Java 类org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryParseContext 实例源码

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 *  creates random highlighter, renders it to xContent and back to new instance that should be equal to original
public void testFromXContent() throws IOException {
    for (int runs = 0; runs < NUMBER_OF_TESTBUILDERS; runs++) {
        HighlightBuilder highlightBuilder = randomHighlighterBuilder();
        XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(randomFrom(XContentType.values()));
        if (randomBoolean()) {
        highlightBuilder.toXContent(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
        XContentBuilder shuffled = shuffleXContent(builder);

        XContentParser parser = createParser(shuffled);
        QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
        HighlightBuilder secondHighlightBuilder;
        try {
            secondHighlightBuilder = HighlightBuilder.fromXContent(context);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing " + highlightBuilder, e);
        assertNotSame(highlightBuilder, secondHighlightBuilder);
        assertEquals(highlightBuilder, secondHighlightBuilder);
        assertEquals(highlightBuilder.hashCode(), secondHighlightBuilder.hashCode());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testFromXContent() throws Exception {
    SliceBuilder sliceBuilder = randomSliceBuilder();
    XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(randomFrom(XContentType.values()));
    if (randomBoolean()) {
    XContentParser parser = createParser(shuffleXContent(builder));
    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    SliceBuilder secondSliceBuilder = SliceBuilder.fromXContent(context);
    assertNotSame(sliceBuilder, secondSliceBuilder);
    assertEquals(sliceBuilder, secondSliceBuilder);
    assertEquals(sliceBuilder.hashCode(), secondSliceBuilder.hashCode());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
 *  creates random rescorer, renders it to xContent and back to new instance that should be equal to original
public void testFromXContent() throws IOException {
    for (int runs = 0; runs < NUMBER_OF_TESTBUILDERS; runs++) {
        RescoreBuilder<?> rescoreBuilder = randomRescoreBuilder();
        XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(randomFrom(XContentType.values()));
        if (randomBoolean()) {
        rescoreBuilder.toXContent(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
        XContentBuilder shuffled = shuffleXContent(builder);

        XContentParser parser = createParser(shuffled);
        QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
        RescoreBuilder<?> secondRescoreBuilder = RescoreBuilder.parseFromXContent(context);
        assertNotSame(rescoreBuilder, secondRescoreBuilder);
        assertEquals(rescoreBuilder, secondRescoreBuilder);
        assertEquals(rescoreBuilder.hashCode(), secondRescoreBuilder.hashCode());
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public InnerHitsSubSearchContext parse(QueryParseContext parserContext) throws IOException, QueryParsingException {
    String fieldName = null;
    XContentParser.Token token;
    String innerHitName = null;
    SubSearchContext subSearchContext = new SubSearchContext(SearchContext.current());
    try {
        XContentParser parser = parserContext.parser();
        while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
            if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
                fieldName = parser.currentName();
            } else if (token.isValue()) {
                if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {
                    innerHitName = parser.textOrNull();
                } else {
                    parseCommonInnerHitOptions(parser, token, fieldName, subSearchContext, sortParseElement, sourceParseElement, highlighterParseElement, scriptFieldsParseElement, fieldDataFieldsParseElement);
            } else {
                parseCommonInnerHitOptions(parser, token, fieldName, subSearchContext, sortParseElement, sourceParseElement, highlighterParseElement, scriptFieldsParseElement, fieldDataFieldsParseElement);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new QueryParsingException(parserContext, "Failed to parse [_inner_hits]", e);
    return new InnerHitsSubSearchContext(innerHitName, subSearchContext);
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testFailWithSubAgg() throws Exception {
    String source = "{\n" +
        "    \"top-tags\": {\n" +
        "      \"terms\": {\n" +
        "        \"field\": \"tags\"\n" +
        "      },\n" +
        "      \"aggs\": {\n" +
        "        \"top_tags_hits\": {\n" +
        "          \"top_hits\": {},\n" +
        "          \"aggs\": {\n" +
        "            \"max\": {\n" +
        "              \"max\": {\n" +
        "                \"field\": \"age\"\n" +
        "              }\n" +
        "            }\n" +
        "          }\n" +
        "        }\n" +
        "      }\n" +
        "    }\n" +
    XContentParser parser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(AggregationInitializationException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Aggregator [top_tags_hits] of type [top_hits] cannot accept sub-aggregations"));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testTwoAggs() throws Exception {
    assumeFalse("Test only makes sense if XContent parser doesn't have strict duplicate checks enabled",
    XContentBuilder source = JsonXContent.contentBuilder()
                        .field("field", "timestamp")
                        .field("interval", "month")
                                .field("field", "tag")
                    .startObject("aggs") // 2nd "aggs": illegal
                                .field("field", "tag")
    XContentParser parser = createParser(source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(ParsingException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Found two sub aggregation definitions under [by_date]"));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testParseJson_simple() throws IOException {
    String scriptSort = "{\n" +
            "\"_script\" : {\n" +
            "\"type\" : \"number\",\n" +
            "\"script\" : \"doc['field_name'].value\",\n" +
            "\"mode\" : \"max\",\n" +
            "\"order\" : \"asc\"\n" +
            "} }\n";
    XContentParser parser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, scriptSort);

