Java 类org.jdom.Namespace 实例源码

项目:sumo    文件   
* @param atts
* @param attribute
* @param metadata
* @param namespace
* @param type
* @return
protected Object setMetadataXML(Element atts, String attribute, String metadata, Namespace namespace, Class<?> type) {
    Element o=atts.getChild(attribute, namespace);
    String value=null;
    Object val=null;
      if((atts != null) && (o != null)){
        }else if(type==Integer.class){
            setMetadata(metadata, val);
        }else if(type==Double.class){
            setMetadata(metadata, val);
        }else if(type==Float.class){
            setMetadata(metadata, val);
      return val;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
private Content parseContent(Element e) {
    String value = null;
    String src = e.getAttributeValue("src");//getAtomNamespace()); DONT KNOW WHY DOESN'T WORK
    String type = e.getAttributeValue("type");//getAtomNamespace()); DONT KNOW WHY DOESN'T WORK
    type = (type!=null) ? type : Content.TEXT;
    if (type.equals(Content.TEXT)) {
        // do nothing XML Parser took care of this
        value = e.getText();
    else if (type.equals(Content.HTML)) {
        value = e.getText();
    else if (type.equals(Content.XHTML)) {
        XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
        List eContent = e.getContent();
        Iterator i = eContent.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            org.jdom.Content c = (org.jdom.Content);
            if (c instanceof Element) {
                Element eC = (Element) c;
                if (eC.getNamespace().equals(getAtomNamespace())) {
        value = outputter.outputString(eContent);

    Content content = new Content();
    return content;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
public boolean isMyType(Document document) {
    boolean ok = false;

    Element rssRoot = document.getRootElement();
    Namespace defaultNS = rssRoot.getNamespace();
    List additionalNSs = rssRoot.getAdditionalNamespaces();

    ok = defaultNS!=null && defaultNS.equals(getRDFNamespace());
    if (ok) {
        if (additionalNSs==null) {
            ok = false;
        else {
            ok = false;
            for (int i=0;!ok && i<additionalNSs.size();i++) {
                ok = getRSSNamespace().equals(additionalNSs.get(i));
    return ok;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
 * Indicates if a JDom document is an RSS instance that can be parsed with the parser.
 * <p/>
 * It checks for RDF ("") and
 * RSS ("") namespaces being defined in the root element.
 * @param document document to check if it can be parsed with this parser implementation.
 * @return <b>true</b> if the document is RSS1., <b>false</b> otherwise.
public boolean isMyType(Document document) {
    boolean ok = false;

    Element rssRoot = document.getRootElement();
    Namespace defaultNS = rssRoot.getNamespace();
    List additionalNSs = rssRoot.getAdditionalNamespaces();

    ok = defaultNS!=null && defaultNS.equals(getRDFNamespace());
    if (ok) {
        if (additionalNSs==null) {
            ok = false;
        else {
            ok = false;
            for (int i=0;!ok && i<additionalNSs.size();i++) {
                ok = getRSSNamespace().equals(additionalNSs.get(i));
    return ok;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
private Content parseContent(Element e) {
    String value = null;
    String type = e.getAttributeValue("type");//getAtomNamespace()); DONT KNOW WHY DOESN'T WORK
    type = (type!=null) ? type : "text/plain";
    String mode = e.getAttributeValue("mode");//getAtomNamespace())); DONT KNOW WHY DOESN'T WORK
    if (mode == null) {
        mode = Content.XML; // default to xml content
    if (mode.equals(Content.ESCAPED)) {
        // do nothing XML Parser took care of this
        value = e.getText();
    if (mode.equals(Content.BASE64)) {
            value = Base64.decode(e.getText());
    if (mode.equals(Content.XML)) {
        XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
        List eContent = e.getContent();
        Iterator i = eContent.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            org.jdom.Content c = (org.jdom.Content);
            if (c instanceof Element) {
                Element eC = (Element) c;
                if (eC.getNamespace().equals(getAtomNamespace())) {
        value = outputter.outputString(eContent);

