public void convert(String notation, NotationConvertResult<? super ModuleVersionSelector> result) throws TypeConversionException { ParsedModuleStringNotation parsed; try { parsed = new ParsedModuleStringNotation(notation, null); } catch (IllegalDependencyNotation e) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. The correct notation is a 3-part group:name:version notation, " + "e.g: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } if (parsed.getGroup() == null || parsed.getName() == null || parsed.getVersion() == null) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. Group, name and version cannot be empty. Correct example: " + "'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } result.converted(newSelector(parsed.getGroup(), parsed.getName(), parsed.getVersion())); }
public void convert(String notation, NotationConvertResult<? super ComponentSelector> result) throws TypeConversionException { ParsedModuleStringNotation parsed; try { parsed = new ParsedModuleStringNotation(notation, null); } catch (IllegalDependencyNotation e) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. The correct notation is a 3-part group:name:version notation, " + "e.g: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } if (parsed.getGroup() == null || parsed.getName() == null || parsed.getVersion() == null) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. Group, name and version cannot be empty. Correct example: " + "'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } result.converted(newSelector(parsed.getGroup(), parsed.getName(), parsed.getVersion())); }
private void assignValuesFromModuleNotation(String moduleNotation) { int count = 0; int idx = 0; int cur = -1; while (++cur < moduleNotation.length()) { if (':' == moduleNotation.charAt(cur)) { String fragment = moduleNotation.substring(idx, cur); assignValue(count, fragment); idx = cur + 1; count++; } } assignValue(count, moduleNotation.substring(idx, cur)); count++; if (count < 2 || count > 4) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("Supplied String module notation '" + moduleNotation + "' is invalid. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5:javadoc'."); } }
private void assignValuesFromModuleNotation(String moduleNotation) { int count = 0; int idx = 0; int cur = -1; while (++cur < moduleNotation.length()) { if (':' == moduleNotation.charAt(cur)) { String fragment = moduleNotation.substring(idx, cur); assignValue(count, fragment); idx = cur + 1; count++; } } assignValue(count, moduleNotation.substring(idx, cur)); count++; if (count < 2 || count > 5) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("Supplied String module notation '" + moduleNotation + "' is invalid. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', " + "'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5:javadoc'."); } }
public ModuleVersionSelector parseType(CharSequence notation) { ParsedModuleStringNotation parsed; try { parsed = new ParsedModuleStringNotation(notation.toString(), null); } catch (IllegalDependencyNotation e) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. The Correct notation is a 3-part group:name:version notation, " + "e.g: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } if (parsed.getGroup() == null || parsed.getName() == null || parsed.getVersion() == null) { throw new InvalidUserDataException( "Invalid format: '" + notation + "'. Group, name and version cannot be empty. Correct example: " + "'org.gradle:gradle-core:1.0'"); } return newSelector(parsed.getGroup(), parsed.getName(), parsed.getVersion()); }
public DefaultModuleDependencySpec(String group, String name, String version) { if (group == null || name == null) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("A module dependency must have at least a group and a module name specified."); } = group; = name; this.version = version; }
public DefaultLibraryBinaryDependencySpec(String projectPath, String libraryName, String variant) { if (libraryName == null || projectPath == null || variant == null) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("A direct library binary dependency must have all of project, library name and variant specified."); } this.libraryName = libraryName; this.projectPath = projectPath; this.variant = variant; }
public DefaultProjectDependencySpec(String libraryName, String projectPath) { if (libraryName == null && projectPath == null) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("A project dependency must have at least a project or library name specified."); } this.libraryName = libraryName; this.projectPath = projectPath; }
private void assignValuesFromModuleNotation(String moduleNotation) { String[] moduleNotationParts = moduleNotation.split(":"); if (moduleNotationParts.length < 2 || moduleNotationParts.length > 4) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("Supplied String module notation '" + moduleNotation + "' is invalid. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5:javadoc'."); } group = GUtil.elvis(moduleNotationParts[0], null); name = moduleNotationParts[1]; version = moduleNotationParts.length == 2 ? null : moduleNotationParts[2]; if (moduleNotationParts.length == 4) { classifier = moduleNotationParts[3]; } }
private void assignValuesFromModuleNotation(String moduleNotation) { String[] moduleNotationParts = moduleNotation.split(":"); if (moduleNotationParts.length < 2 || moduleNotationParts.length > 4) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation("The description " + moduleNotation + " is invalid"); } group = GUtil.elvis(moduleNotationParts[0], null); name = moduleNotationParts[1]; version = moduleNotationParts.length == 2 ? null : moduleNotationParts[2]; if (moduleNotationParts.length == 4) { classifier = moduleNotationParts[3]; } }
private void checkNotSet(String name, String value) { if (value != null) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation(String.format("Cannot set '%s' multiple times for module dependency.", name)); } }
private IllegalDependencyNotation illegalNotation(String moduleId) { return new IllegalDependencyNotation( String.format( "'%s' is not a valid module dependency notation. Example notations: 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.2', 'org.mockito:mockito-core'.", moduleId)); }
private void checkNotSet(String name, String value) { if (value != null) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation(String.format("Cannot set '%s' multiple times for project dependency.", name)); } }
private void validate() { if (projectPath == null && libraryName != null && libraryName.contains(":")) { throw new IllegalDependencyNotation( String.format("'%s' is not a valid library name. Did you mean to refer to a module instead?", libraryName)); } }