    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    ScriptSortBuilder builder = ScriptSortBuilder.fromXContent(context, null);
    assertEquals("doc['field_name'].value", builder.script().getIdOrCode());
    assertEquals(Script.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_LANG, builder.script().getLang());
    assertEquals(builder.script().getParams(), Collections.emptyMap());
    assertEquals(ScriptType.INLINE, builder.script().getType());
    assertEquals(ScriptSortType.NUMBER, builder.type());
    assertEquals(SortOrder.ASC, builder.order());
    assertEquals(SortMode.MAX, builder.sortMode());
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public void testMissingType() throws Exception {
    XContentBuilder source = JsonXContent.contentBuilder()
                        .field("field", "timestamp")
                        .field("interval", "month")
                            // the aggregation type is missing
                            .field("field", "tag")
    XContentParser parser = createParser(source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(ParsingException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Expected [START_OBJECT] under [field], but got a [VALUE_STRING] in [tag_count]"));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testMissingName() throws Exception {
    XContentBuilder source = JsonXContent.contentBuilder()
                        .field("field", "timestamp")
                        .field("interval", "month")
                        // the aggregation name is missing
                            .field("field", "tag")
    XContentParser parser = createParser(source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(ParsingException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Expected [START_OBJECT] under [field], but got a [VALUE_STRING] in [cardinality]"));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testSameAggregationName() throws Exception {
    assumeFalse("Test only makes sense if XContent parser doesn't have strict duplicate checks enabled",
    final String name = randomAsciiOfLengthBetween(1, 10);
    XContentBuilder source = JsonXContent.contentBuilder()
                        .field("field", "a")
                        .field("field", "b")
    XContentParser parser = createParser(source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(ParsingException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Two sibling aggregations cannot have the same name: [" + name + "]"));
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private static InternalOrder parseOrder(XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    InternalOrder order = null;
    Token token;
    String currentFieldName = null;
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
            String dir = parser.text();
            boolean asc = "asc".equals(dir);
            if (!asc && !"desc".equals(dir)) {
                throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown order direction: [" + dir
                        + "]. Should be either [asc] or [desc]");
            order = resolveOrder(currentFieldName, asc);
    return order;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testSortModeSumIsRejectedInJSON() throws IOException {
    String json = "{\n" +
            "  \"testname\" : [ {\n" +
            "    \"lat\" : -6.046997540714173,\n" +
            "    \"lon\" : -51.94128329747579\n" +
            "  } ],\n" +
            "  \"unit\" : \"m\",\n" +
            "  \"distance_type\" : \"arc\",\n" +
            "  \"mode\" : \"SUM\"\n" +
    XContentParser itemParser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, json);

    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(itemParser);