    Content content = new Content();
    return content;
项目:eurocarbdb    文件   
 * @param t_objdb
 * @param string
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws SQLException 
public void export(DBInterface a_objDB, String a_strFileName) throws IOException, SQLException 
    this.m_objDB = a_objDB;
    // Erzeugung eines XML-Dokuments
    Document t_objDocument = new Document();
    // Erzeugung des Root-XML-Elements 
    Element t_objRoot = new Element("defaults");
    Namespace xsiNS = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi","");        
    // Und jetzt haengen wir noch das Root-Element an das Dokument
    // Damit das XML-Dokument schoen formattiert wird holen wir uns ein Format
    Format t_objFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    // Erzeugung eines XMLOutputters dem wir gleich unser Format mitgeben
    XMLOutputter t_objExportXML = new XMLOutputter(t_objFormat);
    // Schreiben der XML-Datei in einen String
    FileWriter t_objWriter = new FileWriter(a_strFileName);
    t_objExportXML.output(t_objDocument, t_objWriter );
项目:airsonic    文件   
private LyricsInfo parseSearchResult(String xml) throws Exception {
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    Document document = StringReader(xml));

    Element root = document.getRootElement();
    Namespace ns = root.getNamespace();

    String lyric = StringUtils.trimToNull(root.getChildText("Lyric", ns));
    String song =  root.getChildText("LyricSong", ns);
    String artist =  root.getChildText("LyricArtist", ns);

    return new LyricsInfo(lyric, artist, song);
项目:airsonic    文件   
private String getITunesElement(Element element, String childName) {
    for (Namespace ns : ITUNES_NAMESPACES) {
        String value = element.getChildTextTrim(childName, ns);
        if (value != null) {
            return value;
    return null;
项目:airsonic    文件   
private String getITunesAttribute(Element element, String childName, String attributeName) {
    for (Namespace ns : ITUNES_NAMESPACES) {
        Element elem = element.getChild(childName, ns);
        if (elem != null) {
            return StringUtils.trimToNull(elem.getAttributeValue(attributeName));
    return null;
项目:gate-core    文件   
/** This method creates an AnnotationSchema object fom an org.jdom.Element
  * @param anElement is an XSchema element element
private void createAnnotationSchemaObject(org.jdom.Element anElement, Namespace namespace){
  // Get the value of the name attribute. If this attribute doesn't exists
  // then it will receive a default one.
  annotationName = anElement.getAttributeValue("name");
  if (annotationName == null)
      annotationName = "UnknownElement";
  // See if this element has a complexType element inside it
  org.jdom.Element complexTypeElement = anElement.getChild("complexType",
  if (complexTypeElement != null){
    List<?> complexTypeCildrenList = complexTypeElement.getChildren("attribute",
    Iterator<?> complexTypeCildrenIterator = complexTypeCildrenList.iterator();
    if (complexTypeCildrenIterator.hasNext())
      featureSchemaSet = new LinkedHashSet<FeatureSchema>();
    while (complexTypeCildrenIterator.hasNext()) {
      org.jdom.Element childElement =
      createAndAddFeatureSchemaObject(childElement, namespace);
    }// end while
  }// end if
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
/** Use xml:base attributes at feed and entry level to resolve relative links */
private String resolveURI(URL baseURI, Parent parent, String url) {
    url = (url.equals(".") || url.equals("./")) ? "" : url;
    if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent != null && parent instanceof Element) {
        Attribute baseAtt = ((Element)parent).getAttribute("base", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
        String xmlBase = (baseAtt == null) ? "" : baseAtt.getValue();
        if (!isRelativeURI(xmlBase) && !xmlBase.endsWith("/")) {
            xmlBase = xmlBase.substring(0, xmlBase.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
        return resolveURI(baseURI, parent.getParent(), xmlBase + url);
    } else if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent == null) {
        return baseURI + url;
    } else if (baseURI != null && url.startsWith("/")) {
        String hostURI = baseURI.getProtocol() + "://" + baseURI.getHost();
        if (baseURI.getPort() != baseURI.getDefaultPort()) {
            hostURI = hostURI + ":" + baseURI.getPort();
        return hostURI + url;
    return url;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
protected BaseWireFeedGenerator(String type) {
    _type = type;
    _feedModuleGenerators = new ModuleGenerators(type+FEED_MODULE_GENERATORS_POSFIX_KEY);
    _itemModuleGenerators = new ModuleGenerators(type+ITEM_MODULE_GENERATORS_POSFIX_KEY);
    Set allModuleNamespaces = new HashSet();
    Iterator i = _feedModuleGenerators.getAllNamespaces().iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
    i = _itemModuleGenerators.getAllNamespaces().iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
    _allModuleNamespaces = new Namespace[allModuleNamespaces.size()];
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
protected Element createRootElement(Feed feed) {
    Element root = new Element("feed",getFeedNamespace());
    //Attribute version = new Attribute("version", getVersion());
    if (feed.getXmlBase() != null) {
        root.setAttribute("base", feed.getXmlBase(), Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    return root;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
private boolean hasElementsFrom(Element root,Namespace namespace) {
    boolean itHas = false;
    List children = root.getChildren();
    for (int i=0;!itHas && i<children.size();i++) {
        Element child = (Element) children.get(i);
        itHas = namespace.equals(child.getNamespace());
   return itHas;
项目:parabuild-ci    文件   
public boolean isMyType(Document document) {
    Element rssRoot = document.getRootElement();
    Namespace defaultNS = rssRoot.getNamespace();
    boolean ok = defaultNS!=null && defaultNS.equals(getRSSNamespace());
    if (ok) {
        ok = super.isMyType(document);
    return ok;
项目:apache-maven-shade-plugin    文件   
public static void write( Writer w, Model newModel, boolean namespaceDeclaration )
    throws IOException
    Element root = new Element( "project" );

