig.Builder requestConfigBuilder) { return requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(5000).setSocketTimeout(30000); } }).setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(30000) // .setHttpClientConfigCallback(new // RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() { // @Override // public HttpAsyncClientBuilder // customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) // { // return httpClientBuilder // .setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(1).build()); // } // }) .build(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { final String dockerHostAddress = determineHostName(); client = new ElasticSearchRestClient(RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(dockerHostAddress, 9200)).build()); indexTweeterDocument(indexType1, 1); indexTweeterDocument(indexType2, 1); indexTweeterDocument(indexType2, 2, null); insertPeopleDocuments(); indexTweeterDocument(indexType2, 1); indexBulkDocuments(indexName, bulkIndexType, 10); client.refresh(indexName); dataContext = new ElasticSearchRestDataContext(client, indexName); }
@JsonCreator public ElasticSearchFilter(@JsonProperty("hostname") String hostname, @JsonProperty("port") int port, @JsonProperty("username") Optional<String> username, @JsonProperty("password") Optional<String> password) { Header[] headers = { new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"), new BasicHeader("Role", "Read")}; final RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(hostname, port)) .setDefaultHeaders(headers); if (username.isPresent() && !username.get().isEmpty() && password.isPresent() && !password.get().isEmpty()) { final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials( AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username.get(), password.get()) ); restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(b -> b.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider)); } restClient = restClientBuilder.build(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); }
@Inject public ESSearchService(@Named("artistDao") ArtistDao artistDao, @Named("albumDao") MaprDbDao<Album> albumDao) { this.artistDao = artistDao; this.albumDao = albumDao; RestClient lowLevelRestClient = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(ES_REST_HOST, ES_REST_PORT, "http")).build(); this.client = new RestHighLevelClient(lowLevelRestClient); }
/** * Build the {@link RestClient} used for reindexing from remote clusters. * @param remoteInfo connection information for the remote cluster * @param taskId the id of the current task. This is added to the thread name for easier tracking * @param threadCollector a list in which we collect all the threads created by the client */ static RestClient buildRestClient(RemoteInfo remoteInfo, long taskId, List<Thread> threadCollector) { Header[] clientHeaders = new Header[remoteInfo.getHeaders().size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> header : remoteInfo.getHeaders().entrySet()) { clientHeaders[i] = new BasicHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue()); } return RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(remoteInfo.getHost(), remoteInfo.getPort(), remoteInfo.getScheme())) .setDefaultHeaders(clientHeaders) .setRequestConfigCallback(c -> { c.setConnectTimeout(Math.toIntExact(remoteInfo.getConnectTimeout().millis())); c.setSocketTimeout(Math.toIntExact(remoteInfo.getSocketTimeout().millis())); return c; }) .setHttpClientConfigCallback(c -> { // Enable basic auth if it is configured if (remoteInfo.getUsername() != null) { UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(remoteInfo.getUsername(), remoteInfo.getPassword()); CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, creds); c.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } // Stick the task id in the thread name so we can track down tasks from stack traces AtomicInteger threads = new AtomicInteger(); c.setThreadFactory(r -> { String name = "es-client-" + taskId + "-" + threads.getAndIncrement(); Thread t = new Thread(r, name); threadCollector.add(t); return t; }); // Limit ourselves to one reactor thread because for now the search process is single threaded. c.setDefaultIOReactorConfig(IOReactorConfig.custom().setIoThreadCount(1).build()); return c; }).build(); }
@Override protected ScrollableHitSource buildScrollableResultSource(BackoffPolicy backoffPolicy) { if (mainRequest.getRemoteInfo() != null) { RemoteInfo remoteInfo = mainRequest.getRemoteInfo(); createdThreads = synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); RestClient restClient = buildRestClient(remoteInfo, task.getId(), createdThreads); return new RemoteScrollableHitSource(logger, backoffPolicy, threadPool, task::countSearchRetry, this::finishHim, restClient, remoteInfo.getQuery(), mainRequest.getSearchRequest()); } return super.buildScrollableResultSource(backoffPolicy); }
public RemoteScrollableHitSource(Logger logger, BackoffPolicy backoffPolicy, ThreadPool threadPool, Runnable countSearchRetry, Consumer<Exception> fail, RestClient client, BytesReference query, SearchRequest searchRequest) { super(logger, backoffPolicy, threadPool, countSearchRetry, fail); this.query = query; this.searchRequest = searchRequest; this.client = client; }
@Override protected RestClient client(String benchmarkTargetHost) { return RestClient .builder(new HttpHost(benchmarkTargetHost, 9200)) .setHttpClientConfigCallback(b -> b.setDefaultHeaders( Collections.singleton(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip")))) .setRequestConfigCallback(b -> b.setContentCompressionEnabled(true)) .build(); }
private Task(HostsSniffer hostsSniffer, RestClient restClient, long sniffIntervalMillis, long sniffAfterFailureDelayMillis) { this.hostsSniffer = hostsSniffer; this.restClient = restClient; this.sniffIntervalMillis = sniffIntervalMillis; this.sniffAfterFailureDelayMillis = sniffAfterFailureDelayMillis; this.scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); scheduleNextRun(0); }
public void testSniffNodes() throws IOException { HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(httpServer.getAddress().getHostString(), httpServer.getAddress().getPort()); try (RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(httpHost).build()) { ElasticsearchHostsSniffer sniffer = new ElasticsearchHostsSniffer(restClient, sniffRequestTimeout, scheme); try { List<HttpHost> sniffedHosts = sniffer.sniffHosts(); if (sniffResponse.isFailure) { fail("sniffNodes should have failed"); } assertThat(sniffedHosts.size(), equalTo(sniffResponse.hosts.size())); Iterator<HttpHost> responseHostsIterator = sniffResponse.hosts.iterator(); for (HttpHost sniffedHost : sniffedHosts) { assertEquals(sniffedHost, responseHostsIterator.next()); } } catch(ResponseException e) { Response response = e.getResponse(); if (sniffResponse.isFailure) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("GET " + httpHost + "/_nodes/http?timeout=" + sniffRequestTimeout + "ms")); assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(Integer.toString(sniffResponse.nodesInfoResponseCode))); assertThat(response.getHost(), equalTo(httpHost)); assertThat(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), equalTo(sniffResponse.nodesInfoResponseCode)); assertThat(response.getRequestLine().toString(), equalTo("GET /_nodes/http?timeout=" + sniffRequestTimeout + "ms HTTP/1.1")); } else { fail("sniffNodes should have succeeded: " + response.getStatusLine()); } } } }
public void testUncompressedResponseByDefault() throws IOException { RestClient client = client(); Response response = client.performRequest("GET", "/"); assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); assertNull(response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING)); response = client.performRequest("POST", "/company/employees/1", Collections.emptyMap(), SAMPLE_DOCUMENT); assertEquals(201, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); assertNull(response.getHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING)); }