private static AbstractTaskResult toTaskResult(TaskInternal task, OperationResult result) { TaskStateInternal state = task.getState(); long startTime = result.getStartTime(); long endTime = result.getEndTime(); if (state.getUpToDate()) { return new DefaultTaskSuccessResult(startTime, endTime, true, state.isFromCache(), state.getSkipMessage()); } else if (state.getSkipped()) { return new DefaultTaskSkippedResult(startTime, endTime, state.getSkipMessage()); } else { Throwable failure = result.getFailure(); if (failure == null) { return new DefaultTaskSuccessResult(startTime, endTime, false, state.isFromCache(), "SUCCESS"); } else { return new DefaultTaskFailureResult(startTime, endTime, Collections.singletonList(DefaultFailure.fromThrowable(failure))); } } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { listener.beforeActions(task); if (!task.getTaskActions().isEmpty()) { outputsGenerationListener.beforeTaskOutputsGenerated(); } state.setExecuting(true); try { GradleException failure = executeActions(task, state, context); if (failure != null) { state.setOutcome(failure); } else { state.setOutcome( state.getDidWork() ? TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED : TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE ); } } finally { state.setExecuting(false); listener.afterActions(task); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { boolean skip; try { skip = !task.getOnlyIf().isSatisfiedBy(task); } catch (Throwable t) { state.setOutcome(new GradleException(String.format("Could not evaluate onlyIf predicate for %s.", task), t)); return; } if (skip) {"Skipping {} as task onlyIf is false.", task); state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.SKIPPED); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TaskValidator validator : task.getValidators()) { validator.validate(task, messages); } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { List<InvalidUserDataException> causes = new ArrayList<InvalidUserDataException>(); messages = messages.subList(0, Math.min(5, messages.size())); for (String message : messages) { causes.add(new InvalidUserDataException(message)); } String errorMessage; if (messages.size() == 1) { errorMessage = String.format("A problem was found with the configuration of %s.", task); } else { errorMessage = String.format("Some problems were found with the configuration of %s.", task); } state.setOutcome(new TaskValidationException(errorMessage, causes)); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
@Override public void execute(final TaskInternal task) { TaskOperationDescriptor taskOperation = new TaskOperationDescriptor(task); BuildOperationDetails buildOperationDetails = BuildOperationDetails.displayName("Task " + task.getIdentityPath()).name(task.getIdentityPath().toString()).parent(parentOperation).operationDescriptor(taskOperation).build();, new Action<BuildOperationContext>() { @Override public void execute(BuildOperationContext buildOperationContext) { // These events are used by build scans TaskOperationInternal legacyOperation = new TaskOperationInternal(task, buildOperationExecutor.getCurrentOperation().getId()); internalTaskListener.beforeExecute(legacyOperation, new OperationStartEvent(0)); TaskStateInternal state = task.getState(); taskListeners.getSource().beforeExecute(task); taskExecuter.execute(task, state, new DefaultTaskExecutionContext()); taskListeners.getSource().afterExecute(task, state); buildOperationContext.failed(state.getFailure()); internalTaskListener.afterExecute(legacyOperation, new OperationResult(0, 0, state.getFailure())); } }); }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { boolean skip; try { skip = !task.getOnlyIf().isSatisfiedBy(task); } catch (Throwable t) { state.executed(new GradleException(String.format("Could not evaluate onlyIf predicate for %s.", task), t)); return; } if (skip) {"Skipping {} as task onlyIf is false.", task); state.skipped("SKIPPED"); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TaskValidator validator : task.getValidators()) { validator.validate(task, messages); } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { List<InvalidUserDataException> causes = new ArrayList<InvalidUserDataException>(); messages = messages.subList(0, Math.min(5, messages.size())); for (String message : messages) { causes.add(new InvalidUserDataException(message)); } String errorMessage; if (messages.size() == 1) { errorMessage = String.format("A problem was found with the configuration of %s.", task); } else { errorMessage = String.format("Some problems were found with the configuration of %s.", task); } state.executed(new TaskValidationException(errorMessage, causes)); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { if (task.getActions().isEmpty()) {"Skipping {} as it has no actions.", task); boolean upToDate = true; for (Task dependency : task.getTaskDependencies().getDependencies(task)) { if (!dependency.getState().getSkipped()) { upToDate = false; break; } } if (upToDate) { state.upToDate(); } return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
@Override public void afterExecute(Task task, TaskState state) { TaskStateInternal stateInternal = (TaskStateInternal) state; TaskExecutionOutcome outcome = stateInternal.getOutcome(); taskCounts.put(outcome, taskCounts.get(outcome) + 1); if (stateInternal.isCacheable() && outcome == TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED) { cacheMissCount++; } }
@Override public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { BuildCacheKey beforeExecution = context.getTaskArtifactState().calculateCacheKey(); delegate.execute(task, state, context); if (beforeExecution != null) { BuildCacheKey afterExecution = repository.getStateFor(task).calculateCacheKey(); if (afterExecution == null || !beforeExecution.getHashCode().equals(afterExecution.getHashCode())) { throw new TaskExecutionException(task, new GradleException("The inputs for the task changed during the execution! Check if you have a `doFirst` changing the inputs.")); } } }