    if ( namespaceDeclaration )
        String modelVersion = newModel.getModelVersion();

        Namespace pomNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace( "", "" + modelVersion );

        root.setNamespace( pomNamespace );

        Namespace xsiNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace( "xsi", "" );

        root.addNamespaceDeclaration( xsiNamespace );

        if ( root.getAttribute( "schemaLocation", xsiNamespace ) == null )
            root.setAttribute( "schemaLocation",
                               "" + modelVersion + ""
                                   + modelVersion.replace( '.', '_' ) + ".xsd", xsiNamespace );

    Document doc = new Document( root );

    MavenJDOMWriter writer = new MavenJDOMWriter();

    String encoding = newModel.getModelEncoding() != null ? newModel.getModelEncoding() : "UTF-8";

    Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat().setEncoding( encoding );

    writer.write( newModel, doc, w, format );
项目:pathvisio    文件   
protected void mapBiopax(PathwayElement o, Element e) throws ConverterException
    //this method clones all content,
    //getContent will leave them attached to the parent, which we don't want
    //We can safely remove them, since the JDOM element isn't used anymore after this method
    Element root = new Element("RDF", GpmlFormat.RDF);
    root.setAttribute(new Attribute("base", getGpmlNamespace().getURI() + "#", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE));
    //Element owl = new Element("Ontology", OWL);
    //owl.setAttribute(new Attribute("about", "", RDF));
    //Element imp = new Element("imports", OWL);
    //imp.setAttribute(new Attribute("resource", BIOPAX.getURI(), RDF));

    Document bp = new Document(root);

项目:pathvisio    文件   
protected void mapBiopax(PathwayElement o, Element e) throws ConverterException
    //this method clones all content,
    //getContent will leave them attached to the parent, which we don't want
    //We can safely remove them, since the JDOM element isn't used anymore after this method
    Element root = new Element("RDF", GpmlFormat.RDF);
    root.setAttribute(new Attribute("base", getGpmlNamespace().getURI() + "#", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE));
    //Element owl = new Element("Ontology", OWL);
    //owl.setAttribute(new Attribute("about", "", RDF));
    //Element imp = new Element("imports", OWL);
    //imp.setAttribute(new Attribute("resource", BIOPAX.getURI(), RDF));

    Document bp = new Document(root);