    IllegalArgumentException e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> GeoDistanceSortBuilder.fromXContent(context, ""));
    assertEquals("sort_mode [sum] isn't supported for sorting by geo distance", e.getMessage());
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public static StoredFieldsContext fromXContent(String fieldName, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();

    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
        return fromList(Collections.singletonList(parser.text()));
    } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
        return fromList(list);
    } else {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
            "Expected [" + XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING + "] or ["
                + XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY + "] in [" + fieldName + "] but found [" + token + "]",
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
private static void parseCompoundSortField(QueryParseContext context, List<SortBuilder<?>> sortFields)
        throws IOException {
    XContentParser.Token token;
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            String fieldName = parser.currentName();
            token = parser.nextToken();
            if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
                SortOrder order = SortOrder.fromString(parser.text());
            } else {
                if (PARSERS.containsKey(fieldName)) {
                    sortFields.add(PARSERS.get(fieldName).fromXContent(context, fieldName));
                } else {
                    sortFields.add(FieldSortBuilder.fromXContent(context, fieldName));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testTwoTypes() throws Exception {
    XContentBuilder source = JsonXContent.contentBuilder()
                                .field("gt", 0)
                        .field("field", "stock")
    XContentParser parser = createParser(source);
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
    Exception e = expectThrows(ParsingException.class, () -> AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(parseContext));
    assertThat(e.toString(), containsString("Found two aggregation type definitions in [in_stock]: [filter] and [terms]"));
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
private AbstractDistanceScoreFunction parseVariable(String fieldName, XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext parseContext, MultiValueMode mode) throws IOException {

        // now, the field must exist, else we cannot read the value for
        // the doc later
        MappedFieldType fieldType = parseContext.fieldMapper(fieldName);
        if (fieldType == null) {
            throw new QueryParsingException(parseContext, "unknown field [{}]", fieldName);

        // dates and time need special handling
        if (fieldType instanceof DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType) {
            return parseDateVariable(fieldName, parser, parseContext, (DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType) fieldType, mode);
        } else if (fieldType instanceof GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType) {
            return parseGeoVariable(fieldName, parser, parseContext, (GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType) fieldType, mode);
        } else if (fieldType instanceof NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType) {
            return parseNumberVariable(fieldName, parser, parseContext, (NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType) fieldType, mode);
        } else {
            throw new QueryParsingException(parseContext, "field [{}] is of type [{}], but only numeric types are supported.", fieldName, fieldType);
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public static ScriptScoreFunctionBuilder fromXContent(QueryParseContext parseContext)
        throws IOException, ParsingException {
    XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser();
    Script script = null;
    String currentFieldName = null;
    XContentParser.Token token;
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
        } else {
            if (Script.SCRIPT_PARSE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
                script = Script.parse(parser);
            } else {
                throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), NAME + " query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]");

    if (script == null) {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), NAME + " requires 'script' field");

    return new ScriptScoreFunctionBuilder(script);
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
private InnerHitsContext.ParentChildInnerHits parseParentChild(XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext parseContext, SearchContext searchContext, String type) throws Exception {
    ParseResult parseResult = parseSubSearchContext(searchContext, parseContext, parser);
    DocumentMapper documentMapper = searchContext.mapperService().documentMapper(type);
    if (documentMapper == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("type [" + type + "] doesn't exist");
    return new InnerHitsContext.ParentChildInnerHits(parseResult.context(), parseResult.query(), parseResult.childInnerHits(), parseContext.mapperService(), documentMapper);
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
private void assertQueryBuilder(BytesRef actual, QueryBuilder expected) throws IOException {
    XContentParser sourceParser = createParser(PercolatorFieldMapper.QUERY_BUILDER_CONTENT_TYPE.xContent(),
            new BytesArray(actual));
    QueryParseContext qsc = indexService.newQueryShardContext(
            randomInt(20), null, () -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); })
    assertThat(qsc.parseInnerQueryBuilder(), equalTo(expected));
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public static TestDeprecatedQueryBuilder fromXContent(QueryParseContext parseContext) throws IOException, ParsingException {
    XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser();