@Override public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { try { delegate.execute(task, state, context); } catch (RuntimeException e) { state.setOutcome(e); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { LOGGER.debug("Determining if {} is up-to-date", task); Timer clock = Timers.startTimer(); TaskArtifactState taskArtifactState = context.getTaskArtifactState(); try { List<String> messages = LOGGER.isInfoEnabled() ? new ArrayList<String>() : null; if (taskArtifactState.isUpToDate(messages)) {"Skipping {} as it is up-to-date (took {}).", task, clock.getElapsed()); state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE); return; } logOutOfDateMessages(messages, task, clock.getElapsed()); task.getOutputs().setHistory(taskArtifactState.getExecutionHistory()); taskArtifactState.beforeTask(); try { executer.execute(task, state, context); if (state.getFailure() == null) { taskArtifactState.afterTask(); } } finally { task.getOutputs().setHistory(null); } } finally { taskArtifactState.finished(); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { if (state.getExecuted()) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Starting to execute {}", task); try { executer.execute(task, state, context); } finally { LOGGER.debug("Finished executing {}", task); } }
@Override public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { Timer clock = Timers.startTimer(); context.setTaskArtifactState(repository.getStateFor(task));"Putting task artifact state for {} into context took {}.", task, clock.getElapsed()); try { executer.execute(task, state, context); } finally { context.setTaskArtifactState(null); LOGGER.debug("Removed task artifact state for {} from context."); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { if (task.getActions().isEmpty()) {"Skipping {} as it has no actions.", task); boolean upToDate = true; for (Task dependency : task.getTaskDependencies().getDependencies(task)) { if (!dependency.getState().getSkipped()) { upToDate = false; break; } } state.setOutcome(upToDate ? TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE : TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { LOGGER.debug("Determining if {} is up-to-date", task); Clock clock = new Clock(); TaskArtifactState taskArtifactState = repository.getStateFor(task); try { List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); if (taskArtifactState.isUpToDate(messages)) {"Skipping {} as it is up-to-date (took {}).", task, clock.getTime()); state.upToDate(); return; } logOutOfDateMessages(messages, task, clock.getTime()); task.getOutputs().setHistory(taskArtifactState.getExecutionHistory()); context.setTaskArtifactState(taskArtifactState); taskArtifactState.beforeTask(); try { executer.execute(task, state, context); if (state.getFailure() == null) { taskArtifactState.afterTask(); } } finally { task.getOutputs().setHistory(null); context.setTaskArtifactState(null); } } finally { taskArtifactState.finished(); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { if (state.getExecuted()) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Starting to execute {}", task); try { executer.execute(task, state, context); } finally { state.executed(); LOGGER.debug("Finished executing {}", task); } }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { if (task.getInputs().getHasSourceFiles() && task.getInputs().getSourceFiles().isEmpty()) {"Skipping {} as it has no source files.", task); state.upToDate(); return; } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
private static TaskState succeeded() { TaskStateInternal state = new TaskStateInternal(); state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED); return state; }
private static TaskState failed(String message) { TaskStateInternal state = new TaskStateInternal(); state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED); state.setOutcome(new RuntimeException(message)); return state; }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { FileCollection sourceFiles = task.getInputs().getSourceFiles(); if (task.getInputs().getHasSourceFiles() && sourceFiles.isEmpty()) { TaskArtifactState taskArtifactState = context.getTaskArtifactState(); FileCollection outputFiles = taskArtifactState.getExecutionHistory().getOutputFiles(); if (outputFiles == null) { state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE);"Skipping {} as it has no source files and no history of previous output files.", task); } else if (outputFiles.isEmpty()) { state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE);"Skipping {} as it has no source files and no previous output files.", task); } else { Set<File> outputFileSet = outputFiles.getFiles(); boolean deletedFiles = false; boolean debugEnabled = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); for (File file : outputFileSet) { if (file.isFile()) { if (file.delete()) { if (debugEnabled) { LOGGER.debug("Deleted stale output file '{}'.", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { state.setOutcome(new GradleException(String.format("Could not delete file: '%s'.", file.getAbsolutePath()))); return; } deletedFiles = true; } } if (deletedFiles) {"Cleaned previous output of {} as it has no source files.", task); state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.EXECUTED); } else { state.setOutcome(TaskExecutionOutcome.UP_TO_DATE); } } taskInputsListener.onExecute(task, Cast.cast(FileCollectionInternal.class, sourceFiles)); return; } else { taskInputsListener.onExecute(task, Cast.cast(FileCollectionInternal.class, task.getInputs().getFiles())); } executer.execute(task, state, context); }
public TaskStateInternal getState() { return state; }
public void execute(TaskInternal task, TaskStateInternal state, TaskExecutionContext context) { executer.execute(task, state, context); if (!state.getDidWork()) { state.upToDate(); } }
TaskStateInternal getState();
TaskStateInternal getStateInternal();