项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public static String extractEPName(final Element extensionElement) {
  String epName = extensionElement.getAttributeValue("point");

  if (epName == null) {
    final Element parentElement = extensionElement.getParentElement();
    final String ns = parentElement != null ? parentElement.getAttributeValue("defaultExtensionNs"):null;

    if (ns != null) {
      epName = ns + '.' + extensionElement.getName();
    } else {
      Namespace namespace = extensionElement.getNamespace();
      epName = namespace.getURI() + '.' + extensionElement.getName();
  return epName;
项目:schemas    文件   
public org.jdom.Element toElement(Namespace ns) {
  org.jdom.Element el = new org.jdom.Element(NAME_ELEM,ns);
  el.setAttribute(EIID_ELEM, buildEiidString());
  return el;
项目:iis    文件   
public void testConvertFullNestedInOAI() throws Exception {

    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    builder.setFeature("", false);
    builder.setFeature("", false);
    builder.setFeature("", false);
    InputStreamReader testIS = new InputStreamReader(ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(testXmlNestedInOAI), "UTF-8");
    Document document =;
    Element sourceDocument = document.getRootElement();
    String testText = NlmToDocumentTextConverter.getDocumentText(sourceDocument,

    InputStream expectedIS = ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(testTxtNestedInOAI);
    String expectedText = IOUtils.toString(expectedIS, "UTF-8").replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "\n");

    assertEquals(expectedText, testText);
项目:schemas    文件   
 * Create a new <events> element in a single sentence. Fill it with the given events.
public void addEvents(String docname, int sid, List<TextEvent> events) {
  docname = stripFile(docname);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(docname);

  // Check each sentence entry
  List<Element> children = mainfile.getChildren(ENTRY_ELEM,ns);
  Element targetSentenceElement = children.get(sid);

  // Add the events vector
  if( events != null ) {
    Element eventsElem = targetSentenceElement.getChild(EVENTS_ELEM,ns);
    if( eventsElem == null ) {
      eventsElem = new Element(EVENTS_ELEM,ns);
    for( TextEvent te : events )
项目:schemas    文件   
 * Adds a list of tlinks to the XML file
 * @param tlinks Vector of TLink objects
public void addTlinks(String file, List<TLink> tlinks) {
  file = stripFile(file);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element root = jdomDoc.getRootElement();

  // Find the file's Element
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(file);

  // Create a new file Element if we need to
  if( mainfile == null ) {
    System.out.println("InfoFile addTlinks new file = " + mainfile);
    mainfile = new Element(FILE_ELEM,ns);

  // Check for duplicates as we add
  for( TLink tlink : tlinks )
项目:schemas    文件   
 * @return A Vector of all TLink objects (event-event and event-time)
public Vector<TLink> getTlinks(String file, boolean noclosures) {
  file = stripFile(file);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(file);
  Vector<TLink> tlinks = new Vector<TLink>();

  if( mainfile != null ) {
    List children = mainfile.getChildren(TLink.TLINK_ELEM,ns);
    for( Object obj : children ) {
      if( noclosures ) { // don't add closed links
        TLink link = tlinkFromElement((Element)obj);
        if( !link.isFromClosure() ) tlinks.add(link);
      // add all links
      else tlinks.add(tlinkFromElement((Element)obj));
  return tlinks;
项目:schemas    文件   
 * @return A list of lists. 
 *         This is a list of sentences, each sentence is a list of CoreLabels with character information.
public List<List<CoreLabel>> getTokens(String file) {
  file = stripFile(file);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(file);

  if( mainfile == null ) {
    System.err.println("Can't find file " + file + " in document.");
    return null;

  List<List<CoreLabel>> tokens = new ArrayList<List<CoreLabel>>();

  // Get each sentence entry.
  List<Element> children = mainfile.getChildren(ENTRY_ELEM,ns);
  for( Element obj : children ) {
    // Get the <tokens> element.
    Element ev = obj.getChild(TOKENS_ELEM,ns);
    String text = ev.getText();
    // Map the string to CoreLabel objects.