    if (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "[{}] query does not have any fields", NAME);

    return new TestDeprecatedQueryBuilder();
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
 * test parsing order parameter if specified as `order` field in the json
 * instead of the `reverse` field that we render in toXContent
public void testParseOrder() throws IOException {
    SortOrder order = randomBoolean() ? SortOrder.ASC : SortOrder.DESC;
    String scoreSortString = "{ \"_score\": { \"order\": \""+ order.toString() +"\" }}";
    XContentParser parser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, scoreSortString);
    // need to skip until parser is located on second START_OBJECT

    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    ScoreSortBuilder scoreSort = ScoreSortBuilder.fromXContent(context, "_score");
    assertEquals(order, scoreSort.order());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testParseBadFieldNameExceptions() throws IOException {
    String scriptSort = "{\"_script\" : {" + "\"bad_field\" : \"number\"" + "} }";
    XContentParser parser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, scriptSort);

    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    Exception e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ScriptSortBuilder.fromXContent(context, null));
    assertEquals("[_script] unknown field [bad_field], parser not found", e.getMessage());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public static RandomScoreFunctionBuilder fromXContent(QueryParseContext parseContext)
        throws IOException, ParsingException {
    RandomScoreFunctionBuilder builder = RandomScoreFunctionBuilder.fromXContent(parseContext);
    RandomScoreFunctionBuilderWithFixedSeed replacement = new RandomScoreFunctionBuilderWithFixedSeed();
    if (builder.getSeed() != null) {
    return replacement;
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public Query prefixQuery(String value, @Nullable MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod method, @Nullable QueryParseContext context) {
    PrefixQuery query = new PrefixQuery(createTerm(value));
    if (method != null) {
    return query;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testParseErrorOnNonIntPrecision() throws Exception {
    XContentParser stParser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, "{\"field\":\"my_loc\", \"precision\":\"2.0\"}");
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(stParser);
    XContentParser.Token token = stParser.nextToken();
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, token);
    try {
        GeoGridAggregationBuilder.parse("geohash_grid", parseContext);
    } catch (ParsingException ex) {
        assertThat(ex.getCause(), instanceOf(NumberFormatException.class));
        assertEquals("For input string: \"2.0\"", ex.getCause().getMessage());
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private void parseToken(String aggregationName, XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext context, String currentFieldName,
                   XContentParser.Token currentToken, Map<String, Object> params) throws IOException {
    if (token(parser, context, currentFieldName, currentToken, params) == false) {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
            "Unexpected token " + currentToken + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]");
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
private AbstractDistanceScoreFunction parseGeoVariable(String fieldName, XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext parseContext,
        GeoPointFieldMapper.GeoPointFieldType fieldType, MultiValueMode mode) throws IOException {
    XContentParser.Token token;
    String parameterName = null;
    GeoPoint origin = new GeoPoint();
    String scaleString = null;
    String offsetString = "0km";
    double decay = 0.5;
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            parameterName = parser.currentName();
        } else if (parameterName.equals(DecayFunctionBuilder.SCALE)) {
            scaleString = parser.text();
        } else if (parameterName.equals(DecayFunctionBuilder.ORIGIN)) {
            origin = GeoUtils.parseGeoPoint(parser);
        } else if (parameterName.equals(DecayFunctionBuilder.DECAY)) {
            decay = parser.doubleValue();
        } else if (parameterName.equals(DecayFunctionBuilder.OFFSET)) {
            offsetString = parser.text();
        } else {
            throw new ElasticsearchParseException("parameter [{}] not supported!", parameterName);
    if (origin == null || scaleString == null) {
        throw new ElasticsearchParseException("[{}] and [{}] must be set for geo fields.", DecayFunctionBuilder.ORIGIN, DecayFunctionBuilder.SCALE);
    double scale = DistanceUnit.DEFAULT.parse(scaleString, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT);
    double offset = DistanceUnit.DEFAULT.parse(offsetString, DistanceUnit.DEFAULT);
    IndexGeoPointFieldData indexFieldData = parseContext.getForField(fieldType);
    return new GeoFieldDataScoreFunction(origin, scale, decay, offset, getDecayFunction(), indexFieldData, mode);

