@Optional @InputFile protected File getInputFileIfExists() { File inputFile = getInputFile(); if (inputFile == null) { File outputFile = getOutputFile(); if (outputFile != null && outputFile.exists()) { return outputFile; } else { return null; } } else if (inputFile.exists()) { return inputFile; } else { return null; } }
@Optional @InputFile protected File getWebXmlIfExists() { File webXml = getWebXml(); if (webXml != null && webXml.exists()) { return webXml; } else { return null; } }
/** * Returns the {@code web.xml} file to include in the WAR archive. When {@code null}, no {@code web.xml} file is included in the WAR. * * @return The {@code web.xml} file. */ @InputFile @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.NONE) @Optional public File getWebXml() { return webXml; }
@InputFile public File getAdbExe() { SdkInfo sdkInfo = getBuilder().getSdkInfo(); if (sdkInfo == null) { return null; } return sdkInfo.getAdb(); }
@InputFile @Optional public File getScript() { return script == null ? null : getProject().file(script); }
/** * Returns the style sheet to override default style. */ @InputFile @Optional public File getStyleSheet() { return styleSheet; }
/** * The executable file to install. */ @InputFile public File getExecutable() { return executable; }
@Optional @InputFile public File getPrefixHeaderFile() { return prefixHeaderFile; }
/** * Returns the web application to deploy. */ @InputFile public File getWebApp() { return webApp; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getWebDefaultXml() { return webDefaultXml; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getOverrideWebXml() { return overrideWebXml; }
/** * Returns the jetty configuration file to use. When {@code null}, no configuration file is used. */ @InputFile @Optional public File getJettyConfig() { return jettyConfig; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getJettyEnvXml() { return jettyEnvXml; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getJettyEnvXmlFile() { return jettyEnvXmlFile; }
public Class<? extends Annotation> getAnnotationType() { return InputFile.class; }
@InputFile protected File getManifest() { return awbBundle.getAndroidLibrary().getManifest(); }
@InputFile public File getAwoFile() { return awoFile; }
@InputFile public File getManifestFile() { return manifestFile; }
@InputFile public File getMainSymbolFile() { return mainSymbolFile; }
@InputFile public File getShareResourceFile() { return shareResourceFile; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getRtxtFile() { return rtxtFile; }
@InputFile public File getClassJar() { return classJar; }
@InputFile public File getDexFile() { return dexFile; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getMainDexListFile() { return mainDexListFile; }
@InputFile public File getBaseApkFile() { return baseApkFile; }
@InputFile public File getApkFile() { return apkFile; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getShareResourceFile2() { return shareResourceFile2; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getBaselineFile() { return baselineFile; }
@NonNull @InputFile public File getManifestFile() { return manifestFile; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getMainDexFile() { return mainDexFile; }
@InputFile public File getBaseApk() { return baseApk; }
@InputFile @Optional @Nullable public File getApFile() { return apFile; }
@InputFile @Optional public File getManifestFile() { return manifestFile; }
@InputFile public File getBaseManifestFile() { return baseManifestFile; }