  return tokens;
项目:schemas    文件   
 * @return A Vector of TLink objects Event-Event, no Event-Time links
public Vector<TLink> getTlinksOfType(String file, String type) {
  file = stripFile(file);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(file);

  if( mainfile == null ) {
    System.err.println("Can't find file " + file + " in document.");
    return null;
  List children = mainfile.getChildren(TLink.TLINK_ELEM,ns);
  Vector<TLink> tlinks = new Vector<TLink>();
  for( Object obj : children ) {
    Element el = (Element)obj;
    // return TLinks based on their type (e.g. event-event)
    //      if( el.getAttributeValue(EventTimeLink.TIME_TLINK_ATT) == null )
    if( el.getAttributeValue(TLink.TLINK_TYPE_ATT).equals(type) )
      tlinks.add(new TLink(el));
  return tlinks;
项目:feeds    文件   
 * Indicates if a JDom document is an RSS instance that can be parsed with the parser.
 * <p/>
 * It checks for RDF ("") and
 * RSS ("") namespaces being defined in the root element.
 * @param document document to check if it can be parsed with this parser implementation.
 * @return <b>true</b> if the document is RSS1., <b>false</b> otherwise.
public boolean isMyType(Document document) {
    boolean ok = false;

    Element rssRoot = document.getRootElement();
    Namespace defaultNS = rssRoot.getNamespace();
    List additionalNSs = rssRoot.getAdditionalNamespaces();

    ok = defaultNS!=null && defaultNS.equals(getRDFNamespace());
    if (ok) {
        if (additionalNSs==null) {
            ok = false;
        else {
            ok = false;
            for (int i=0;!ok && i<additionalNSs.size();i++) {
                ok = getRSSNamespace().equals(additionalNSs.get(i));
    return ok;
项目:schemas    文件   
 * Adds a list of TIMEX tags to the XML file
 * @param timexes Vector of Timex objects
public void addTimexes(String file, Collection<Timex> timexes) {
  file = stripFile(file);
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element root = jdomDoc.getRootElement();

  // Find the file's Element
  Element mainfile = getFileElement(file);

  // Create a new file Element if we need to
  if( mainfile == null ) {
    mainfile = new Element(FILE_ELEM,ns);

  for( Timex timex : timexes )
项目:feeds    文件   
public List parseModules(Element root) {
    List parsers = getPlugins();
    List modules = null;
    for (int i=0;i<parsers.size();i++) {
        ModuleParser parser = (ModuleParser) parsers.get(i);
        String namespaceUri = parser.getNamespaceUri();
        Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace(namespaceUri);
        if (hasElementsFrom(root, namespace)) {
            Module module = parser.parse(root);
            if (module != null) {
                if (modules == null) {
                    modules = new ArrayList();
    return modules;
项目:schemas    文件   
 * @return A file Element for an event in a sentence.
private Element getEventElement(String filename, String eventID) {
  Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(INFO_NS);
  Element fileobj = getFileElement(filename);

  // Check each sentence entry.
  List<Element> sentenceElements = fileobj.getChildren(ENTRY_ELEM, ns);
  for( Element obj : sentenceElements ) {
    Element ev = obj.getChild(EVENTS_ELEM,ns);
    // Check each event in this sentence.
    List<Element> localevents = ev.getChildren(TextEvent.NAME_ELEM, ns);
    for( Element child : localevents )
      if( child.getAttributeValue(TextEvent.ID_ELEM).equalsIgnoreCase(eventID) )
        return child;

  return null;
项目:sakai    文件   
public void 
parseContent(DefaultHandler the_handler,
             CartridgeLoader the_cartridge, 
             Element the_resource,
             boolean isProtected) throws ParseException {
  try {
    //ok, so we're looking at a discussion topic here...
    Element blti = getXML(the_cartridge, ((Element)the_resource.getChildren(FILE, the_handler.getNs().cc_ns()).get(0)).getAttributeValue(HREF));"blti="+blti);
    Namespace topicNs = the_handler.getNs().blti_ns();
    the_handler.startLti(blti.getChildText(TITLE, topicNs),
                                blti.getChild(TEXT, topicNs).getAttributeValue(TEXTTYPE),
                                blti.getChildText(TEXT, topicNs),
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new ParseException(e);
项目:teiid    文件   
 * <p>
 * This returns the number of elements that are descendents of this element
 * and belonging to the specified Namespace. The resulting count excludes the
 * specified parent Element.
 * </p>
 * @param parent the JDOM <code>Element</code> to use as the root for a count.
 * @param ns the Namespace to match
 * @return the number of JDOM <code>Element</code>s nested within the parent
public static int getDescendentCount( Element parent, final Namespace ns ) {
    if(parent == null){
        ArgCheck.isNotNull(parent,CorePlugin.Util.getString("JdomHelper.The_JDOM_Element_reference_may_not_be_null_25")); //$NON-NLS-1$