项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testParseErrorOnBooleanPrecision() throws Exception {
    XContentParser stParser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, "{\"field\":\"my_loc\", \"precision\":false}");
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(stParser);
    XContentParser.Token token = stParser.nextToken();
    assertSame(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, token);
    try {
        GeoGridAggregationBuilder.parse("geohash_grid", parseContext);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        assertEquals("[geohash_grid] precision doesn't support values of type: VALUE_BOOLEAN", ex.getMessage());
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
 * This termQuery impl looks at the context to determine the index that
 * is being queried and then returns a MATCH_ALL_QUERY or MATCH_NO_QUERY
 * if the value matches this index. This can be useful if aliases or
 * wildcards are used but the aim is to restrict the query to specific
 * indices
public Query termQuery(Object value, @Nullable QueryParseContext context) {
    if (context == null) {
        return super.termQuery(value, context);
    if (isSameIndex(value, context.index().getName())) {
        return Queries.newMatchAllQuery();
    } else {
        return Queries.newMatchNoDocsQuery();
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
private static Range parseRange(XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    String fromAsStr = null;
    String toAsStr = null;
    double from = 0.0;
    double to = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    String key = null;
    String toOrFromOrKey = null;
    Token token;
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            toOrFromOrKey = parser.currentName();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
            if (Range.FROM_FIELD.match(toOrFromOrKey)) {
                from = parser.doubleValue();
            } else if (Range.TO_FIELD.match(toOrFromOrKey)) {
                to = parser.doubleValue();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
            if (Range.KEY_FIELD.match(toOrFromOrKey)) {
                key = parser.text();
            } else if (Range.FROM_FIELD.match(toOrFromOrKey)) {
                fromAsStr = parser.text();
            } else if (Range.TO_FIELD.match(toOrFromOrKey)) {
                toAsStr = parser.text();
    if (fromAsStr != null || toAsStr != null) {
        return new Range(key, Double.parseDouble(fromAsStr), Double.parseDouble(toAsStr));
    } else {
        return new Range(key, from, to);
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
private void assertParseSearchSource(SearchSourceBuilder testBuilder, XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
    QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    if (randomBoolean()) {
        parser.nextToken(); // sometimes we move it on the START_OBJECT to
                            // test the embedded case
    SearchSourceBuilder newBuilder = SearchSourceBuilder.fromXContent(parseContext);
    assertEquals(testBuilder, newBuilder);
    assertEquals(testBuilder.hashCode(), newBuilder.hashCode());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public static IncludeExclude parseExclude(XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
        return new IncludeExclude(null, parser.text());
    } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
        return new IncludeExclude(null, new TreeSet<>(parseArrayToSet(parser)));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized token for an exclude [" + token + "]");
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
private static Terms.Order parseOrderParam(XContentParser parser, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser.Token token;
    Terms.Order orderParam = null;
    String orderKey = null;
    boolean orderAsc = false;
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            orderKey = parser.currentName();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
            String dir = parser.text();
            if ("asc".equalsIgnoreCase(dir)) {
                orderAsc = true;
            } else if ("desc".equalsIgnoreCase(dir)) {
                orderAsc = false;
            } else {
                throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
                        "Unknown terms order direction [" + dir + "]");
        } else {
            throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
                    "Unexpected token " + token + " for [order]");
    if (orderKey == null) {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
                "Must specify at least one field for [order]");
    } else {
        orderParam = resolveOrder(orderKey, orderAsc);
    return orderParam;
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public static SamplerAggregationBuilder parse(String aggregationName, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser.Token token;
    String currentFieldName = null;
    Integer shardSize = null;