    XMLVisitor visitor = new XMLVisitor() {
        public void visit( Object obj ) {
            if( ((Element)obj).getNamespace().equals(ns) ) {
    levelOrderTraversal( parent, visitor);
    return visitor.count;
项目:teiid    文件   
 * Get the best content value for a JDOM object.  For elements, the content text is returned.  
 * For attributes, the attribute value is returned.  For namespaces, the URI is returned.  Etc...    
 * @param jdomObject JDOM object such as Element, Attribute, Text, Namespace, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, String
 * @return Content value for the specified JDOM object
 * @since 4.2
public static String getContentValue( Object jdomObject ) {
    if(jdomObject == null) {
        return null; 
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof String) {
        return (String)jdomObject;
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Element) {
        return ((Element)jdomObject).getText();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Attribute) {
        return ((Attribute)jdomObject).getValue();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Text) {
        return ((Text)jdomObject).getValue();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Namespace) {
        return ((Namespace)jdomObject).getURI();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Comment) {
        return ((Comment)jdomObject).getText();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
        return ((ProcessingInstruction)jdomObject).getData();

    // Default
    return jdomObject.toString();        
项目:incubator-taverna-plugin-bioinformatics    文件   
 * Converts a <code>Filter</code> to an XML element.
 * @param filter
 *            the <code>Filter</code> to serialize
 * @param namespace
 *            the <code>Namespace</code> to use when constructing the
 *            <code>Element</code>
 * @return an XML serialization of the <code>Filter</code>
public static Element filterToElement(Filter filter, Namespace namespace) {
    Element filterElement = new Element(FILTER_ELEMENT, namespace);
    filterElement.setAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE, filter.getName());
    String value = filter.getValue();
    if (filter.isBoolean()) {
        if ("excluded".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            filterElement.setAttribute("excluded", "1");
        } else {
            filterElement.setAttribute("excluded", "0");
    } else {
        if (value == null) {
            filterElement.setAttribute("value", "");
        } else {
            filterElement.setAttribute("value", value);
    if (filter.isList()) {
        filterElement.setAttribute("list", "true");
    return filterElement;
项目:incubator-taverna-plugin-bioinformatics    文件   
 * Creates a <code>Query</code> from an XML element.
 * @param element
 *            the <code>Element</code> to deserialize
 * @param namespace
 *            the <code>Namespace</code> containing the
 *            <code>Element</code>
 * @return a deserialized <code>Query</code>
public static Query elementToQuery(Element element, Namespace namespace) {
    String virtualSchema = element.getAttributeValue(SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE);
    int count = Integer.parseInt(element.getAttributeValue(COUNT_ATTRIBUTE));
    String version = element.getAttributeValue(VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
    String formatter = element.getAttributeValue(FORMATTER_ATTRIBUTE);
    String requestId = element.getAttributeValue(REQUEST_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
    Query query = new Query(virtualSchema, count, version, requestId);
    String uniqueRows = element.getAttributeValue(UNIQUE_ROWS_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (uniqueRows != null) {
    List<Element> datasets = element.getChildren(DATASET_ELEMENT, namespace);
    for (Element datasetElement : datasets) {
        query.addDataset(elementToDataset(datasetElement, namespace));
    List<Element> links = element.getChildren(LINK_ELEMENT, namespace);
    for (Element linkElement : links) {
    return query;
项目:iis    文件   
 * Provides article element as root element or nested inside oai record.
 * @param source
 * @param oaiNamespace
 * @return article root element or child of oai:metadata element.
private static Element getArticleElement(Element source, Namespace oaiNamespace) {
    Element metadata = source.getChild("metadata", oaiNamespace);
    if (metadata != null) {
        Element article = metadata.getChild("article");
        if (article != null) {
            return article;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected NLM record contents: "
                    + "article element was not found inside OAI metadata element! Record dump: "
                    + new XMLOutputter().outputString(source));
    } else {
        // source element is not wrapped with oai:metadata element
        return source;
项目:incubator-taverna-plugin-bioinformatics    文件   
 * Converts a <code>MartDataset</code> to an XML element.
 * @param dataset
 *            the <code>MartDataset</code> to serialize
 * @param namespace
 *            the <code>Namespace</code> to use when constructing the
 *            <code>Element</code>
 * @return an XML serialization of the <code>MartDataset</code>
public static Element datasetToElement(MartDataset dataset,
        Namespace namespace) {
    Element element = new Element(MART_DATASET_ELEMENT, namespace);
    element.setAttribute(DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, dataset.getDisplayName());
    element.setAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE, dataset.getName());
    element.setAttribute(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, dataset.getType());
    element.setAttribute(INITIAL_BATCH_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE, String
    element.setAttribute(MAXIMUM_BATCH_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE, String
    element.setAttribute(VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf(dataset
    if (dataset.getInterface() != null) {
        element.setAttribute(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE, dataset.getInterface());
    if (dataset.getModified() != null) {
        element.setAttribute(MODIFIED_ATTRIBUTE, dataset.getModified());
    return element;
项目:incubator-taverna-plugin-bioinformatics    文件   
 * Creates a <code>MartDataset</code> from an XML element.
 * @param element
 *            the <code>Element</code> to deserialize
 * @param namespace
 *            the <code>Namespace</code> containing the
 *            <code>Element</code>
 * @return a deserialized <code>MartDataset</code>
public static MartDataset elementToDataset(Element element,
        Namespace namespace) {
    MartDataset dataset = new MartDataset();
            MART_URL_LOCATION_ELEMENT, namespace)));
    return dataset;
项目:incubator-taverna-plugin-bioinformatics    文件   
 * Converts a <code>MartQuery</code> to an XML element.
 * @param martQuery
 *            the <code>MartQuery</code> to serialize
 * @param namespace
 *            the <code>Namespace</code> to use when constructing the
 *            <code>Element</code>
 * @return an XML serialization of the <code>MartQuery</code>
public static Element martQueryToElement(MartQuery martQuery,
        Namespace namespace) {
    Element element = new Element(MART_QUERY_ELEMENT, namespace);
    Set linkedDatasets = martQuery.getLinkedDatasets();
    if (linkedDatasets.size() > 0) {
        Element linksElement = new Element(LINKED_DATASETS_ELEMENT, namespace);
        for (Iterator iter = linkedDatasets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            String datasetName = (String);
            Element datasetElement = new Element(LINKED_DATASETS_ELEMENT, namespace);
            datasetElement.setAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE, datasetName);
            datasetElement.setAttribute(LINK_ATTRIBUTE, martQuery
    return element;
项目:incubator-taverna-common-activities    文件   
private static void populateElement(Element element,
        TypeDescriptor descriptor) {
    element.setAttribute("optional", String
    element.setAttribute("unbounded", String.valueOf(descriptor
    if (descriptor instanceof ArrayTypeDescriptor) {
        element.setAttribute("wrapped", String
                .valueOf(((ArrayTypeDescriptor) descriptor).isWrapped()));
    element.setAttribute("typename", descriptor.getType());
    element.setAttribute("name", descriptor.getName() == null ? ""
            : descriptor.getName());
    element.setAttribute("qname", descriptor.getQname().toString());
    if (descriptor.getDocumentation() != null){
          Element annotationElement =
                  new Element("annotation", Namespace.getNamespace("xsd", ""));
          Element documentationElemenet =
                   new Element("documentation", Namespace.getNamespace("xsd", ""));