    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
            if (SamplerAggregator.SHARD_SIZE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
                shardSize = parser.intValue();
            } else {
                throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
                        "Unsupported property \"" + currentFieldName + "\" for aggregation \"" + aggregationName);
        } else {
            throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(),
                    "Unsupported property \"" + currentFieldName + "\" for aggregation \"" + aggregationName);

    SamplerAggregationBuilder factory = new SamplerAggregationBuilder(aggregationName);
    if (shardSize != null) {
    return factory;
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public Query termQuery(Object value, @Nullable QueryParseContext context) {
    if (indexOptions() == IndexOptions.NONE) {
        return new ConstantScoreQuery(new PrefixQuery(new Term(UidFieldMapper.NAME, Uid.typePrefixAsBytes(BytesRefs.toBytesRef(value)))));
    return new ConstantScoreQuery(new TermQuery(createTerm(value)));
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public InnerQuery(QueryParseContext parseContext1, @Nullable String... types) throws IOException {
    if (types != null) {
        String[] origTypes = QueryParseContext.setTypesWithPrevious(types);
        try {
            query = parseContext1.parseInnerQuery();
            queryParsed = true;
        } finally {
    } else {
        BytesReference innerBytes = XContentFactory.smileBuilder().copyCurrentStructure(parseContext1.parser()).bytes();
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
 * create a new parser from the rescorer string representation and reset context with it
private QueryParseContext createContext(String rescoreElement) throws IOException {
    XContentParser parser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, rescoreElement);
    QueryParseContext context = new QueryParseContext(parser);
    // move to first token, this is where the internal fromXContent
    assertTrue(parser.nextToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT);
    return context;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
protected void checkParseException(ParseFieldRegistry<SignificanceHeuristicParser> significanceHeuristicParserRegistry,
        String faultyHeuristicDefinition, String expectedError) throws IOException {

    try {
        XContentParser stParser = createParser(JsonXContent.jsonXContent,
                "{\"field\":\"text\", " + faultyHeuristicDefinition + ",\"min_doc_count\":200}");
        QueryParseContext parseContext = new QueryParseContext(stParser);
        SignificantTermsAggregationBuilder.getParser(significanceHeuristicParserRegistry).parse("testagg", parseContext);
    } catch (ParsingException e) {
        assertThat(e.getCause().getMessage(), containsString(expectedError));
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
private Query parseQuery(String type, XContentParser parser) {
    String[] previousTypes = null;
    if (type != null) {
        QueryParseContext.setTypesWithPrevious(new String[]{type});
    QueryParseContext context = queryParserService.getParseContext();
    try {
        // This means that fields in the query need to exist in the mapping prior to registering this query
        // The reason that this is required, is that if a field doesn't exist then the query assumes defaults, which may be undesired.
        // Even worse when fields mentioned in percolator queries do go added to map after the queries have been registered
        // then the percolator queries don't work as expected any more.
        // Query parsing can't introduce new fields in mappings (which happens when registering a percolator query),
        // because field type can't be inferred from queries (like document do) so the best option here is to disallow
        // the usage of unmapped fields in percolator queries to avoid unexpected behaviour
        // if index.percolator.map_unmapped_fields_as_string is set to true, query can contain unmapped fields which will be mapped
        // as an analyzed string.
        context.setMapUnmappedFieldAsString(mapUnmappedFieldsAsString ? true : false);
        return queryParserService.parseInnerQuery(context);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new QueryParsingException(context, "Failed to parse", e);
    } finally {
        if (type != null) {
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public void parse(XContentParser parser, SearchContext searchContext) throws Exception {
    QueryParseContext context = searchContext.queryParserService().getParseContext();
    Map<String, InnerHitsContext.BaseInnerHits> topLevelInnerHits = parseInnerHits(parser, context, searchContext);
    if (topLevelInnerHits != null) {
        InnerHitsContext innerHitsContext = searchContext.innerHits();